>Just because you don’t get matches of them doesn’t mean you’re hopeless, just go outside brah
>Nah, all those women matching with thousands of men and the best of the best looking men wont change their attitudes, besides, barely anyone uses those dumb apps brah
>Those dating apps aren’t real life, brah
>met at a bar steadily increasing
does...does that mean incest?
movies for this feel
don't be an idiot, you now have access to unlimited women. You can "approach" more in a day than what people can do in a lifetime. That's good for everyone.
everyone under 35 shouldn't be labelled milennials or gen z, they should just be labelled the Fucked Generation
>family goes down sharpily
>bar and internet goes up
Who's behind this?
>that nosedive for "family" category
>is a direct correlation to how shitty society has become
no, you fuckin creep
>That's good for everyone.
literally isn't
generation Me
gettin some very strong
>she's not my *cousin*
vibes from this poster...
>That's good for everyone
its good for women and attractive men, not you
Met through friends is usually good from what I've seen.
White people, who else?
2020s will be the decade of mass suicide.
>What is the Pareto principle
You’ve never used a dating app have you?
>can't stop thinking and commenting about incest
>repeatedly accuses others of incest
please get help before you rape your mother
And Thats A Good Thing
what does the graph on the right reveal? it's a pretty even spread. maybe slightly more beautiful people happen to have "good personalities".
i just don't know why anyone would include it.
i think it's supposed to show that the better the personality, the better they rate looks, but i beg to differ, it could also demonstrate the opposite effect (i like his tattoos and when he calls me a bitch, really nice guy)
It's a linear relationship. Basically it looks like they're just saying they have a good personality if they look attractive. Though I suppose it could also be that people with interesting personalities appear more attractive (as much as you can reveal of your personality from a dating profile anyway).
it was difficult explaining to a married woman with a stupid "feminist" side that dating apps suck because most of the women are fat and disgusting.
>i like girls who take care of themselves
is the best thing ic ame up with
>can't even get the same search results as chad
is there no end to the suffering?
better looking=better personality
ugly=ugly personality
>tfw white women are so easy but latinas are harder to get
Any movies about this feel?
meeting in bars is trending upward too , since meetoo has made co-workers and schoolmates 'problematic' people are picking up strangers.
yeah, it's useless.
I've started meeting women at speed-dating events. It's hard at first but once you get good at it you can bat way above average just by being a guy who is neither a complete assburger nor some PUA tool.
between my wife cheating with a coworker and not wanting to be the guy at work who hits on the young hot girls, i dont even think about shitting where i eat.
This And when analyzed with the graph on the left, it explains why so many women push the "men are just boring/disgusting/immature" and "where have all the good men gone?" since they have a completely skewed perception of attractiveness.
bars are disgusting, who the fuck wants some bar thot
whats the secret besides "ask questions and be funny"?
The important thing is the length of said relationships and marriages. Yes, more people will be getting married through online dating, BUT how long do they last? 2-5 years tops. Then they're back at the dating scene. Only now, it's 4 people doing online dating rather than just the 2. In other words, the reason for sky high online dating is largely due to the more transient nature of relationships and ease of accessibility (duh).
Furthermore, it's % of society. American population has exploded. The US population in 1940 was 132.1 million. So that "met through friends" number is 36,988,000. In 2019, it's 327.2 million or 65,440,000 people. So the number of people meeting through friends has gone up. The chart misleads you into thinking that people have stopped dating people they meet via friends. This really isn't the case.
>gatekeeping of the beautiful ones
literally mouse utopia shit right here
How old are you? I'm 26 and started considering taking part in of these events but I'm scared I'll just end up finding used goods.
Which women aren’t “thots”? Literally, have you ever met a girl who isn’t a total slut?
The fuck is speed dating events?
Your mom.
no, that guy's mom's also a thot, i can vouch
if theyre in a bar, theyre a ho
I've never heard either of these phrases uttered by women
>hot girls assigned to hot guys
>ugly girls assigned to ugly guys
>tfw 34 year old khv
>no friends or social skills
>shit job, live with parents
>not attractive and a manlet
w-which method should i use to try and get a gf?
>tfw every day is suffering
Have you tried being yourself?
A girl I went to high school with would go to a bar every weekend and fuck a new guy, sometimes two. Then she finally ended up marrying one of them, but the guy has no idea that she fucked hundreds of men over the course of 5 years. I can't even imagine looking for women at a bar.
i'd date you for a month just to spend 5 minutes with the girl your pic, friend
Be a normal human being with a hobby. You'll meet around 20 women eager for a date and your competition isn't shit. So long as you can come across as somewhat interesting for 3-5 minutes you will end up with a few matches to choose from.
The beauty is that once you're in, you're in.
To be honest these kinds of threads I see on Yea Forums, /pol/, /r9k/, and /soc/ make me feel better that I’m not alone in being FUCKED
>trying to get a gf when you still live at home
thats not a thing unless you're exceptionally attractive and at max like 24
Is anime a hobby?
Get a less shit job and your own place to live, even if it's a total dump
I get matched with autistic girls and they're all obsessed with fucking Disney just kill me now
29. Events will have an age range on them but normally about a third of the women will be students.
>I get matched with autistic guys and they're all obsessed with how bad Star Wars The Last Jedi was just kill me now
early 30s divorced guy, just looked into this, my city has one every saturday. may have to participate now just to check it out. i need to really acquaint myself with rejection so i don't fear it anymore.
online means tinder???
*sloppy french kissing noises*
imagine growing up next to a cute girl and then falling in love with each other and spending the rest of you guys lives together
Not all hope is lost, anons
i used to make all my new girlfriends watch horror movies. i havent dated for over a decade, probably won't do that anymore. if i find a sexy hapa chick who's into horror though i'll marry her on the spot.
>meeting in bars and restaurants up significantly bearing out the idea of "going out and meeting people"
>meeting through mutual friends down significantly because most socialization takes place on the internet, contributing to the rise of "meeting online", even though mutual friends
>still believing dating apps are equivalent to real life as though they're the entire internet
Fucking hate living in my own place, fucking gay
Is that Warwick Davie's sex tape??
Holy fuck I thought that was just a joke
If you can't pick up women in real life you are autistic
The privacy is nice, but I hated being away from my dogs.
The trick is to realize that the entire point of dating is to establish that you're not an outright serial killer. Women have responses when they see men, like how men see women.
>I wouldnt fuck you ever
>Why do you turn me on
>I'd fuck you but never tell my friends to look good
>I'd fuck you and tell my friends
>I'd fuck you and never tell my friends because you're too good
Most men fall into the second and third categories, since female arousal makes no legitimate sense. Don't even try looking into how it works, women don't know either. If a woman gives you dating advice, be polite and change the subject because it's clear she doesn't know shit.
Speed dating makes it so that you're really putting a sales pitch out there. Attention, you immediately have her attention by default. Interest, does she want to fuck you? She's there, you're there. She wants the D, even if she plays like she doesn't. Judge women by their actions, not their words. You're 50% in poundtown already. Desire. Make her want to fuck you. This is where you make yourself seem interesting and not a serial killer. You're nervous, she's nervous, we're all nervous. It's actually fine to show some nerves, since bitches love courage. Just doing something like speed dating means you're showing some sort of confidence. You have to be human, and make her disposition to you be favorable. Action is easy, all you're really doing is talking yourself into fucking her. If you can get to action in this situation (with time being a crucial factor and forcing her to make kneejerk reactions), you've won.
The biggest anti-poundtown factor is your own mind working against you.
I dont drink
How was your experience? Any genuinely interesting people?
I'm tired of sleeping around and want to settle down a bit, but I'm put off by speed dating because I have the impression it's only a bunch of normies when in reality I'd prefer a more introvert person with similar tastes (like arthouse cinema).
>use okc
>the selection is fat women using MySpace angles who like MCU, drug addicted white trash/minority single mothers, bizarre a gender things wearing diapers or are creepy shit like “mermaidkin”, basic NPC Stacies, and hot hipster girls who are communist and degenerate as hell
What a selection
This is actually better if you're not chad, since average roasties won't see his profile, forcing her to choose a more realistic mate.
you people are dumb as shit.
There is no way to know the personality from a profile or a single date...
Looks play a much more important part here.
Its definitely "look good" -> "good personality".
Every day I hope for a quick death, like lightning or something.
The internet was a mistake.
How's your mental health?do you got the spergs?
Everything else sucks
What television or film is this from, APOLLO?
this is a pretty accurate representation of most of the apps
are any of these girls interesting at all, or basic bitches hitting a different kind of desperation? is it a different flavor of women who are into this form of dating vs. hookup apps and the like?
>faggots crying about MUH FAMILY
I didn't realize this was an Indian website, why are we advocating for arranged marriages? Or are you really just such a pussy you need your mom to pick out dates for you?
i'd do almost anything to date the girl in the pic, same with this pic
trying to get a better job. moving out is hard because rent in my city is crazy high
the only people i know (I have no friends, just coworkers) that have their own place:
>asians with rich parents who live in hong kong
>coworker buying a place with their SO
most other people either have a roommate, or are paying 50%+ of their income for rent
one coworker lives alone, and is spending 50% of their income on rent and still has a 30 minute commute
not unless you make money from it. hos will let you enjoy and more importantly produce the most degenerate of anime and/or hentai as long as you make bank from it
Good point.
Unless you're going to a club with a drink minimum, you can definitely order non-alcoholic things at a bar and/or restaurant friend.
i have no social skills. i'm always "quiet" and don't talk a lot
in the past week the only people (other than family) that i've spoken to have been cashiers
fuck I hope it's not me