Which of them is the most based and why is it Gatto?

Which of them is the most based and why is it Gatto?

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He's the most fearless

Joe is the most based because he attacks life and doesn't let anything stop him. He's short, has a weird body, and an unconventional face but his charisma and energy are beyond chad levels and it's landed him a ridiculously sexy wife who he has been breeding constantly, and he comes from a big close knit family so he has those strong kinds of values. He's a straight up working class guy that doesn't even stop. Even though I like all of them Q, Murr, and Sal are all in their mid 40's now with no children. Q spends his free time being depressed and smoking weed, Murr has embraced being a consumer, and Sal is a wreck of anxiety. None of them come close to Joe.


Hey Sal call that guy a faggot

This is all correct. He also has passions outside of his work/family life like his photography.

Also the best improviser.


This show is for literal brainlets

Very close.

>he isn't part of the >100 IQ masterrace

Have friends

Can't watch The English Patient every day, pal. Sometimes you just want a chuckle.

I used to think that then I watched it and experience pure male friendship kino.

In terms of entertainment and screen likeability:

Murr > Sal > Q > Joe

In terms of their own personal life fulfillment:

Joe > Q > Murr > Sal

I like them all but Joe can't be topped.

Sal was pretty based here but I suspect they thought he was gay.

Early season Q is literally /our guy/
>no one stops to talk to him
>no one replied to his roommate ad so he's safe from a challenge
>talks shit to boomers and doesn't do line
>>"Imagine people's reaction when the first words out of Q's mouth aren't "Do you have any spare change?""

Q went too far this time.

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That woman went to him from the other side of the room wow.

Couldn't believe Gatto was the only one to lose the dinner guest challenge.

He should've just called that guy a nigger in challenge #2

>that episode where they force Murr to let 682 out of containment

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why are wh*te "people" so ugly