Were his tips worth a damn?

were his tips worth a damn?

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only that episode where cookie and coconut head gave eachother handies in the locker room

the school shooting episode was in bad taste 2bh

his survival tips were legit though

Yeah, I legit got a girlfriend in middle school because of him

unironically this..this show was one of the last good things nick made

you mean when he said to wear a rifle plate and take hostages? i mean, it may have been good advice but it still seemed a bit inappropriate for a childrens show.

One of the first ones was to keep your locker on the first number so it's easier to unlock quickly. Saved my fat ass in 6th grade gym class.

>tfw literally like cookie

damn, dindt think of that..not bad

his friend was hotter than Susie

>tfw literally P. Cookie

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>tfw literally cowboy cookie

I smell meme revival.

Why must you euros condone the violence by making subtle jokes about it? Fuck off, you’re obsessed as hell.

you sound like the obsessed one lad

didn't know the bitch who helped out bran to cross the wall acted up on this show

Was he right?

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literally me

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telling young people to shove colored children in front of them when escaping seemed excessive though

i thought the show was american?

>german dub
Ahhhh the nostalgia

He was so hot. I remember I used to take a hit shower and sit on my bed hoping the show would have had him

Were ,metal detectors that prevelent in norf america/?

Yeah i remember using that "if you don't feel ready for an exam just tell your teacher and ask if you can take it later" tip and it worked like a charm, got a high grade

Are you a boy or a girl? I need to know if I can beat my meat to this.

Ned was one of the first jack off sessions I ever had. That finale were he was basically naked...

>supposed source of advise
>relaxing around blacks

There’s a girl in my office that looks like that girl and great

only in towns with blacks or the cities. you wont find a white neighborhood school that has metal detectors

God I had such a crush on the girl in the show. Every time it played I had to go to my room and jerk one off

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fellas suzie crabgrass looks like cameron canela

for me it's susie crabgrass

remember the long makeout scene with her and ned?

RIP mumkey

What’s she up to now?

being gay

that is just a metal frame you retard

missy was clearly the patricians choice

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Fuck off


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What the fuck do you think a metal detector is, you colossal moron

why didn't ned want to fuck her? I could never understand this

A man of taste

are you having a seizure? there isn't a metal detector in that picture.

Please, call me a BLIND retard, taks

she farted in the spartacus ep

you're a retard

Nice backpedaling mongoloid, off yourself


wtf are you talking about retard

>i'll try being retarded

post link

When I was 13 I laid down in the shower and sat my butt right under the tub faucet.
The hot water felt really good. I'd think of hot anime guys kissing me.


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wasted gets on some ad hominem morons

>ayyo my tip? what you mean the tippa a mah DICK
>nah im jus playin but fo real my tip fo school has gotta be you GOTTA keep that thang on you.
>neva no when one o dem wypipo gon nut up on a nigga and a niggas gotta pull out that fawty and cap a cracka.

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Does everyone have more 240p kino?

LMAOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!

>Cookie...? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...

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thinking of cookie in a racial way automatically makes me sad, it's like i've browsed too much Yea Forums and it's rotted my brain and forever shifted how i view people/things

it was written in the show. someone farted and a girl was too embarrassed to take the blame so they recreated the spartacus scene with everyone standing up from their desk and saying, "im fartacus" and missy didnt want to participate and then she accidentally farted so she said "fine im spartacus too"


what a based and redpilled thread

shut up bitch

The only thing I really remember that actually helped me was setting your lock 2 times ahead so you only had to turn it once to open it right away.

Now that I think about it most of my own crushes resemble the Moze phenotype

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I just busted out laughing in the break room thanks.

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Is that the Primitive Technologies guy?

The tip about stealing a girl's underwear from gym and jerking off to it in the bathroom seemed a bit excessive

The one about getting rid of crotch itch was interesting. Didn’t know it was bacteria that caused that and he gave some tips on how to purify your underwear

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It isn’t just Yea Forums, you’ve been pelted by that shit by academia and the news for over a decade now too

I have crotch itch how do i fix it

It's not Yea Forums. I grew up in a multi-racial environment where I hardly cared about race, ultimately. Even getting on Yea Forums from 2009-on I laughed at a few racist jokes but that was it, still didn't have that on my radar.

It was Obama and his attempts to start constant race-baiting/division from 2012 onward. Leftist media joined in and had a new spin for their narrative monthly. I felt the awareness creeping in gradually on my college campus and now this shit is pervasive. "Us vs. them" firmly implanted in my mind as I feel on the defensive and wary.

pffft cookie... more like watermelon.


Why does it always happen to the kids who play nerds?

Man fuck Obama.

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dude still looks retarded

oh shi-

Imagine having a hot bitch like her wanting your dick and completely ignoring her.

Susie Crabgrass or bust

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He was into Suzie Crabgrass for like 95% of the show

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Small tits

Suzie was always my girl too, Missy and Moze can fuck right off.

To this day that thing about using talcum powder is the only real piece of advice I actually remember from the show because it worked and was easily applicable, I remember the rest being vague shit like "Don't be afraid to ask for a tutor or go up to someone and say 'Hi!'"

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>And remember, better to be judge by twelve than carried by six
Wasnt it irresponsible to suggest children arm themselves for protection?

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>Ethnicity: White and Latina mixed
Moze was the right choice all along

The media really pushed it out of nowhere all of a sudden. I used to read Cracked but suddenly there were just shitload of strange anti-men, anti-family, anti-conservative, and white hating articles. I'm not even white and it bothered me and I stopped visiting in 2012 or so. I dont remember Obama specifically saying anything though.

>it's not the conspiracy theorist and racists crawling out of the woodwork who unironially think there should never be a black president dividing us
>it's definitely the black president
Cringe and klanpilled.

Moze >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Susie

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I remember an episode where the bullies go to do something and the bald one (on the right) actually says something profound and reasonable, and it's the only time that i think he ever talked in the show but everyone else was like wtf

holy shit i remember this
god i miss my childhood

>I used to read Cracked but suddenly there were just shitload of strange anti-men, anti-family, anti-conservative, and white hating articles. I'm not even white and it bothered me and I stopped visiting in 2012

this was when it happened to me. cracked used to be fun

Sad but true. It’s shoved down our throats at this point.

The way we react to it now isn't due to Yea Forums. Yea Forums's views are a reaction to mainstream views. They started pushing the diversity/feminism shit and people are backlashing. Nobody cared about any of this last decade. Trump never would have been elected back then either, his election is a similar backlash from people protesting this forced garbage culture.

euro survival guide:
>keep calm
>carry on
>part and parcel
>self defense is against shariah law

Literally the elemental plane of cuck

Dude, cracked was when I noticed it too. And after I noticed it there I noticed it creeping in other places. It's on video game websites like Kotaku too (what the fuck?) Eventually I stopped browsing everything I used to browse and now only use Yea Forums. I hadn't thought about this in years - thinking about it now is really pissing me off all over again.

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>it was obama

god you're retarded if the first black president made you racist

>i wasnt racist when they kept out of my sight but once they started becoming more prominent and didnt want to take my bullshit i became racist

damn this bitch hit the wall fast. Also, she constantly changes looks and colors. In season one she was brown, then the next season she showed up in she was much much lighter, and she looks completely different and

That was the episode where they had to paint that old patio in the back of the school

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You're dumb. The culture followed Obama, and he promoted it. It wasn't just about him being half-black. If you didn't notice it, you're too young.

Nice strawman. You sound like a confused nigger who doesnt know how to construct a solid argument.

You're retarded if you think a guy whose entire political campaign was about running on his race and motivating/turning out the black vote didn't go ahead and do his best to stir the pot during his Presidential tenure

>muh Trayvon could be my son and BLM riots

It wasn't just him, it was really his whole administration, and the whole leftist-SJW establishment that took over with his Presidency. They set our society back badly in a reversed kind of way.

Literally me

>American school
It's low hanging fruit but come on don't be a fag

The only thing I remember from Obama that was obvious race-baiting was when he said Trayvon Martin was a good boy and could have been his kid. It absolutely disgusted me, as it before the case was ruled on and IIRC he said it while it was being argued in court.

>That episode that was a girls vs boys car wash

Did they give advice on how to pass penis inspection day?

keep seething retards, he spoke to an often ignored base and you're mad because fuck niggers amrite

stop being a cowards and trying to use him to jusitfy your bullshit dumb ass boomers

Im 18 you nigger

t. prime example of a brainwashed, deliberately enraged SJW monkey

Obama's methods were effective for many

just say you hate niggers instead of Obama made me hate niggers cowards

I have alot of black friends, but i do hate niggers

Like Jon Jones

Gotta be b8
I already said I don't hate Obama, retard. Just the culture that came with him. Last (You), savor it.

>Were Ned's tips good?
>After 100 posts every single post is about SJWs and race

I agree but this is further evidence that they've won.

Best episodes of the series were the spirit week episode and the dodge ball episode. Holy shit that dodge ball episode was kino.

>Were Ned's tips good?
>After 100 posts every single post is about SJWs and race
That's hilarious, don't be a drama queen.

What was the last good Nick era here?

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>that episode where Moze has to gag herself to stop talking shit
muh dick

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He may not be a cookie buy my nigga is still a snack

probably the gayest thing i heard all day

Ned is insanely handsome.

>one tier has Pete & Pete
>the others do not
There’s your answer.

>That scene where Ned uses a cripple like a riot shield.
Jesus fucking Christ Ned

Does anyone know where the "He's a Party Animal" song they'd sometimes used?
it was so stupid yet funny, think i looked it up years ago and couldn't even find a clip

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>136 posts
>no obligatory video

>138 posts
>76 IPs
>probably the same sad person trying to make the school shooting jokes take off over and over

Same with me.
I gave it another chance recently with Seanbaby's article where he re-interprets Revenge of the Nerds as a bizarre dystopia but he had to ruin it with Trump and Captain Marvel references at the very end.

obama and his administration fucked this up so bad

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Anyone watch Zeke and Luther? Cookie was on there too. And a young Ryan Newman I always knew she was going to be hot you could just tell.

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the demoralization had been steady, but those years really ramped up the retardedness of the never-in-the-wrong victim.
Blind altruism pushed by morons, brainwashed people think that pointing it out is racist or sexist or anything other than fact

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The one about eat your favorite food or do something fun on mondays is very based

I guess this is why I like taller and tomboyish girls after all...

Obama getting in was the greenlight for all of the goddamn leftist insanity that was brewing for decades. There will never be another nigger president, unless he's Idris Elba or The Rock levels of all out likeable and charismatic. Definitely nothing like "Hello how do you do fellow middle and lower class folk" shit that Obama was pulling out.


Never realized how much this show contributed to my sexual development until now

>like a cracker but brown
woah i get it now

>was going to be
You don't have to pretend, user, you're in good company.

they sure had a lot of kissing scenes for a couple who didn't realize they liked each other until the last episode

I honestly thought they just changed the actress in between seasons. I'm still surprised that Lisa was the same actress the whole time.

>tfw stayed at home watch Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide and Drake & Josh instead of going to my prom
I just wanted a few more years of middle/high school to do what I never did

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oh fuck

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>And once you get the photos of her masturbating int he nurse's office, make sure to make several copies in case of tech problems. That way you can blackmail her without worries!
It really was a helpful show.

The tip of making yourself constantly visible to the girl you like, and going out of your way to calculate where you might see her then casually act like you're just going about your business, legitimately works.

Oh boy user why you admit that but also based but also try to have sex okay
Whites would never trust a weak ruse like that again, at least if it were coming from a nigger's mouth

>if you ever have to fight a jew, just say the holocaust didn't happen!

saved my ass more than once, let me tell ya

Wasn’t the principal a huge miami vice fanboy?


Black nerd friend trope is good. As long as they portray them as winners, hopefully blacks in real life will emulate them and become less violent.


No, he was black.


You mean "he"

So hot. How do I get a gf like this?

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>It took me until today to see that Lisa Zemo was already hot before her makeover.

I'm not sure if it was an issue with my TV but I've always felt that the last season looked too orange. Same with Drake and Josh.

Same , but the pill beyond that is to realize that without then wed excel so much further, they've just helped us realize that.

The very same people who write and read those articles to this day still lurk here claiming that it's all racists', or in case of Yea Forums - /pol/'s, fault.

The worst part is that they actively seek to polarize and cause a collapse. If you even suggest that you're not entirely taking a side they will bombard you about being a stupid centrist and that you're actually helping nazis via inaction.




I'm going to assume you two are girls so I can touch my dick to these images in my head.

I'm surprised they could make an episode about jock itch, it helped me too at the time. Nowadays talcum powder is considered dangerous though. The simple tips were the most useful in retrospect.

>Is Lisa Zemo hot?
>I can't answer that due to the fact that I'm 30

Fucking kek this show, I had to ask my mom to explain the joke to me

does anyone have more of these suicide-inducing time capsules to better, simpler days? Please.



Just like my animes desu.

Stop cumming in your underpants.

No, but these trips are

>off by one
oh no no no no

was this just scrubs for kids?

His tips were bad, but THESE TRIPS are great.

you are fundamentally misunderstanding that post

obama was the natural d answer to r southern strategy that had worked until bush - rather than try to appeal to the moderates to sap away at potential r votes, the strategy became to focus solely on shoring up the foundation of the voting bloc (ie minorities and such who had never been r votes ever) and getting them to come out in massive numbers. The best way to force people to come out in numbers to vote is to make them feel threatened, which is exactly the same sort of thesis that spawned the southern strategy, appealing to the south's prejudice to get the white voters out in droves to win those states

As a result of the dem answer in identity politics, you now had the entire dem political machine and its mouthpieces in the media as well as regular people buying into it wholesale via social media and events like the g****g*** and propelling the cultural shift to its current state, wherein this rampant idpol autism infects every aspect of people's lives and enforces a siege mentality

The real question now is what happens at the DNC in 2020 - the main war in the party is between the progressives who think the moderates had their chance and failed and are thus not electable (although that's really more hillary's fault for being a dumb cunt), and are the spearhead of the current idpolshit coming from the left - and the moderates (ie joe biden) who think that hillary's failure can be explained by her being a cunt + her attempt to buy into idpol alienating core voters who felt attacked by it (see basket of deplorables + losing WI/PA/MI). If the moderates prevail presumably the sheer onslaught of idpolshit will be lowered as they (if they are smart) tone down the rhetoric to get back independent votes. If the progressive portion of the party wins you will likely see the trend continue until the rubber band inevitably snaps (either another trump victory or somewhere later on)

tldr: educate yourself retard

Damn Keenanan Kell looks like THAT?


Thats actually a really good tip

I think he did. He was raped by her.

God i miss Ned/Drake and Josh/Zoey 101 era

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I remember that episode where Cookie asked Gordy if he thinks Lisa looks hot.

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I think Moze was the thing that triggered my tomboy fetish

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Bruh, this is like the second image that pops up.

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>All of those shows ended 11-12 years ago.

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Why wouldn't their guide be a guide to committing a school shooting?

Kino fucking show. The characters were so absurd it's like they didn't honestly care that much about the "educational" angle of the show, which is based as hell.

>tfw Suzie Crabgrass = Rosita
Also Lisa Zimo best girl

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Absolutely kino show

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Yeah he really was a cutie.


Me too. I think it's the way he says it.

>girls win again
How original.

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almost the best Nick show. only bested by Drake & Josh

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holy fuck get off this website grandpa

I remember I once got really sick for a couple of days so I stayed in bed in my mom's room so she could keep an eye on me, and we watched a whole bunch of Ned because there was a marathon going or something
good memories

I wish Lisa didn't roastie up.

thank you mommy

found the german user

clearly a fag


do most american schools really have lockers? that is unheard of here in australia. we just wear backpacks

My high school had lockers but literally nobody ever used them. must have been a boomer thing

this hurts

it always sounded cool to have your own personal storage space at school

Where else would they keep their guns?



We had lockers at my school in Australia but they were like a third of the size of the ones in this show, like a pigeonhole size.

You see them all the time in American shows but I never had them

Mine did, nobody hardly used them after freshman year though

Zoey 101 was so vapid and lame, and was a proto-zoomer show

You better female pal. And I do mean an actual woman not a "woman".
Post your tits.

drake and josh > the rest

Pedo roastie kino


Always wondered if Nick shows fostered young homosexuals in the same way they appealed to horny hetero teens of the time. Suspicion confirmed I guess.


It was supposed to be fanservice for girls...

>tfw cookie's life improved and yours did not

sitting near the door to avoid post-bell door rush was a good tip

Pete & Pete is the best overall live action Nick show by miles. I realize most of you are way too young to have watched it though.

They knew what they were doing.

drake and josh was good until josh started getting hot

Gen Y but watched Spiderman and his mates, Inspector Gadget and Superman

Moze a CUTE

Ned's declassified is underrated desu

>in the finale only when Cookie aka Simon acts like an asshole does Lisa want to fuck him

Redpilled as fuck

Only in diverse areas due to the fauna being mentally incapable of practicing self defense without lethal weapons.


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Blacks like him get bullied when surrounded by their own kind though. One of the biggest redpills on true black behavior was that episode of Family Matters where Steve and Laura go a ghetto in their city and just how antagonistic and sadistic the niggers were there was eye opening to my young self.

>that episode of Family Matters where Steve and Laura go a ghetto in their city and just how antagonistic and sadistic the niggers
Well there's a huge distinction between rich/middle class black people and niggers. Even white trash from the deep poor South can act like niggers.

Roots the tv show goes over this partly in the last season. Worth a watch.


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Hated this guy

She needs to open her eyes wider.

>didnt go to prom because couldnt bother doing the dance lessons you had to go to every week
>the roof collapsed and 10 people died
knocked me right out of my edgy atheist teenage phase ill tell you what

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funny joke not gonna lie
but its gay as fuck dude

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>the dance lessons you had to go to every week
lol thank fuck my school didn't do this

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That's a quite common gag in media, tho

>ned's survival guide taught me that just spraying water on a car doesnt actually wash it

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The girls had pretty hair in this show.


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((Jennifer MOSEley)))

i remember a tip being that the school toilets are all fucking disgusting so when you want to take a dump do it in the teachers room or in the nursery

had a good shit there once, it's amazing how clean those toilets are

Such a tease.

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haha what episode was this

I never watched any shows this chick was on, but I have a crush on her. Not sure how it developed as she's like a 7 and a random nobody, but I just think she's hot.

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I rewatched this show recently, it's actually great

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I didn't realize Rami worked on this show

Too fridge-y

I like this guy

Do you actually like ladies?

Yes, and I like them curvy, which she isn't

Your mom is curvy.

10 Things I hate About You tv series?

Why is this show so underrated?

He's /ourguy/

>takes place entirely at a normal school
>main cast too young
>no laugh track
>kinda weird overall (4th wall breaking, strange gags and effects, super hammy adult actors)
>never has any reruns
All those things instant turn offs to me and most kids back then. Why would I want to watch middle schoolers go to class and teach me how to survive? Why are all the jokes so weird and not entirely dialogue based? They don't even have the decency to tell me when to laugh. That's the thought process most kids had. They either avoided the show entirely or watched it occasionally and didn't understand why it was funny or that the tips were actually helpful and it wasn't just a boring educational show. That's what a lot of people are going to remember it as because it never reruns anymore and they aren't going to go out of their way to watch something they didn't like. It happened to a lot of good underrated Nick shows.

>don't even have the decency to tell me when to laugh
That's why it was good, it didn't bludgeon you into submission with forced humor points, like TBBT.