>The protagonist's dog dies
Fuck this, I can handle anything involving humans, but dog deaths in movies bring me to tears
The protagonist's dog dies
All pitbulls should be gassed.
I like the way puppies smell. I bet this box of puppies smells wonderful.
Don't get me wrong, I like dogs but these hell beasts should be doused in gasoline and set ablaze
so much this
Coconuts don’t roam around neighborhoods killing small children
I like milky puppy breath
>Coconuts don’t roam around neighborhoods killing small children
But do we want roving bands of small children in our neighborhoods?
Do you have proof of the non-existence of these roaming coconut gangs?
i'll tell you what user if i see the local junkie walking around with a coconut on a lead, shouting at it kicking it riling it up to rip its toys to shreds training it to protect his stash of drugs in the house then i'll stay clear of him then too. happy?
Man, feels weird to see the webm you encoded get reposted en masse
I imagine the video cuts off because the white shitbull rips apart the smaller one and then wags its tail while covered in blood.
into the river they go
look at it's beady pitch black eyes, can't see any emotion in them
The people that are attracted to owning these dogs are the worst kind of idiots.
Aww. That's comfy.
Usually when shitbulls chimp out and rip a little kid to shreds they do so without warning. This dog looks like its simply trying to establish dominance, I doubt there was any violence.
You could probably hit that abomination in the head with a bat and it'd still be able to bite your ass.
Fuck haters!
>*rings doorbell*
Yeah it's a great webm. You shouldn't be surprised to see it reposted.
Y’know, the thing about a pitbull, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like adoll’seyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white, and then – aww, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the playground turns red, and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and rip ya to pieces
There was a video of someone's dad shooting one of these monsters and then some white trash lady starts shrieking at him. Anyone have it?
Friends white trash dad got a pitbull puppy and the dumb nigger dog snapped at me at like 20 weeks old. pieces of shit
how fucking pathetic. if you're looking for noteriety and high fives, go to fucking reddit, faggot. fuck you and your dog. ME ME ME ME ME ME you stupid fucking nigger. do you want a cookie or something? FUCK YOU
stay anonymous or fuck off. post again looking for upvotes and i kill your nigger dog in front of you
dogs are for niggers.
fuck those disgusting, smelly, loud animals.
You seem less stable than that pittbull, lad. Calm down, killer.
that's not funny, a gang of coconuts killed my brother
Cats are the intellectual option
Nice projection
you’ve clearly never had a certified good boy
Watch Chernobyl.
Just because your brother drown in awash of hirsute ballsacks doesn't mean you should go around giving coconuts a bad name.
>Yea Forums - Video Games
D'aaawww he's so cute
cats are proven to be dumber than dogs
But this is tv
Doesn't the roastie recording this put on a stupid baby voice and say aw what's wrong boy?
Post your /k/inobuddies
No, because it's a female dog
ok ahmed
these people are fucking delusional
Aww he's smiling :)
I went fishing today and a wise fucker like your pic related and golden retriever came up to me and we had a wrestling match while his elderly owner watched on in jealousy.
b'd n rp'd
Kino dog nuts
He loves this pose, he goes to it naturally
I wish
New Orleans here, if I was a aussie at least the 100 degrees would be dry and not mosquito ridden humidity
Hey, I made that webm! Those are my pups!
finna let us out of here. yea finna let us out. we gon get out anyway nigga.
Not all heroes wear capes
Daily reminder a particular breed of dog will never be outlawed because of your insecurities and irrational fears. Sorry.
no, it will be outlawed because of their use in clandestine dog fights.
I have a pitbull. He's been nothing but a good boy his entire life. Not loud, obedient, was easy to train. He's always been sweet and gentle around kids and small dogs. He's an old man now. Takes him a long time to get up from his bed and our walks are much slower and we don't go as far, but he still enjoys them. It's going to hurt when he's gone. I had a lab before and things go downhill fast for dogs when they get old. One week they act fine and the next they are gone.
I dunno why I bothered typing this out. These threads make me sad.
>protagonist's dog is an asshole to everyone except the protagonist
>it's the protag's only friend
>it dies
W-wouldn't it be sad if this happened in real life? haha
Not all pitbulls are bad man, they just have a tendency to go that way. I knew a two year old pit who used to play with my spaniel, but he took a downturn suddenly in behavior. It's a shame since he was a lovely dog, about halfway through his second year he turned aggresive. Before that he loved to play and even be "beat up" by the dogs he played with. He suddenly changed though, and I wish he didn't because he was such a nice dog before.
based and GreatApeNiggypilled
Gas all pitbulls and pitbull defenders. The entire breed is a scourge.
Based. Jaws remake but with a pitbull when
Looks like a pack of wild dogs.
>thinks this is a pitbull thing
nigga my border collie bit my nephew and my aunt, its a territorial dog thing, or if you are a little bitch and afraid of animals they also put your ass in your place for giving off bitch vibes
Makes me think of this guy.
This scene hit me in feels real hard
Whats the story here? Was the guy trespassing?
Some dogs have the gene to be aggressive, but pitbulls are bred for fighting. Working dogs might be not so good with with people, but pitbulls kill a lot more than other breeds.
This. Chuck that box into the compactor
All dogs are stupid and only weak retards who are too stupid/ugly to have kids get them. Dog owners are disgusting animals who yearn for their homes to smell of shit and piss. I ran over my neighbours dog a few years ago when I was coming home late from work. I could've drove around it since it was casually walking along the road but fuck that, the owner couldn't be bothered to close their gate I won't be bothered to slow down. I saw them crying on their ramshackle porch the next day and it made me so happy.
The only upside to becoming a shit skin nation is that non-whites hate dogs and will eat, skin, and murder these bitch wolf mutants en masse.
>20 weeks old
God I hate dumb motherfuckers who use weeks as a measurement of time. It's like saying
Just say 5 months you insufferable fucking cunt.
imagine if they did though, just careening into cars and smashing into peoples houses and hitting their dumb normie families lmao
Lmao you're literally a womam
Listen pal, i’m trying to do you and everyone else ITT a solid. Since it doesn’t seem to be going through via surface level attacks on your opinions, let me lay it out simple and plain. You, I, we all have been cucked by the government and politicians. Democrats and republicans alike, we have been influenced to believe whatever floats their agenda and keeps them in power. Gun lobbies in particular are extremely pervasive in politics. To keep companies rich, politicians protect the second amendment. To keep you buying guns, the media scares you into believing that there’s a black guy around every corner waiting to mug you and break into your home and a pit bull always ready to maul you to death. You buy guns to defend yourself and vote exactly the way they wanted you to in the first place because you, my ignorant little friend, have been truly and irreversibly cucked. There’s always going to be a killer disease, natural disaster, immigrant invasion, pit bull attack, non-white violent crime to keep you coming back for more too! Now go young one, take this knowledge and be free!
le I care about animals more than humans too desu famalam
yeah he bit them a little but he didn't slash open their throat like ninja scroll
There was a family pit attack on the news tonight. They had 3 and they started attacking their owner. They put all 3 of them down
Adopted this guy four years ago this wednesday and I consider that his birthday. He's my best fucking buddy in the world. I don't know what I'll do when I lose him, he's about seven now.
man it must suck to live in a neighborhood full of white trash.
I feel nothing when animals die. Human, yeah I can feel something depending on the context, but animals I couldn't give less of a shit.
And no, I'm not a shitskin nor am I on the autism spectrum.
Now imagine if your were black or gay or Muslim or a woman. How would the rest of this site make you feel? Most of y’all fucked in the head
>letting your dog run loose in the neighborhood
These retards think it's like a fucking cartoon or something. Like the dog will just go out and have adventures until it's time to come home.
Niggers actually made these dogs way more violent. Both the US and the UK have a nigger problem, but the UK now has a blacksess.
>Dogington post
>being too good for the animal humanity selectively bred as companions and hunting partners from actual fucking wolves for literal millenia
Who's the söyboy now?
All of those fucking degenerates can shit up Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. This site isn't for turbo nigger faggots such as yourself.
Why does one of them just leave?
8 people have been killed by pitbulls in America this year alone, and we're not even half way through the year
I don't know why niggers let their white candy ass walk their dogs.
why are you both so defensive about nigger dogs
could you stop using that word please? Your not fitting in just because your a racist
because mere weeks in a puppy’s life can mean drastically different things for its behavior
Wonder how many people have been killed by negligent gun owners :^)
ok nigger
>Oh no, I was exposed as a liar, better change the subject!
Guns have usefulness pit bulls don't so there's no reason for them to exist, genocide all shitbulls now.
People die from the most stupid shit, it's not like horses got outlawed once MR.hands bit the dust.
at least he died doing what he loved
Are there more than 300 million pitbulls in the country? No
Can a gun jump over a fence by its own will? No
You're full of shit
>2 pitbulls go apeshit on some trespassing faggot
>they brutalize his leg to the bone, doctors have to amputate it
>he actually tries to press charges and the prosecutor wants to have the based dogs put down
>goes viral and people start signing petitions to save the dogs
>dogs are saved, lowlife goes to jail, with one leg
Bubba's got himself one submissive bitch
But how many have been killed by coconuts?
I respect your opinion. Fuck animal lovers.
Not even best local representative Argie dogo. Use Pitbulls with caution. That is a good purpose.
This chick honestly looks just like my sister, and she has an untrained pitbull that pulls her around and has gotten off its leash multiple times, and ALWAYS charges after other dogs and cats and yanks her. Even now when I tell her to hook him up securely and train him, she gets pissy at me and tells me "he's a sweetheart." They really are a meme and delusional. I told her over and over it's only a matter of time before it breaks the leash and either gets killed or kills something, and again, she only gets mad at me for saying it. Roasties are hopeless. If it gets off the leash again and someone shoots it, I won't be sad at all.
I can't wait till school starts.
Way to ruin his joke with a worse joke
based pitbull putting human trash out
Have sex.
Did your brother drown in ballsacks too?
Dogs are more loyal than humans will ever be. They are also better companions nowadays because they actually have a connection to whoever owns them.
My doggo. He’s still with the breeder. I get him in about a month.
I’ve already bought the 8 year run to GOT to watch with him.
Throw that entire box into an incinerator.
I'm biologically a straight white male lmao, get fucked virgin
>Call the amberlamps
putting a dog dying in a movie for tears is the equivalent of jump scares in horror or farts and getting hit in the balls in comedies
Top kek. Absolutely devilish.
Train him better than you have any other dog, and always be careful with him, they need a very strong hand.
Kys blogposter
dilate one more time
Yet dumb people are generally drawn to dogs and rage about cats. Life is strange like that.
And I don't have anything against well behaved dogs, that's just an observation.
I can tell you're a man that doesn't take many risks in life. Content with a boring, predictable life with the only reward system being that you get to live another day of mediocrity and your biweekly paycheck.
yep, this is going into my kino compilation.
>2.7k thumbs down
lmao seething.
i have a pitbull and even I'M afraid of her
(yes she has already bitten and she will again)
Dilate what? Just have sex dude, this website is making you schizophrenic.
This, pitbulls are ok but they need military-grade training and control. Roasties and niggers are really bad choices as owners.
And animals are dumber than humans
He looks like a certified good boy.
lmao dis lil nigga lookin two ways at once
Call the cops.
What a sick cunt
its been 5 minutes, dilate again, follow your doctor's orders
Can't arguee with that. If he actually got treatment he probably would have lived, but even he was ashamed of explaining it to the doctor. It's a step worse than the old "Oh i slipped in the shower" excuse.
Name him Peter Lorre
Where do you live, I'm willing to wingman you a cute girl so you can have sex and shake these hostile feelings towards nonexistent transexuals
fuck that one in the upper left
dilate just one more time, you need to constantly do it
Humans are dumber than aaylmaos.
>the last 15 seconds of this child's life.webm
Sorry user. Lost my molly in April. Still confused on what do do since I'm still on auto pilot to feed her dinner at 6pm
Beyond based
This is how I know you're a white man.
pic related but unironically
How many abortions do Pitbull Moms normally have compared to normal women?
Well since trannys are no longer considered mentaly ill by the WHO they are btfo'd beyond repair now.
>Insurance will no longer cover sexchange or estrogen because it's will be considered a cosmetic surgery.
Takes after its owner
Based and goodboypilled.
Attack breeds are the dindus of the dog world.
cats are based af. It's like having a retarded furry roommate
imagine how retarded you have to be to think this thing is cute
>votes for communism
Same. I can watch gore webms of humans all day long without feeling a thing, but the animal cruelty ones devastate me
Holy shit "dog moms" are insane. Bitch needs to have real children, asap.
Based Dad for shooting that wild animal. He knew what was really important.
>not all Chinese people are short. I am Chinese and I’m 6’4!
your individual anecdote is irrelevant, retard
all dogs can bite, pitbulls can maul you to death
This dog scares me. He looks retarded in a kinda cute way.
Youre exception isnt the rule, user. Its nice that you have the one decent pitbull on earth, though.
How can one man be this based?
fuck I wish he recorded it, would have been amazing to see that nigger dog burned alive
Or hang around a pit bull and it will do the job for you.
because he's lying about it. It takes fucking forever for those shits to be euthanized because of all of the gay paperwork.
>makes them think there's a border invasion
No, that's why Democrats push so hard for an ongoing real border invasion.
Damn, thats terrible. No wonder those shelters are so crowded all the time.
no, shit youre right.
>He eats watermelon
Truly the niggers of dogs.
well if 150 coconuts kill humans a year, then at least 12.5 people have died from fatal coconut attacks, which still outranks the dog killings so far, which negates your faggy post.
looks like he was just runnning and stopped when he saw the dogs. i should start carrying a gun when i go running
How unsanitary.
>150 coconuts kill humans a year
Thats world wide, he is talking about America alone. Pit niggers cannot into math, go figure.
thats faggot looking dog.
Nuh uh! Pitbulls are all friendly! Mine has never attacked children yet
yeah they had rather lie about the breed ("lab mix", "boxer mix") than hurry the fuck up with euthanasias.
>D-did I say 60 times more likely? I meant 18 haha you lose
You should have sex so you can know the joys of having your kids killed by pitbulls
Look at those soulless shark eyes
Not 100% unfortunately.
How many people have been killed by colored people this year? Bet it's more than eight.
Pitbulls are behind ~80% of fatal dog attacks. And the last 20% is mostly mixed breed dogs who are partially pitbull.
>neighbor has shiteating pitbull that barks all day
>has bitten multiple people and other dogs
>waste of life owner reduces to do anything about it despite complaints
>owner isn't home one day
>decide to fill hot dog with various things around the house that seems like they would be poisonous (bleach, rat poison, pills etc) and throw it over the fence
>drive out of town for a couple of days
>come home
>dog is gone
Films for this feel?
This and based
fuck nigbulls
>bed & breakfast
t. Arab
Futurely Sneed
burn the coal
i hate pitbulls but this guy is a real sociopath.
>throwing evidence at it instead of violently killing it with a shovel
How? A rat exterminator isn't a sociopath, he is doing his job.
burning them alive and not giving them enough poison.
>tfw based pureblood poodle and poodle/border terrier mix
>tfw have big dog that was actually bred to hunt, is dangerous to intruders, but is loyal to death and unlike shitbulls has an air of elegance mixed with the clear capability to defend
>tfw also got lil mix nigga to come jump up for maximum /comfy/
I can't imagine having such a niggery dog as a pit bull, have had labs, retrievers, german shepherds, and desu poodle might be the most based of the bunch. but god damn imagine having such an ugly, loveless, brutal little monster
I don't want to see any dogs killed but forced sterilization for all more than 1/4 pitbull seems incredibly reasonable. nobody takes these faggots to shows, right?
It's a animal that kills babies. He deserves to be burned alive.
You should let it 'slip' on your next walk
>as long as you pour all your time and effort into them, then they can really turn out to be okay pets that won't try and kill you!
What's even the point? Status? Why not just get an actual dog.
polfags are scared of puppies.
Fucking pathetic. Just stay behind the tape and you'll be fine.
Are Pitbulls an American thing? I don't think I've really ever seen one in the UK. Some people have Staffordshire Bull Terriers, but I don't think they're on the same level as Pitbulls.
Legit expecting a pitbull to suddenly come charging in
>/pol/fags who worship Rome are scared of miniature Roman war dogs
I wouldn't feel comfortable putting a child of that age next a fucking pomeranian.
dilate one more time tranny
I have no problem with pits because I'm not a pussy, but you're an idiot if you do this with any dog.
t. dog trainer
Only someone who has lived in a predominantly black neighborhood will attest to the truth in these words.
Literally the most terrifying thing I've seen posted on this site
Please don't hurt my feelings.
Yep. They aren't much different from blacks.
I will if you admit you're a nigger.
>Roman kept War-Dogs in their private homes, and took them for walkies at the park where the children were playing
dilate just one more time, it's closing up!
Yeah imagine being scared of a dog bred for war
Takes 24 hours to determine if an owned dog is violent, depending on county/state. Takes 20 minutes if we get a violent unidentified dog off leash. More than half are pits, the rest are usually mutts, the closest second pure breed is labs. We usually do 5 to 10 dogs a day, 20+ cats and sometimes an exotic animal, or wild puma.
This has got to be bait but you're a pussy. Grew up on a farm. Butchered cattle, pigs, deer, chickens, goats. Wrung 100s maybe thousand or more chicken necks to clean out chicken house that Tyson missed or left because too sickly. I mean I feel for them for if you eat meat you're a hypocrite pussy.
put down my sick dog. shot sick goat. pit bulls suck. killed so many other dogs in my neighborhood. I mean I get it. Animals. But uh. I dislike them and don't trust em as a pet.
"Most loyal animal ever" heard white guy with dreads say once. Then it bit the fuck out of him. Stitches
>romans whined on the internet for a fake ass nigger billionaire to fix all their problems
They're banned in most of europe
Cute little baby Velociraptors
>imagine being a martial fetishist and being scared of war
You left the important bit out NuRight faggot.
>Implying Rome didn't have multiple Drumph-tier Emperors.
Some of them were famous, shame you don't have an education.
I didn't kill the other dogs... pit bulls did. hope that's not misunderstood. I don't go around shooting dogs... ffs
Yes. It's methed out white trash and niggers that own pit bulls.
How? He seems based to me
Reminder this glorious bastard said nigger and got paid 100 million dollars and shut down gawker
reminde trannies have to do that shit 2.5 hours a day 3 days a week for fucking LIFE
All Americans are niggers and should be spayed or neutered.
Prove me wrong.
he cute
You really think that freek should have children?
crack kills ;^)
that's about the truth. like i said early. "most loyal animal ever." got bit the fuck out.
laughed hard. dread wearing white trash trailer drug dealer wannabe rapper. such a loser he is
though you'll likely catch a ban for the N word... However I won't report it
Staffies are lovely dogs that people hate because they look kinda like pitbulls, which are banned in the U.K.
Look up Staffordshire bull terrier info and you find they’re bred for obedience and gentleness since they were literally used to nanny kids back in the day. So if they even nipped a kid they’d be killed
I had a staffie when I was younger, and a 2 year old cousin visited once and stuck her finger in its eye. Poor bastard just sat and took it.
>Yuropoor "Christians"
>he thinks America has anything at all in common with Rome let alone a lvl 99 nigger like trump
Pure delusion.
This thread feels like it should be on /pol/ instead of Yea Forums anyway.
I've been banned like a thousand times. Bans mean nothing here.
nobody cares hick
true in all cases except john wick
protagonist's cat dies
>this is all the amerikike has left
yeah pretty easy to change IP with basic bitch computer knowledge huh?
oh did I say anyone does city boi
What do your weird assumptions about me have to do with niggerdogs?
That's like 80% of America though.
Pit bulls were invented in the UK, they're an Anglo thing. Staffies are a pit bull breed.
Why are you up at 5am NEET?
who cares about either of those things
fuck niggers
fuck faggots
fuck sand niggers
fuck roasties
You're a standard american coward.
>Anglo thing
Nobody talks like that, say English.
don't blog next time then faggot
The best part is when some offended faggot reddit tourist screams for a ban lol
We have gay shit and empowered wahmens like Rome did toward the end.
One million youngsters? Jesus Christ, off yourself, that figure is just completely and utterly retarded. Fucking hell, how can you be THIS stupid?
I'm not American, what the fuck is your problem, you schizoid retard?
You clearly are.
You are clearly a nigger,fuck nigger dogs and fuck you,bootlicking faux rebel
I say Anglo because pit bulls were developed in Britain and America, they're not specifically English.
>implying america isn't the new rome
At least the police aren't racist!
I'll testify to that... 80 seems a tad high. but when I worked in a restaurant when I was younger. everyone there was on meth. I do computer work now. Much better than working farms.
no I'm a tad delighted you responded. I bet you could kill a human like nothing but don't have it in you to put down an animal probably meat eating hypocrite.
hahahahahaha fuckin kek
I say it about every day on /pol/ but my brother is gayming RN so I don't wanna deal with it or I'd say it now.
>dog stops protagonist from killing himself
I cried bros
Scary, why would anyone do that to themselves?
Nice job mutt
Your writing is hard to read. It's very schizophrenic.
>britbong brain at work
before i die i really do want to know how they were able to so easily brainwash you and completely control your train of thought this hard
good heavens
>be a teen faggot
>suck off your priest and keep coming back
>become a 40 year old fag
>"I wuz abused! Gib moneh!"
Or you know cut the middleman and just lie about the whole thing.
Maybe I am. I don't think so. Never been diagnosed with anything. Seen some doctors. Just been awake for like 5 days or more cause pain. Which I'm sure pleases you. And yes. I know one cares. Fucking hell. Telling me no ones cares like I don't know.
This is Yea Forums. Not reddit. Why I come here. Everyone mean as me.
Nice cope.
But it's a religion of cope, everyone knows.
>Never been diagnosed with anything
Dude you are missing out on some sweet neetbux get a second opinion
Hmmm maybe I will. Extra $ always nice. I make enough though. Plus a killing off btc when I was a senior in high school. I don't really need to live off tax money. And I'm a "hick" that dislikes that anyway.
Thanks for the tip though!
When did you buy and sell the btc?
When it was under $100 each. sold at 10k but wish I waited til 20k. 15k? Believe that's the highest it went but I can't remember now and it doesn't matter. Put every dollar I made in it. And I didn't squander it like all the onion fags. I knew it would moon because of them though so I'm bit thankful for them.
But... I was afraid it was going to drop as high as it was going at the time.
I think Monero could perhaps do the same but I haven't studied it much. Seems to be the incoming new one because not a lot of proof who sent what to who. So maybe look into that dude if you'd like to make some $. Real $
heh thx I bet all those drug addicts are regretting spending there whole btc on dope right now.
I remember back in like 2010 people saying they bought a pizza for hundreds of btc
$$ is best drug in the world man. Wolf of Wall street man wasn't kidding.
fuck dogs then you loser
bought mother a house in gated community with pool with all the shit she wants like furniture and shit cabinets literally nothing I care about. All that woman shit.
I'm simple kind of man like that song... Just need computer and tv I can stream to. and a place to live. I don't care much for the expensive stuff...
Made my kinda rich aunt jealous. Only by marriage. Kind of a bitch.
feels so great man. hope you get a taste if you already haven't.
I meant for you not me... like I said earlier. haven't slept much
not saying he isn't based. but still a sociopath.
im from a 3rd world country and im so sorry for my bad english
something like this happened in my neighborhood
a ~50yo lady come to buy ciggarettes to my friend's gas station
she was with her little dog (one of those white small dogs with curlu hair)
when she was about to pay, she put the dog on the floor
suddenly two of those big dogs start running across the highway
multiple cars brake and almost crush because of the bulldogs running through 4 lanes
woman, scared by the sound of braking cars looks to her left
bulldogs approach the little dogs from the left, woman is completely unaware
both bite onto the small dog, slowly carrying it to towards the highway
woman realises her dog is being killed on the spot
she starts screming
boss asks me to save the dog (client was friend of her)
i try to scare it with one of those thing you use to inflate tires
doesn't work, neighbors tell me to stay the fuck away, that i can get killed
dogs literally jurassic park 2 the little dog (split in two by the torso)
out of nowhere, local nigger crack addict comes through highway with a machete
starts hitting female pitbull in the head
female pitbull passes out,, male pitbull runs away
suddenly nigger remembers how machete works, chops her neck off
as if the male pitbull knew how to talk, brings her owner into the scene
female owner (30 something female immigrant) starts ranting about how we killed her dog, male pitbull by her side
police arrives
niggers keep argung
cars start going on the highway as usual
starts getting slightly dark (because of night)
husband of the owner of the des dog appears on stage
for some reason surviving pitbull goes off
passing car gets scared
runs over machete nigger, immigrant owner and almost the husband
immigrant owner gets her leg broken, evertyone else is safe
im still remembered as the guy that tried to save a small dog with a compressed air gun thing
and that's the sroty of how we got rid of two nigger ins the neighborddoh
Yup definitely might be a bit crazy for laughing at that
I just lost my princess last friday and I feel hollow
I had to put one down like old yeller style once.
felt awful man. guess I have soul huh?
well I guess dad could've done it, but he made me do it.
and uh. sorry for your loss. my new best dog ever is getting there soon :(
>/pol/ is nazis!
>/pol/ is niggers!
Why can't you trannies keep your narrative straight?
Oh wait; it's because you literally deny facts and reality.
baste. miss old Yea Forums. fags calling me reddit visitor.. can't stand their luvy duvy shit
be mean to me
bye bye thread gonna die soon
>JAV format
Based, redpilled, liked, subscribed, donated, called my mom, called the cops, called St. Peter, and called moot.