These are the best looking things to come out of the Star Wars franchise since the Disney buyout, and they both have one crucial thing in common.
Can you tell what that thing is?
These are the best looking things to come out of the Star Wars franchise since the Disney buyout, and they both have one crucial thing in common.
Can you tell what that thing is?
The game looks rather bland.
>Takes off helmet
>It's another young frizzy haired mulato girl
>Oh God, oh God! We've fucked up our franchise! Whatarewegoingtodo?!!
>Quick, toss out some fanbait. White male leads and shooty stuff.
>the Disney buyout
Star Wars has been terrible for a long time. Are we just going to ignore the fact that it was licensed to Family Guy and Kinect dancing games?
At least while Disney owns the property, shit like that won't be happening.
If only you 'MALES' will rid yourself of such toxic masculinity ideas deep pervasive unconscious idea! Then we and only then will the world be ready and accepting of EQUALITY!
^100% a bot A fagbot. A real robosexual.
>He hasn't seen the leaked content
This but I'm in no way pretending it's a bad thing
Thanks Mr. Shilk.
More Disney capeshit I'll skip for me. :^)
I saw a shakeycam recording of part of an episode. It looked like a fan film.
that Jedi game looks like garbage
It looked dull at worst. I don't see how it cult be considered garbage
They are about characters who have no ties to the Skywalker soap opera.
I'm sure black side kicks will make these things tank hard and I can't wait for it.
I shove my toxic masculinity up ur mums pussy every nite mate. She screams a lot but she don't complain lol
They're really milking this franchise aren't they?
Welcome to 1999
souless game with no innovation whatsofucking ever
Armored characters with full helmets covering the ugly faces?
they aren't movies
What leaked content
looks like you outed yourself bud
fuck nu wars and fuck you.
I hate "those" people so gosh darn much
>White male leads
Mutt male leads
looks cheap as fuck, kill yourself shill
>Fallen Order
Imagine thinking the most generic and boring looking shit I've seen in the past 5 years looks good, holy FUCK
>strong nigger women
I don't care what's between that thing's legs, I wanna fuck it.
Kill yourself faggot scum