When are you getting a job son?

>When are you getting a job son?
>You're 28, shouldn't you start thinking about college. How long is this "break" going to last?
>My buddy Mike says his boy is an executive at a firm.
>My buddies asked what you do for a living and I had to lie to them again
>Can you please stop watching those Japanese kids cartoons for one minute...

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I'm not 28

Who are you and how did you get this number?

My dad is dead and i'm a full time electrician. Shut up you strange man, and please get out of my house before I shoot you.

I laugh at these but them immediately remembered people like this actually exist, then I laugh even more.

>tfw i am 28
>tfw i took a break and never went back cause absolutely hated high school and college

well, i have a job at least

Wagies make me sick

>didn't get my first job until 27
>absolutely fucking hate it

>tfw 23 and no drivers license
driving is easy but they make you reverse into a spot and parallel park and that shit is mega gay

which job and how?

as if a strong parent is in the picture for most of these people. how do you think they ended up like this in the first place?

what do you mean strong parent? my mother has always been a huge part of my life, I ended up like this by being very asociable and not really good at or motivated for anything

>tfw been applying for jobs monthly since I was 13
>tfw still haven't even been called in for a face-to-face
How do you do it bros?

>got my full license
>haven't parallel parked once since the test
Fuck that shit man, it's just not worth the stress unless there's no other available spots

meant asocial

as in once a month?

Well my "job" is being a rent boy/escort

Applications for multiple jobs. I submit them the first Saturday of every month.

i got an offer to be a sugar baby from a pretty good looking guy and i think it was a real offer but i got nervous and blocked him

Is parallel parking actually on the drivers test?

"Engineer." I spend 9 years in college. Couldn't find a job after undergrad. Instead of switching fields, I considered optometry but was short 4 or so classes to get admitted to the grad school, I doubled down like a retard and went for a PhD. Now I do "research" with end use gas devices. In reality, I'm a lab monkey and do technician level work in the lab or some bullshit Excel calculations or CFD simulations that more senior engineers can't be fucked with doing.

This wouldn't alone wouldn't be that bad, but the pay is shit too considered I pissed away 9 years of my life/youth just to end up in this shit job. The final nail in the coffin is that there is zero camaraderie. At almost 30, I'm among the youngest employees there. Everyone has a family, or is a grandparent in some cases, and fucks off straight home after work. You largely work independently, too. There's typically a project manager and then the principal investigator for each project. The projects aren't large enough to have more people concurrently working on them. At most someone will join temporarily to do something you're unable to, i.e. an electrical engineer will wire something up for you. It's honestly the most isolated I've felt in my life. Even at lunch almost everyone grabs a plate and fucks off to their cubicle. I don't even bother eating lunch anymore, so I can be there as little as possible (lunch is unpaid.)

I'm 20 dad and still in college.

user with how bad the labour shortage is, you're doing something wrong. Likely the format.

>Having problems parallel parking
Imagine sucking at life this much. Please stay off the road.

it is in my state
it goes parking test, city driving test then highway driving test

Was for me. The cars were spaced out pretty generously though so I didn't shit myself too hard and it went okay.

r u gril?

suck my dick the course the testing place setup was too small even by state regulations
i can do it just fine in a properly set up course

>tfw my test is this month and I haven't even attempted it one time

Hey Dad, I'm sorry that you werent alive to see me graduate highschool or college but I did both! I know I disappointed you somewhat when you were alive because I didn't seem good at anything but I recovered pretty well, I just started as an engineer at a government contractor, job security and shit. Mom remarried when I want to college, I like him a lot and she's very happy. Love you Dad. I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together.

I'm starting to see success and desu it kinda makes me sad to see how proud my parents are of me. Because I really don't care about money. Like how my birthday always depresses me. Everyone around me is celebrating a day I don't care much about, but I'm supposed to. I like my poor family. And money has already started to separate me from them, the way that it does so well.
I'm not broken up about it, but it is a little sad.
Plus today's my birthday.

I always read posts like this and wonder "why isn't this person a communist/socialist". Like at this point what do you have to lose getting a job as a political activist/researcher

This thread is unironically correct about me

>My dad is dead


I can always tell a terrible human being from a mile away- the sort of dopey-faced idiot that sold pot and drove a car his parents bought him without a second thought in highschool who constantly said 'I don't need to think about anything dude, I'm gonna be an electrician, make 100k a year, it's easy.' The Electrician is perhaps one of the most duplicitous, lazy, ineffective careerists of all time- on par with socialist bureaucrats.

How is he going to buy food?

the fixes to our problems aren't a change in political system
the rich need to be eradicated and pretending the communism/socialism isn't another form of funneling wealth and power to the top is being intellectually dishonest to yourself

because that could just make everything worse

this is your father and you turned into a bigger pussy than I've ever imagined

Shut up discord tranny

>finished high school with a high GPA
>have my drivers license
>no debts or payments due
>still can't land work

I gotta tell you, this sucks a proportionate amount of dongs.

>the rich need to be eradicated
you uh...don't think that's a political statement?

To be fair there are different types of electricians.
This lazy nigger is probably a construction electrician.

Because that's a concept that can only work in highly civilized countries. America does not qualify, and will not qualify in the future due to a large, imported underclass.

I would like to join the military, but I need that final push to have the resolve to do so. Apparently, I'm stupid enough to still hang on to what I have right now due to some unrealistic hope.

Feel like this is where I'm headed senpai. Except with probably a worse job than you and my parents hounding me every day about why i'm not getting married.

>he says enjoying his electricity to make this comment
hows your art degree working out?

holy shit this is my dad to a tee.

>Dad, I’m 38
>Hey pops, when we’re done with this chat can I borrow the car to get more ketchup for my fish sticks?

>study engineering
>wonder why everyone is some autistic loner

well what did you really expect there

>went to small town to get my license back in hs
>dmv lady was a cute milf
>we drove around town only ever going 30 max
>never had to do anything
almost died on the drive down to the town

Last time my parents did this to me i just barricaded the door and threatened to make a commotion outside lol. Fucking boomers are pricks sometimes

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be aggressive with contacting them, basically piss them off and annoy them until they respond (or dont)
>firm handshake, son

electricians make 70k a year on the lower-end of the pay-scale. what the are you talking about? you actually have to be smart to be an electrician. you want some dumbshit to wire your house for you?

anyone else ever think their life is shit but then think about heroin addicted child support paying enslaved african refugee sex slaves and realize life isnt so bad for 8 seconds?

sometimes. today actually...

I was like welp i lost the genetic lottery. im short and stupid and have a little dick but at least i have running water in a country that isn't lopping peoples heads off

still tho, would have been nice to have been born a wee bit smarter and wee bit better-looking

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i hope this is fake, you're a dick otherwise

>Tfw you can't get a job and your hot gf is getting tired of you being poor as fuck.

Guys, i'm about to kill myself.

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no, you absolutely dont have to be smart. half my extended family are "electricians" cause of nepotism.

Why do liberal DSA trannies have such a seething contempt for the working class?

Was it hard to get into a union? How long was schooling? Any tips to get in?

>sends this shit through a text message
good on you, you're dad is a faggot that can't even man up and talk to you face to face about how much of a disgusting worthless stain on society you are
honestly both you and you're father should be gassed, you're both failures as men

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Yeah and my dad works for nintendo. We totally believe you, user.

>be zoomer
>150 word essay on parallel parking due tomorrow
>haven’t even practiced yet

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Happy birthday. Use that extra money to get something nice for your parents

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I’m only 19 dad, chill. Still need to finish college

you think thats an outrageous claim? how sad.

Whatever you do, don't do an engineering PhD. I'd even advise against a thesis Masters.

nootropics, makeup, and lifts muh ittle nigga

If her work allows it move. Right now there's a massive labour shortage in America, it's isolated areas that have problems getting unemployment down. Find a way to get out and you'll find a job.


Thanks, user. That's a good idea.

>College dropout
Gonna an hero before 28

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Fuck em. Once they croak this house will be mine anyway

t. Too retarded to be an electrician even with nepotism

thanks for proving my point, nigger

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Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, seetheanon. You don't sound very intelligent yourself.

Party's at anons house

>you absolutely dont have to be smart

yes, yes you do user. you can not take someone with an IQ below 90 and teach them to competently perform the duties of an electrician. you're fucking dreaming if you think electricians and trades alike are for dumb people.


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bruh the people working with electrcity wouldnt even get a job at walmart cause they're probably a felon.

why the fuck are amerilards like this? as long as their kid is working/going to school, what the fuck is the problem with them living at home? they literally kick their children and family out on the street for no other reason then 'my roof my rules' or some other piece of shit reasoning. Amerilards are the same kind of shit tier people to put their parents in nursing homes the moment they become an inconvenience. Consumer culture at its highest

I took an aptitude test and went through a panel interview. Schooling is 5 years and you pay for books; tuition is free. Only gayboys and trannies who cant pass a test or handle the banter whine about "muh nepotism"; I had no previous connections and I got in just fine.

I turn 28 next month
dropped out of college with a ton of credits but no degree
still unemployed even tho ive been looking for 2 months

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>Thinks hes a genius cause he can replace thermostats all day

jesus christ

lol, you're thinking of construction laborers you utter moron

>skilled tradesman are below minimum wage supermarket drones
Damn, did an Electrician fuck your mom or something?

>tfw have a well-paying entry level work at home job but am embarrassed by the fact so I tell people Im in "internet marketing"

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because they've never actually worked a day in their lives, they think their sociology or journalism degree somehow makes them smarter than an electrician despite the fact that they can't do math above a 11th grade level

Nobody who is not a subhuman uses this kind of language. You are a blight on the gene pool, zoomer.

would be nice to have a dad to say these things
I really wonder sometimes how I would have turned out if I had a father figure

>getting this salty because he can't
Jesus Christ

>2 months
I've been looking for a job for 20 years.

I don't think you know what an electrician actually does. pure cringe my dude

>Just got my drivers license at 27
>Get handed company car
>Manage to dent it while parking on my first week
Thankfully nobody gave a shit and nothing like that happened again.

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Not an argument. You soft-handed zoomers pretend to be intelligent then you retreat behind memes and attempts at being funny when called out on your shit. Why are you like this what the fuck is wrong with you

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you're only 28 dude. You can get any job, save up money, try to start an online business, or save up money and go back to school. If you live in a first world country, go teach english abroad. There is a LOT to live for and many people would trade places with you in an instant.

>>When are you getting a job son?
I'll start looking tomorrow haha

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>tfw trained on the course for parallel parking the night before the test and passed it with flying colors but still suck at parallel parking

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im an electrician (albeit, not in america) and I dont make anywhere near that amount
also its not a particularly difficult career
right now im still studying to hopefully become an engineer

t. Boomer who takes longer to park backwards than to exit in reverse

>Tfw massive week and nerd
>Have been working since I was 16 , now 21 make about 20k a year
It's not a lot, but in my profession I stand to make an extra 30k per year in a few years, after that if I continue down my path I can easily make 100k plus

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