Based and greypilled

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the classic grey alien has a big head, big almond shaped eyes and grey skin
>lets make it orange, have a normal head and beady old man eyes proportionate with the head. and no nose!!!
i really hope someone got blacklisted for this

If I recall, the Fire in the Sky aliens had more human like facial expressions. Maybe they wanted the audience to wonder if they were the descendants of humanity from the far flong future.

I'm amazed you made it through the 90's tv movie production values long enough to get to it

Based and years of childhood nightmares pilled

ive never seen the flick desu, just this scene

My shock expands exponentially

Who cares, the abduction sequence was horror kino and the aliens themselves were scary, and they incorporated the classic look by having them be their spacesuits.

It's probably the scariest or most unsettling thing I've seen in a film. Moreso than any horror film I can think of. The bit where he accidentally crashes into another pod and finds a decaying corpse was disgusting.

I remember someone saying that years ago, the aliens of the movie are humans of future

I read YouTube comments too with people saying they're actually demons. I have no fucking clue why people try to craft these elaborate theories about the aliens and find some kind of lore. It's a very well done, unsettling abduction sequence. That's all.

the actual abductee was not happy with this scene because the aliens were actually very peaceful and treated him well. He was obviously scared at the time but after years of reflection he considered it to be a good experience.

so dont worry the lmaos are actually not too bad by most accounts.

dark skies had scarier aliens.

just the fact that they materialize in your dark bedroom and stand around watching you gives me the heebie jeebies like nothing else.

Attached: dark skies.jpg (565x263, 57K)

*purported abductee*


Making the stereotypical grey just an astronaut suit was an incredibly smart move, you dumb brainlet cuck.

greys look different. thats like a mix between groot and a muppet

The demon stuff is bullshit, but I believe one of the writers told once something about the design was because of theories about the aliens being humans of future

I am irritated there is no behind the scenes thing about how they made the aliens, space ship, the decaying corpse of a previous abductee, etc.

thx for titling your shit like a proper man. forgot the name of this one

I didn't care much for Dark Skies because it was essentially just a Blumhouse style haunted house ghosts/possession movie.

I agree though the scene where jk simmons talks about the history of the ayy lmaos and how unstoppable they are was kino


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Aliens are just a cover up by Satan

Thanks for having the sense to actually look at the file name. Can't remember the amount of times some dumbfuck user has went 'hurr wot is dis called pls help' when the file name contains the fucking flick's title.

and can't google image reverse search either. god anybody with the slightest bit of computer talent can avoid bans find what images are. jesus how dumb some people are. Nurses too. damn I've seen some bad ones.

damn I think I'm gonna buy a Yea Forums pass... sick of this damn captcha even though I have it on the legacy mode which is less annoying. 4chanX shit

This movie strays far from the source material.

Travis Walton encountered Greys AND Nordics (human looking aliens). It seems the producers have combined the two.

In the movie the inside of ship looked like a garbage truck for aliens.

In the actual Walton account, the ship was metallic, clean and minimalistic.

I know. I don't know why this shit is brought up all the time. The inaccuracy does not undermine how eerie and unsettling the whole sequence was, or that the inaccurate film version resulted for something much better on film.

My assumption is that someone on the ship fucked up. The ship was likely here for research purposes and Walton triggered a defense mechanism in the craft.

The Greys were trying to heal his injuries but he overpowered them, requiring the Nordics that were aboard to intervene.

Nordics are the good guys right?

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HOW WOULD Yea Forums do a sequel to Fire in the Kino?
What's your Fire in the Sky lore? Imagine if Paramount decided to do a Fire in the Sky cinematic universe with horror like this film.Original stories just like this film.

I like ayys

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They are cuck and fags, like the earth ones

Aliens are scawy. Pwease pwotect, Yea Forums :/

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Looks like my ballsack when it sees me reaching for my dick for the 5th time in a day.

The movie version is way better.
The redneck stereotypical alien abduction about greys in a chrome ship is boring.

The God-Emperor warned us.

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I'm an alien

How you know this user

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how to get ayy waifu anons?

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They love to abduct Brazilians and let them fuck their females since 50',s

Why is everyone suddenly talking about this? Did they have a 3D re-release in theaters or something?

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Thx yify

They changed every detail of the guys original story to make the movie more interesting, he wasn’t hurt at all and he was actually treated quite well.

Fake, Travis Walton said the ayys took him for a tour around the ship and were super cool and awesome to him.

Attached: ayy.gif (333x250, 2.39M)

They sure as hell weren’t cool to me

>Aliens have created anti gravitational ships to travel across the galaxy
>still perform extremely barbaric procedures on humans



wut if they just been fucking the passable traps?

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Those were trannies, not ayys. Easy to confuse the two, I know.

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Cause some guy uploaded a webm about the probing scene with some title like 'This is your future' and it's the first time so many have had any exposure to that film and its vivid, disgusting imagery. No shit that resulted in a little surge in interest in that film here, you le epic cynic xD faggot.

What memes could come from Fire in the Sky?
>aliens are orange
Orange men bad

>humans possess the ability to grow meat in vats
>instead industrial scale torture billions of animals for profit


Then they're G A Y

When that rubber sheet begins contracting and Travis starts screaming madly, on them gives him this 'What the fuck is wrong you, bro?' kind of look. Not sure if that can be meme'd but that's a small amusing thing during a horrifying moment.


but its not the truth. it's dishonest filmmaking

Anyone else here lately been obsessed with the idea of putting a grown woman into a plastic sack and slowly sucking all the oxygen out of it and freeze drying her? I just can’t get the idea of my mind. Maybe I’m just going crazy, I don’t know, but I feel like everybody thinks about this the kind of thing

I've been through that phase. There's a whole genre of porn for that. Huge amount of content.

It gets old but go nuts while the call lasts.


I saw a guy get blown by a calf the other day, it’s just getting weirder and weirder isn’t it. Where do you think it’ll all end?

>movie soon 30 years old
>still no sequel
>still no remake

Why would you bother to use a ray gun on a guy before throwing them out of the spaceship

>hurr durr there's no concept that the aliens don't view us the way we view animals!
Brainlet. And who gives a shit if there's a dissonance between their technological advancement and excess barbarity or if it's "dishonest filmmaking"? An extremely eerie, disgusting, and scary sequence was crafted that's top tier horror and abduction kino.

>Travis stumbles onto the decaying remains of prior abductee

my boss's face when i mess up the egg sushi

This one annoys me the most. I want to see how they did the alien ship, the plastic sheet thing, the decaying body of previous victims, etc.

In the words of the producers of 1972 classic "Deep Throat", "It's not us that should scare you, it's what comes next!".

Deep Throat was a national scandal because it featured an extreme sex act... deep throating.

The cycle of depravity will only end when our civilization finds new moral roots beyond materialism.

This. Everything surrounding the abduction scene is fluff. It's best to take that scene like a dream and just enjoy the ride, use it as a jumping off point for your imagination.

Nitpicking is pointless.

>hurr durr there's no concept that the aliens don't view us the way we view animals!

We're extremely intelligent beings, we'll eventually achieve ayylmao status and its even been theorized that we would eventually surpass ayylmao's.

Now tell me, why on earth would Aliens specifically the ones that created an organic space ship that can travel on an intergalactic scale test on us like animals? when they 100% know we're superior to every other organism on the planet and potentially in the future the entire universe.

Other than the creative/disgusting ways they operate on him, there's a lot of creative stuff to enjoy, like all the stuff from Earth floating around the ship like shoes and glasses showing they've been doing this for a long time and/or to a lot of people, their space suits being the classic grey alien design, and Travis finding a mutilated, decaying corpse adds an uncomfortable truth that that could have easily been him if the aliens felt like doing a brutal operation and being abducted by them isn't a case of you're never in any real danger; nah, on certain days they'll decapitate you if that's what they feel like.

Because it would be relative for God's sake. They'd view us as a particularly creative animal and, therefore, worthy experimenting on the way we view chimps. If the nitpicking makes you feel smart, whoopy for you, but these logical flaws you can find are ultimately immaterial when it comes to discussing why it was a very good sequence as pointed out.

>The cycle of depravity will only end when our civilization finds new moral roots beyond materialism

So NS again?

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they wouldn't. which is one of the reasons why the extraterrestrial hypothesis is incorrect

So wut or who?

But what would they do to us that they wouldn't already know?

You're now just highlighting part of what makes that sequence so good. They are mysterious. We don't know their motives. They're are an enigma. They don't even make any sounds during the whole sequence. What we don't know makes the sequence scarier and more intriguing.

Why would they even let him go when they let that other dude rot in his container?

nonhuman consciousnesses operating on a multidimensional level

It could be part of some religious ritual, maybe they have psychic abilities and they talk but we can’t hear them and they feed off fear? It really makes you question everything doesn’t it. Maybe more developed brains are used in their computing system and we’re just like cattle to them.

What is your Fire in the Sky lore Yea Forums? What did the extraterrestrials want?

>religious ritual

what are they extreme tree huggers or something?

Cause the experiments on him actually killed him so the remains were kept. I think you're fucking with me on purpose with all these questions missing the point. The other guy in particular helped to dismiss any comforting thoughts that you're never in any real danger cause they let Travis go. Nah, if the experiment calls for it on a certain day, they'll decapitate you and leave your corpse to decay. Living or dying when captured by those fuckers is a coin toss.

what is this Japanese Baby Groot bullshit I see here

maybe the singularity hits over and over again on the same planet. these are the old earthlings checking up on the old abode.

I was just thinking of Prometheus

>tfw was, legitimately and for real, abducted by aliens and nobody believes me, and it was nothing like the movie shown here

Firsly the aliens that abducted me didn't look humanoid. In fact they looked almost exactly like Salamanders, except they had the skull shape of Hippos, with 2 horns on either side. They did have opposable thumbs and did stand upright however. Also the experiments were more along the lines of subjecting me to various animal noises and then making the noises ever more increasingly human like, and seeing at which point I could understand them (the instructions given were actually written in clear english, and had diagrams to help). However they then brutalised me whenever I got one 'wrong', for example didn't understand when a fish had started speaking french, or something. They messed me up quite badly, really.

Ever since the abduction 3 years ago I have had constant blisters on my penis and doctors say its just burn from sex, but I am a virgin. They laugh in my fucking face when I tell them about the abduction. I've also become trans and the community rejects me when I say I am trans due to alien abduction. I've been called 'ET He Made Me Transsexual' and other insulting names like that. This movie got it wrong.

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>Ever since the abduction 3 years ago I have had constant blisters on my penis and doctors say its just burn from sex, but I am a virgin. They laugh in my fucking face when I tell them about the abduction. I've also become trans and the community rejects me when I say I am trans due to alien abduction

this is why i come to Yea Forums

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oh yeah?
try being a 30 year old boomer kid growing up the next town over where this happened and then your folks and their friends talk about the guys this actually happened to and gossiping about it for hours while you spend the next decade of your life certain you will be abducted the second you are 30 feet from your house on a dark night.

fucking snowflake bro. fucking show low bro.

Kino. Seems this air of fear and paranoia is something fraud Walton would have created.

Everything is gonna be ok. Just don't do the surgery because that's what the grey fuckers want and we don't want to give them what they want, do we? No.

ayylemayos are peaceful nigga

all fucking al*ens should fucking hang

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look behind you

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>tfw no qt pleiadian gf

Attached: pleiadians.png (500x687, 811K)

This woman is alien hybrid. She's French-Canadian, has naturally blonde hair, green eyes and is 6' 3" Would you kiss her?

Attached: hybridgirl.png (1432x900, 1.43M)

What's up with all the fire in the sky threads?
Did you zoomer shits recently discover the movie? Is it on Netflix now?

Blu ray release coming in august

it was a big talk about the area for a long time
>everyone swears up and down these guys are legit, no nonsense working class guys who wouldnt bullshit about this
>the stories are the guys wish this never even got attention, like they arent attention seeking and just want everyone to either believe them or forget

like imagine if a really dumb guy you knew was perfectly explaining some conversation he had with da vinci about all his works. and you just cant come up with any rational explanation why this guy would claim to have been communicating with da vinci and furthermore this nigger and his nigger friends never once cared or about his works.
after a while you start to think it had to come from somewhere with all this knowledge being displayed.

>Did you zoomer shits recently discover the movie?
Yes, pretty much. Some user posted a webm of the operation scene with a 'This is your future' title or something. That will have been the first time a lot have had any exposure to that film and it was a really vivid clip. So definitely sparked a little bit of interest.

That's what they look like irl, brainlet.

They're Tolkien's elves.

Just be yourself, bro.

>not French-Canaaydian

>he claimed that etc etc
>he claimed that he was actually etc etc



haha yeah lol

is this a pasta?

Anyone has the "The grey alien is the superior male body" pasta?

Remake when?

>just the fact that they materialize in your dark bedroom and stand around watching you gives me the heebie jeebies like nothing else.

> Alien appears
> fap harder
> Alien steps back, disappears

works every time.

i laughed, god help me

>it and freeze drying her?

you just went full retard. pornhub, search for "vacbed".

think about the whorehouse in Borneo that was found to be using shaved Orang-utans as whores.

it was all real

it's why i stay out of /x/

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Today? It would star Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy saving the day and making dick jokes. And all the aliens would have Trump combovers.

is it the look Thanos gives Cap when he stops his hand? Haven't seen the movie in maybe 25 years.

Looks almost exactly like Cotton Hill.


Fucking pussy ayyy scum - I yearn for the day I can finally destroy their spineless grey bodies for fun. Fuck aliens and all space-migrant shits.

Alright then, picture this if you will:

10 to 2 AM, X, Yogi DMT, and a box of Krispy Kremes, in my "need to know" pose, just outside of Area 51.
Contemplating the whole "chosen people" thing with just a flaming stealth banana split the sky like one would hope but never really expect to see in a place like this.
Cutting right angle donuts on a dime and stopping right at my Birkenstocks, and me yelping...
Holy fucking shit!
Then the X-Files being, looking like some kind of blue-green Jackie Chan with Isabella Rossellini lips and breath that reeked of vanilla Chig Champa,
Did a slow-mo Matrix descent out of the butt end of the banana vessel and hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw, and my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip and all I could think was: "I hope Uncle Martin here doesn't notice that I pissed my fuckin' pants."
So light in his way,
Like an apparition,
He had me crying out,
"Fuck me,
It's gotta be,
Deadhead Chemistry,
The blotter got right on top of me,
Got me seein' E-motherfuckin'-T!"
And after calming me down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning, E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose.
He said, "You are the Chosen One, the One who will deliver the message. A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not."
Me. The Chosen One?
They chose me!!!
And I didn't even graduate from fuckin' high school.


You better.
You better.
You better.
You better listen.
Then he looked right through me
With somniferous almond eyes.
Don't even know what that means
Must remember to write it down.
This is so real.
Like the time Dave floated away.
See my heart is pounding,
'Cause this shit never happens to me.
Can't breathe, right now!
It was so real.
Like I woke up in Wonderland.
All sort of terrifying.
And I don't wanna be all alone when I tell this story.
And can anyone tell me why
You all sound like Peanut's parents
Will I ever be coming down?
This is so real.
Finally it's my lucky day.
See my heart is racing,
'Cause this shit never happens to me.
Can't breathe, right now!
You believe me, don't you?
And this wasn't all in my head.
See they took me by the hand and invited me right in,
Then they showed me something.
I don't even know where to begin.
Strapped down my bed. Feet cold and eyes red.
Can't remember what they said.
God damn. Shit the bed!
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be the one.
Born to bear and read to all
The details of our ending.
To write it down for all the world to see.
But I forgot my pen,
Shit the bed again,
Strapped down my bed. Feet cold and eyes red.
Sunkist and sudafed, gyroscopes and infrared.
Can't remember what they said.
God damn. Shit the bed!
I can't remember what they said to me.
Can't remember what they said to make me out to be a hero!
Can't remember what they said.
Bob help me.
Can't remember what they said.
Don't know.
Won't know.
God damn shit the bed!

Is this OC?

>Ever since the abduction 3 years ago I have had constant blisters on my penis and doctors say its just burn from sex, but I am a virgin. They laugh in my fucking face when I tell them about the abduction. I've also become trans and the community rejects me when I say I am trans due to alien abduction. I've been called 'ET He Made Me Transsexual' and other insulting names like that. This movie got it wrong.
Almost choked, is this pasta?

Fish dont vocalise

>ayys come to earth to turn Yea Forums posters into trannies

Are they a drumpf allegory?