What is the movie equivalent of this album?

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film as a medium has yet to reach ye kino levels

808s & Heartbreak

Unironically 2001: A Space Odyssey. A movie that initially received mixed reception from critics and audiences only to grow in appreciation as time went on as well as setting the stage for use of CGI in movies, mixed narratives, and it having a massive influence on future directors and highly successful movies.

Popular artist making good Popular content goes through a personal tragedy and makes darker, slightly weirder but still popular content which receives mixed reactions initially but becomes a classic
Maybe empire strikes back

>pretending it was a good album


>implying it was a bad album


Bladerunner 2049

it was

You can't spell rap without crap.

it's not even the best album of kanye west

Brown Bunny

Attached: The Brown Bunny.mkv_snapshot_01.03.04_[2018.06.27_23.03.20].png (1192x720, 1.36M)

It kinda looks like someone is spreading their asshole

Only braindead zoomers love Kanye's music


more like basedfriend

Sydney = TCD
Late Registration = Boogie Nights
Graduation = Magnolia
808s = Punch Drunk Love
There Will Be Blood = MBDTF
The Master = Yeezus
Inherent Vice = TLOP
Phantom Thread = Ye

MBDTF is the greatest album of hip hop in modern history

And There will be blood is the greatest film in modern history.

you literally are a retard braindead down syndrome dumbfuck brainlet stupid stupid stupid idiot and Paul Thomas Anderson is fake art crap for dumb fag idiots

It's the most influential though

It was trash unless you were a girl in highschool when it released

Nice meme dude

Attached: Kornheiser_Why.jpg (288x499, 24K)

Dr. Strangelove = Graduation
Eyes Wide Shut = Late Registration
The Shining = 808s
Space Odyssey = MBDTF
Full Metal Jacket = Yeezus
Clockwork Orange = TLOP
Barry Lyndon = Ye

Obviously it is Her