Is this worth a watch??
Is this worth a watch??
Worth a binge on a shitty day if you have nothing else to watch. Skip the one with cartoon hitler.
Yeah it's worth it, you won't like all of them but there's some good stuff in there. My favourites were Three Robots, The Witness, Suits, Beyond the Aquila Rift, Fish Night, Lucky 13 and Zima Blue.
Yes don’t listen to this baby dick faggot
Remember to hide Netflix shill threads.
If you like animated scifi yeah
shills detected
It's fine, concentrated reddit.
You can't /thread your own post you cockgargling newfag, fucking troglodyte
what's wrong mister grumpy pants?lack of pussy brought you down?
Just watch it and form your own opinion. 90% of posts could be answered this way.
have sex
Do it for her
I don't know what's more pathetic. /thread'ing your own post within the post itself or waiting for your cooldown to run out and pretending to be someone else
Absolutely yes! The sci fi short story format is wonderful.
Yeah! I thought a handful of the episodes were pretty good. A couple were crap, though.
She had a really nurturing personality.
Some of them are ok.
Rest of them are garbage.
>tfw no chink cat-mistress to satisfy your sexual needs
the episodes based after the shortstorys by the guy with the poofter sounding name are good the rest are crap