for the first time since I can remember I cried at the "its not your fault" bit.
For the first time since I can remember I cried at the "its not your fault" bit
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Congratulations. Your a faggot.
It's not your fault, user.
It’s not your fault
Skyrockets in flight! Afternoon Delight!
Shouldn't a genius know it's not his fault his dad beat him?
My dad gave me a very specific reason every time he beat my ass. All of which were my decisions.
As a genius I know it doesn't matter. I do not care who was at fault.
This movie fucking sucked.
I was beat as a kid and I didn't fucking cry. at this is right
i know it's not my fault like wtf man???
I never thought it was wtf why would anyone???
It’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your faultIt’s not your fault
people are not gonna shut up about it not ur fault and probably start on me now fuckng lol
>at this
my dad started going for my legs and back once I stopped crying. Then he just gave up. Once you get the ever living shit beat out of you for eating a Swiss cake roll before dinner, what the fuck else are they going to do? Idiot used the nuclear option to early.
IKR fucking genius thinks it's his fault. holy shit and this movie did suck.
doctor once told me to watch it kek kek kek
I did the
>it’s not your fault
Thing to a girl I was dating just fucking around and after a few of the it’s not your faults and her saying I know she just started crying. Really ruined the evening. I dun goof’d. No more crazy Spanish girls.
I basically told him the same thing. He got pissed off i think lol. Glad I don't need him anymore.
If anyone wondering why or what kind of doc i was seeing it was for a broken nose.... like orocai from LOTR style.
Happened to me like 5 times. Around **** never relax is no joke. Sucker puncher fucks. They're the real racists... I always keep a ccp on me and a good knife now. Sucker punching assholes
give the context I aint watching this boomer flick
daddy beat him hard and he cried hard when robin williams said it wasn't his fault.
said it like 10 times he cried
"It's not your fault. The Jews ruined everything"
It might not be your fault if you get raped but you'd still feel ashamed. Well, not you cause you're a faggot but people in general.
hd my ass
and i'm saging cause posting alot
>Well, not you cause you're a faggot but people in general.
Based tell-it-like-it-is user.
hilarious scene. sorry for low quality. only good part.
only i could find.