Breaks my heart there won't be another season of this show

Breaks my heart there won't be another season of this show.

So many episodes of Louie were just fucking sublime.

Attached: louie.jpg (820x498, 185K)

I love Louis CK’s show and humor. One of the few comedians that could actually make me laugh. I hate what the “MeToo” movement did to him.

There is a leaked voice recording of his stand up on YouTube, where he recently jokes about how much it fucked his life up.

The first season was absolutely incredible. But after that it tried to be as philosophical as possible and it became garbage.

Yeah I was listening to that the other night. It's really fucked up what they did to him. I hope he can make a comeback sooner rather than later.

I think you should rewatch season 5 again if nothing else, it's brilliant

Ill check it out, I cant remember if it was season 2 or 3 when I jumped ship


Louie was a 10/10 comedian before this show came out, then suddenly he didn't have to try anymore because he "made it big" and his standup went to shit. Then he got MeToo'd.

Moral of the story: around Jews, you lose.

I stopped watching after the episode where the fat lady complained that fat men won't fuck them

Remember when that random rubber dude ran into his room from the doorway? Shit was weird

Y'all forget he's a rapist?

Basically this, there are a couple gems later but crowded by "Oh look I'm talking to someone who doesn't speak english, but we get along awkwardly" and shit romance.

I have zero sympathy for Louie. A Hillary voting lib in every other context, his own inability to control his urge to jerkoff in front of young women in his field is a fucking disgrace and he should be disgraced.

The best part is getting dumped by Adelon when it had just become public they were dating. Now she gets to not pay him a cent for being given a career twice.

So? He's funny lol

>jerking off in front of someone
>forcible penetration

these are not the same thing

didnt stop trump from winning

Shut the fuck up faggot

>Yea Forums contrarians now love reddit ck just because he got outed as a rapist masturbator

Kys tumblar

i liked his stand up and o&a stuff more than his tv shows.I think the scandal will effect his comedy for the better since he was trying to be a serious artsy director. I feel like he's gonna make a strong comeback.
that's the governors set right?

I hope your sister's boss jerks off in front of her you contrarian cunt