What was the last film Disney made that you actually sincerely enjoyed and still happily rewatch?

What was the last film Disney made that you actually sincerely enjoyed and still happily rewatch?
Pic related for me

Attached: tron.jpg (1920x1080, 1.29M)

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John Carter

i kinda enjoyed the last pirates of the caribbean

Christopher Robin

Unironically Frozen.

Rogue One

2nd'ing Tron Legacy. That movie is like watching a fireworks show and listening to an awesome soundtrack at the same time. It's perfect if you've had a hard day at work and just want to chill.

Attached: tron-legacy-screenshot.jpg (1280x720, 493K)

This man is correct

They should've hired Bowie

I'll stand up for Rogue One. Yeah, I know the rest of the Disney Star Wars movies are shit, but I can't lump in the good with the bad.

I lost all faith in Disney products after Tron 2 was cancelled

That's actually a hard question

All the time. Probably not from this year though.

Exactly this. What I love so much about Legacy is that it's basically what a Disney movie should always be. Visually stunning and with a captivating soundtrack. Still regret not seeing it in theaters way back when

Based and icepilled

You mean Tron 3, brainlet

Legacy is genuinely pretty great. The writing is generic and Hedlund(?) isn't a great Sam, but man, the visuals and atmosphere and music.

Legacy was so cool in 3D because all the real world stuff is 2D and then when Sam gets digitized into the grid everything turns 3D

3D with a purpose and a story is amazing.

The one before Inside Out. That movie broke visual storytelling for me somehow and I can’t stand how obvious it is anymore.

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Was this show any good?
It looked really cool but I don't know anyone who actually watched it


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Uprising and Motorcity were the shit. I still can’t believe they got the ax.

It was so fucking fucking good. Goddamn shame it was cancelled.

I watched the original Tron recently at it was good.

Wendy Carlos was definitely no hack either when it came to the sound track. I wonder what would have happened if they kept the Grid Bugs sequence in?

>after Tron 2 was cancelled
This is a good thing. Legacy ended perfectly. No sequel bait and it wraps up the character's development quite nicely. Pic related. Not many movies has me smiling while the credits role. Fucking kino

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this desu
it's the best movie to have on your tv in the background while you do other stuff

That childlike wonder just tugs at your heart doesn’t it?