Cast the FF7 live action kino
Cast the FF7 live action kino
me as kefka
boyega as cloud
Tessa Thompson as Tifa
>Huge black dude randomly amidst a Jap group
Makes you think. Like the plan of forced diversity in all forms of entertainment was planned much long before we think.
Bryan Cranston as Cid
I fucking hate Barret. He is an obnoxious, rude, stupid nigger, people give Caith Sith crap but I liked the moment where he told off Barret at the highwind. Shame there are only a few dialog options to shut him up and they are all at the very beginning of the game. I usualy just KO him and never use him in any story related dungeons.
Young Mark Hamill would have been the perfect Cloud.
>Jap group
Only Yuffie can be considered Jap. And mb Tifa's shitty design in Advent Children, but compilation is a fucking abortion and remains non-canon in the minds of many.
Young JC as Tifa. She was a design inspiration.
>obnoxious rude stupid nigger who's buff
Seems like a perfect character for kikes to work with. Wouldn't doubt even if they made some scenes where at least one of the 3 main female characters shows lust towards him nowadays. Honk honk.
That's disgusting, you cuck
Woody Harrelson as Cid
I dunno why I think Justin Bieber when I see Vincent.
Tara Strong must voice CGI Sith.
kino lineup
Rampage Jackson as Berette.
Teenage Jennifer Love Hugetitts as Tifa
Idris Elba as all characters, just in different wigs
Kat Dennings as tifa
Michael Cera as cloud
Lily Collins as aeris
Ezra Miller as vincent
Mr T as barrett
Alexander Skarsgård as Sephiroth.
Too bad 'young' Mark Hammil existed like 30 years before FF7 ever did you stupid fuck
Not him but we're just hypotheticaly casting a non existent movie you stupid fuck.
Jaden Smith as Cloud, Lupita Nyongo as Ariel, Idris Elba as Cid, Letita Wright as Tifa, voice of Morgan Freeman as Red XIII, Brock Lesner as Berette
Lol mad
retarded phoneposter
Tifa looks jap even there.
>He doesn’t use proper grammar.
>Ezra Miller as Vincent
Would be incredibly based
I don't get it either. I'm on my tower rn and I always capitalize the first word of my sentences. Is tapping the shift key really so hard?
you tap the caps lock and hold the shift key faggot