Where did the art departments go to?
What happened to the competent people who had good eye in the movie industry?
Where did the art departments go to?
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Is that real?
This is nu-Chucky
It the product of people who think that something has to look 'scary' to be scary. It's a fucking travesty.
Bottom looks like Arya
Art department is just a tool to create what director wants. They cant do anything if director have a shitty vision and wants the bottom one over the top one.
Bottom looks like David Lynch
HHAHAHA are you fucking serious?
They're wonderfully missing the point of the entire fucking premise.
Even chucky's clothing looks like something made in a gray market chinese factory.
did Full Moon Productions produce this?
>implying that's not the point
>implying it can't be creepyfied through wear and tear during the film
The old Chucky looks scarier though. He has smaller eyes and they're a light grey color that blends with the white of the sclera. Nu Chucky looks like he closed his eyes and someone painted his eyelids so he looks awake.
Millenials have finally replaced boomers in the industry. Say what you want about boomers but when they wanted to, they made good shit.
The original still scares the shit outta.
I already love the onion boy Star Wars drones drooling over Mark Hamil being nuChucky voice. It looks like shit and that is saying something since the original is not great either.
This is my favorite slasher franchise and I always get pissed about pointless remakes but for some reason for this one I just don't care.
It's not Chucky without Brad Dourif, I don't know why anyone would be excited about this trash.
cus you a faggot
2011 looks better than 1985 tho
Gotta love summer breaks
Chucky looked pretty cool with stitches too so it holds
1985 and 2011 were both drawn in a Korean animation sweatshop, so it doesn't matter which you prefer more. 2018 and 2025 are Cal Arts and Canada crashing the animation industry with no survivors.
your a beta nu-male and probably 21 years old and the reason this world is ending
>Cal Arts
wh-what? That's my alma mater
> me liking something is enough to trigger someone in Yea Forums
god i love being young
literally. has it been confirmed that chucky is just a robot and not possessed?
> boomers stop watching this shit cartoon = less profit
> we have to make this dead franchise profitable QUICK
YOU are killing the animation industry Yea Forums
brad dourif can't really do that voice anymore
Please kys
Hamil smoked cigarette butts he'd pick out of the trash and he voiced the Joker for decades, how is Dourif in worse shape?
>2018 and 2025
2025 is real?
Yeah. Basically it's "yandere AI that goes rogue".
Not if you kill yourself.
pls send more (You)s
>no hatian voodoo ritual
No one is going to buy that piece of shit on the bottom. And I don't mean in the movie, I mean IRL, no one is going to want that ugly ads shit. I am actually surprised at how much they managed to fuck up Chucky, such a simple concept. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by anything they do at this point. It wouldn't shock me if he didbfortnite dances.
you forget gen x dumb fuck
It's because directors and producers used to trust the art department to do the job and left a lot of the creative development up to them, especially with creatures because it took a lot more effort and time to make changes and artwork. But now with digital tools, changes can happen so rapidly that they get to nitpick every single thing and when you have 15 people who want different things and have no artistic taste, you end up with garbage most of the time. I can tell you from experience, no artist wants to make something look bad for no reason.
t. millenial
imagine being a grown man afraid of images on a screen
hamill is a brilliant voice actor
gen x actually
That’s my thought exactly. The scary thing is an innocent looking children’s toy being possessed by an evil serial killer. If the toy looks scary from the start then half the spooks are already gone.
Generation X is a myth
I'm not denying that, but it just boggles the mind that Dourif is in worse shape despite only being two years older. Manopause is hell.
>When zoomer audiences require glowing red eyes to know a character is evil
hamill got fat and smoked, its not really out of the ordinary for a guy that age. looks like you were trying pretty hard to put the guy down.
> when boomers audiences require nostalgia to know a character
Sounds like you're mixing up Hamil and Dourif.
>Hamil smoked cigarette butts he'd pick out of the trash
it's like you never met someone trying to quit.
cult of chucky is only a few years old he sounds fine to me
>hey, man, I'm pathetic but you should feel empathy for me
nothing to do with it fag
are you his bf or what then faggot?
12 yr olds please take your circlejerk somewhere else
old people pls leave, internet is for young people only
I just see zoomers harp on that pic like it was a daily occurrence and not just an old man trying to quit.
>I too am also replying to no one because I'm from reddit and think my (You)'s hold meaning
it really works, doesn't it?
The new one is just repulsive. Not like scary or disturbing, just unpleasantly shitty.
nice concise opinion, but you have to criticize younger generations if you want to get some (You)s here though.
Thank god OG chucky is continuing in a TV series. Possessed lesbians is far better then some zoom zoom tech getting glitchy.
kill yourself reddit nigger
that's more like it, now you do fit in
I'm looking forward to this movie.
I'm looking forward to it only in the sense that I'm interested to see how bad it really is, and I'll just about any horror movie that gets released even if it looks like utter shit.
The doll looks cute desu. I was against the whole boomer tier "what if technology went crazy plot" I'm hoping it won't be as bad seed
this but unironically.
She’s prettier on this picture than irl
The concept of Chucky having a kid is interesting and the way they hyped it up in Bride was so cool, only for them to make Seed of Chucky and fuck it up.
Chucky's design in seed was better than the remake's though
The art departments are still there. They just keep getting told to change things on the commands of idiot producers and marketing department demo groups.
I hate people shitting on the calarts thundercats. I hate the style and everything but when we got the 2011 TC no one fucking watched it and you can bet your ass that a lot of kids are going to watch 2018 TC because they love simple art styles.
the baby at the end of bride was just another tacked on horror movie reference (to it's alive, hence the pointy teeth) but gave the writer a chance to make the next one all about his gender identity issues. glen/glenda was just a self insert character.
Seed of Chucky was good fuck you
You are right and anyone that disagreed on the replies are retarded boomers.
I though they did a good job with 'IT'.
you thought wrong
This image is both funny and infuriating.
Do VFX companies no longer take pride in their work or did all the old skilled sculptors/artists retire?
>you can bet your ass that a lot of kids are going to watch 2018 TC because they love simple art styles.
It's not that they like simple art styles, it's that they don't give a shit. If the primary audience doesn't care, then producers can cut costs.
Old design was better but that's literally it. Everything else is better in the remake.
Holy shit the new Chucky looks like fucking garbage.
overdesigned soulless trash
watch it again it's really bad.
>puppets look abysmal
>seltzer/friedberg level pop culture jokes
>cheap flat tv movie looking cinematography
>only one major location like a sitcom
Goddamn, now there's a nigga that'll fuck you up... absolutely terrifying.
Yep. Nu-pennywise looks like someone trying to be le edgy and twisted. That lil nigga just looks otherworldly. You absolutely get the feeling that he's going to be the last thing you see before you die.
That faggot has got no shoulders, he's not fucking anyone up.
>It's not that they like simple art styles, it's that they don't give a shit.
They gave a shit but not in the way an adult do. They love simple art styles because its easier follow what is happening, easier to draw and imitate and that give them the "illusion" that the cartoon was made by kids.
It's not hard to when the original was a cheesy made for TV movie with a budget of a shoe string.
retarded zoomer poof
Nu-Pennywise didn't look all that scary, but he did look good. The actor did a good job too. I expected it to be a lot worse.
That's a whole lot of projecting. Goku wasn't easy to draw, but everyone drew him back int he day.
>Nu-Pennywise didn't look all that scary
then what the fuck is the point
Thundercats was pure kino
Maybe you're just not 10 anymore and movies will never be scary again.
I would deck that that little clown faggot on reflex if his dumbass tried to jump scare me.
>you have to look scary to be scary
>Goku wasn't easy to draw
He wasn't but that didn't stop a lot of kids for trying. Also, he wasn't really that hards, most kids came pretty damn close to draw him.
I'm not saying its a new golden rule for cartoons, but having simplified styles has to many pros for cartoon tv networks. Kids love them. They are cheaper. They are easier to animate.
Not projecting user. You need to accept that kids don't like the shit your grown adult ass likes and they are not wrong for that.
I would unironically grab a beer with that guy.
>movie leads you on believing it’s an AI gone rampant movie
>they try destroying it with an EMP or pulling the power or something ridiculous
>characters start happily hugging and glad it’s over
>suddenly Chucky stabs them
>twist reveal it actually was magic voodoo not AI
Would be 10/10 ending for me.
In the context of the discussion that little clown faggot is just an avatar for some ancient alien or monster, you dumb fuck zoomer poof
2011 Thundercats was one of the most beautifully animated western cartoons I've d ever seen. Great character and environment design throughout.
Story wasn't that great; but boy was it pretty. I was legitimately bummed when Cartoon Network cancelled it. Aside from Gendy's new episodes of Samurai Jack I don't think CN has produced a single well animated show since they killed it.
you a pedo tho
the old chucky looks like an actual puppet. while the new on in ops picture looks like some computer fx trash. have you seen an actual doll looking like this before?? i have buddy who had a toy museum and the original chucky looks like your average doll for the last 100 years
The pilot was amazing, but then they switched the writers for the rest of it and proceeded to shit on Lion-O every chance while jerking off to Tygra.
You're projecting.
Yeah, I wasn't thrilled with that angle. I think they'd pretty much resolved the conflict between Lion O and Tygra by the end of the season but sadly they never got another season.
the monsters are more faithful in the original, also the music is better
the only problem of the 90s one is that it was made for tv
Currently known as Sneedy