Kinos about technological dystopias?

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I actually unfucked my shit by getting in shape, getting a car, and getting a job but I severely messed up by having zero online presence outside of anonymous imageboards. It's very difficult out there because even if a girl is interested and you pull out your flip phone to take down her number she changes completely, and telling them you don't have social media gets them to ghost you. I can't just make social media accounts though because I don't have any friends so I'm in a tough spot and nearing 25 so it's all over for me.

the internet would allow you to meet more women than in previous years, but you bitch about it instead. loser.

I don't even have a phone number. I love seeing peoples' reaction when I tell them the only way of contacting me is by email (or Steam I guess), they look at me like I'm an alien.

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Yeah I don’t have social media but I have a smart phone, is it that big of a hinderance? I’m sure if I put effort in I could get some girls to think I was attractive but I’m way to afraid of being seen as the outcast reject that I am. No social media, no friends, nobody really cares about me. I’ve got no social proof.

people still go to bars?

Your best case scenario is just sex unless you luck out with a true introverted girl. Social stuff is so important and I completely missed the boat on it. She wants to be able to show your account to her friends and brag, and have all of your followers follow her too. Our lives are so foreign to them that they can't comprehend it and it makes them very uncomfortable. They can't figure out what enjoyment I get out of sitting in an empty house night after night exchanging messages with people I'll never know the name of.

>be in group project at uni
>tell them I don’t have Facebook but they can contact me by phone so we can collab
>”user you don’t have Facebook? That’s really weird”

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I just don’t want to make social media accounts so they can track me and build online profiles. They use to say keep your information private but not now

Just make a messenger account.

they used to say gender roles were a social construct but now if you deviate from them you get your cock chopped off, things change

This is an introvert's dream, though. Trust me, randomly meeting bitches in bars isn't any more organic or soulful.


make a facebook you dweebs jesus.

As a twenty year old single male I think its very hard to find a girl who's actually interested in open source software. I've had girls jokingly ask to "Netflix and chill" but when I tell her that I don't use Netflix since Netflix requires proprietary software to stream content, they stop talking to me. And worse if they do stay they think I'm weird since I blocked google IP's in my host file and we can't even watch youtube. I can't ever seem to get girls to come over to my place and I can't text them either. Once I get their numbers since I've added customs roms to my phone and refuse to use sms since it's a security concern I require all of my friends to download a free and open source messaging app and I share with them my public gpg key so that we can verify that our conversations are secure. None of my friends are willing to do this. And I can't use sites like tinder since it's not only proprietary software but a major privacy vulnerability. How come it is so hard to find a girl concerned about software freedom. I feel like I'm going to be a virgin forever.

Yeah but it’s so fucking hard to get any matches, if you’re a 4 you should be with a 4 and instead end up with nothing.

>All the free sex I got from MSN chatrooms in early 2000.

You Zoomers missed out.

True, introvert genes will benefit from this.

Everyone I have any desire to communicate with can contact me easily through other means. Why would I make a Facebook account so I can be advertised to and have my data stolen for no realistic gain?

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i met my wife on omegle

Which tag?

men seeking men

all those qts all around the world.. it's great

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#bwcsluts (she's asian).

rando chat

quit forcing this shitty thread

the last one sucked and this one is even worse

Give them your address so they can write you.

>user you don’t have Facebook? That’s really weird”

It is. Even the government thinks so, and uses the lack of social media as an indicator in their threat matrices.

In my experience, the only people I've met without a Facebook have been the exceptionally smart and sex offenders. No overlap, btw.

but user I'm not a smart person

the exceptionally smart are sex offenders that never got caught

I have a penpal with whom I exchange hand-encypted letters. You need to find a girl like that.

haha does she use pusy juice as invisible ink that would be crazy wouldn't it haha

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Ew, gross. No. We use pens and paper.

I have no success in online dating, I've had to delete the apps because my confidence is eviscerated

My friends haven't helped me either. I'm becoming more and more convinced I'm exceptionally ugly

just buy followers lol
>tfw no bf

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You're probably fine. But women on dating sites grade on such an obscene curve, it's virtually impossible to find success.

I guarantee you're perfectly average which unfortunately today is a death sentence.

How is met through friends dropping? Isn't that the most basic way you meet people outside of explicitly seeking them out on a dating site?

This is who you're competing with.

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People don't have friends anymore.


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Its not just a social faux pas either. I recently got hired and the HR Stacy who hired me straight up told me one day that she was really worried when they couldn't find anything about me on social media. They thought my department was interviewing some weirdo.

>Just b yourself haha

Sadly true. I used to think I was weird for having few if any friends. But it's becoming clear that that's the new normal. I have three male millennial roommates. From outward appearances, they're normal. But none of them socialize. They come home from work or school and stay in their rooms.

Real introverts are uncomfortable even in virtual settings. Real life is way easier

This guy is literally just a more handsome version of me. I've got the same hair/brows/eyes/body, and big ass head

>As a twenty year old single male I think its very hard to find a girl who's actually interested in open source software. I've had girls jokingly ask to "Netflix and chill" but when I tell her that I don't use Netflix since Netflix requires proprietary software to stream content, they stop talking to me. And worse if they do stay they think I'm weird since I blocked google IP's in my host file and we can't even watch youtube. I can't ever seem to get girls to come over to my place and I can't text them either. Once I get their numbers since I've added customs roms to my phone and refuse to use sms since it's a security concern I require all of my friends to download a free and open source messaging app and I share with them my public gpg key so that we can verify that our conversations are secure. None of my friends are willing to do this. And I can't use sites like tinder since it's not only proprietary software but a major privacy vulnerability. How come it is so hard to find a girl concerned about software freedom. I feel like I'm going to be a virgin forever.

I love this post.

you sound like a tranny trying to cope with the fact that they won't be an anime girl

Get into mortuary/funeral services. It will become very profitable in this coming decade.

I'm saving this as pasta and I encourage more of you to do the same.

>zero online presence
Your life:

Did they steal this bit from Yea Forums?

>this guys a ghost sir

i fuck 2-3 girls a week using a suite of thotting apps. ama

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Altered Carbon

Can't think of that many off the top of my head. Try reading books.