Drinking show

Post a simple comfy show I can binge watch while I binge drink.

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Strong girl bonsoong

The Tick.
Amazon Video.

The bad guy is fucking amazing in that show, so many kino references.

True Detective or Supernatural

Trailer Park Boys

Mad Men
Boston Legal
The Chef Show

trailer park boys

Its always sunny in philadelphia

Red Dwarf

>True Detective


go shoot at god
it's only complicated if you take the bait


The Man Show for beer.

Corner Gas
Home Improvement


Quit shilling, Josh.

Agents of shield

The only modern sci-fi show that comes close to the basic episodic recurring cast formula of OG sci-fi shows (ex Stargate)

over 100 episodes, each 40+ minutes long, all readily available via Torrent or usenet.

>binge drinking
might as well have a shot of heroin instead, you won't feel so shitty the next day.

Original if you can find it, it's even simpler


The orville

Peep Show

College drinking games based on tv shows / movies

>Bob Newhart
drink every time they say, "hi, Bob"

>Alaska the last frontier
drink every time they say "Winter"
shot every time they say "Struggle"
waterfall evertime they say, "Atz Lee struggles"

>any Seth Rogan movie
drink every time he laughs

>any Michael Keton movie
drink every time his eyebrows twitch

>any Arnold movie
shot with every one liner
drink with every death

drink with every Doh
shot with every Marge mmm
waterfall when Lisa complains

I have this special ability you see. I never get hangovers.

Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack

someone uploaded all episodes to Youtube for free.

Trailer Park Boys is best appreciated while drinking

mad men
twin peaks

Is Twin Peaks really that comfy. I don't know. Knowing Lynch it seems like a traumatic choice to make.

you will after a while

it's not.
he's a liberal arts grad snowflake.
go ahead and watch eastbound and down instead.

>Corner Gas

Bar Rescue


It can be. Although when I watched it for the first time I was doing a lot of acid and had a great time.

>waterfall when Lisa complains
do you want me to die user?

Stop thinking about the future fag

Cheers is a really good beer show too, I put it on Netfucks when I'm ready for bed and drink a can per episode and it's a great way to go night night.

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what's Netfucks?

It rhymes with neetbux.

some shitty company with lots of garbage original programming


it's actually pretty comfy for a good while imo

What’s up with this websites autistic liquor phobia? Is it an incel thing because chads and Stacies like to drink a lot at parties?

how the hell has no one mentioned Leaving Las Vegas?

Man of culture

Mechagodzilla trilogy.

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I'm binge drinking right now for fucking pain but I get oxy from doctor tomorrow morning which is basically that and Ill stop drinking because yeah fuck that


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MXC. There are plenty of drinking games out there to play with it as well.

>Corner Gas
this and Rome are the GOAT summer shows.

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Drinking is not a game.

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no it is not fren. I was alcoholic i guess but I dropped it like that so IDK if that counts...
when I started getting withdrawal all the time

shit is literally one of the most dangerous "drugs" and that's why it's legal. that and alcocopone shit

need benzos or ween off or seizure if you don't watch it