Did the good guys win or has the left gone too far?
Did the good guys win or has the left gone too far?
Born this way.
pedos absolutely should be prosecuted but shouldn't have their shit posted everywhere for the rest of their lives, they should be given a chance to reform.
It's certainly a win for the big guy
This will only apply to fags and their love of young boys.
The leftist feminist hates men so much they'll happily sacrifice young boys to make their point.
All porn should unironically be illegal with cp being the worst offense.
If gays are allowed equal rights why not pedophiles? It's basically the same thing.
I’d rather pedos watched CP than went out and fiddled. 95% of all pedos will probably stick to anime since it’s legal
it's funny because it's true
>Yea Forums
Based Super Satan.
how about neither
>hes still posting this in every thread
obsessed !
>pedos shouldn't be prosecuted for supporting people who profit from the abuse of children
Yeah OK
What about red carpet pics?
>defending pedos
you must be one yourself then
I just think its funny how obsessed you are with him
also, 15 wasn't weird for 99% of human history, its not like he fucked a toddler.
big ole yikers
hes been doing it for years. pretty sure its this tranny that was obsessed with sam way back when
it's progress. i wouldn't expect /pol/tards to understand that though since they still live in the stone age
Pedos should be able to voluntarily submit to a pedo registry available only to law enforcement and child protections services which allows them to possess child porn. This would vastly increase the visibility of cp distribution by LEA and anyone caught downloading cp without registering would still be punished. Those voluntarily on the registry would be passively monitored online and annual polygraph tests to monitor their irl behavior, and may have the option to be removed registry by getting rid of their cp and successfully undergoing a minimum 3 year pedo treatment process.
Actually argue why this would be a bad system.
>search all boards
>theres 50 more
Why don't we just create artificial lolis and shotas and give pedophile the full access to them? No real child would be molested anymore
You're posting politics on a tv board. You got the entire democratic party living in your head rent free and you audacity to unironically call anyone else obsessed.
because it would involve fucking children you sick freak.
>an infograph posted like a 100 times
it's nothing, if its like 1000+ then you can talk
why are you defending a pedo anyway
The face of a man who knows he did absolutely nothing wrong.
>murder not as bad as sex
How American.
Fucking based.
hit a nerve, eh?
holy shit
if you look at where he's posting this archive.4plebs.org
you can see its not even threads related to this guy
For what it's worth, as long as they're looking at porn they're probably not diddling children.
If I was rich I would hire attorneys for that guy.
formerly chucktown
Creation of cp would obviously still be a crime. This would actually prevent children from being raped because police would have a far easier time monitoring potential predatora. Can you actually make an argument without resorting to lying?
pedos are based?