Make a documentary about Chernobyl

>make a documentary about Chernobyl
>don't show or even mention the famous elephant's foot

Fucking excuse me?

Attached: elephant foot.jpg (1000x656, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

le meme formation

Was that the "lava" that was going to supposedly destroy the other 3 reactors and destroy most of Europe or were they being overdramatic?

it would have made a giant explosion. like way more water were in those reservoir and the pressure built in there would have made the whole place explode shooting things even further away.

The russians used an AK-47 to shoot off a piece of the elephants foot to gather a sample to test.

Apperantly that couldn't have actually happened, but it's worth noting that the Soviets didn't know that at the time. It was a legitimate concern. The show sensationalized the situation a bit, but the fear of it happening was very real at the time

Based ak47 best rifle

Why show it? It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t terrible.

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>Under the reactor was a huge pool of water — coolant for the power plant. The continuous nuclear reaction, traveling in a smoldering flow of molten radioactive metal, was approaching the water.
>"If that happened it would have triggered a second steam explosion that would have done unimaginable damage and destroyed the entire power station, including the three other reactors," author Andrew Leatherbarrow wrote in an email to Tech Insider.
>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.

by "wiped out" it doesn't mean half of Europe would've been gone with the blast, but that half of Europe would be today an exclusion zone like Prypiat, only worse due to the radiation of four reactors, not just the one

Based and infirmarypilled. It's an interesting bit of trivia but it would serve no dramatic purpose.

>but that half of Europe would be today an exclusion zone like Prypiat

All of europe, because exclusion zones always get bigger over time due to radiation spreading from the weather.

In the epilogue, it told us what happened to every character and how they are doing today. It would have been perfect to show us what happened to the reactor, how the elephant's foot is still deadly radioactive and will be for decades. It's basically a personification of the plant, and a huge missed opportunity to not show us.

the show was good but there are too many retards now


go back to your capeshit. retards

the foot became an internet meme a few years back from some clickbait article. that is why normies are obessed with it.

there are far more polluted things around. hell, there are hotter things on the Hanford reservation.

>told us what happened to every character and how they are doing today
>no core chan information
Worst series ever

you're excused.

The core did explode

They didn't even show the Sarcophagus at all.


>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years
Where do these tabloid-tier scenarios keep coming from?

Was becoming a giant foot part of your plan?

It took some time before first expedition got in.

>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.

Yeah nah

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Various big oil-financed "environmental" groups

Is there anything a it can't do?

>t. big nuclear-financed "green" groups

It's intriguing that people keep complaining about this and the sarcophagus v1.0
I mean they are literally obsolete symbols. The foot isn't nearly as toxic and hot as it once was decades ago. And the rusty to shit sarcophagus from mordor is being dismantled under the new shiny sarcophagus v2.0 set to last for a century.

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Name five well-known pro-nuclear green groups

They probably could have stretched this out to a 10 part series. The building of the concrete sarcophagus around the building was interesting, but they left it out. There were also some noble acts by some other plant workers on the night of the explosion, but those were left out too.

I don't have a script of talking points in front of me like you do. Tell us who you work for lad.

that would have been sweet

The Elephant's Foot will be touring the US with his stage show "Best Foot Forward", which has received glowing reviews, with the New York Times calling the Elephants Foot "untouchable".

Core Chan lives on in our cancer cells, user.

Or the Complex Expedition.

i liked how they left out all the people who got imprisoned, tortured, and unpersoned for trying to find/report accurate information on how and why the reactor exploded. They were truly honored by their representation as a strong female who was detained for about a day.

Lmao nice cope you dumb oil shill

i keep seeing people say chernobyl was the perfect length but 1-2 more eps would let us see more stuff like this, more of the miners and we could have used more time on the robots/biorobots.

What more story could you tell with the miners and robot situation? They could have dragged it out, gone into more of the miners suffering I guess?

Not him but I wanted more of the liquidators, there was just a few seconds montages of diggers and stuff but they tore down entire forests, dug up hundreds of square miles of dirt and built a massive sarcophagus around the reactor building. They dedicated most of an episode to just killing dogs, it would be easy to show something of what the other liquidators went through during the years they spent cleaning up and containing the problem.

This, photo was taken long after the tv show.

It's trying to gain legitimacy and genuineness by avoiding all the "expected cliche" stuff and focusing on the lesser known details. It's like setting a movie in Paris and not featuring the Eiffel Tower in any way, since doing so would be a hack move.


they tried a lot more ideas to clean the roofs before deciding to kill 3600 people with radiation. also they decided not to install a cooling system and instead just filled the miner's hole with concrete. not to mention the KGB did a fuck of a lot more interfering than just detaining a strong woman for less than a day. All in all everything was just way too easy and less focused on how the government was the main obstacle to clean up.

>What more story
Could have spread it to how Chernobyl impacted the fall of the Soviet Union, beginning a S2 where it's the collapse of the Soviet system, with S3 the rise of Putin and continued decay of Russia, S4 the repopularization of Chernobyl and the wanderers who walk the forbidden grounds in search of some wealth not had in their hometowns, only to find unimaginable horrors have spawned.

Next HBO hit series.

That sounds like hot garbage and nothing to do with Chernobyl.

Nah, S4-6 comes back to Chernobyl where they have to figure out a way to destroy the elephant's foot before its ... strange powers eats Europe.

Fucking amazing potential for an alt history story. Imagine all of Europe becoming a hot zone like that. The impact in the world would be immense. It could be a series with a lot of backstory

your lack of world knowledge is showing. Not EVERYTHING is an internet meme. Some things have been around before the internet you loser.

The Elephant Foot is mentioned in the script. So perhaps if they recorded it will show up as a deleted scene when it gets its Blu-Ray release?

>>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.
not bloody likely

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>things have been around before the internet you loser.
Like any of that matters. Go home grampa

funny, considering the helicopter that crashed was helping build the sarcophagus.

Basically Elephant's Foot is like a mental virus capable of infecting anyone who is exposed to their random strings. This could be through the well-known 'cursed images' such as OP's, through a certain high frequency sound or even through the words themselves "Elephant's Foot."
The urban legend runs that after MKULTRA was dissolved the CIA continued to develop brainwashing and mood alteration tech in secret. With the rise of global digital communications came the advent of potential mimetic weapons, like 'The Parrot' from the famous sci-fi story or The King in Yellow or the lethal joke from Monty Python. Whether such was ever actually invented is unknown but predating this story was the belief in New Age circles that the body and mind were susceptible to infection by negative entities which specifically gained access to the vulnerable person through the solar plexus chakra.
I think the two stories merged in a certain corner of the internet. The term seems to be broad enough to describe any malign invasive force, which is how many people view mental illness especially if, prior to onset, they were 'neurotypical'.

God that would've been incredibly based. Why can't we live in that reality?

im not seeing that anywhere, your lack of anything is really upsetting.

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funny, considering how wrong you are.

What exactly would you do with it user?
>Oh theres this mass of corium down in the basement
>Cool, back to cleaning the roof
Literally serves no purpose

>and then it would have exploded instantly killing 6 million people. then everyone else in a 5000 mile radius would die in weeks and the area would be uninhabitable for like a billion years
t. green party shills who have enacted legislation actually killing europe through the imporation of niggers

Because it's a meme and it isn't that dangerous

Attached: The Elephant's Foot of the Chernobyl disaster, 1986 (1).jpg (1200x816, 260K)

this is obviously anti russian propaganda. it’s so obvious. liberals are in full cold war mode.

>Is there anything a it can't do?
Even the AK-47's lowly cleaning kit has about 15 different uses.

because its a shit show.

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The USSR did have a lot of female physicists though

>anti russian propaganda
At least get your own narrative straight, retard.

Help you form a coherent sentence.

Fucking zoomers trying to appropriate our trials and tribulations. Get your own 9/11, Chernobyl and Columbine massacres you lazy homos.

Anders Breivik and the australian memelord say hi.

>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.
And that's a good thing

>yfw walking on the sun naked, save for a helmet filled with black mambas is safer

>its not that dangerous
>posts an image that was raped by the radiation firing off it


Brevik is ours too.

>not zoomcore
Get your geriatric claws off of him you greedy fucks.

>not that dangerous
>when it gave people TEN MILES AWAY cancer

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that's the long exposure time and the only lighting being from a flashlight
because the guy taking the picture was alone and had to set up all the equipment himself

Just like AZ5 wouldn't possibly blow out the reactor, right?

in 1986 it was 10k rontgen
in less than 15 years it was below 800
it's totally safe bro

When I read the OP of this thread a person on TV said elephants foot at the exact same time as I read it.
Am I infected with the mind virus now? How do I fix it?

>don't show or even mention the famous elephant's foot
Why should they? Its already famous. Sit down and STFU.

Keep your head beneath the surface of a watery mass until you see Jesus. Only he can save you now.

I honestly hate the portrayal of Dyatlov, and also Sitnikov moment.

wtf, no way he survived

And outright lying for some dramatic effect.


No wonder they were shit

I was waiting for the sarcophagus episode, and was surprised when it ended without it

that's why they picked up the fucking graphite.
elephant's foot at 5 min mark

bretty cool video

And where's the lie?

'Half' of Europe is just the USSR. Literally nothing of value would have been lost. If the winds were favorable, maybe we'd have been so lucky that the fallout would race across the arid Shitholestans of Central Asia and into Gookland, too.

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why didn't they just shut the other 3 ?

The final scene should have been of a shot panning down towards the power plant. Eventually the text would read ‘Chernobyl Reactor 4 Status: A C T I V E. All while randy newman’s ‘I love LA’ plays.

Where did you get that crap from? The melted parts at the bottom of the reactor where the LFCM went through still fire up 1.800R/h. I doubt the Elephant Foot is anything less than that.

Give him a few minutes. He has to go ask his comrades what his response should be.

yeah, the world would be a far better place without russians and gookers..

Europoors should kill themselves.

>Fucking excuse me?

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90% of the Chernobyl TV show was fake. The entire show is propaganda to keep people scared of Nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is totally safe. Most of the people involved in the cleanup of Chernobyl lived.

A good example of the lies told by the show are the fact that people don't become contagious from radiation exposure. The lady's baby wouldn't have died from being exposed to the dad.

The "Bridge of Death" is a complete fabrication, its a myth. The show makes it seem like thousands and thousands of people died.

>"Neither of the workers died from radiation. One was killed by the rubble from the explosion and the other by thermal burns from the fire.
>Two weeks later, firefighters and first responders started to die. Having been burned in the fire appears to have played a major role.
>Two-thirds of the Chernobyl first responders who died had thermal (fire) burns in addition to having been exposed to extremely high levels of radiation.
>“In five cases, skin injuries [from thermal and radiation burns] were the sole cause of death,” concludes the UN report (p. 624). By contrast, “six patients who did not suffer fatal skin burns” survived.
>“Thermal fire victims often die because of infection,” Dr. Geraldine Thomas, professor of molecular pathology of Imperial College London, and Chernobyl expert, explained to me.
>“The skin is our best barrier to the microbes that kill,” said Thomas. "When you damage that barrier, entry into the body by pathogens is made much easier.”
>If the body of the man who propped open the door to the reactor hall really did bleed, it would have had to have been from the fire, or hot metal door, not the radiation."

I bet if you did some digging on the director or investments by HBO higher ups, you'll find they have money incentives to oppose Nuclear energy.

now there is no go zones for other reasons

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>he still thinks chernobyl is dangerous and nuclear material is harmful to humans

>Nuclear energy is totally safe. Most of the people involved in the cleanup of Chernobyl lived.
yeah, like 2 people died or some shit.
the nuclear scare scam has spawned some good intellectual property, but other than that it's just a giant fearmongering tactic that benefits the oil industry.

They had to fit in that ahistorical anti-Soviet propaganda, dude. The fascist supporters in the crew had more creative influence than the coal lobbyists funding the production.

nobody cares about this literal shit sperg
you probably learn this shit after you watched the show and spend lonely night in deprevation lurking shit about accident in net.
Have sex you creep
btw its no longer a threat

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>lava melts and cools down

pathetic retard OP

"The Nuclear Scare Scam"

"A Free Nuclear Economy"

This guy Galen Winsor was an expert on Nuclear, he exposed the fear mongering about Nuclear being poisonous and dangerous, which is mostly pushed by the U.S. government to scare their enemies, scare the population into dependency on them, and to make their enemies look bad with incidents like Chernobyl.

he worked on the manhattan project.

>Nuclear energy is totally safe.

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based schizo

also note to all who believe nuclear material is dangerous of weaponizable - can you prove nukes are real without making appeals to authority or referencing videos of explosions?

>words on a screen prove nuclear energy is harmful to people
nah. this isn't proof.

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Yeah, I mean, what kind of loser actually cares about things? Why doesn't everybody just become a nihilistic hedonist who wants to get his dick wet above all else? Clearly the world will be better off if everybody fucked each other in the ass to death of AIDS.

Nuke test

How much water was down there? Flash evaporation would expand the water by 1600x. It would be a huge explosion and would've certainly devastated that section of the Ukraine and made made the contamination zone much larger but you'd need a water source the size of Lake Superior to do in half of Europe.

you have a lot to learn about how psyops work. protip: netflix itself is one.

>75 deaths over 70 years
>all but 11 from Chernobyl
Greater rates of people in my country have died in coal production, and I live in the UK.
>an electrical fault caused a reactor to be shut down
Oooooh, fucking scaaaaary.

Ukraine was right on the edge of the USSR. So Scandinavia and the rest of Western Europe would have been fucked

Shut up, idiot

back to redit, fagboy.

You're just giving him proof, retard.

>The "Bridge of Death" is a complete fabrication, its a myth. The show makes it seem like thousands and thousands of people died.
If it was made up, how come they found ZERO people who survived it. Dumbass

>absense of proof is proof of absense
Yikes with all the lack of critical thinking in this thread already. Must be a low IQ thing

This show is a joke in regards to actual truth.

It's bullshit.

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it was basic sarcasm friend, are you autistic by any chance?

Not everything has to be capeshit

It's actually more of a anti-soviet propaganda and yes they distorted the reality. And it's not just minor details here and there, but they butchered the main characters completely. And outright lied about many actions.

are you?

>exclusion zone like Prypiat
The exclusion zone is a thriving wildlife habitat:

Radiation is a meme, who cares if a few more people die of cancer, it's literally a lower risk than obesity or diabetes which have both skyrocketed since the 80s.

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Did you even read the pic you posted?

Yes, nobody gives shit. They happily gobbled up total lies and are happy with it.

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"The picture of a man kneeling beside the Elephant's foot is not faked. It is one of a series of shots made, apparently, with a slow camera outfitted with an automatic shutter release and a light (no second man photographer required). There are about a dozen pictures in the series, some very ghostly because of the slow shutter and a flashlight. The man in the suit, in the room by himself, is Artur Korneyev (as mentioned in the Publisher's notes above). He is a Kazakhstani radiation expert, and was an official of long standing in the Chernobyl amelioration effort. The story cited in the Publisher's notes was an interview in 2014, before the arch was finished; at that time he has been barred from further work at the pant because of various bodily damage, including eye cataracts, he suffered during his years at Chernobyl. I imagine he works as a consultant now."

Someone give me a link to a video with the most “wow” parts of this I’m not gonna watch it but i want to activate my almonds

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the most wow parts of what, the series?


I don’t know whatever you liked

What is not capeshit is just propaganda, yes.


What's up with these retarded criticisms? The other day we had an incel saying it was trash because the actors didn't have russian ACCENTS for fucks sake, how stupid can someone be

Here's actual video.

They also shot at it with AK, because they couldn't get a piece of it otherwise.

Yes, it's really infuriating, when there are actual problems with this piece of crap being a lying propaganda piece.

>wow this is propaganda i must let everybody know
if they don't already know they probably won't give a shit.


Not great but not terrible.

The only lying propaganda pieces are on this board. Look at the dipshits on this thread pulling the Trump EPA line that radiation is good for you.

>other three reactors explode
>half of Europe becomes a exclusion zone
>massive exodus to America ensues
>Trump gets elected 30 years early

>hurr so dangerous
>much kill
>very radiation

meanwhile this guy is not even covering his face skin
pffft, fucking usa propaganda

jesus christ i can feel my cells multiplying uncontrollably just watching this

When the The Banqiao Reservoir Dam collapsed in 1975 it killed upwards to 230 000 people, but nobody condemned hydroelectric dams because of that, why are people so quick to reject nuclear power?
Nothing is completely safe and without risk, but nuclear power is without a doubt the safest means of generating electricity.

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Prevent the collapse of the soviet union.

Imagine all the Muslims traveling through it to be refugees. Radioactive rapists.

Hello Australian satan

It would have made Stalker an infinitely more awesome game, tho'.

>tfw parents were in europe during this whole event

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The radiation has subsided in recent years. It now takes around an hour of exposure to kill a person instead of five minutes. But it is still far too dangerous to approach, even with specialized equipment.

Bingo. I just posted the same video before I saw your post.

Oil + coal industry. 100%. Many people have a very good reason to lie about nuclear energy. Including the government. I would say the U.S. government are the biggest purveyors of nuclear fear. Think about it. They benefit in SO MANY ways from lying about it. A scared populace is easy to control. A scared populace is dependent on them.

Now do deaths related to all forms of energy created by oil.

I guarantee more have died in a single gas/oil fire than any incident with a nuclear plant.

Fucked in a way that cancer levels would have been elevated for the next decades. Some larger amount of taxes would've been reserved for public healthcare.

It's not a documentary, are you kidding?

>long exposure
>radiation destroying film even outside on reactor photos

>before deciding to kill 3600 people with radiation
only 31 people died tho

>water explosion
>europe threatened with millions dead
>winds channel a vortex and goes to the UK

Based nuclear winds

Yeah, and zero people died at Katyn Forest.
>believing soviet propaganda numbers

>believes russian figures

Yeah just like China said, no one died in Tiananmen square

Of course there are more because there are more of them. It's the same bullshit argument used in welfare/cop killing/whatever statistics.

Your lack of knowledge is showing. The concept of memes is older than the elephants foot, and the story of the elephants foot is definitly a shitty pop science meme

Oh absolutely. The U.S. government had every reason to push lies about it in our news media. It made their enemy look terrible on the world stage.

I mean for fuck sake, the news media got CAUGHT airing FAKE footage of inside the plant and had to apologize. You think they would have apologized if no one had found out the footage was fake? How many times have they got away with shit like that?

The news has always been fake and full of propaganda. It's mind boggling how much they've gotten away with.

Are you stupid? The characters, the events were all butchered and clearly on purpose. This event is documented quite well and it wasn't just some minor details the director decided to change. I mean, he says it clearly himself that it's anti-soviet. Not to say there was no fault of the government, but he went out his way to demonize it as much as possible.

There was absolutely no threat to Europe. Millions would not have died. Chernobyl would not have "poisoned" any place. Nuclear fallout isn't a thing.



thanks for watching smartly!

Wasn't any doubt though ;)

>wacky conspiracy theorist
>actually trying to convince people that nuclear energy ISN'T bad
Clown world.

>Tiananmen square
those people were retarded
the tanks were LEAVING

It cannot shitpost on Yea Forums

>a story is dramatized

Oh noes! Unprecedented!

And the funny thing is Shcherbina was commie until the very end. He actually opposed the potential take over by the Yeltsin group and said it would be the end of the country. And he was absolutely right. Unlike Chernobyl, Yeltsin's action did actually cause more than million deaths and broken lives.

>Nuclear fallout isn't a thing.
top fucking kek

>The maps revealed radiation levels of more than 125 microsieverts per hour at 25 kilometers northwest of the plant, which means that people in these areas were exposed to the annual permissible dose within eight hours
>Dust particles contaminated with radioactive caesium were found more than 100 miles from the Fukushima site, and could be detected on the U.S. West Coast

That's Fukushima where most dumped into the ocean

Something with a burning open core for hours would hit europe hard

Refute any point I've made. Everything you know about Nuclear energy/nuclear weapons is almost total propaganda.

You must be 18


>he thinks science is propaganda made by THEM
>wants me to refute his points
I don't know, man, I don't argue with flat-earthers either.

>radiation is a meme guys

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It's just mercury poisoning. He's delusional, take him to the infirmary.

>radiation is not that bad bro, they were really exaggerating in that hbo show

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It's not simply over-dramatized, but simply lies. And don't present it as some kind of crusade then. This is such a hypocritical bullshit. It's ironic really: "What is the cost of lies?" the show asks, while lying to the millions about such important events.

That picture isn't of Hisashi Ouchi I don't know how that meme spread around.

Minor changes like 12 people condensed into one but other than that it's pretty accurate. Have sex

Every historical movie or series does it. Why are you so assmad, Vlad?

>Yea Forums gets on the Chernobyl hype train
>are suddenly experts on the events, effects of radiation poisoning and realistic death toll numbers

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Why would they show it?

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I work at a plant in England, have worked at several desu. Think the show did a very good job of spelling out that it's really hard to fuck up with nuclear energy unless you're genuinely ignorant to how everything works and you fuck up big time. That said there was a contained explosion last year at a plant I used to work at that killed a few and left others injured, and there's been too many people be diagnosed with cancer over my time working at plants for it to be a coincidence. You'd be surprised at how poorly some are run and looked after, one plant I worked at had literal mould and decay all over the place. Also I'm at a point in my career where I will supervise some newbies when they start (nowhere near someone like Dyatlov) and there are a lot of very under-trained people who get into the industry, put it that way.

Why didn't the avengers throw thanos into the thing?

Except the show explicitly pointed out how a disaster on that scale wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Soviet penny pinching. Literally the entire disaster was summed up to "because it was cheaper." you fucking mongs. The show isn't about how scary a nuclear meltdown is, it's about how scary lies, deceit, and incompetence.

inb4 anothre KGBaboo decides to throw another temper tantrum like the Bolshevik rape baby he is

Have you worked at Sellafield? I used to go to its creepy museum all the time as a kid.

>the show explicitly pointed out how a disaster on that scale wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Soviet penny pinching. Literally the entire disaster was summed up to "because it was cheaper

So you trust TV to be a source of information?
Do you think pigs talk because of Babe?

but user, you're the one throwing a temper tantrum

I read this in a Russian accent.

Start reading books, it'll cure your adhd.

>Americans shout and cry about how people could not trust information in Soviet era
>Proceed to blindly take HBO million dollar show as 100% truth, no agenda in sight clearly


"The Nuclear Scare Scam"

"A Free Nuclear Economy"
You are not smarter than a Nuclear expert who built Nuclear plants. This guy ate plutonium to prove the fear mongering was bullshit.

He's the one who stated Nuclear fallout wasn't a thing, not me.

Why are Nagaski and Hiroshima completely safe today, but Chernobyl supposedly isn't? Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

Okay, then not me, but a Nuclear expert who built Nuclear plants and was an expert on Nuclear waste removal.

"The Nuclear Scare Scam"

"A Free Nuclear Economy"

>these are fuel containing masses that fell into the pool-bubbler
>they are so dangerous some students writing their thesis covered it with goo of their own development but they didn't have enough to cover it whole so everyone just said "meh" and left it be

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I'm one of the only Americans in this thread trying to red pill people on the nuclear lie that came from our very own government.

I want Nuclear energy. It's safe. It's clean energy. It would be fantastic for our economy and make us less reliant on oil/coal.

Biggest of all, if the lies and fear mongering were exposed, it would make people realize we don't need big daddy government wasting so much money on the military.

>fucking youtube videos

You aren't even trying.

Save Africa from niggers. You need a FAL for that

The more I see of this show and the harder I see it get pushed the more I'm convinced it's some kind of psyop.

>>Why are Nagaski and Hiroshima completely safe today, but Chernobyl supposedly isn't? Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
they're not safe dumbass

read what was posted. 30km you get a yearly dose in 8hours, water was contaminated

Also 1 isn't a full meltdown with an explosion

>At the time of its discovery, radioactivity near the Elephant’s Foot was approximately 10,000 roentgens, or 100 grays per hour, delivering a 50/50 lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays) in less than three minutes

It's decayed since then, it's not 100% uranium or anything like that

It's just really good. It's very well cast, autisticly accurate, brilliantly directed and brilliantly scored. The political shit comes afterwards, it's all reactive.

If the show wasn't, say, paced well, it would have been thrown on the heap of historical miniseries and forgotten about within days.


The blue flash from an unshielded nuclear reaction can kill you. Everything else is virtually harmless.

Watch 3 minutes of this. Timestamp 4:33.

>Talks given by a guy who built Nuclear plants
>expert in Nuclear energy
>expert in Nuclear waste disposal
>owned a nuclear disposal company

Anti-nuclear shills aren't even trying.

closed the video

wow a guy whose entire life and career is built around nuclear energy is telling me that nuclear energy is totally safe what a coincidence

The only people who died in the immediate after of Chernobyl died from the explosion/rubble falling on them.

The rest died from burns weeks later. Not radiation.

Explain how the guys who "swam" in the nuclear radiated water survived if it's SOOOOO fucking dangerous.

Fucking dumb twat.

Nice, stay closed minded fool. Enjoy the goverments/media lies designed to maximize profits and control over people like you.

I'm actually still listening
but it's grating how burger say nuculear

I just gotta ask, are you guys afraid of the truth because you don't want this Chernobyl show to be fake? You want to watch your nice comfy show and believe the lies? I mean, I get it, but at some point you retards have to grow up.

nice argument retard

you're posting videos from some faggot whose livelihood literally depends on him shilling nuclear energy as hard as he can and you expect people to take you seriously

He's a nuclear expert who helped build nuclear plants, and owned a nuclear waste company.

His accent doesn't fucking matter.

>conspiracy tard tells others to grow up
Now that's rich

>He's a nuclear expert who helped build nuclear plants, and owned a nuclear waste company.
totally doesn't have an agenda then

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>europeans emigrate to Africa
>moon bases within out lifetime

wow so hes totally trustworthy and impartial

>>don't show or even mention the thing that wasn't know about in the timeframe the show covered
It is a mystery

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The cities are totally 100% safe to live in. They don't have data on radiation related deaths, because people didn't get cancer from the radiation. There was/is no nuclear fallout.

Also, most of the deaths and damage done to Japan were from fire bombing, not the nuclear attacks.

>All the Russians and retard Russian rimlickers in this thread pretending there was no threat whatsoever

Jesus christ, the same mindless cunts who eat whatever bullshit Putin (an ex fucking KGB agent) spews out of his fat mouth. What a time to be alive

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Actually listen to the talks ya fuckin' idiot. This guy was trying to expose the government and all the fear mongering around nuclear energy. Don't just listen to him, do some research on this shit. Research Chernobyl and the lie that Nuclear energy/radiation is dangerous completely falls apart.

It's fucking amazing how brainwashed you idiots are.

destiny did something like that

im pro nuclear energy but you trying to promote a literal shill to convince people is embarrassing and retarded

You're mistaken. Nuclear "energy" hasn't even been properly perfected yet, we're still using nuclear fission for fuck sake. It's nusclear fusion that we want, fission is the shitty waste filled crap that does fuck all compared to most fossil fuels. Until we get fusion, fission can suck a fat one

>can't argue against any of the evidence
>"duuur you guys are dumb!"

This guy was opposed by the government and all the people in his field, he was the one trying to expose the shills you dumb fuck.

>Don't just listen to him, do some research on this shit.

oh so now you don't need an engineering degree or a Phd in Nuclear Physics

hey guys, just hit wikipedia

It's the cleanest and cheapest form of energy currently. Also the safest. There's literally no reason to not go all in on nuclear.

We have the same problem now but instead of radiation it's been taken over by niggers

hes a shill, shilling for nuclear energy, something that literally helps him make more money

this guy is the perfect definition of a shill

There are plenty of other sources than wikipedia, retard.

>more of the miners
pretty much the only part that pissed me off. they never mentioned that the never needed tha tunnel and the cooling because the core cooled of by itself. they just let them dig and never mention them again.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. You're retarded. Please do us all a favor and kys.

Why do people say "nucular"?

Attached: nucular.png (601x469, 257K)

Someone needs to make an edit with the elephants foot crossed with this image

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right, this guy who stands to gain enormous amounts of money from nuclear energy becoming more popular totally isnt a shill

Those white spots are because of radiation fucking with the camera's photoreceptor.


That explains chernobyl

I hope you guys are trolling, or else this is my first time seeing a russian brigade live on Yea Forums lmao

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Are you new? This show has them all severely assblasted so they're splerging out a bit more obvious than usual, that's all.

>he thinks the soviets are the only ones who lied
>doesn't realize they did but the U.S. lied just as much
>doesn't realize he's the one spreading disinfo the government/energy industry's lies for them


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Direct corelation between ct increase and cancer rate. They still think radiation is safe. I mean isn't ouchi enough of a proof for you guys? He didn't get burnt like the firefighter but died in the same way they did.

only like 30 people died, this is one big nothingburger

>In the video, you can watch Galen lick a pile of highly radioactive
uranium off the palm of his hand and ignite a chunk of plutonium into
a shower of flaming dust. The guy also drank reactor cooling pool
water for fun and liked to go swimming in the pool to relax. He also
spiked the basement flooring of his own home with enough radioactive
material to send any Geiger counter reading off the scale to disprove
the fear mongering surrounding radon at the time.

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he died at 82 of Parkinson by the way

radio-virgins btfo

The blue flash from a reaction and a nuclear blast can kill you. Other than that, radiation is barely harmful. Radiation being deadly is a huge meme and is just propaganda from the government and energy industries to scare normies so they can steal more money from you and keep growing in power.

All the people who died in Chernobyl died from burns from the fire, not radiation.

>He points out that nuclear “waste” is worth roughly $10 million (in 1986 dollars) a ton if it were to be reprocessed to collect its useful isotopes, so all of this talk about trying to bury it is a sham. He says the power companies are holding all the waste with the intent of playing the plutonium futures market. The “waste” could be stored above ground in already constructed buildings meeting all the regulatory requirements without the need to have these outrageous basalt mines dug into mountains. The only reason he can think of for these underground vaults is to hide bodies/evidence that the state doesn’t want uncovered.

oy vey

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The Kremlin are publicly sperging out, which is rare. If they are that pissed, there is absolutely no chance that the Russian troll factories aren't in full disinfo/insult mode.

I'm upset! Upset about anything!

This is a juicy theory, senpai.

>>The Kremlin are publicly sperging out, which is rare.

fun fact: you only think that because of american press.
I just came back from Moscow and no-one gave a shit
common people liked the show
news media interviewed living generals and that's all

I know common people liked the show. If Russians didn't like the show, the Kremlin wouldn't be pissed. They sure as fuck wouldn't be making their own version, which is North Korea levels of cringe overreach.

Please don't mistake comments about a state institution for comments about the Russian people, they are two very different things.

>the Kremlin wouldn't be pissed. They sure as fuck wouldn't be making their own version

did the lying american press forget to tell you that russian tvshow has been filming since 2017?

He died of cancer and his publicity stunts were done with all low-level hazards.

Why do you need to lie?

>He died of cancer
nice proof

plus you can randomly invent casus belli for enemies who refuse to deal with you. lol. shit is insane

Chernobyl was in development since 2014, started filming before the Russian version and it's a co-production between the U.S. and the U.K, who are in a deep propaganda war with Russia.

The Russian version is reactive and even if it wasn't, it's embarrassingly, dishonestly nationalist.

>The Russian version is reactive
so they can read the future?
they couldn't possibly know it would be such a massive hit

it dethroned breaking bad

I don't wish to perturb you but there is a giant nuclear reactor hovering behind you right now

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the founding of the united states was a conspiracy. conspiracy doesn't mean what you've been led to think it does.
"conspiracy theory/ist" is a discrediting tactic invented by CIA spooks.

>mfw i was in europe during this whole event, even in a zone with above average fallout
our dog died a few years later of aggressive bone cancer

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fusion is safe ;-))))))))

Nobody thought it was going to be a massive hit, but I believe a co-production about the U.S.S.R., by the two biggest enemies of the U.S.S.R. warranted a counter punch. Remember, this is Russian state TV we are talking about. In a perfect world for the Kremlin, Chernobyl would have flown under the radar but their version would have been successful.

He died of parkinsons. Why do you lie? Oh that's right, you're a shill.

>Remember, this is Russian state TV we are talking about.
as if hollywood isn't us state propaganda

reminder that in 2014 Godzilla script the parachute military were all wiped out by Godzilla tail, but the Navy made them change the script not to portray it in negative light

>dismissing information just because of the source and place it's available at
You're not trying.
people get really angry when you imply nukes aren't real, and once you point out the appeal to authority fallacy and ask them not to post "proof" in the form of videos depicting explosions (since they don't prove nuclear bombs are real) they just fall back on insults.
every time.
it's kinda funny at this point, same with the moon landing - all those bullshit excuses and astonauts contradicting eachother on live TV yet everyone believes it because groupthink.

It wouldn't. There never was any real danger of such a powerful explosion. Sure, it'd destroy the 3rd block, but it wouldn't be nearly as bad as in the show.

>it's kinda funny at this point, same with the moon landing - all those bullshit excuses and astonauts contradicting eachother on live TV yet everyone believes it because groupthink.
ya blew your bait son

t. mental midget scrambling for a brain-off switch

>a picture of a man with severe burn injuries proves nuclear energy is weaponizable and that nuclear plants can pollute the earth for thousands of years
it's a colloquialism, some people just tend to say it based on their accent and where they grew up. it's not the only such word.

(((>mfw i was in europe during this whole event, even in a zone with above average fallout
our dog died a few years later of aggressive bone cancer)))

Any big budget movie that features the U.S. military is state propaganda. The Pentagon loans soldiers and gear cheap to studios in exchange for editing the scripts.

I don't think the U.S. isn't dirty as fuck when it comes to managing info. I just believe Russia is dirty as fuck when it comes to managing info.

I'm not a proponent of the "fake nukes", but honestly, wouldn't surprise me if nukes were a meme as well too. All footage of them could easily be staged, smaller explosions with props to make them look huge.

Some of that footage looks suspiciously like miniature sets...

All with a goal of creating fear.

it's not bait. you would obviously be surprised at how much government shit doesn't make sense once you just start poking at things they themselves say.
moon landing telemetry taped over with seinfeld? technology destroyed and "it woudl be too painful to rebuild it"? you can see the stars on the moon, except you can't, except you can? (astronauts contradicting eachother in real time on TV).
the american government uses psyops extensively and has done so for decades.

right, and just ask yourself what else can be faked if you can make people believe a really big explosion on a video is made from something capable of wiping out the earth, from nuclear material the size of your pinky finger.

>autisticly accurate
is it though?

Can you prove that it isn't without making shit up?
You literally say web cant use evidence to prove its real while offering none of your own you fucking retard

They can't even manage to avoid games of thrones plot get leaked,
But according to you they can keep a secret involving 100000 people for 70 years

Ok retard

what about Hiroshima and and Nagasaki?

>words on a screen are not reliable evidence
guess the only way to ascertain the danger here is to go out and get some radiations yourself user

Yes. There were two major creative liberties - one is combining the moralistic scientists into one character, the other is a trial that has been largely censored by the U.S.S.R. The character combination is a good decision in terms of story telling, and the trial doesn't insert any motivations/details which are inconsistent, or unsupported by other information.

The reason that the show is gaining traction in Russia is that the remaining details are insanely well researched and accurate.

>By most estimates, such a blast may have wiped out half of Europe, leaving it riskier to live in for 500,000 years.
They have no clue, they're just hyping it up to scare people.

It's highly likely all of the deaths were from the fire bombing. Japanese people at that time wouldn't even know what a nuke looked like, and most people there would also believe the propaganda.

It's actually a fact that most of the damage and deaths to Japan did come from the fire bombing, so if the US government wanted to create a nuke boogeyman...

I'm not saying that happened. I still think nukes are real, but it's possible.

It isn't accurate at all lol. 99% fake. Read the other information posted in the thread.

This show is pure bullshit. I tried to enjoy it, but I just can't take all the lies.

there's no need for nastiness. the fact is that saying "scientists and world leaders say nukes are real all the time" is an appeal to authority - it's literally a fallacy. it's not a believable way to convey the truth of something.
both scientists and world leaders lie all the time. it's on the level of saying "my dad knows more than your dad".
as far as the videos, a really big explosion is just that - a really big explosion. it doesn't prove nukes are real.
nobody believed MK ultra was real, and then documents that were supposed to be destroyed proved it was real and there are people who still don't believe in it. the US govt has literally infected niggers with STD's and then refused to treat them. lying isn't above their paygrade or morals.
you're vastly underestimating the power of shaming and groupthink.
here's a list of (confirmed) conspiracies
i'm just pointing out the obvious loose threads and who stands to benefit from public belief in nuclear weapons / nuclear fallout.
fearmongering is an industry that can deliver untold amounts of power to governments.

If you are going to act in bad faith, learn subtlety.

interesting thing about japan is, if you look at the aftermath of the firebombings and the supposed nuking, the aftermath looks exactly the same.

Yeah, there's no way a city burned to the ground with a series of explosions could look like a city burned to the ground with a big explosion.

But the point is you can't prove it either. You rely on the goverments for proof. They've lied to you over and over to further their agendas to get us into wars and increase their power.

Do you realize every single piece of nuclear footage, the same explosion effect could easily be achieved by other bombs at the time? All they had to do was place props in the footage that looked to scale. Seriously look at some of the footage and they look like miniature boats/houses.

Evidence, even weak evidence, is better than conjecture. The nuking of Japan is very well documented and the science behind it is very well understood.

Sure, there are a lot of things in history that were white-washed/written by the victors/redacted/whatever, but we have to approximate truth by looking at the best evidence we have. In this case, that points to nuclear weapons existing.

MK stopped being a conspiracy once the people being part of it spilled the beans in the 80's and early 90's.
As far as falacies go, pointing out a falacy is one of itself, since you are adding little to nothing of value to the debate, besides obvious reddit posting.
Niggers with sifilis? That shit was widely spread outside of the US by medical organizations, fuck, I remember reading about it and feeling sick just thinking about it, nevertheless we did the same shit down here, copying your style.
And yes, my dad knows more than your dad.

key phrase being "big explosion". it could have just been new conventional bomb tech or several big bombs.

Exactly. It's all very, very suspicious.

I grew up "knowing" that nuclear weapons were fucking scary. You would die from radiation poisoning if one went off near you.

Literally everything I knew came from movies and TV. And what the news told me. I realize now, virtually the entire population gets those ideas from the same sources. Everyone is brainwashed.

Only the last few years did I discover how much bullshit there was surrounding all of this, especially nuclear energy.

Sure, that's possible. But there's no evidence for that, and there's a lot of evidence for nuclear weapons.

I mean, there's been a ton of well documented nuke tests that were also complete with witness testimony and footage.

Hiroshima was never firebombed though. Nagasaki was.
I get what you're saying, but it's a retarded conspiracy theory. There's a noted difference in the effect of dropping thousands of bombs and dropping a single one. You get a big boom and tens of thousands of people dying in less than a second in the latter case. The former is much more prolonged.

Imagine splitting atoms and getting, I dunno, a bigger explosion with new technology, in fact imagine switching the radioactive elements with hydrogen, and dropping it.
Just imagine.

/pol/ told me that japan was never actually nuked

Not acting in bad faith at all. I would call you a shill, but you're probably just retarded. Me? I'm just pissed off seeing all the normies being absolutely terrified of this show. A show which so mind bogglingly fake it hurts. They may as well have added anomalies and bloodsuckers to this, holy shit. Just make it a S.T.A.L.K.E.R prequel and I'd be fine with it.

It's really transparent what the agenda of the show was, when you see all these fucking normies shitting their pants about it. It was to scare people about Nuclear energy.

If you aren't a shill, you are schizophrenic.

>can't enjoy the show because the one thing i know about it isn't in it

i never said that due to there being a fallacy it must be fake, i pointed out it's very likely fake plus governments aren't above lying.
it's a reduction to absurdity to call the fallacy fallacy because someone points out a fallacy.
there's weirder shit than the STD stuff, they've invented literal subcultures like rap music, grunge and one other i forget right now. basically the red line in those synthetic cultures is they push degeneracy or despair (you could probably list off a number of bands based on nihilism in those genres, no need for me to).
the veganism movement was created by spooks.
that's why i spend time talking to people about these things, once you realize the government is not above making crazy shit up, you begin to realize most of what they say is complete bullshit being used to control us with scary effectiveness.
don't forget, if nukes are fake then north korea is probably just a CIA puppet show. the fact is that king jong un went to a CIA connected school in switzerland, really makes you think...
the thing is though, "lots of documentation" is a standard youtube will start to go after regarding stories and what they'll delete - anyone can produce a lot of documentation even if something is fake. you could produce a number of witnesses and footage with a story attached. the mainstream media does this all the time, again, with scary efficacy.
imagine that no nukes have been used for like 50 years, not even by crazy boogeymen like terrorists who supposedly want to destroy the world. not once, ever. wars are started over this shit, entire populations are kept in fear of impending doom, begging daddy govt to save them at any cost, including their privacy and freedom.
>“Chernobyl-affected populations had anxiety levels that were twice as high than non-exposed population,” WHO reports, “and were more likely to report multiple unexplained physical symptoms and subjective poor health."

How do you know? Do you have a perfect timeline of how many people died and when they died? The damage looks exactly like the fire bombings. It doesn't look any more devastating at all. Explain that.

Everything you know about nukes has been told to you by the government and men in white coats. Are you a physicist?

>Flat earth
>Nukes don't exist
Jesus christ the dumbest fucking people come here. Please be Russian disinfo

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Did they reach the room? What Porcupine said?

Read a fucking history book, read a book on weaponised nuclear power, look at their bibliographies and once you have proven everything wrong with REAL EVIDENCE you can be taken seriously. At the moment you are joke and I fucking guarantee you haven't seen higher education.

Gets me every time

>the static is actually from radiation interference

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The Soviets used the moon to dump nuclear waste

I dumped my nuclear waste in your mom's moon.

i know what you're trying to demonstrate to him, but even someone being a physicist and claiming they know more
i don't believe anyone here argued pro-flat earth. i don't believe in it, but i believe the rhetoric is useful to getting people to question stuff - to employ critical thinking.
>Read a fucking history book
you mean revised history by the Schlomo Bloodstein's of the world? silly appeal to authority, no better than a Christian appealing to the Bible for example.
>read a book on weaponised nuclear power, look at their bibliographies and once you have proven everything wrong with REAL EVIDENCE you can be taken seriously.
see above. absense of proof is not proof of absense.
>At the moment you are joke and I fucking guarantee you haven't seen higher education.
another appeal to authority. and in case you didn't know, academia has been coopted for decades.

new thread

So we not only have ITT butthurt conservatards, also butthurt russians.

>but even someone being a physicist and claiming they know more
is a logical fallacy - the appeal to authority.

>everyone arguing against me and the other red pillers in this thread have yet to produce anything besides "UR DUM! REEEEEE"

really makes me think

it's funny because we probably both used to be like them. i used to shut people down and ignore them as soon as they started questioning the moon landing and the holocaust.

History and physics aren't just invented, and historians and physicists have a well established process they work through, which you would understand if you stayed in school. I feel sorry for you, for you, the world is a place where nothing is true and everything is a plan to deceive you.

>Do you have a perfect timeline of how many people died and when they died?
no, but I have read people's descriptions of the events, and they don't describe thousands of bombs falling over a protracted period like in a typical bombing.
Of course, I probably read those from a history book or the text was written by a historian, so it can be automatically discarded since it's an appeal to authority. In the end, you need a time machine to convince some people. Pointless discussion really.
like this guy:

what could be evidence you'd accept? If you think the entire field of history is a lie, then there's not much anyone can say. I couldn't recommend a book, for example.

>All the witness are lying
>All the scientists are spies
>All the footage is doctored
>But my evidence? I don't have any. What value has evidence?

Bad actor.

revisionist history is exactly that - created out of thin air. you can't trust something just because it's written in a book with a lot of okay's from authority figures in various fields.
as for the rest of your drivel, i could say exactly the same except that you're a gullible fool who thinks everything the government and media tells you is true and everyone is out to protect you.
hey, it ain't my fault that that's the best the nuclear lobby has to offer. all they had to do was not lie and say weird, contradictory shit. the fact is "nukes exist" is a positive, original claim and appeals to authority / videos don't prove they are.

Bad actor.

no point in discussing anything then, since nothing can be ever proven. It's all just useless words and everyone's opinion holds the same weight despite their actual knowledge.

except there's no definitive proof that nukes are real. there's infinitely more evidence and proof of confirmed conspiracies that the government has reasons and a history of lying to us about basically everything we were told to believe about the world.
in your opinion.
to you, maybe. me i tend to throw the explanations i have out there and see what people can disprove. there's been a scary amount of nothing regarding nukes, just videos of explosions, appeals to authority and group think insult based responses. "everyone knows they're real". discussion is how you reach a better understanding of things and the fact is that critical thinking dictates there's something really fucky about the nuke and fallout narrative.

>no point in discussing anything then, since nothing can be ever proven
thats a nice reduction to absurdity. plenty of things can be proven. you've just chosen to shut down your mind since you're frustrated about not being able to prove nukes are real, to yourself.

>there's infinitely more evidence and proof of confirmed conspiracies

No there isn't. Regardless, any evidence you provide is just an appeal to authority, right? Any conspiracy historian or alternative scientist is just a paid shill, revisionist historian, liar. No-one who brings evidence that contradicts me is real, they are all propagandists. This is my "critical thinking."

>i disregard every posting that does not fit my narrative and shitpost even harder
how old are you, 12?

>plenty of things can be proven

Then prove them.

it's just /x/ leaking.

it's such an absurd claim already, it doesn't really deserve further discussion (nor is it possible) if the people claiming that refuse to read a book or believe anything. They need to witness a nuke burning their skin. I can't do that.
Sure, maybe it's all fake since we can't blow up a nuke in our living rooms and see for ourselves, but what are the chances of that? Any educated person with even below average intelligence could deduce that it's a fucking retarded idea in line with flat earth and fake moon landings. There's nothing I can prove about nukes if you disregard everything a scientist or a historian says.

>No there isn't.
except there is. i linked it earlier. the beautiful thing is you can legally request material from the government that prove they did something wrong. they even admit to wrongdoing decades after the fact in some cases when they feel it's safe to.
>This is my "critical thinking."
you don't actually know what critical thinking is then. you've just created a mental "out" from having to believe the nuke narrative has been dealt a blow.
feel free to visit the confirmed conspiracies list.
reading a book proves nothing. especially not when you read revisionist history. you act like theres an impossible standard of proof, but there isn't.
>There's nothing I can prove about nukes if you disregard everything a scientist or a historian says.
now you're getting it. because appeals to authority are fallacies and not actual proof. you could get a scientist or historian that claims you're genetically gay because your father was a faggot. according to your own reasoning that would have to be true since they're saying it.

>feel free to visit the confirmed conspiracies list.

Everyone knows their has real conspiracies. They were documented by historians just like the ones who documented the nukes in Japan. Your historians are honest, but ours are revisionist? You have turned confirmation bias into mental illness, and you have never once backed up your claims. You are converting no-one.

>you could get a scientist or historian that claims you're genetically gay because your father was a faggot. according to your own reasoning that would have to be true since they're saying it.
if the vast majority of scientists over a long period of time (many decades) would say that, yes I would believe it. But they don't, because it's not true.
With nukes, they do.

>You have turned confirmation bias into mental illness, and you have never once backed up your claims. You are converting no-one.
pure projection.
so it's true because you have an arbitrary amount of time in your head for when something becomes unequivocally and literally true?
i don't think i need to point out why that's silly.

>peer review is appeal to authority
This kills the conspiray theorist.

Btw pic-related is you. You can bullshit your way around a lot of people and can possibly help a lot up their critical thinking game but you aren't as enlightened as you think. You are endlessly spiraling in a loophole by refusing to acknowledge anything that doesn't fit your narrative.
>x has lied therefore everything x has ever said is a lie
No. It makes x suspect to scrutiny but it isn't an automatic off switch to everything they say.

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You avoided the main point of that and several previous posts, you don't understand that in a discussion you have to hold yourself to the standard that you hold others. It's not a good sign for your mental health, and I say that with concern, not with disdain.

>peer review is appeal to authority
it is. 50% of peer reviews are fake. they literally cannot be reproduced. you can game the system. the people you religiously worship - scientists - are not what you think they are. it's like calling someone a journalist just because they work in media. academia is long co-opted, deal with it.
go ahead and point out where i was being a hypocrite then.

If the vast majority of scientists and historians world wide over a long period of time come to an agreement about such simple matters like "are nukes real", then I believe what they say is most likely true. There's nothing silly about this.

except there is. something doesn't become more or less true just because authority figures agree or disagree on it for x amount of time.

>All the witnesses don't know any better
>Very few scientists build nuclear weapons/nuclear plants, and most aren't going to sacrifice huge money grants/job salaries to tell normies the truth except a few like Galen Winsor
>All the footage effects are easily achieved by other bombs
>You don't have any evidence either

Also I'm not even the guy who is saying nukes are fake, I'm just playing devils advocate. It's totally possible they are fake and there's no proof you can offer against that besides "BUT THE GUBMENT TOLD ME!". I stopped caring about official narratives from the government and news media and "historians" a long time ago after I realized most of them are selling bullshit fake stories constantly.

I really don't give a fuck. I'm not going to live in fear from nukes, and it just pisses me off that retards at HBO are lying to normies and scaring them about clean safe nuclear energy.

>[You] feel free to visit the confirmed conspiracies list.
>[Me] Everyone knows their has [been] real conspiracies. They were documented by historians just like the ones who documented the nukes in Japan. Your historians are honest, but ours are revisionist?

You say that any evidence someone else alludes to is automatically false, but you allude to evidence yourself without questioning it's veracity.

>>You don't have any evidence either

We have decades upon decades of evidence, but you say all of it is fake without disproving it.

that's true, the matter in hand doesn't "become" true or false depending on their agreement.
It's vastly, vastly more likely the world wide community of scientists and historians will come to the right conclusion rather than the wrong conclusion though, and yes the time is a critical factor in this. Scientists can be wrong about something for a time, but it's highly unlikely they would all be this wrong about such a simple matter for so long.

>people find a blob of Chernobyl lava shit in a place they didn't expect it
>not even that radioactive relative to the core's remains as a whole
>makes for a good picture though
>some snoy boy fuck writes an article about it
>full of absolute nonsensical bullshit
>causes anyone with a basic understanding of radiation to cringe
>hurr durr it's the deadliest place in the universe
>now whenever you search for the elephant foot it's just pages and pages of articles repeating the exact bullshit from that one article

Fuck the elephants foot, fuck this shitty clown world, and fuck journalists

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>You say that any evidence someone else alludes to is automatically false,
no i didn't, and you won't be able to quote me as having said so. i pointed out you people engage in fallacies and call them proof. i also said that revisionist history cannot be trusted. you need to be a lot more critical when it comes to people toeing the official government narratives. people are literally paid to do it.
what you're suggesting is like reading a modern history book about the holocaust. it's all drivel.
>vastly more likely the world wide community of scientists and historians will come to the right conclusion
you're very confident in people of authority. this is a dangerous way to think considering it leads to world wars, genocides and demographic invasions. the fact is that you are literally ousted from academia if you say the wrong things, even if they're true.
it's more like a religion than a scientific institution now. sad but true. random joes shouldn't have to be the ones pointing this out on chinese basket weaving forums.

> You have turned confirmation bias into mental illness

I used to think the same thing about "conspiracy theorists". Why? Because the mainstream told me to.

My god, your entire perception of the world and "reality" really is shaped by the government and mainstream sources. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

You are living in a simulation created for you by authority figures.

>you're very confident in people of authority

Not very confident, but I am much more confident in academic consensus than I am of you. Academic consensus involves hundreds of thousands of people working with empirical data. You don't. It's true that you shouldn't have to point this out, not because you are a crusader of "truth", but because you contribute nothing.

I believe in plenty of conspiracies, just not fuck-retarded ones. MK Ultra was real, but the Reptilians aren't. The Bush Administration had something to gain from 9/11, but the Earth isn't flat. Tech companies experiment on us using social media algorithms, but Nuclear weapons aren't fake.

I'm confident when millions of learned people all over the world and with different motivations almost unanimously agree on a simple matter. It's just statistics.
If they claim stupid shit that isn't true, they get debunked and they're laughed at. If they say true shit, many many more people will come to the same conclusions.

What evidence?

>Academic consensus involves hundreds of thousands of people working with empirical data
except thats not true. it's a cult where you get kicked out for saying something outside of the official narratives even if it's true. the fact is you blindly trust an institution made of men, and men can be corrupted. in this case, they have been corrupted for decades. that should scare you more than the concept of nukes.
explaining this is not "contributing nothing".
>If they claim stupid shit that isn't true, they get debunked and they're laughed at
global warming is still taken seriously despite decades of wrong predictions and false data. don't forget to pray to your cult leaders when you go to bed tonight.

Plus their bibliographies. Please provide all the research you use.

>tfw you realize 99% of people got all of their knowledge about nukes and radiation from TV shows and movies which are highly fictionalized

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>it's a cult where you get kicked out for saying something outside of the official narratives even if it's true

You are talking about politicized gender issues in fake courses, not fucking nuclear physics.

because some predictions aren't accurate doesn't mean the general trend isn't true. Predicting world climate is pretty hard, and such prediction of the future is different from determining whether nukes exist or not, or whether the Earth is flat or not.
I'm sure the effects and yields of some nukes have been miscalculated many times as well.

>You are talking about politicized gender issues in fake courses
sorry to burst your bubble. academia is fake as fuck. next you'll say it doesn't matter because it wasn't field X.
>Predicting world climate is pretty hard
it's not. it's already been done, and the trends have been happening for hundreds/thousands of years. you global warming advocates have to ignore this fact and skew data because it undermines the entire movement.


We are talking about NUCLEAR PHYSICS

>still provides no evidence.