could they have gotten away with it in 2019?
Could they have gotten away with it in 2019?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes, because it was presented as insensitive in the film.
no. even the most trivial stuff is considered offensive now
Yes, but we'd see endless twitter screencap threads about it on Yea Forums.
More important question. After Zoolander 2 bombed, are we getting a good new Stiller comedy?
Yeah, this. /thread
No. Too many genuine racists today. They can't see past this being a joke and instead treat it as promoting their own racist views. With how pozzed gen z is through constant right-wing extremist brainwashing, it's probably for the best that something like this isn't made for the time being.
reddit's that way
Zoomers wouldn't give a fuck. If the trailer came out today EVERYONE would be making epic Avengers quips like "lol what if Thanos fought Kirk Lazarus!!!" and "Tony Stark faked his death and pretends to be a black guy now!!!"
no, because i doubt bobby boy would take such a job nowadays
>gen z is right wing
Post nose
fuck em
You can't say the n-word in any context, even if you are telling your employees that they cannot. Blackface is a physical n-word, so no.
could they have gotten away with it in 2019?
you didn't even point at anything wtf
Yes because the movie was funny and Robert Downey Jr. Is beloved for his Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man work. If it was a bad movie and someone like Casey Affleck was cast in the role then no.
Here’s one they for sure COULDNT get away with today
Did you even watch it? Yeah some of the dialogue would need to be changed a bit but it was overall a fat positive movie
Not sure you understand how sensitive the world is today
Fuck no. Are you insane? Everyone would have lost their job
Lol no. Even Tom Cruise in jewface wouldn’t pass today
>Misogynist ignores fatties
>Magic or whatever makes him see the true inner self of women
>Sees most if not all fatties as gorgeous
>Sees most if not all hotties as ugly witches
>Eventually falls in love and is able to deal with obese Gwyneth Paltrow as his GF.
Again, small rewrites but for the most part this is a hambeast fantasy
-we supposed to be an Unit
-Suck my Unit!!!
It's "a unit". You only put "an" prior to words with a vowel sound.
No. Ironic racism like that doesn't really fly anymore. You could maybe have this as a short gag as long as the guy in blackface is shown as a despicable bad guy. Just being a self absorbed retard isn't enough anymore to excuse racism.
I'm pretty sure there were people complaining when it was released, specifically for making fun of retards.
>Too many genuine racists today.
doubtful. i remember on the dvd there was a psa on the title screen that says the only r word retards should hear is respect lol
>A white person with make-up on to look like a black person?!?! REEEEEEE!!!! REEEEEEE!!!! REEEEEEE!!!!
I will never understand Leftists.
>self absorbed retard
lel surely you dont actually believe this the entirety of the character's depth, he was nominated for on oscar for this role
While our ethics have not shifted the fact that social media took off makes me say no. Social media allows all the crazies both left and right to share their opinions to everyone instead of to their friends that just pretend to listen.
>Social media allows all the crazies both left and right to share their opinions
Social media is literally mass-censoring anything right of Stalin and has been for the past 5 years, and leftists outright admit and defend it. It's disingenuous to try and play the "but both sides"-card.
That is the gist of his character, yes. There is no way this shit would fly today
>If you're racist you can't even take a joke
>Btw this movie would never be made today because muh right wingers blah blah blah
In 2013
That's not how "pozzed" is used. At least shill properly.
Yeah and the outrage advertising would have made it a billion dollar movie.
>You mean Jew York
People seem to have forgotten (or aren't old enough) that lefties did kick up a stink over it.
Nobody used to ever listen to them back then though.
Could this movie be made today? perhaps, doubt it.
WOULD this movie be made today? No
Based user working this board of low-IQ retards into a seething rage
I don't know
Nigger faggot
7x7x7x7x7 = .0001
70 posts none tell the title...
Fuck off schlomo
dis nigga fo real?
you can tell this faggot spent 2 hours discussing the movie with professor steinberg in his feminist poetry class
No. 2008 was a different era entirely.
Could I get away with using RDJ's blackface character as a Halloween costume?
Yes and no. The trailer alone probably would have caused a nuclear shitstorm with the way twitter is these days. Which would probably give the film a shitload of attention and possibly translate into butts in seats, only for loads of people to see Tropic Thunder and find out that Osiris/Lazarus isn't really blackface so much as a really great actor making fun of how far method actors are up their own asses. I mean his performance is more offensive to Daniel Day-Lewis or Sean Penn than it is to actual niggers.
You don't even know what 'pozzed' means, you retarded kike shill.
If a white face movie bombs with 2 black leads what hope does the reversed have?
Do it and post it on Facebook to share with your friends.
White Chicks was a big hit. A cult classic.
Les Grossman is unironically an iconic character of 2000s cinema
also with social media they go out of their way to make their voices heard because they know they'll have people that back them up unlike 20 years ago
>taking the bait
Youre underestimating how retarded liberals can be
Blacks can't be racist
Based Powers poster.
"SEND HELP" -that dog, probably
ESL faggots
When did everyone start giving a fuck what the loud, vocal, minority have to say when it's obviously shit?
second guy was half right, he forgot to mention "we're"
but you're still replying to a 7 hour post, the dude is probably now sleeping or prepping bulls at the immigration center in Berlin
Have sex
Absolutely based poster sends buttblasted r*cists into space
Because you're not RDJ
>With how pozzed gen z
based homophobic midwit
Can you repeat the question
This user had sex.
Have sex
People still don't understand Starship Troopers is satire.