Why doesn't China produce more kino? For their population size their film industry is positively dinky
Why doesn't China produce more kino? For their population size their film industry is positively dinky
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Total government control of the media, 75% of the country is basically used as slave labor.
what's the term for this type of mind-disease where thousands of idiots worldwide on social media think (somehow) that they're the most amazing act the world has ever seen? Do they not realize how absolutely common they are?
sounds pretty based to me
I really want more shooty John Woo films
Chinks are insect like lifeform uncapable of creative or any logical thought. They live just as like virus lives. To consume, infect, reproduce and die.
Chinks are soulless and unintelligent. All they can do is copy steal and cheat. They're incapable of creating art or even passable entertainment.
Anyone with any amount of creativity or urge to empathize with others, which is important for storytelling, was brutally tortured to death in a systematic purge. That was only like 40 years ago. They haven't recovered.
stupid white pig you write same comment twice hahaha
literally everything coming from mainland china is just propaganda
i'm not a chinkaboo so who gives a fuck about their "movies"
You can see those girls absolutely hate this,but they have to do it to increase their social credit
they're not the problem.
the problem is the millions of retards giving them clicks, like that faggot op.
You're a fucking idiot
>logical thought
creativity is debatable, but they're exceptionally good at logical thought and mathematics
Chinks are mindless subhumans that have creativity and independent thought forcibly removed as children
based and chinkpilled
>They live just as like virus lives. To consume, infect, reproduce and die.
sounds like america tbqh
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
why are all webms of chinks dancing like this
It's a pretty easy dance step to master.
fuck off jackie chan
It's a two way street, user. There are millions of white knight betas who glorify mediocre people because thy have vaginas.
It's not as good a way to make money. You can't diddle taxes in China like you can in the US.
This webm makes me kind of sad. They aren't even good at coordinated dancing and they are asian. They just want to be good at something but are forever doomed to be 3rd worlders. This clown make up and *presumably* tik tok video is the highlight of their social lives.
Just like their wee wees
Bros, I met a super cute Chinese girl the other day. I’m white and generally am only into white girls, but ngl she was cute af. Should I ask her out?
*makes mediocre post on the social media website called 4channel*
wtf I love brutal commie regimes now
communist party outlawed ghosts in movies and like 75% of movies have ghosts in them
CCP doesnt like to encourage degeneracy and critical thinking outside of party approved lines so most content coming out there is generic 0iq mainstream shit.
they can make some good kino tv shows tho using old Chinese lore and soapy drama writing
there are people close to starving over there, if they put out movies with amerifat budgets they would be pissed off
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Creativity is disincentivized
>me so dancey
>me blowtorch dog later for laughs
go to bed Ricky Gervais
Rember when speaking to an American. American education Is this bad.
Just saw this the other day and it's fantastic.
>Give a white man a hammer and he will build a civilization
>Give an asian a hammer and he will make more hammers
>Give an African a hammer and he will kill you and blame you that he went to prison
and to top it off, they are the ugliest race behind abbos
kys amerimutt
have fun
that thick one on the left tho...
the 1980s?
why does the truth make you so angry?
Well i didn't know how bad history teachers in US are until now.
>gib qt submissive chink gf
Come for the tits. Stay for the thighs.
***brags from his country with less people than we have Black people alone***
we are trying our best
education is a meme. it's teaching birds to fly. the issue is that our government replaced our birds with rats.
The Chinese are more like locats then real humans. All they do is consume.
imagine managing to be even more soulless than kpop
There are great example of western society taking from chinese innovations
Unironically this.
What's the name of this mind disease where thousands of idiots worldwide on anonymous media think they're special because they're snide and cynical on an anonymous forum?
At least in China they're being used.
4channel syndrome, wish this place will be nuked so i can finally be free from this hellhole
oh thank god
Screewriters get discouraged when everything gets censored for no reason or reasons that make no sense.
Man, this girls are built like black chicks.
They literally genocided their entire cultured class. They can't produce anything better than Sims 4 mods
Nice poster
But at least they're a communist utopia now
They removed the state, money and classes?
So they got rid of liberals? Wish Western countries would do the same.
We need more wuxia kino
China is so based wish I was a citizen
There are actually plenty of artistic Chinese films released, a lot of them hot recognition in the Cannes
But of course ameriburp can’t look past anything other than the blockbusters
t. Chapo
they are literally soulless bug people
based china is based
hk films dont count
oh wow the chinks finally saw riverdance
kind of but even american consumerism is very feelings based. china is just soulless ant people collecting counterfeit luxury goods.
This. No creative freedom
I am work hard study differential equations calculus
Its literally censorship and the government demanding that all movies have a theme of the nice guy ultimately getting the girl or the main protagonists constantly sacrificing themselves for the greater good of society. Chinese aren't stupid and like seeing themselves in media but hate how the themes are always the same
I understood that joke
Zhang Yimou movies are breddy gud - esp the ones set in 20th century China
So true
Too bad he's a shill for the Communist leadership now.
>girls hate dancing
Have sex
Those kinds of dresses are super cute
Strange. Around here film was full of dissenters trying to sneak shit past the censors.
worker bees don't think for themselves
>Around here film was full of dissenters trying to sneak shit past the censors.
so you're proving my point? creatives can't fully create because of CCP censors
>can't fully create
Dunno, a lot of pretty movies came out in the commie era. Restrictions can lead to greater creativity. But I'm not ruling out that PRC could have harsher or smarter censors.
Then why is jap anime and vidya so superior to its Western counterpart?
>t-the censorship actually makes our movies prettier and better
keep licking CCP boot faggot
Zoomergirls hate literally anything and everything except fucking chad
My Chinese boss saw this and now I'm fired and about to be detained. Fuck you
Have a look at Czechoslovak New Wave and basically anything past the 50s from Czechoslovakia. The movies back then were better. Sure, everything else was pretty shit but the movies were not.
t. gigaincel
It's China's strict censorship policy. Just last week a highly anticipated show got cancelled just 2 hours before it airs. No fun allowed.
i miss subversive works against the communist party
chen kaige yellow earth, i love the old flicks where they hold up a piece of cardboard and it's the opening credits showing the director and production company
farewell my concubine
recommend a specific movie instead
Larks on a String
Lemonade Joe
Closely Watched Trains
Are the simple pleasures of life not enough for you? Are common goods not good anymore? I suppose that instead of watching a sunset, you'd rather fly a rocket into the Sun for the rare and and extreme spectacle of it.
will watch the films but doesnt change the chinese movies are still shit because of ccp. maybe one day after their doom and all the cancelled films and tv are released, we'll be able to see some modern chinese kino
Girls only pretend to like shit to get closer to chad.
Except maybe shopping, hardcore BL - yaoi and muh romcom starring generic chad 9000
I like seeing boobies bouncing
you have to realize all films are shaped politically and are like, an amalgamation or representation of some cultural and historical events from whatever country they came from
for example the current wave of chinese rom-coms are set mostly in high HDI chinese cities showing off their skylines and luxury cars and everyone has a nice job to boast about their rapidly rising economy
even the MCU marvel films, especially avengers endgame capt america was like the leader of the avengers when he'd do the "avengers, assemble" thing
you know, capt america, the guy from america being the one to lead these superheroes or demi-gods with superpowers from al over the universe
>implying this isn't kino
Does being a total faggot in a short shirt affect your social credit?
That's probably a straight dude, irc it's common practice to wear your shirt like that in china because the chinese are disgusting pigs
Based. Chinks need to learn their place in the hierarchy of races.
who is giving these people hammers?
i saw this all the time in hong kong
it's really hot and humid but they don't want to go shirtless or show nipples so they roll their shirts up
Roastie Disorder
Novoland: Eagle Flag
what are you trying to do here CCP shill?
I already know about american propaganda in their movies retard but it's not as bad as the CCP who literally control the type of content you're allowed to make.
Pls die
Trust me that they aren't submissive, except maybe in bed, but even then you can get a super aggressive one that takes control and fucks your brains out.
>Give a white man a hammer and he will build a civilization for other men to destroy
Its called being a teenager. Have sex.
I dont know what worse,
Get boner in public when see women like that, or puke when see that twink insect
I prefer xianxia kino.
>no bugman Chinese driver runs them over and drives off
Are you sure this is China?
The pink ond? Meh
the black one? yeah
i'm no a shill the last chink film i seriously watched was Hero in 2001 where it turned me off films from china for good because it was pure CCP/one-nation pandering, but thinking any country is clean from films being political is flat out wrong
films by its nature are OG propaganda vehicles and have been for however long they've been around and denying this is hypocritical
My nigga
I have sex,what now faggot?
Now it's time to stop lying, user
I want a chink gf, any tips?
Btw i’m white
I did,it was disappointing and i asked myself if there was more to life and why i spent my time blindly pursuing it
Reminder that if you're white and American, you can have any of these bitches for life. Just make sure you get them a green card.
Say "Taiwan=China" for mainland gf
Say "Taiwan=/=China" for Taiwan gf
we all know films can be propaganda vessels but there's a difference between subtle idealogical propaganda and active censorship and cancelling films that dont toe a specific party line
do you see the difference?
just turn off the screen and walk away
How to tell the difference?
If you are in China, say the first one. If you are in Taiwan, say the second. If you are in neither, ask.
Jia zhangke has made a career of movies about dismal chinese lives and is not only state approved but now state backed.
You sound like red scare retards accusing the soviet union of killing art while the cia and jews hijack your film industry.
>give the jew a hammer and he will cry out in pain as he smashes your teeth in
Good job proving his point
state approved because china stronk, was shit but now china stronk thanks to CCP
I'm surprised no one in this video came in and slapped them
ok I laughed
i'd like strictly historical chinese kinos that aren't martial arts shit. Something in the Tang or Song dynasties would be great.
>kills/ silences/ forces into exile half their middle class, intellectuals, creative people
>in the 60s and 70s when the west's culture is blooming
no offence culture
that pic is japan though. Japan was booming in the 60s/70s now they're a cultural backwater after their recession.
It's called being a woman.
Asians can't produce new ideas, they always copied others. Look at them, they are all look like one man. They copy even each other.
>t. coping chimp
Yeah, like the way they copied gunpowder and making tea from the west, right?
>9th grade girls are universally hot everywhere except Japan
China go to sleep
they can also put rice on fish
have sex r/asian incel
And nothing is wrong with that. Wish we could do that looking at the spread of liberalism throughout western society.
They're a hivemind, in possession of a collective consciousness, and thus do not have the breadth of imagination that individuality affords the rest of us.
Kek. Arabs made great progress in algebra too, but they are all sandniggers now. Asians are the same. Their prime is over. 'muh gunpowder' what is this, 1500?
Remember that time you contributed to society and didn't try to take credit for the things people that just happened to have a similar skin tone as you did.
whites didn't build a single civilization in history, they stole every civilization they encountered
but seriously, bland, formulaic, soulless, hollywood flicks haven't got anything intrinsically american, they could be produced anywhere
the thing is, the richest country in the world already cornered the market. but no for long
>cultural backwater
you're downright retarded. jap animation and vidya is more popular than ever
Laughing in Britain, Europe and USA. Go live in a non white country. You can join India, China, Mexica or various niglet states of Africa if you believe they got civ building right. Fucking lol
Go to an international film festival for once in your life
Are you saying the 80s when the bubble burst was peak Japan and they had no cultural relevance to Asia or the rest of the world after?
Are you fucking retarded and think you're posting on Digg? Obviously not reddit since that was influenced by 2chan and Yea Forums.
but that means you don't even get tea and gunpowder. you better be one handsome motherfucker then haha.
All Asians do is imitate
>posting from first world white country via white man developed smartphone using white man creation 'the Internet' in a white man spoken language
and just who the fuck are you?
Which is why Mario and Sonic are less popular than Crash Bandicoot and Master Chief
i'm the joker baby!
China suffers from the same thing that India does, but tot a lesser extent: They try reaaaaaallllly hard to be Hollywood, and they overact and it looks terrible
that also sounds like america lmao. Makes sense considering how China follows in the US' footstep.
not a tits man, but that jiggle is fascinating
i would still fuck all of them in that pic
I'm going to need some sauce here. Please forgive my phone posting.
Name movie topics that can't be made in the US due to politics because there sure is "soft censorship" here too.
Thats not even close to how surfing works.
>think creatively
>get shot
Yeah, I'm thinking that's probably why.
>creative freedom
I'm dying. what is that from?
popcorn flicks are gonna become objectively better in the next few years, when china inevitably replaces america as the main producer of them
master chief and crash bandicoot are superior to sonic and fucking mario. Mario is a fucking italian plumber, I guess its just marketing.
Mario and sonic fans are the purest form of adult autism. Crash is just goofy/cute/funny, and master chief is a action figure/hero. Sonic and mario is just autismo
Stop bumping this thread and get your incel ass back to /r9k/, white boy.