Y'all experts? Y'all know about killing? I'd like to hear about it, potheads

>Y'all experts? Y'all know about killing? I'd like to hear about it, potheads.

Truly based.

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how come sgt baste has such old looking scars if hes been in the war for less than a year

based villain for sure.


The character is based on Oliver Stones actual commander during the war who was disfigured from a dog attack as a child. He apparently ripped the dog's throat out as retaliation. Charlie Sheen is autobiographical representation of Oliver.

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Broke thinking Barnes was a Villain
Woke knowing Barnes was Righteous

"I am reality"

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Barnes and Elias were different sides of the same coin. Barnes was whatever it takes and Elias was play their game better. Fascinating shite.

Dilate and then have sex.

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t. pothead

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I hope everyone who likes this character Gets raped while being murdered in the next civil war

You’ll be the first one we kill you insufferable faggot.

Tom Berenger not William Dafoe

Personally, I have no qualms with you. But in the civil war I am siding with my patriot bothers. And when they do I will have little recourse.

That pic gave me a boner.

Oliver Stone noted that the APC crews he came into contact with were notoriously ruthless. You can see them brandishing Nazi memorabilia in the final scenes

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only If you win, silly?

>"I am reality"
>starts to drink immediately after he says that line

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absolutely based

Chill out dubs man.

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And? Do something about it faggot.

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