Boston crime kino is back on the menu.
Boston crime kino is back on the menu
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What makes the Boston/Massachusetts area so kino? Mystic River, Good Will Hunting, The Town, Gone Baby Gone, The Departed, I'm sure there are others too I can't think of.
They're criminal as fuck. This series looks like heat/the town and Kevin bacon a dirty cop. No way it's bad
>black people
Sorry, but this cannot be kino by definition.
Also, has anyone even been to Southie? If there ever was a black, they'd beat them to death with baseball bats.
Fuck, I knew the black would lose Yea Forums viewers. "Southie" kek. I want to go to Boston after the departed
I'm from Woostah Mass and frequented Boston, it's pretty based. No jiggaboos for miles and drunk skanks everywhere.
Based. You should order a cranberry juice just to start a fight. The Boston bombing movie was actually good too
Black mass is also extremely underrated
Y'all should check out "Monument Ave" and "Southie". Watch "State of Grace" too. All kino Boston films with NO BLACKS.
Billy crud is in Blood ties too. A great crime film I'm pretty sure is set Boston
>billy crudup
I'm in.
Interesting. Sounds like "We Own The Night"
I'll check it out!
Fuck brah. That was great too. Pride and glory with ed Norton too
I'm kinda bummed the only way to watch it is torrents, but if you're a Billy fan, ya gotta check out "Warren The Ape - Bad Po Fo".
Billy plays himself on a cop show pilot with Warren called Dented Badge. He's pretty hilarious. The conceit is that Billy doesn't know how to act and that Warren is somehow the star of the show.
One of my favorite lines was when Billy asked the director if he should chew gum in the scene and it went something like this...
>"Gum? Gum! Jesus Billy. Learn your lines then maybe we can talk about gum. Now come on, you've done this before. Remember when you were that blue guy. You know Avatar or whatever, do that. Act. Come on kid."
And Billy deadpans...
>"I'm 43 years old."
>good black DA
>evil white rogue cop
You're shitting me with that? I didn't even read a synopsis, cause I'm already all in (Brotherhood on Showtime was excellent!).
Take 2 mins and watch the trailer. You tell me.
why the fuck do all white people look like kevin bacon
bacon kino inc
Fuuuck. That "Affirmative Blacktion" lime made me cringe and I was about to break ties forever but then my boy from Black Donnelly's showed up (he was amazing in the mma show Kingdom too).
I mean the 90s was when the Black Donnelly's was set. I think I can trick my brain into this being the Season 2 we never got and actually get into the show.
Never thought Kevin Bacon would be a good choice for Commissioner Gordon.
What role couldn't he play except maybe Red Hood.
Pilot is already available on torrents. Imma check it out and report back assuming this thread isn't bumped by cunny threads or Chernobyl gens.