I just want to go out with my Comrades shooting irradiated dogs.
/RBMK/ Chernobyl General
What’s the difference between Ukraine, Belarus and Russia?
About 30Gy at worst.
Dyatlov did absolutely nothing wrong.
>Aleksandr G. Lelechenko
>Former Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant electrical shop shift leader;[14] at the central control room with Kukhar; at the moment of explosion just arrived to the block 4 control room;[13] to spare his younger colleagues radiation exposure he himself went through radioactive water and debris three times to switch off the electrolyzers and the feed of hydrogen to the generators, then tried to supply voltage to feedwater pumps; after receiving first aid, returned to the plant and worked for several more hours; died in a Kiev hospital
How could Mazin not cover this absolute unit boomer chad???
Ukrainians worship pigs
White russians worship potatoes
Russians worship dwarfes
Different flavors of Slav
Big Daddy Dyatlov
>Uhhhhh I wasn't there I was taking a shit
What a moron
Ukrainians glow
Can't say if this is really his fault, but he is so hot.
Why was germany called Russia but with a P?
Still here for a while, happy to answer nuclear questions.
>2.5 kRads
>I'm OK, Let's go back XDD
Absolutely based. He probably wanted to get the most from the time he had left before ASR kicks in.
Why were they buried this way if they weren't actually a danger, /RBMK/?
>Comrade Dyatlov, can you please record this in the logboo-
>receives enough rads to kill 5 man
>goes back in for more
What an absolute unit, I think he has earned core chans affection
did they just have lead coffins ready? where the fuck do you buy lead lined coffins??
The way he dramatically chewed was so annoying.
Was there even anyone that chickened out?
Radioactive dust was still in their lungs?
Why is there a lot of fanfics and arts about Legasov and Shcherbina, but nothing about Dyatlov except memes? He also deserves love! inb4: no
>That fucking sexy wonky eye
>He also deserves love!
HBO fell for Soviet memes, trying to pin shit on him
Would you have sacrificed yourself for uncle sam, amerisharts?
No, I only die for Israel
Why was 700 MW a preliminary condition to start the safety test? Assuming the grid went offline for whatever reason, wouldn't reactors be picking up the diesel generators at 3200 MW or 1600 MW (50% of the power)?
Thread sucks, needs miners
Only if I'm pumped up after the reactor dance.
>Why was 700 MW a preliminary condition to start the safety test?
Was it?
what kind of stipend would you accept for wading through the radioactive water, lads?
They want the failsafes to work under less than ideal conditions.
I would still give him a hug.
And probably a kiss.
Vodka and sausage
I would do it for free, as long as I got to spend the entire time with Akimov :3
Because they already knew it would work at higher output. 700MW is the lowest end of what they'd normally be outputting, and would be the worst case scenario point for a power failure.
It'd be like crash testing a car above the speed limit. It wouldn't be moving that fast normally, but it could happen so it had to be accounted for.
>Be most likely dying a horrible death within a month
You would need to have a loving family in order to care for a stipend.
They'd of saved themselves a whole lot of unnecessary suffering if they had just jumped into the core right then and there, like a real man.
Are there any nerds in here that can explain the roles of prompt and delayed neutrons in nuclear reactors? It seems prompt are bad and too fast to control but delayed are controllable?
has anyone drawn core chan yet
Yeah, like a week ago too.
Oh no, is Ricardo going to die soon? We already lost Aniki, I can't handle it if he goes.
not great, not terrible
Kind of. You want to limit the amount of prompt neutrons because if they're not controlled, all the fuel will fission almost immediately and you've just made a bomb. But they're necessary because otherwise, the only fission will come from delayed neutrons, which don't emit often enough from anything practically useable as a fuel to create and sustain fission.
So you have to aim for the Goldilocks fission material, where there's enough prompt neutron generation to start and sustain fission, but not too many.
prompt is a product of uranium fission
delayed is a product of daughter products decaying via neutron decay
>series is over
My Monday is ruined comrades
thank you anons, I'm a bit late to the party
what happens to you if you've been to an area where radiation is common
what about if you touch a seat or doorknob where radiation has been on
and what if you're in a public place around people who've recently had radiation
so i've been reading a lot of pdfs about chernobyl and one thing has really interested me about the control rods. we all know the graphite tips were bad and all. but im reading that even when they scrammed the core it was too late because the control rods couldn't even be sent all the way into the core to do anything. apparently it was already too late and the channels were already warped and bent from the immense pressure so the control rods got stuck before they weren't even halfway in. when the same thing happened at ignalina they averted disaster because they got their rods (which were also graphite tipped) all the way down int time. they tried to "cut" the rods so they would drop by gravity alone but even that didn't work because the channels were already fucked.
You're welcome. I serve the /RBMK/
Kinda wish they showed Akimov's melted off face. It's better for the show that they didn't, I think, but I love some body horror.
But they could at least go partway, and having boron tips exposed would temper the reaction, rather than having only graphite tips exposed and accelerating it.
>leave core-chan to me
we die exclusively for israel and israeli interests, so no.
The answer to all 3 is it depends how much radiation and what type of radiation it was.
This is amazingly irreverent. I love it.
Neutron radiation will make stuff radioactive by adding neutrons onto atoms thereby making them unstable radioactive isotopes.
So does radiation makes your body decay faster? What happens if they looked down on the reactor hole for an hour straight, would their faces just melt?
what does the chamber pot say
No, it stops your body from working. You'll decompose pretty fast as soon as your cells stop doing shit.
>But they could at least go partway
i'm reading they didn't even go that far. when az-5 was pressed the rods had to travel about 7 meters down into the core and they didn't even make it past 2.5 meters because the channels were already warped and thus the rods were jammed with nothing to be done.
How does one get into such a field?
Because they were practically walking reactors themselves, those buried in such a way were directly exposed to the core soon after the explosion happened.
The point was to run things in an absolute worst case scenario to see how well the reactor could handle it, people knew the RBMKs weren’t designed to be at such low levels for long but I don’t think anyone involved would have imagined it would have ended the way it did.
Two of those guys are still alive and well, and ironically being in that water was a huge advantage for them. Think of it as a sort of conductor for the radiation, basically “diluting” it in a way to where it isn’t as lethal as it would have been without it. They were pretty much the safest out of most if not all the liquidators, but they’d be fucked without that gear though.
Something about tripfags.
the reactor whore was in excess of 30,000 R/h. an acute dose of 10,000 R or more can cause immediate death
So the first stage of damage from radiation is the burns. Sunburn is basically radiation damage, from UV radiation. So, if you scale that up by hundreds of times, that's the initial effect. Massive blistering burns all over any exposed skin. Then the problem is ionizing radiation fucking up your white blood cells, which means your immune system ceases to exist. You now have, functionally speaking, HIV. And massive open burns all over your body.
its Zinc. thos can be made in a few days
what book is this from comrade?
"food set aside specifically for the tripfag"
I studied Nuclear Technology at university. I then joined the military. I'm out now, thank fuck.
Anyone have any links to those pics of the girls apparently thotting it up on the chernobyl tours?
There should be Emmy's for Best Facial Expression. This is fucking captivating. This face conveys so much. He's a man on a death march committing suicide on orders from a dickhead bureaucrat. He knows he's done the second he stepped outside possibly sooner but any hope he had was obliterated instantly when he gazed over the edge. Absolute kino.
Ukraine is Tatar rapebaby
Russia is Mongol rapebaby
Belarus is Lithuanian rapebaby
>reactor whore
Take this hot head to the infirmary.
Should have imagined you were talking about the Army. 74D, right? Navy may have nukes but that isn’t exactly the same thing, they work mostly on shit like the reactors themselves.
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Sorry, this thread is for pure slav bromance and core-chan.
Thanks. How do they limit the amount of prompt neutrons? Is that done with control rods and water or is it more about having the right fuel?
>Sorry, this thread is for pure slav bromance and core-chan.
Wanted to show show frens the craziness of them. ;_;
The bald guy from GoT would win it tho
>if only you knew how good things used to be
Nah. Overacting almost as subtle as the reactor explosion.
My country's equivalent of 74D, yeah.
The former, mostly. Back in the early days, it was all about finding the right fuel, but now we've more or less tried all the options and the fuel we use now is the best options we have.
if radiation is so good at killing, why hasn't anyone ever made a radiation gun
All your cells need DNA to repair and replace themselves. High dose ionising radiation just tears apart your DNA but largely leaves your cells (apart from very surface where you can get burns) intact.
Problem is your cells are fine to begin with but they can no longer replace themselves when they die. So you decompose.
Skin replaces itself every few days, now cannot so your skin falls off.
GI tract replaces itself constantly especially stomach. Now cannot so you get awful vomiting and diarrhoea as well as your own stomach acid melting you.
The bastardly thing is your Brain cells, pain receptors and heart dont replace themselves normally, so the only things really staying normal while your body breaks apart is your nervous system keeping you conscious and feeling every second of pain, and your heart which can keep your brain alive.
Don't fuck with that. Those 2 should have jumped into the core.
The guy who burned his hand was taken away and didn't get long exposure like the rest of the firefighters and recovered. Very lucky guy.
>doesn't know about the russian agent that was killed with polonium gun.
>punished sitnikov
>a man denied by his own
'Chernobyl Notebook' by G. Medvedev (reproduced the US Dept. Of Commerce)
But user said in last thread that a radioactive body is not a danger. So Why the zinc and concrete on top of that?
I give this erection 3.6 out of wait why is my dick falling off?
A dirty bomb?
So your face would basically burn up if you give extreme radiation to only that body part? Or it doesn’t matter if it’s isolated and your whole body will start having burns?
>Don't fuck with that. Those 2 should have jumped into the core.
Exactly. See
dirty gun
How is that overacting?
Any part of your body that was exposed to the radiation. Gamma burns will go through anything, and essentially will burn you all the way through. Beta burns will only be skin-deep and will look and feel like sunburn. Alpha burns can happen, but it'd require an alpha emitter being inside your body, and it would burn your organs from the inside.
Congrats, user, you've hypothesized "take the door off a microwave oven"
why is he so great? it's not fair, fuck fomin.
I think it affects bodies differently. Akimov and Toptunov got irradiated the same way, and Akimov's face decayed
The Alpha radiation is what causes burns as it only penetrates the very superficial skin and damages it directly.
Beta and gamma pass into your body and destroy your DNA. So you only get burns on parts of skin directly exposed to radiation source, but will get Radiation sickness from it moving into your body
microwaves don't eye&eyes
Seriously? That would make a good Ilya Repin painting. Something to hang right next to Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan.
user please don't do war crimes.
He's just an okay actor, honestly.
I don't see it, he's just frowning. It's almost a blank expression.
Gomrade Spardenigov go do the vend blog roof ids safe lol :DD
why don't they just make a reactor that uses non-radioactive fuel
delete this
They do
It reacts fuel with fire and boils some water to spin some bois and make electricity
>hey we need to make an amalgamation character to honor all the scientists who worked with Levasov
>lol OK, let's make her (of course her) absurdly brilliant, undeniably moral, and completely unbearable to watch due to her self-righteousness and naivety, also she never has anything bad happen to her except the meanie gubbermint locks her up for like twelve hours
i'm scared of chernobyl i wanna watch the series but im dead scared of radiation whyyyy
ARS Man. It completely fucks up the chromosomes, that's the really ugly thing here. The 21 pairs they get shattered, disassembled, randomly reassembled. It's now unusable, "unreadable", the body loses it's blueprint. It's dna has changed.
So in the case of the burns, it's not just insane injuries, it's that the skin completely stops from regenerating itself after a while. Why? Because it lost the blueprint found in the chromosomes. The same phenomenon happens in every single biological system of the anatomy, at the same fucking time. Liver stops regenerating it self, inner layer of stomach same, veins and capillaries start to decay and actually disappear too. Every single cell is obeying the commands of a completely destroyed dna.
We can begin treatment of some symptoms like the burns, but modern medicine is unable to cure the genetic damage.
what do you mean "scared" by radiation? the show won't fucking irradiate you by watching it, what's to be scared of?
40% of women in the USSR were scientists
>absurdly brilliant
That much is a given when it's a hybrid of hundreds of the best scientists of a nation.
Have sex.
3 is still my favourite episode, largely due to miner chad
Don’t be a careless retard like everyone involved in the design of RBMK reactors and you’re fine. Don’t be scared of it, respect it. You’re bombarded by it on a daily basis.
>a careless retard like everyone involved in the design of RBMK reactors
Funny, because there's a high likelihood its designers were smarter than everyone you know. Certainly smarter than you.
>This time there was no dragging me away. I stayed with him right to the grave. Though I can’t remember the coffin, just a big plastic sack. That sack … In the mortuary, they asked, ‘Do you want to see what he’ll be wearing?’ Yes! They put him in his dress uniform, with the service cap on his chest. They didn’t pick any shoes out because his feet were too swollen. He had balloons for legs. They had to slit the dress uniform too, they couldn’t pull it on his mess of a body. All just one gory wound.
>The last two days at the hospital, I’d lift his arm and the bone would be all wobbly, hanging loose, the tissue falling away from it. Pieces of lung, lumps of his liver were coming up through his mouth. He was choking on his own innards. I’d put a bandage on my hand and slip it into his mouth, scoop it all out … You can’t describe it! There are no words! It was too much to take. This was my sweetheart, my love … Not one pair of shoes would fit him. They put him in the coffin barefoot.
Everyone here who ever designed shit that blew up and irradiated half of Belarus raise your hand.
(Doesn't raise my hand)
smokes. lets go.
Haha, sure buddy, I believe you meant to say 40% of scientists were women *
he's in shock, get him out of here
Precisely. You could never even dream of designing a reactor that powered a notable fraction of the entire world. You can't even design a good shitpost.
The metal coffins shown were actually zinc, and was done by tradition not because of radioactivity. However the inside of the wooden box inside the coffin was lined with lead plates
Cause that user doesn't know what he's talking about.
I suppose you’re not fully wrong considering they managed to make blowing up a reactor by the design itself possible. That certainly must take a lot of brain power to do, especially in a time where much more reliable and safe reactors were already developed. Quite the achievement really.
Russia had large stocks of zinc coffins and had already been using them for years to bury their dead from the Afghan war.
They called them "Zinky Boys" or "The Boys in Zinc"
>I was on the toilet
>you clearly were not
Dyatlov vs the minerchad, who wins? An unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
>Akibitch was useless
Why did Mazin try and make him sympathetic again?
How are the russians even going to try and spin Chernobyl as something the US did, have Dyatlov be the longest running undercover agent?
russians commies and officials are very butthurt about the show, it's a great sight
you sound like a clinton kike
the virgin dyatlov:
>cuck to the communist party officials
>despite years of experience still had multiple nuclear accidents under his belt, once got a dosage of more than 200 rem
>no one really liked him
>day shift was a more experienced team, he only took hold of the experiment through sheer luck
>looks like a rip off joaquin phoenix joker
The Chief Chad Miner:
>respected by and cares for his men, doesn’t act like an omnipotent god towards them
>tells the minister of coal to either tell them why they’re going to chernobyl or to fuck off and shoot them all, none of the miners back down
>agrees to go only because should what they fear the most happen their actions will save countless lives, even at the cost of their own
>strips down completely save for the hat as they all know they’re fucked with or without the clothing, yet his main concern lies with having his fellow miners looked after once they’re done
>total bro with them despite being the bossman, gained his position through experience and hard work, literally the ideal proletariat of the soviet union
>knows the situation and system he is in is fucked, but still realizes he has a job to do
>freely jokes about the soviet union, knowing those kgb pussies won’t do shit against him for fear of his chad miner body
Funny that you, in your bottomless ignorance, chose that argument of all the stupid shit you could have said.
RBMK is the oldest civilian reactor type still in active use. None of these older "much more reliable and safe" reactors you imagined are still in use, because frankly all of them were just test prototypes, not something to be used for power generation. Many newer reactors also have had much shorter service life.
they're already branding it as fake propaganda because the helicopter crashed differently or some shit. animals in human form
fuck you shill
Midnight in Chernobyl or Chernobyl 01:23:40, which one should I read first?
fume harder niglet
who was the MOST at fault and why was it pic related?
Why did he tell Dyatlov he was getting promoted and was considering promoting Sitnikov? Why bother fucking wth Dyatlov like that?
Dyatlov has a karate advantage
why does victor brukhanov look jewish
based smokeposter
maybe he is
he kinda missed who he was aiming at with the binder toss
I wanna be like the miners
how do I become based like the miners
work in a coal mine
alternatively, marry a coal miner's daughter
I serve the Soviet Unionfree vodka
Meet the actual black skinned Chernobyl liquidator
Breathe coal dust for 20 years
Just marathoned the series. Wow was it good. I cant say there was any part I disliked.
What was your favorite scene from each episode? Im just about to rewatch the first episode.
>have a union job that has a high demand and low supply of workers
>Why did he tell Dyatlov he was getting promoted and was considering promoting Sitnikov? Why bother fucking wth Dyatlov like that?
This was the nature of commie hierarchy. The only ones trying to do anything were those striving for promotion. The rest were satisfied slacking off because they didn't give a fuck, firing someone because he was an incompetent piece of shit was unheard of, nor was cutting their pay.
Sitnikov is also the clear choice for the promotion. He was incredibly dedicated to his job, great at it too and the day shift boys he worked with loved him. Fomin is a rat.
>naked miners
ep 1: delusion posting, iodine qt, core-chan
ep 2: >five years
ep 3: pizza time, big guy miners
ep 4: pachoposting, biorobots
ep 5: karate dyatlov, court memes, beautiful buggo
Dying for America is dying for Israel. America is Israel's dog.
Develop the balls that laborers in socialist countries have. Western laborers are the opposite and are cycled af.
What's a job I can get at a nuclear power plant with no relevant degree or experience in the field?
oh shit whaddup bug
>Why bother fucking wth Dyatlov like that?
Obviously because he wanted to spur Dyatlov on with the promise of a promotion to make sure the test got done 'at all costs', to satisfy the higher ups and earn his own promotion.
did they make any attempt at picking older biorobots that already had kids and were more ready to not be alive anymore? Or was it mostly just young dumbos?
anyone got more valeris?
Young dumbos. They had many problems but people not having kids wasn't one of them.
I like to imagine that the Russian version of the show is just the same thing 1:1 but at the end they just show that he actually was on the toilet the whole time
I assume it's the same strong young men that sign up for military service every year. Just because you're 18, young, strong, dumb, and want some shekels to blow on alcohol doesn't mean you're immune to being sent off to die.
A lot of the liquidators were conscripts and reservists, old geezers wouldn’t really work too well with what they were doing, especially when dealing with the shit on the roof. You’d want people who can move as fast as they can on top of being able to shovel all that graphite over the ledge.
He just kept getting shit on in the show IoI
Just get every soviet citizen that already has cancer and have them work for 5 minutes
According to most accounts he was a pretty pathetic yes man in real life as well, even tried to kill himself with his glasses before the trial
Those weren't the liquidators, the liquidators were the guys digging soil, cleaning trees and killing animals
Only way to get a russian to work is to bait with promotions or threaten with gulag
The actor looks more jewey but the real doesn't to me.
I know the Soviet State gets a lot of shit for being harsh and cruel, but what you’re proposing wouldn’t have flown there any more than it would in any other country on earth.
Anatoly I found this on the ground. could you possibly tell me what this is?
>tfw no radioactive gf
>hey, you already have cancer, how would you like to die a faster and more excruciating death and also tire yourself out shoveling graphite off the roof
>fuck you, what are you gonna do, shoot me?
It wasn't the Stalin era, killing people willy nilly wasn't the USSR style anymore
It was actually pretty fucking incredible casting t b h
>you are now aware that Dyatlov only served 3 years of his 10 year gulag sentence before being pardoned by the state
Giant pencils I think.
>When someone makes an image of the meltdown as a female, thereby creating an artistic expression of the beauty of such terrible artificial destruction
>Due to its popularity instantly sells-out and sexualizes a perfectly fine image
Who else thinks it's cute that the firemen wore mittens?
She clearly just got a sunburn. Did she actually think she got a nuclear tan?
Casting yes. Fuck the blue filter though.
did he die
Just tell doctors to not tell people they have cancer and mark them for recruitment instead
What's her endgame
if you get cancer from the radiation on the roof, couldn't you just go back up on the roof and irradiate the cancer away
play STALKER irl
Why the FUCK did they do this?
Full meltdown reaction is kino
kek I fucking loved that
>Just tell doctors to not tell people they have cancer and mark them for recruitment instead
Wonderful, you'll get 100 recruits maybe
Based kino show putting the final nail in nuclear energy shits too dangerous for anyone to handle.
He still sounds like Tony fucking Harrison
There are faster and easier ways to kill people know as gun, guns.
How do you all feel knowing that this drama is going to rewrite history for millions of normies who are going to think that the inner-facility reaction to the meltdown was similar to Dyatlov's?
Personally, I hate it
>shits too dangerous for ruskie retards to handle
Nah as many as they need, there was lot of people in the soviet union, about 3500 would get diagnosed every day.
I love the little "what?" Legasov makes.
>all the sacrifice and lessons learned was in vain
>instead we choke to death on coal because radiation scary, almost killed as many as in a single day of WW2
Bravo HBO
The Russians are the ones that used him and the other 3 as scapegoats so they’ll probably vilify him even more.
Really made me think
One and a quarter million Russians were not getting cancer every year. That number is bullshit.
imagine comparing radiation to coal
imagine burning coal
imagine being a COAL BURN ER
hehe xd
Yeah coal is way worse
I beg to differ, user
Imagine comparing shitty Russian subhuman reactors to efficiently made American western versions that have never exploded.
When we want to irradiate someone we use an actual bomb, like God intended.
Thats what countries use instead of nuclear because voters are sheeple who take a guaranteed risk of slow death before a small risk of sudden death
>Its the shitty russian doing a bad job!
Fukushima run by the precise japs same shit happened nuclear will destroy the planet.
Coal power plants increase background radiation more than nuclear power plants
chernobyl was supposed to be proof that nuclear engineers and coal miners can co-exist in peace
just ask yourself what based crew chief would do
One is raising global temperatures to civilization-ending levels and the other has only had three serious accidents in its history.
>I'm calling the police
Ruptured condenser lines, the feed water is mildly contaminated. She’ll be fine. I’ve seen worse.
>same shit happened
oh boy user, do some research before opening your mouth.
Fukushima had 0 impact, it was just clickbait hype because radiation scary
>0 impact
A person literally died and the radiation spread all across the globe to be found in foods.
>A person literally died
>A person literally died and the radiation spread all across the globe to be found in foods.
>a massive earthquake and tsunami is the same as a horribly mismanaged "safety" test gone wrong, stemming from multiple design flaws
here's your (You), you tankie nigger
>A person literally died and tuna has 0.0001 more rads than usual
In other words, 0 impact
I fear the show will cause the world to see nuclear energy like this.
Neither of those events are out of place in Japan and should have been accounted for. Not doing so is a design flaw.
cmon legasov sacrifice yourself for me.
cmon just forfeit your life and your family's.
I know I have nothing to lose and won't do anything with greater consequences than 8 hours in a cell but you gotta do this for me ok?
there is only so much you can account for you fucking retard
by your logic they should just fucking all abandon japan because they can't actually prevent those earthquakes or tsunamis
Fukushima already recently did that, relatively few people will even watch the show.
>literally died
>chernobyl happens
>fukushima happens
>spinach suddenly found to be causing cancer now
>kale causing cancer now
>lettuce causing cancer now
>tomatoes causing cancer now
>fish causing cancer now
>radiation found in bananas
i think they didn't tell us the whole story
we're fucked, aren't we
maybe not putting the generators at the lowest point of the facility would be a start dipshit
Even if the absolute worst happened and chernobyl went turbonuke killing 50 million people it would kill fewer people than the spanish flu
They could have built their nuclear power plants on the other side of the country that doesn't face massive tsunamis
>they should just fucking all abandon japan because they can't actually prevent those earthquakes or tsunamis
well, they should
it's a HBO show written by a swede, of course every female character will be infallible mary sues
Just finished this flick, RIP nuclear energy.
>plant was new and safety overengineered just like all modern 1st world power plants
>built to withstand high scale earthquakes
>nature: here's a 9.0 earthquake bro
>power goes out, wew good thing we have backup generators behind walls built to withstand 15 meter tsunamis
>nature: nothin personell, here's a 16 meter tsunami ;-)
do you know what long term consequences are? do you know radiation kills fucking everything not just people?
>plant was new
>first commissioned in 1971
It's directed by a swede, written by a mutt
It's directed by a swede, written by a racist
In the Russian version, a CIA agent ties up the real Dyatlov in the toilet. The agent then impersonates Dyatlov and gives all of the disastrous orders, including detonating the bomb connected to the AZ5 button.
Nah nature is fine, Hiroshima and Nagasaki is inhabited, plants and animals thrive in Chernobyl.
I mean Fukushima-Daiichi was designed with American technology but they were told in 1990 that the back up generators were dumb in a seismically active area and ignored it.
Say what you want about communism, but assuming you had a coffin factory, you could literally drop a bunch of zinc and lead sheets at the door and say "drop everything comrade we need these made yesterday or we will send you to siberia"
cutting edge cold war technology
at least it wasn't using graphite
Fuck him.
Dyatlov reminds me of so many shithouse corporate managers I've had to deal with over the years. Fucking company men who are too incompetent to do anything themselves and try and rule by fear. They end up losing most of their best coworkers -- or in this case, their nuclear reactor.
they were still radioactive
someone could dig up their asses to loot or to eat like dogs.
the firefighters stuff is still radioactive as fuck overloading ur G-M meter to shits
Next HBO series: Fukushima Daiichi
Smelling is not in the manual
why no ties?
The WHO puts early deaths due to out door air pollution at 4.2 million a year, dirty power generation is a big part of that. Nuclear power has the potential to economically and rapidly save millions as well as the climate.
> work causes cancer
> working causes cancer
Welcome, welcome to ChNPP Reactor 4. You have chosen, or been chosen to lower the control rods in my fine reactor core. I thought so much of Reactor 4 that I chose it to run Bryukhanov and Fomin's experiment 12 hours after the fact, in the power plant so thoughtfully built by the Party. I have been proud to be the night shift lead this evening. And so, whether you see graphite which you didn't because it's not there or you need to be escorted to the infirmary due to delusion, welcome to the ignited core. It's 3.6 Roentgen here.
>why no ties?
Tie = capitalistic noose.
The Japs were told in 1990 buy the American Nuclear Regulatory Commission that the back up generator set up was dumb and they did nothing, complacency on par with the Ruski.
>hey let's see how well the reactor does in a low-power situation
>reactor melts, kills thousands
>three mile island
>hey let's see how well the reactor does in a low-power situation
>reactor melts, permanently poisons every river in the area
>hey let's see how well the reactor does after an earthquake knocks out the power
>reactor melts, poisons the entire pacific ocean, hundreds of people die during cleanup and evacuation attempts
why are nuclear engineers so fucking retarded
>t. retard
Dude chernobyl had the cahnce of being Europe have 100% percent chance of being UNINHABITABLE. It's clearly not worth the risk
work hard play hard Susan.
Sure maybe nuclear energy proliferates and dozens of reactors are built across the states then for a couple of years or decades they all work. Then poof some poor management decisions cause the nuclear plant near my home to malfunction and create a death zone.
Its gambling with life why even take the risk.
>Dude chernobyl had the cahnce of being Europe have 100% percent chance of being UNINHABITABLE.
Based stroke poster
Akimov user a good user
really fires up the old neurons
Niggas like these are why we cant have democracy
Even then it was preventable, they were alerted to the short comings and didn't change it.
Chernobyl didn't melt, it exploded. The scale of the problem is entirely more extreme than three mile island and fukushima.
way to miss the point. nuclear engineers must be chronically suicidal to have been shown over and over again that lowering the power to a nuclear reactor invariably causes it to catastrophically destroy itself, and keep doing it anyway
It kinda did both, but yeah flinging shit everywhere via explosion does make it worse even though Fukashima still has molten fuel, bionerd was still finding pieces of fuel all the way in pripyat on the ground years after the cleanup, that's how contaminated the area is.
>Chernobyl didn't melt, it exploded.
it did both didn't it?
>It's clearly not worth the risk
It's worth the risk when your country doesn't create reactor designs with positive void coefficients and no containment shield. If America found through experiments that one of their reactor designs could explode under certain circumstances they wouldn't hide that fact, they would change the design.
that a wiki?
i love this user
Nuclear energy is a joke. Rather have the world covered in solar cells than have a plant near me.
it's don't
Same here, in California we have the san onofre titty nukes they had to stop using due to a radioactive steam leak or some shit, if those things were to blow up, we would have to dig the 5 freeway and push it somewhere else.
armchair scientists
Dyatlov interview with ENG subs.
>hey let's see how well the reactor does after an earthquake knocks out the power
>reactor melts, poisons the entire pacific ocean, hundreds of people die during cleanup and evacuation attempts
They didn't try used it, it was on shut, but the issue was they couldn't cool it.
Yeah but if it just melted they wouldn't have made a tv show about it.
Do you know how much area you need to cover in solar cells to match the output of nuclear energy? There is a reason France and Germany have comparable green energy outputs and France spends way less money. You say nuclear energy is a joke because you are a layman with no professional or academic experience with nuclear energy.
dude looks like a phucking gnatzee
solar cells costs more energy to produce then what it actualy produces lel
fuck off hippies
back to coal pollution get you lung cancer today
>the reactor was shut off but somehow it melted anyway
fucking retarded
>>reactor melts, kills thousands
it was only 31
>>reactor melts, permanently poisons every river in the area
>>poisons the entire pacific ocean
I'd rather die by coal slowly and knowingly then suddenly by nuclear.
why are you so adamant about nuclear power?
You sound like a douche pushing your agenda.
go back to sucking radioactive cobalt out of a drain pipe you fucking brazil monkey piece of shit
Yeah because mining uranium ore is 100% clean, no both fuels are dirty to obtain, but we can eventually make a shit ton of solar energy and use that to make even more solar panels.
Nuclear reactors built in the West literally can't explode. And I'm not doing a Dyatlov meme, the design of the reactors is built purposefully to avoid explosions thanks to the negative void coefficients unlike the ones at Chernobyl.
hello boomerfuel shills
Do reactors need fresh water?
Hey Suzy how are you tonight?
as opposed to what, saltwater?
no usually lake water is just fine
fuc that shit. the miner wins
No, for instance the reactors used in aircraft carriers and submarines use seawater. The water just needs to be coming in.
>our reactors can never ever ever explode!!!
okay retard
you know that's what they said about the RMBK too right
oy vey remember the 6 million cancer patients!
every stat above the baseline in eastern europe is a direct consequence of chernobyl!
t. greenpeace
I literally explained in my comment why the reactors in the West wouldn't explode. The worst case incident is a meltdown, and the reactors are built to mitigate that. Do you know anything about nuclear reactors?
considering that nuclear fission was invented by jews as a weapon to destroy whitegoyim with...
Hey Karen, do you still sell the essential oils?
okay retard
yeah, ok.
mind explaining to me how an RBMK reactor explodes buddy?
gib link to reactor documents i wanna add it to my collection of chernobyl stuff.
Are you gonna watch our russian responding series about Chernobyl? First episode probably will be in the next month
>I literally
>Do you know anything about nuclear reactors
are you setting those rods from your armchair?
> Chernobyl
The tests are important when done right. They were testing to see if the reactor would be SAFE if it had to be shut off from a low power situation but bottled the startup.
> Three Mile Island
Again it could have been worse if they had bigger another situation and found then they didn't have coolant. While not commercial, fishing and wildlife is thriving in the shadow of three mile.
> Fukushima
A massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami is not a deliberate test but one they failed to properly prepare for.
will it have women and minorities?
>responding series
why though. just make a better kino with your own sources instead of silly muh cia did it. show us more unsung heroes like lelechenko
when the kurchatov institute lies to the central committee, and the central committee lies to the kgb, and the kgb lies to the plant director, and the plant director lies to the chief engineer, and the chief engineer lies to the deputy chief engineers, and the deputy chief engineers lie to the shift supervisors, and the shift supervisors lie to the operators and the trainees, the reactor explodes
>it was only 31
I take you guys did a lot of academic study of reactors?
>"How it was really": Russia shot its version of the Chernobyl series
>In the center of the story will be a CIA officer Albert Lenz, and the main character will be Lieutenant Colonel of the military counterintelligence Andrei Nikolaev. He will try to stop a CIA agent and prevent an explosion at the Chernobyl NPP. Also, the creators claim that they will show the truth in the series and depict what actually happened at the Chernobyl NPP.
russians, everyone
did you study from Guggle University?
Ofc yes.
At least jews and caucasian people will be in the series, I believe
>Ofc yes.
But thats wrong 'Non Chern never had the capacity to make Europe 'UNINHABITABLE' thats just ignorant fear mongering. It would take a thorough campaign of radiological warfare to attempt such a feat. Chernobyl itself is far from uninhabitable.
He’s right though. Okuma was a stupid place to build the plant, it’s had plenty of tsunamis before.
In Soviet Russia Causasian is minoritie
Google University thread
but comrade chef there is no more core left
Your already gambling with everyone's lives you just don't acknowledge it. All power generation comes with a risk but fossil fuels is by far the worse for human life and the planet. Nuclear will only get safer and the power it can make available can be used for great things while fossils dwindle.
so it's okay to admit that the CIA illegally subverted dozens of entire countries, especially in south america, africa, and southeast asia, but how dare anyone even attempt to suggest that they may have done some dirty in ukraine, right
fuck off kike shill
But thats not true 'Non. Low power was safe and tested on the other reactors it was the out of safe procedure hacked start up after stalling the reactor that lead to the disaster. They where playing an unconsidered game of roulette/chicken with the control rods for the sake of expedience.
yes tovarisch american spy blow up reactor thank you for protecting motherland honor online
falseflag harder, fed kike
Coal production and plant disasters have and will always kill more people knowingly and suddenly than nuclear.
Chernobyl exploded spectacularly, smaller explosions accompanied the other disasters as is often the case with hydrogen and super heated steam.
Suicide risk maybe
Because people are so ignorant about yet it holds the best hope for humanities energy future. I'm a nuclear shill but only because I'm right.
>only because I'm right
you're not.
That is a safety concern with nuclear, you cant just turn of radioactivity and the set up wasn't passively cool like some modern designs.
>building a reactor that can't be turned off
What actually happened to her? She hasn't posted in ages.
You know while not advisable they used to dump way more nuclear material and conduct nuclear tests in the ocean.
Drink petrol fossil shill. Otherwise try and learn something that will better yourself not ignorant fear mongering.
seethe harder. cope HARD in your discord, tranny.
Made from what cunt, solar will always be more materially expensive and damaging to produce/manufacture than the energy dense and closed nuclear cycle. Ya know all that shit has to come from the ground.
M8 fix your brain, thats just text book; "I can't discuss reasonably so I'm just gonna ad hominem and hide in my shell". Please improve as a person.
you literally sound like a redditor kike. can't wait until you start wikipediaing 200 word essays at me and posting screencaps of your 50 bookmarked tabs of logicalfallaciesdotcom. go dilate yourself to death you fat tranny fuck
retard tourist lurk more before spouting memes you don't understand
literally a boomer shilling for globohomo fuel corps
Yeah I agree, check out Passive Nuclear Safety if your interested in next generation reactors.
pathetic samefag detected. you literally sound like a sargon tranny. your next post is 90% to start crying "muh /pol/ boogeymang!". kill yourself.
And your an ignorant cunt, I'd rather be a neckbead than an fucking loon. Av a good one ya mad bastard.