What was this guys fucking problem? edition
/RBMK/ Chernobyl General
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is this the best phone smashing scene in television history?
Too much vodka.
he's delusional
call in the day shift
>KGB declassified archive of Soviet citizens who did literally nothing wrong released
>Only 3.6 thousand names in the entire history of the USSR
>Anatoly Dyatlov is one of them
fun fact: 90% of all radiation enters through your dick, taint, and asshole
First for Akimfu
Guys, I have a radiator in every room of my house. Is that dangerous?
He was a god damn mess up there, user. Benny Hill theme tier.
Why did the show scapegoat all the blame on him so hard?
I find it hard to believe that he would be such an asshole irl
Radiation doesn't care about your excuse for dick.
The numbers represent biologically effective dose. If it hits your junk, it's just more dangerous than if it hits your feet.
For real?
You're literally, no jokes, being raped by Core-chan?
you calling my boy Bacho a liar?
t. ESL
Is it emitting heat?
Soviet scientists are fucking assholes. I have personally seen them behaving like this irl and in far less stressful conditions than Chernobyl.
What was this significance of him giving that expression again?
I didn't get it.
You know, since the series is over, shouldnt we do right by it and let the general die out? You know, just post the memes at opportune times? I liked the show a lot, I just dont want to see a tired piece of shit disgusting abomination like the Alita general emerge attached to Chernobyl.
>Chernobyl was a design flaw, those accidents are not possible anymore
>Fukushima happens
>Alright it was just unlucky, nobody can predict earthquake+tsunami in the most seismogenic country on Earth
>It cant happen again despite Romania and fucking South Africa operating one each, never mind Pakis and Poointheloo's having a bunch
>And if it did happen it would be much smaller in scale
>but it wont, remember muh deaths per MWe, its cleaner goy trust me
How jacked must he be to smash a 1980s Soviet era phone? The fucking thing probably had concrete inside it!
the area between balls and anus
It goes in your mouth and lungs. Core chan is gagging you with her futa cock. Radioactive futa cock.
>Why did the show scapegoat all the blame on him so hard?
Because it's a fucking dramatization. Black and white characters, unlikeable asshole villains, all that - easier for dumb normies to digest.
Where all my miner posters at?
>Fukushima was anything like
>yep, it's fucked all right
>his smile and penis: gone
Was Toptunov even white? Why did they cast a ginge twink to play him?
Why didn't he sprint towards the ledge, look over for a tenth of a second and then sprint back?
You weren't even alive when soviets were a thing, child.
What even goes on in the Alita general?
I'm not going in there with a faulty dosimeter.
>It goes in your mouth and lungs.
Huh. I always wondered why people wore gas masks in radioactive areas. Like gas masks are going to prevent neutrons from turning you into Swiss cheese at the atomic level, but I guess so you don't breathe in radioactive dust and stuff...
Bacho knows that if you don't wear plumbkini, you khui will turn into pizdec, but that doesn't mean rest of you is radiation-proof.
Why does Barry Keoghan constantly retweet videos of wolves? Why does his Twitter bio say "I am not human"? Why did he post that disgusting picture of him holding his muddy feet up to the camera with that nonsensical caption? I get he went through a dozen different foster homes as a child and his mother died of a heroin overdose, but is this peak mental illness?
Wouldn't matter. The whole roof was covered in graphite, he was fucked anyway.
was the guard ok?
Why did the CIA destroy Chernobyl?
It's called *acting* user.
He wanted a tan
he's dead anyway
Even though he already knew the reactor was fucked Fomin made him basically kill himself to confirm it.
pretty much was dead going up there at all
Thats what im saying. I dont know, dont care, all I know is its bad, but if we dont cut this shit out we will become that. Lets not do this. Lets not stain the board because Chernobyl was good. Its a disservice to the show and the board to have a general last for fucking ever for no reason.
How many people died because of Fukushima
At my dad's lab. They just yell at each other and shit-talk those they know are too timid to shit-talk back.
Were they teaching a pencil drawing art class up there?
Why not poke your head slightly through the door and say
"Its definitely fucked, we are both dead already".
And hope the guard accepts that?
Or just send the eagles.
he gets given a death sentence
Serious question: Is nudity a problem on this site now? I've been away.
>he doesn't tweet wolf videos and pander to footfags
>no photoshop where there's pencils all over the roof.
It's only been a week
Thats what happens if you get fat.
The only way he would have survived was if he waited several years and went up there for a few seconds with full protection gear.
No. He died a horrible death and was buried in zinc.
lol NOPE
Nobody even fucking knows, same with Chernobyl.
>being pro nuke energy
>1980s Soviet era phone
Weaker than 2000s era Nokia
You need to look up what alpha radiation is.
Why couldn’t they have just walked around the building to find half of it completely missing?
You know, sometimes it gets really annoying how shows and movies and really any fiction always use the Geiger ounter sounds to tell the audience that it's radioactive in a scene or area. I don't really know what else you could do, and it's a pretty easy way to do that, but sometimes when clearly no one in a scene has a Geiger counter and they play the sound anyway, it just bothers my autism.
what do you think they are supposed to be saying to him in this scene?
Nah, he died as well.
Watch the show.
Boris was an absolute fucking WIDE unit
Literally grug party man to scare people into submission and agreeing with him. Makes those scenes where he starts listening to Legasov even better
Ominous trips. If he weren't famous this type of online behaviour would draw the attention of lolcow and Kiwifarms types
Its probably less the graphite than the smoke in the air. One breath and your are probably fucked from alpha particles.
IRL it was Toptunov and Akimov who messed up. Dyatlov was highly respected for his knowledge, and only insisted on the test because his bosses were insisting on the test. He didn't have a choice. He literally did nothing wrong. True he was known as an asshole, but that was because his son died and he blamed himself
technically that's not nudity since it's covered by shadow. And they've let occasional naked miner posting happen. It's still a blue board though.
His name is fucking 'Barry'. That should answer all your questions.
Why didn’t he cover himself in lead?
not the same person
He stood directly above the exposed, destroyed reactor minutes/hours after the accident. He would probably die within a few weeks.
At this point it's just he-said she-said about what actually happened though, isn't it?
>Chernobyl was a design flaw, those accidents are not possible anymore
>Fukushima happens
>Alright it was just unlucky
Also correct.
Though you were implying that Fukushima was "Chernobyl happening again" which is very much not correct.
>It cant happen again
Sure it can but it's more than worth the risk. Fukushima was not a very bad accident in terms of loss of lifes.
>And if it did happen it would be much smaller in scale
Most likely correct.
>remember muh deaths per MWe
Why on earth would you dismiss that argument?
Wait a minute you mean to tell me all those people that did the 90 second run died of ARS?
I expected 10 years and a death from cancer.
what the fuck there were propably thousands of them.
If you go to the statistics thing for your country and look up top names anything off of there is infinitely worse because you've known so many of these people and they're all fucking idiots. Older names at least have some dignity to them
I love Legasov. Looking at him makes me feel happy and comfy even if I am suffering.
What if they were truly delusional because of the radiation?
The idea behind blue boards is not turning them into porn imagedumps. Nudity is not a problem per se, but rules are rules. If some asshole decides to report naked miners or whatever, they'll have to be deleted.
ok, but what about the people who saw this?
they lived right?
Well that's why I asked...I keep seeing it censored. I didn't realize it wasn't allowed on certain boards
Welcome to Chernobyl.
>Show about the importance of truth
>It's all lies for personal artistic vision
What did it mean by this?
I bet they were like "and this is what it would look like if I we both did bad cop at the same time" and then they all had a laugh
The smoke was out and they had gas masks.
Id say breathing the air on that roof was more or less a death sentence. The smoke would carry radiation into your lungs that would just go on and on poisoning you.
There are 5 types of radiation and alpha is the worst.
nobody survived core-chan radiant gaze
They were still right. He used their 'delusion' (whether real or fake) to gaslight them and discount their information and warnings.
can someone post that webm of the control rods jumping up and down? please.
>having one person represent too many people for a miniseries = lies
I don't think you understand what that word means.
>dongs your path
It was just the roof bro
There plenty of publications about it. For starters you have INSAG reports, that no longer blame operators
then you have the stuff from Dyatlov himself.
and his book, but that's in Russian.
Thanks anons
Why did he get so upset?
What am I looking at here?
Are those meter sticks?
theyll be fine
"Explain to me how an rbmk reactor can explode."
Things like Toptunov lowering the control rods too low are established fact. But the show made it out that they did nothing wrong (like Akimov insisted to his death) and that Dyatlov was somehow to blame for ordering them to do the wrong things. Dyatlov was an expert middleman doing what he could. He wasn't responsible for the orders that led to the accident, nor for the human errors that directly created it.
All the miners died in their 50s and 60s too.
Which means they didnt die any younger than a modern Russian.
I never paid much attention to Legasov's expression until now, I'm fucking kekking.
no suuuurvivors
Nope. I think the guy who held the door open for them still lives though.
No Dyatlov made them continue with an unstable reactor, they wanted to stop. He was massively at fault
Did Alex Ferns get fat for this role?
Alpha is the worst only if you have it inside you. It's basically gas, it won't penetrate a leaf of paper.
>political yesman
>pushes for brainwashing and lies
>gradually gets fed the truth
>uses his position to get shit done in chernobyl
>starts to get invested, tastes the joy of ACTUALLY solving a problem instead of covering it up
>witnesses first-hand when the state lies and it fucks things up for him
>he gets angry at it, just like how people have gotten angry at him
>he knows this
It's him tasting his own medicine and learning from it.
>yeah this robot will save us from sending people up there
>robot dies
>now have to explain to the KGB why they asked for help from Germans and it was for nothing
Men have been gulag’d for less
That general with the lead armor truck survived for years, why would those people die?
The conditions and rod count where somewhat the same and the general stayed longer.
He's a big guy
>having based Dyatlov as a mustache twirling cartoon villain and everyone else is a good guy
I love the shovel through when he sees them l o l
>higher-ups lied about the radiation to the germans
>ruining their last chance to use robots
>he knows they will have to use biorobots
They died looking like bad lasagna
Yeah but what if thick black clouds of it are billowing out of an exposed reactor core within meters of you?
Why none of the reactor operators asked for a bullet instead of going through that suffering?
he held the door
Dyatlov didn't own the plant. He would have been gulaged if he disobeyed. He was in the same situation as the other operators.
>ywn make Legasov look at your dick
why even etc etc etc
just a hydrogen tank explosion
Im saying the guys that used the shovels were better off than the guy beside the smoke plume.
he wasn't though. He was just an ass, he was sick and tired of doing the same fucking test again and again.
This time with an incompetent team who had never done it before. He was bored of it, wanted to get it done and over with asap.
Even he had no idea that the reactor had such a critical fault.
he didn't even get out of the plant
He realized how completely and utterly fucked the situation is, that they're fighting against all odds against something that has never happened before on earth while depending on support from a state that is more concerned with covering it up then actually solving the problem
And the robot they sent wasn't rated for the proper radiation levels because the state lied, saying the radiation is like 2000r/h while its 12000r/h
/rbmk/ should make an english translation of Dyatlov's book
>repeats "he was delusional" every three phrases
>black clouds of it
The black clouds aren't alpha radiation, it's the burning graphite mixed with decay products. Those decay products are the most worrisome, apart from all that gamma around.
>Why is everyone but me retarded
>An autobiography by Anatoly Diatlov
OKay so the smoke is safe to breath?
>no one gets superpowers
what the fuck
to an extent
"Anatoly Dyatlov, the deputy chief engineer, supervised the test. At the moment the reactor power slipped to 30 MW, he insisted the operators continue the test. He overrode Akimov's and Toptunov's objections, threatening to hand the shift to Tregub (the previous shift operator who had remained on-site), intimidating them into attempting to increase the reactor power." wikipedia
Has there ever been a more potentially dangerous disaster than Chernobyl?
Anyone else wish the hospital scenes were more graphic? I mean, this is apparently what that shit looks like irl.
Ok this got me
phones had been bullying him for the last 2 episodes. They had it coming
got more of these? i wanted to see what the real effects were vs the prosthetics
no it's not
>tfw this cgi roof is the same as the one in the liquidators scene
Why didn't they let him die peacefully?
Are those pics fake? Genuinely asking because I don't know, especially the top pic.
Yeah him wanting to please his bosses and get promoted is part of the whole mess but he had a cavalier attitude to safety with a NUCLEAR REACTOR. Doubt he would be gulaged he could have just blamed Akimov and Toptunov or whoever he wanted
That one guy at the back had a pretty good dong
everyone watching this image will die you know
Don't know, but he looks better fat t b h
>why’d we find graphite in your apartment Steyvun
>did you think the reactor was your girlfriend?
bugmen have no soul
top left in the pic
People argued before the first atomic test that there is a chance the oxygen in the atmosphere will all ignite and we all would die.
That tsunami that killed 300k people is still bigger.
Also that asteroid that cucked the dinos.
>he didn't even get out of the plant
That's not how ARS works.
Also, as of 2005 he was still giving interviews, which would be pretty difficult if he was dead.
Bugmen cruelty.
Please explain to me how an RBMK reactor explodes, anons.
well, these guys lasted like less than half of what the Ouchi! guy did and weren't artificially kept alive so my guess is it didn't get as grotesque
No sorry, these are the only pictures of that incident.
It didn’t, he was only partially at fault, they literally make a point of that in the final scene he’s in. He’s completely correct in asserting Legasov knew something and didn’t know that the reactor could explode and he didn’t know that because no one did. He was absolutely responsible for being unsafe retard but the reason wasn’t only his negligence. He was told it was impossible to blow up and the button was a totally effective failsafe which is why he pushed the test. It was still massively irresponsible to do what he did, and he deserved what he got, and should’ve been prevented from ever going near a power plant again. It wasn’t even the first time he’d been involved in an accident and should’ve never held the position he had. He only got to where he was from nepotism and sucking higher up dick, like when he miserably asked Fomin for his position like a man on his hands and knees.
jews and poles built cheap rods
>the eagles are on fire
soviet-infused control bars
If I ever for some reason get irradiated I'm fucking killing myself before anyone can even get me into a hospital. What happened to Ouchi is just too horrible.
Name a more lovable character than Akimov. You can't.
the guy who opened the door for them did not make it out, not sure if that was yuvchenko or not
I accidentally all fanfics with these two. Am I normal?
They probably did but doctors try to save life
The rods are heavybois that stop reactivity like truck brakes.
Except when the jew is involved and makes the tip of the heavybois a speedyboi just because its cheaper.
Why was the graphite so dangerous?
No but it's ok.
Yes it was Yuvchenko, and yes he did make it out. He was in bad shape, but he lived on for a while. i think he finally died in 2008 or so.
I'm happy that they kept it tasteful. Just used Vasily and Toptunov to demonstrate it. Then by leaving Akimov's face left to the imagination, they kind of force the audience to headcanon how bad it must have been.
I honestly would’ve just walked out if I was him. Yeah it sucks the dude will ruin your career forever but I’d take working as a fucking shit pumper before I lived under that dude willingly. Had he and the mustached guy who wanted to quit been man enough to walk away they both would’ve lived. They’d have been clear of the site and could’ve fled when they saw the explosion in the rear view mirror.
So what happens if you stay around the elephant foot for a whole day? Does your body turn into soup or what?
carbon poisoning
>guise why are highly radioactive pieces of reactor core so dangersou
Beats me.
>can I get your autog-
I always find it interesting how people depict this stuff (and all manner of gore/injuries/disease actually, that they can't ever have seen irl themselves). I would've liked to see everything.
It was emitting a ton radiation. Not sure which kind, possibly gamma?
they cut the scene down according to the papers because HBO didn't like it
ever been stabbed by a pencil? now think of a really big invisible pencil
I hope Dyatlov wasn't really this shitty to them irl. It makes their unfortunate deaths all the more depressing.
thing is the leading shit pumper is like Dyatlov too in the Soviet union.
All he knew was RBMK cant explode, he gets good money, he has a lot of prestige, and everyboss sucks. Akimov did nothing wrong.
>gf couldn't stop laughing at Akimov and loudly yelling "Mama mia!" because he apparently looks like a chef
Not fake, just from a guy in Japan who got completely roasted. And then the madmen kept him alive to see if he suffers, as the Japanese have no compassion or soul.
Those scenes were made by reading their dying testimony im pretty sure so yes he was. Most soviet leadership was shitty because it was all who would do what they were told.
Cool, I could only find that particular image on dodgy sites so I wasn't sure if it was actually him.
There's literally NOTHING inherently unsafe about graphite moderated reactors.
>Aнaтoлий Cтeпaнoвич Дятлoв poдилcя 3 мapтa 1931 г, в ceлe Aтaмaнoвo Кpacнoяpcкoгo кpaя. Oтeц - инвaлид пepвoй миpoвoй вoйны paбoтaл бaкeнщикoм нa p. Eниcee, мaть - дoмoхoзяйкa.
Anatoliy Stepanovich Dyatlov was born 3. march 1931 in the village Atamanovo in Krasnoyarsk region. Father - wounded in WW1 worked as servicemen of waterway signalisation on the river Yenisey, his mother was housewife.
>Пocлe oкoнчaния 7-ми клaccoв в 1945 г. пocтyпил в Hopильcкий гopнo-мeтaллypгичecкий тeхникyм, элeктpoтeхничecкoe oтдeлeниe кoтopoгo зaкoнчил c oтличиeм в 1950г. Tpи гoдa paбoтaл в г. Hopильcкe нa oднoм из пpeдпpиятий Mинcpeдмaшa. B 1953-1959 гг. yчилcя в Mocкoвcкoм инжeнepнo-физичecкoм инcтитyтe, кoтopый oкoнчил тaкжe c oтличиeм, пoлyчив квaлификaцию инжeнepa-физикa пo cпeциaльнocти aвтoмaтикa и элeктpoникa.
After completing 7th classes in 1945 he went to study in Norilsk institute for mining-metallurgy at electro-technical department which he completed with honours in 1950. Three years he worked at Norilsk in one of the businesses of Ministry of Medium Machine Building. During 1953-1959 he studied Automatization and Electronics at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, which he also completed with honors.
In other threads I have seen people claim that body has nothing to do with radiation sickness.
Watched it with my gf too, I should have saved this series for the night I dont want to clap dem cheeks.
>tfw selfcucked that night
Yeah but still Akimov and mustache dude very clearly understood how fucked up it was. I still would’ve walked out. But that’s probably because I wasn’t raised around those people and guys like Akimov probably grew up being told not to question anything. Still though, if they’d had the stones to reject him they could’ve walked out and been vindicated literally immediately. They would’ve seen it fucking explode from their car and could’ve just driven away.
Why was it radioactive though? Did it become some unstable carbon isotope or something?
the way he wears the hat does look a lot more chef-like than most of them.
What the hell is it then? I'm genuinely intrigued.
Why does the water turn into CO2?
Reminder that poor Akimov spent his 33rd birthday in this horrible state.
>decay products
>safe to breath
No, it isn't. It's the stuff that killed at least 4k people according to ukies and it's concentrated in one fucking black cloud.
I know user, but wikipedia isn't a source.
This is why as a society we need to get comfortable with the idea of euthanizing people.
Think someone said its a regular burns victim.
Top one is from falling into an acid tank or something, but that's all I looked into
Mate being fired in the Soviet union is not like being fired today. Its a lot more complicated, and they propably would have died too because they got to leave 5 minutes before the explosion, the KGB would have an heroed both of them, or would be sent to gulag at best.
>IRL it was Toptunov and Akimov who messed up
How fucking dare you, user.
Carbon itself is just fucking carbon. But it's coated in radioactive shit.
>wikipedia isn't a source.
But it has easy-to-follow inline citations to sources, yet somehow you abject retards find this too hard to comprehend.
Why did they have hats as part of the uniform?
Do western power plant personnel wear hats?
So who's paying OP to prolong and spread this anti-communist propaganda masked as a mediocre show?
what would boris think of this?
I'm pretty sure the only one who didn't make it out at all was the one who died in the initial explosion. Radiation kills much more slowly, that's part of what makes it so scary. Once the initial symptoms get better you feel fine, but you know that you'll soon die the most painful death imaginable and there's nothing you can do about it.
Yuvchenko luckily didn't die, though he did spend a year in the hospital and had to get multiple skin transplants at the place where he held the door open.
You think he even realized it, the fucking pure agony he was in?
They literally have a page on “folx” so post the source because Wikipedia is a shithole
Could be this.
>tfw performed CPR on a guy who looked like that
He didn't live.
>Wikipedia literally says "This section does not cite any sources."
>you abject retards find this too hard to comprehend.
>Akimov, what's going on, comrade? You just blew up my reactor
What did he taste like?
I believe the engineers who were interviewed before they died said they wanted to stop but Dyatlov made them continue. Do you think this is made up?
It was most likely just to look sexy
Boris would get extremely angry and start yelling
Valeriy would just go all quiet and sad
>sterile, clean white uniforms that will show any contamination
>hats to keep hair from falling out into sensitive equipment
same basic principles of any occupation where sanitation and avoiding contamination are critical.
Think they may just wear hair nets as needed in western places.
By episode 2 gf started shipping Legasov and Boris together. I already had been from when I watched by myself
>Do you think this is made up?
Not really. I'm just interested in what the source is. I haven't find it yet in INSAGs.
Didn't touch him with my mouth. Smelled a little bit like beef flavor ramen though.
>What is spiral cooler?
I'm not here to spoonfeed retards. Just to call their idiocy out.
Oh no, I'm so sorry. You poor little retard. When there are no inline citations, you would have to take on the herculean intellectual task of actually looking at the fucking reference list. I understand this is well beyond your abilities, I should never have asked. My bad.
Is this show an allegory for global warming denialism?
Pic for attention semi-related
Why though, they're just frens.
>this post
Yikes, go dilate.
Nothing purer than broship like that
>get list of instructions
>half of it is crossed out
>get told to do the crossed out stuff
I just want a Legasov of my own, bros...
I hope that user finishes his bro fic soon
imagine being a Dyatlovfag and throwing sweet Akimfu under the bus
I see that now.
Water for steam but why CO2?
Cheap and non reactive? Anything else?
The show is actually pro-global warming denialism, so no.
It absorbs neutrons forming Carbon 14 which gives off beta radiation
I'm pretty sure he is, though he does look quite brown here. Don't know about the casting, but he was def one of the few who stood out as not looking at all like the real person
Man imagine if Chernobyl was real
No but standing next to an alpha emitter is fine.
it capped the control rods which were in between fissioning pieces of uranium 100% of the time. basically the only thing more radioactive wouldve been the uranium itself at critical mass. but the uranium melted melted? I think
Toptunov's mom really misses him ;__:
Why even bother at that point, just put the poor bastard out of his misery.
It's also feels wierd being literally the only guy there
.I hope he would proud, but he is dead, so we never know.
The analogy doesn't really work, but yes, I think I heard some of the people involved say it is. Might have just been marketing though, like that stuff about Trump.
Why didn't she just explain to Lyudifu why Vasily was dangerous?
Tonty Blair?
She probably didn't entirely know herself.
Is Toptunov the Lancel of Chernobyl?
because he wasn’t dangerous, radiation doesn’t work that way
Weird shit like that happens when you write unrealistic scenarios. He wasn't actually dangerous. None of the patients were. They had their contaminated clothes removed and bodies washed. ARS isn't contagious.
Well she knew enough that he was dangerous to her. A little more detail may have saved their baby
How do we know Chernobyl was real?
What if it was Communist propaganda to make the west afraid of nuclear power?
Remember: people used to think MK Ultra was a hoax, and now we think of them as idiots
because he got fucked by core-chan?
Then why are they buried in zinc coffins if their bodies are harmless?
because they were uneducated and didn’t understand radiation
>When there are no inline citations, you would have to take on the herculean intellectual task of actually looking at the fucking reference list.
I did and I couldn't find it, BECAUSE IT'S NOT THERE! There was no mention of it in safety manuals akimov was supposed to cite, this was error made in INSAG-1 that was later corrected.
So let's dig them up and see what the bodies look like.
To prevent radiating the soil as the bodies decompose.
But I thought the bodies where harmless?
Please enlighten us with your own radiation explanation anons
Except, e.g., the neutron bombardment moving carbon atoms out of alignment in the crystalline structure and creating tensions inside the crystal that eventually make the block of graphite crack.
Bop into Pripyat with a Geiger counter and get back to us on that.
What does the dosimeter read?
That's, like, your, opinion, man. Nobody said that.
The bodies aren't magically emitting ionizing radiation and contaminating everything near them. It's all internal at that point. Just holding hands with ARS patient is harmless. Their bodily fluids and such would be dangerous though.
Ok, but if a decaying irradiated body can contaminate soil, why can't a live irradiated body contaminate a person?
But the fluids ARE exposed when they are covered in blistered skin and whatnot, no?
Because you aren't licking the internal organs of said irradiated body.
>Cheap and non reactive? Anything else?
>It's a moderator
>you can use almost-natural uranium
>you can change fuel while it's online
>you can extract plutonium for bombs
Dunno, looks pretty simmiliar to RBMK, but like even shittier.
You mean like the skin that's blistering and flaking off, bile from them constantly vomiting, and their bodily waste since they can't just walk up and go take a whiz?
Not with that attitude
>Lucky Vasily got a blowjob
Actual qualified CBRN specialist here.
If you have questions about Nuclear Shenanigans, fire away.
he’s an idiot, the firefighters especially inhaled all kinds of exploded particles of irradiated graphite and core products. that radiation emitting from those debris doesn’t just disappear and IS dangerous hence why handling the body is dangerous
Look at that precious little ginger mustache
do you wear hats?
>some of the Legasov/Scherbina gay fics are written by Russians
Which is worse?
Glowing green dust or glowing blue dust?
Every day. Even in the shower.
I saw Graphite.
Is there anything inherently wrong with LFTRs?
If you see the blue, you're already fucked, my guy.
>those debris doesn’t just disappear
Correct, it remains in their clothes and the washing supplies used to clean their bodies. Which is why handling the cleaned body is not dangerous.
How do i get a job at a nuclear powerplant?
What will happen if you put your dick on the elephant's foot?
Hadn't they breathed in radioactive dust that could be emitting alpha beta and gamma radiation? Some particles could have been small enough to pass into the bloodstream. Gamma could pass through their bodies and affect people close perhaps?
Can you model kinetics of explosion? Like what elements were there 5min after the explosion?
MK Ultra has been out now user. I'm always subzero
>Actual qualified CBRN specialist
Military or civilian? I'm guessing a conscript.
Half of them, probably. And some are even fine.
RBMK reactors don't explode.
The problem with LFTRs, generally speaking, is storing the waste. Some of it is completely safe in a matter of weeks, some of it will melt faces for centuries to come. You can't store those together, so they will take double the resources to store. And waste storage is where most accidents happen.
This is the Soviet Union. It would do more than ruin your career. Dyatlov would write of your unsatisfactory performance and attempts to abandon your position and betray the socialist cause, and then the 3 KGB agents assigned to follow you all day would just erase you in every sense of the word.
HBO series about the asteroid starring CGI dinosaurs
Put your dick on the elephant's foot.
You'll get a job at a nuclear power plant.
Civilian now, ex-military.
It'd be tough to model that, because it'd have created so many isotopes that were so short-lived, they'd have decayed in a matter of fractions of seconds.
The fireman's wife was helping them at hospital for hours, who knows how much shit did she breathed in.
>RBMK reactors don't explode.
but.. but..
RBMK reactors do not explode. What you saw was charred concrete.
Well what's the worst case estimate?
Was he the biggest chad of the series?
flashback dyatlov gives him a run for his money
Show says at the end of final episode that estimates for total deaths are 4000-91000, whereas the official Soviet death toll number is 31
One radiation-related death.
For Fukushima: ~1600. Most related to poor evacuation conditions.
HBO should do Trafalgar next
A better question would be "Is there anything you can do that would disqualify you from working in a nuclear powerplant?"
the answer is no
I.. but.. :(
>For Fukushima: ~1600. Most related to poor evacuation conditions.
And for comparison, the same earthquake and tsunami killed a total of 15,884.
The WHO estimates for Chernobyl are around 5000. That's generally considered the "official" number. The 91,000 estimate comes from the US, who counted basically everyone who died of something that might or might not have been related to Chernobyl in more or less all of Ukraine over 20-something years.
It was a joke wager. The physicists of the Manhattan project were like a proto Yea Forums
What do you think of the nuclear plumbob taste test story
Enlighten me?
what was the worst thing the show over-exaggerated for drama, etc
Has anyone done studies on long term ambient radiation exposure with terminal cancer patients?
Terrifyingly plausible. The only thing I'd call out is a doubt that they'd run discharge piping through a saltwater tank. But the taste test seems absolutely like something a dumbfuck DCA would do.
So they couldn't come back as ghouls
Basically everything to do with ASR. It doesn't make you a fucking leper, and the idea that the baby "absorbed the radation and saved her" is so fucking stupid. After he was decontaminated, he'd be perfectly safe. In fact, he'd be in more danger than her, given ARS fucks up your immune system.
I doubt it cuz most developed nations frown on dumping cancer patients onto Superfund sites and just letting them do whatever.
>It doesn't make you a fucking leper,
Tell that to Akimov.
>After he was decontaminated, he'd be perfectly safe.
You can't decontaminate lungs, remember the madmen went in practically "naked".
if a person ingests/swallows/absorbs radioactive particles, like say, caesium, uranium, etc., and gets radiation sickness, do the ingested radioactive particles keep emitting radiation from inside their body to people around them?
The point of wearing that gear is to protect yourself from alpha and beta particles, which are the most “abundant” sources of radioactivity in a way. There’s jack shit you can do about gamma unless you’re behind a lot of lead and concrete, but there is a lot you can do about alpha and beta. So long as you don’t breath that shit in or get it inside of your body you are fine.
He looked directly above the core right after it exploded, before any of that material reached its half life. He was turbofucked the second he went through that door, even the guard who escorted him got killed from it.
Fukushima occured because of sea water getting contaminated, Chernobyl literally fucking exploded, which happened because of corrupt higherups and inherent design flaws. You’d need to try pretty goddamn hard to try to do that in a modern reactor, though there are still various RBMKs still operating until the 2050s at the assumed latest in Russia. Regardless the worst aspect of Fukushima was its location.
You can't really add them to a death toll though because the medical conditions chernobyl caused also happen naturally, that 4k number is just an estimate that given the increased frequency of these conditions eventually that many people will have died that wouldn't have otherwise(from these conditions)
The 91k figure is just some retarded asspull without basis in epidemiology.
It depends what they ingested. Alpha and beta emitters would both be blocked by their body, gamma would get through.
Probably but the dose would likely be minuscule.
If you ate something that emitted gamma rays you'd glow in the fucking dark, and be dead.
>page 10
>no new thread
Don't die on me /rbmk/. I'm about to start the final episode.
The radiation will accumulate in your intestines and you will release dangerously radioactive braaps. If you swallow enough radioactive material, you can turn your braps into deadly projectiles.
I didn't say it was a good idea, just that gamma radiation would go through you like you weren't there.