Hollywood insider here see you guys talking a lot about the Joseph Baena situation. I'll fill you in

Hollywood insider here see you guys talking a lot about the Joseph Baena situation. I'll fill you in

>Joseph was not invited on Chris Pratt's behest as he did not want Arnold's son out of wedlock at his wedding since it offended his Christian sensibilities.
>this furthered the rift between Pratt and Schwarzenegger as Arnold does not like Chris's conservative views and religious ideology. Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career
>this is why there are no photos of Pratt and Schwarzenegger together as they do not like each other

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Good. Arnold is big bleeding heart fag and was a terrible governor. also he can't act
not gonna idolize the guy just for starring in Predator and Total Recall

Yeah, this isn’t interesting.

Real Hollywood insider here. Chris and Arnold get along fine. In fact, Chris is trying to get Arnold cast as Beta Ray Bill in GOTG3.

> Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career

yeah I am sure 70 year old arnold is full with jealousy over this idiot

I always knew they hated each other but I never knew why.

Arnold's career was mid grossing popcorn action flick. His only blockbuster was Terminator 2 and True Lies where Chris has already been in several summer blockbusters all breaking records

This but unironically

>Chris has already been in several summer blockbusters all breaking records

Name one where people actually went to the movie because they wanted to see Chris fucking Pratt 'acting'

Because Arnold is such a fantastic actor

>see you guys talking a lot about the Joseph Baena situation

This idiot wanted the kennedy genes to save his retard genes. He had one retard kid with anna. He just has to take a look at Patrick and Christopher. Another fat gay retard son is coming.

Go to the catalog

>Arnold's career was mid grossing popcorn action flick.

Dude, you have to know on some level that's complete bullshit.

>Joseph Baena
Who the hell is Joseph Baena ?

Arnold's bastard

>this furthered the rift between Pratt and Schwarzenegger as Arnold does not like Chris's conservative views and religious ideology. Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career

Arnold's mutt child

>Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career
nice bait

Joseph was not invited because he has no relationship with her or his other siblings.

Wow who cares, also bump

>as he did not want Arnold's son out of wedlock at his wedding since it offended his Christian sensibilities.
His Christian sensibilities don't seem to be offended by divorcing his first wife. Strange, huh.

Jokes aside, grizzled Austrian wouldn't be a terrible choice for Bill.

Not that he's even gonna be more than a metal head in a 3 second shot.

>he did not want Arnold's son out of wedlock at his wedding since it offended his Christian sensibilities.

I like Chris. But this seems like kind've a dick move on his part. It's not the kids fault he was born out of wedlock.

>Arnold's career was mid grossing popcorn action flick. His only blockbuster was Terminator 2 and True Lies where Chris has already been in several summer blockbusters all breaking records

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Arnold was also a world class body builder and a two term Governor.

Very much this.
The red flags about how giant a piece of shit Arnold is where ALWAYS there.
We fans just ignored them so hard.

Based Christian Pratt.

Those times are over for good.

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Sad if true. He should be happy that his daughter found a good match.

>Christian sensibilities.

You're an idiot

Arnold and Stallone were always directly competing in the 80ies/90ies action flic area and Stallone was handily winning.

Arnold only excelled in arrogance and fucking a Kennedy, which led to his political (aka different kind of whore) career.

And you´re a clueless fuck.
Adultery is a WHOLE other ballpark.

If only you had access to a googler machine in the current year.

Maybe Katherine barely fucking knows her half-brother because she didn't even know about him being her dad's kid for years.

>Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career


Christians don't take it out on bastards. My big church was full of single moms and their mistakes, matter of fact that's like 30% of churches now that the truly evangelical boomers/silent generation are dying off

>Arnold's career was mid grossing popcorn action flick.

>Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career

fuck off chris, go to sleep

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Lol what?

Arnold's top 3 movies all have bigger box office takes than anything Stallone has ever starred in.

>Arnold as Beta Ray Bill

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>since it offended his Christian sensibilities.
Divorce is also a sin

>her name is now Kat Pratt

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Hollywood Insider here. Did you know heat is generated by a vacuum in a microwave? When you close the door it seals shut and when you "turn" the microwave on pressure is actually pumped into the microwave itself, pushing the radiant heat trapped within into the food items you place inside which creates the heat! Thats why it heats up so much and so fast. If you hold in the safety latch so it turns on with the door open you can literally hold your hand inside a running microwave and nothing will happen! Try it sometime!

wtf i did this and now i can see graphite on the roof???

>Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career
Arnold was consistently in blockbusters you dumb zoomer.

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What an awful troll

Is this even a real statement? Of course we all go see shit arnold movies because its arnold fucking zoomer

>Arnold's career was mid grossing popcorn action flick. His only blockbuster was Terminator 2 and True Lies

obvious troll is obvious

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What the fuck?

jon snow

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Chris Pratt is prime himbo material. Bless his dumb little heart.

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You're delusional, that's just the food you were heating up

bullshit but i believe it

why do y'all online conservatives suck the cock of anyone who identifies similarly to you

dont mention liberals in your reply

>Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career

This is some retarded headcanon.

>Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career

What the fuck


Arnold is twice as charismatic as the whole MCU cast. People love the guy.

zoomers are fucking insufferable, they literally say untrue shit and pass it off as facts, when all they have to do is fucking google

Arnold had a ton of hits but was never really taken seriously as an actor until he did comedy and those films underperformed compared to his action films.

Also, Arnold was quickly typecast and never got to do different types of films outside of comedy. His comedy stuff did well but after a couple of flops in the mid-90s, it set into motion the career downward spiral that led to him to retire from acting to go into politics.

Pratt can do comedy, drama, and moreso do all sorts of stuff with it always being a huge hit.

And even now, Arnold's career is kind of fucked. He's not had a hit in ages and his revelation about his bastard has closed off his political career.

Hence his jealousy

What good Drama has pratt done?

Probably also jealous that Chris looks hot as fuck even when he's fat

>Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career

Fuck off Chris. When you've starred in anything anywhere near the level of Conan, Terminator, Predator, Total Recall, or Commando, then you can mouth off.

>this furthered the rift between Pratt and Schwarzenegger as Arnold does not like Chris's conservative views and religious ideology. Arnold is also jealous of Pratt's success and ability to get blockbuster roles something Arnold always wanted in his career

The guy is 70, he's a cinematic legend, easily up there with Humphrey Bogart and James Dean. Do you honestly think he gives a fuck about some dumb retarded, TERRIBLE actor who got a few big roles?

Jesus, this place is worse than Reddit.

So, make up for lost time.