>I'm the human holocaust!
Its Reicher-Man!
>what's yer name kid?
>"The Human Holocaust"
"I'm the Human Holocaust!"
Anyone else feel Raimi went a little too far here?
It was truly a different time
I think the audience was desensitized after he discovered his powers and killed that interracial gay couple.
when he was reading Mein Kampf during the director's commentary I thought it was a bit much
I really liked that costume in the PS2 game
fuckin hell raimi...
>oh that sucks
>why would you base your wrestling name on jewish fiction?
I'm still hoping that some industrious user assembles an entire alternate script from all the fake quotes that have come up here.
>Has this line of dialogue
>Later in the movie Green Golblin talks about is how his SS grandfather taught him how to operate a gas chamber
What was Raimi even trying to say with this shit? Did it happen or not?
>3000 people died spidey, where were you??
>I missed the part where that's my fucking problem
What, like a clean version?
>Here's the real truth. There were six million Jews in the holocaust. And those teeming masses existed for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional Jews to Israel.
>I could squash you like a kike right now... but I'm offering you a choice. Join me! Imagine what we could accomplish together... the ethnostate we could create.
>Or we could destroy! Cause the death of countless whites in selfish battle again and again and again until we're both dead. Is that what you want? Because it's what the Jews want.
I think this dialogue explains it pretty well.
It was really bold twist to have the cage match take place in an actual gas chamber imported straight from auschwitz, bravo Raimi!
"That sounds stupid, no one will find that believable."
haha what kind of spider even is that??
God, I always thought the scene where Peter teams up with Bonesaw to murder gays in the alley behind one of New York's most popular gay clubs was a little bit much. When Bonesaw says this as a terrified homosexual man tries to climb over a fence to get away, right before Bonesaw crushes his face through his eye-sockets (not many know this, but this scene was the original inspiration for Oberyn Martell's death scene in Game of Thrones), I got chills.
Didn't help that Raimi actually used a live gay man and had Randy Savage actually brutally murder him. Scarred me for life.
that's pretty good
>Hey Michaelangelo don't forget we're painting the kitchen right after school...
>with jew blood.
was the dramatic clause necessary?
Raimi is the kind of guy who doesn't let a good opportunity to go to waste, even when it's inappropriate to do so
Not really, post world war 3 America was strange for a time
the fucking look on his face gets me every time
>I heard you funded countless abortion clinics in low income neighborhoods
>You know I'm something of a pest exterminator myself
How did this make it into the movie?
Why would the SS ever associate with a bunch of inbred, white trash Baptists running around in sheets?