>”I am handsome. The women were all obsessed with me. From when I was 18 till when I was 50. I realised that everyone was looking at me. Women became my motivation. I owe them everything. They were the ones who inspired me to look better than anyone else, to stand stronger and taller than anyone else, and to see it in their eyes. I had a physique in contradiction with what I carried inside, I've fought it all my life."
What did Alain Delon mean by this?
”I am handsome. The women were all obsessed with me. From when I was 18 till when I was 50...
Other urls found in this thread:
can you go back to lookism you fucking nigger
t. og
He was a fucking manlet though. What about his dick game?
The virgin chad?
Reportedly 9 inches long and VERY thick
What is the X factor? Why do some attractive people just have “that thing” that other attractive people don’t? How is someone like Jack Nicholson who’s kind of goofy looking still so attractive?
My gods he is handsome.
The Kevorka, Jerry! it's the Kavorka!
he took it up the ass
>tfw 6" bonepressed and ~5.5" girth
God cursed me. But I'll show them all, I'll make Augs a reality and give myself a RoboCock!
Everybody was bi in the 60s.
Fuck, she is cute
Who's this faggot?
>you will never be alain delon
One of the biggest movie stars of all time. Guy was practically a deity in the 60s.
just get a fucking penis extender they actually work
evian bottle
good lord, mick jagger is such an autist
Watch Le Cercle Rouge
>”Look, I had incredible luck. I've been happy all my life; I filmed with the best. I did what I wanted, with who I wanted, when I wanted. I dwell on the past more than I think about the future, yes, because my past was extraordinary. A life like I had doesn't come around twice.”
Nah, I already have a sort of ED due to "emotional issues" (if a woman is genuinely beautiful I can't get it up; at this point only bimbos or thich MILFs get a rise out of me). I'm not risking that. I'm a smart guy. I just have to become a billionaire and invent some Deus Ex shit. Easy-Peasy.
S-Still a m-manlet...
> They were the ones who inspired me to look better than anyone else, to stand stronger and taller than anyone else
Dude was never that fit-looking, and besides getting in shape there was nothing he had to do to be any more attractive to women
Literally just search for "Alain Dellon Nude" you fucking autists, he's done naked. Here: imgur.com
Keep in mind he's around 5'10".
He's thinking of fashion.
>lectures others but can't even spell his name right
What the fuck does it matter you autistic faggot?
>oh no no no no OOOOOOOOHHHHH he added another l ooooooooohhhhh NOOOOOOOOO
Fuck off. There's his dick. Go fantasize about sucking it now, you fag.
>not rock hard
Doesn’t count.
utterly mogged
>mick jagger
man you are retarded
>Reporter: People, once more, don't say it straight to your face but they suggest very very strongly that you have homosexual tastes?
>Delon: So what's wrong if I had? Or I did? Would I be guilty of something? If I like it I'll do it. We have a great actor in France named Michel Simon and Michel Simon said once, "If you like your goat, make love with your goat." But the only matter is to love.
That’s close to how I look flaccid and I pack 7 at the same height.
Just be urself guys, it's easy.
>m-muh 2" walnut turns into 9" p-promise
I've seen some monstrous dicks on /gif/. I've seen a whole lot of webs of flaccid dicks getting hard. All of those big ones were equally big in their flaccid state.
What the fuck are you laughing at Cage?
7" is a believable number with that flaccid though.
>I'm an asshole and women are shallow sluts
>make love with your goat
what is wrong with the french?
>hey user, what are you thinking about?
as the french say, that certain "i don't know what"
He actually looks less handsome with the beard. He should've tried a mustache or van dyke.
They're Frogs; bestiality ain't in their vocabulary.
lmao, this is all you will ever have lanklets. impotent cope. You will never be Alain Delon
Look at that little faggot melting turdface Mick Jagger, that fucking omega incel is sitting there tucking his little dick away between his lanklet legs, seething, cursing and crying internally because he knows no matter the amount of nasty cheap groupie pussy he gets, he will never be Alain Delon.
Brad Pitt? Looks like a deformed cock sucking homofaggot Quasimodo compared to the blinding beauty of Delon.
Think of the most unreachable, untouchable woman that has ever lived. Alain Delon only had take a single look in her direction and she would be his. As long as mankind exists no lanklet will ever have such power over the female sex.
Nicholson had raw masculine sexuality and confidence. I can’t imagine him ever being a beta when approaching women.
I'm sorry but Mick jagger did far better in life than Alain, got more pussy too
Beauty is the only truth.
Feminism can't stop it. Incels will never have it and fatties can put down the fork.
>fucking goats
Hmm, seems like a traditional French thing
didn't think this could be possible but this pic really makes me relate to mick jagger
you just KNOW this is a desperate cope from a 6’ tall loser desperate to believe that height is all that matters
no, he didn't. he also only got the cheapest nastiest groupie puss. that's like eating shit from the streets
Both Marlon Brando and Paul Newman were hotter
>he actually thinks one of the biggest rockstars of all time couldnt get any woman he wanted
alain deloin got life mogged
Nicholson just fucked as many women as he could once he was a star, see him only a couple of years before Easy Rider and he's a weird, squeaky type, definitely not a guy who's going to get every pussy he goes for, no matter how confident he was. And that's not counting hookers, who I imagine must have made up the numbers at some of the orgies he attended with Harry Dean Stanton because... what woman wants to get plowed by that little worm?
He got quantity, but Delon got quality.
quality > quantity
Most intelligent women wouldn't go near Jagger unless they were also drug addicts. He's bad luck to women.
I'm convinced this is Alain himself posting. Either that or a faggot that has a huge hard on for Delon. Why defend him like that on anonymous board?
Still though, Jack’s appeal was his unmistakable masculinity and bad boy persona. He wasn’t the usual Hollywood pretty boy type.
His appeal was that he was an enthusiastic fuck, had good drug connections and was "cool".
>Only 4 kids virgin vs 8 kids Chad
Jagger won financially, societally and biologically. He's done more for music than Delon has done for film and people actually still fill arenas to see an 80 year old Jagger squirm around while Delon is a has been who only gets any relevance now by saying something racist
HDS was one of the most charismatic people who ever lived.
Delon was able to retire, Jagger is still chasing money. Also, let's be honest, Jagger is ugly as fuck, it's only his stage presence that got him that much pussy. You wouldn't look twice at Jagger if he wasn't Jagger, but Delon you wouldn't be able to look away from.
He was pretty damn cool though. He became a star relatively late in life too. No chance in hell a guy that looks like him or Bill Murray could become a giant movie star nowadays.
And he'll always remember that night Delon made him look like a loser
No he fucking wasn't, he was a worm, a pimp, a hanger-on and a druggie fuck. He was an eternal bit player.
Which is why I respect Jagger more. It's not that much of an achievement to be born good looking.
>Why defend him like that on anonymous board?
the average manlet has to live through famous and succesful short people who became desired in spite of their height. They think because a famous manlet with movie-star looks and money got pussy it somehow means height doesn't matter for the other 99.9% of the population.
He didn't become a giant movie star then either. Paris, Texas was a German indie movie. Bill Murray became a star as a comedian, comedians still look weird now. And HDS was a
doubt it, he probably got high as fuck. when you live that kind of life where every night would be a memoramble moment for a normal person you probably dont remember much
Are yoh serious? Now it's even easier. Hollywood is actively casting ugly, charmless people now
he is a druggie horse face. he only got sloppy seconds skanks. it's like picking unfinished McRibs from the shit littered street. great achievement there.
want to know what he meant by "I can't get no satisfaction"? because he couldn't be Alain Delon.
fucking dipshit, did you see that documentary about him? An airhead.
But Delon isn't even that short. 5 10 for a Frenchman in the 60s was probably on the upper end of average
Right but what I’m saying is guys that look like him now become supporting character actors. Jack and Billy Murray got leading man roles in huge hit movies.
It's not that much of an achievement for your blues record collecting hobby to go mainstream at exactly the time you're the right age to capitalize on it. Jagger and his whole generation were ridiculously lucky, nothing more. I'll admit he worked hard on his fake Southern accent, though.
Does anyone have those posts by gigoloanon?
pathetic cope
What a stupid post
>Harry Dean Stanton because... what woman wants to get plowed by that little worm?
I worked as a straight gigolo for two years. A few basic tips:
1. Repeat customers are your best way to make a ton of money, but they will 100% fall in love with you and try to figure out things about your private life. I personally used a whole bunch of different backstories that I knew inside and out and used for different customers. You’ll have to check your own moral compass to see how far you’re willing to go in abusing their love.
2. Don’t do shit where there’s a guy present unless you really need the money. Tends not to end well (in many different ways).
3. You will definitely get booked by mentally challenged or physically handicapped women. I recommend rejecting them entirely (you can usually figure it out beforehand), but if you end up doing them anyway, make sure they pay up front and that they’re clean.
4. If you’re with an agency, try to transition to independent work ASAP. An agency is great (from what I’ve heard, I’ve always been indie) to start out with, but it’s better to do shit on your own, which leads me to:
5. Try to get escort dates with wealthy clients to parties and such. Not only will you get paid more, you will able to make new contacts for clients at the parties (most people there will recognize that you’re a gigolo).
6. Don’t ask for gifts, trick clients into thinking they came up with it themselves (don’t say “hey could you buy me a guitar”, say something like “my guitar broke... wish I coukd find another one like that...”)
7. Some of your clients are fine with just talking
8. Repeat customers sometimes want you to present yourself differently. Both in terms of variety and in terms of seeming more like a real partner who’s sometime more disheveled or whatever.
9. If you live in a major city you WILL be paid to deflower some rich Middle Eastern woman who thinks western men are hot and will treat you like a machine
I haven’t interacted with the disabled ones too much (like I said, I never had an agency and those women usually call agencies. I got new clients through word of mouth, which I’ll expand on later) but physically they differ: some are so shy they are basically disabled, those can be cute and are usually extremely inexperienced/virgins. I’ve been set up with straight up retarded daughters by their mothers a few times and I rejected them all. They smelled and looked gross and dangerous and I was fairly certain I wasn’t getting paid.
I’ve never had sex with a man. I’ve gotten offers from many, but I never took one. Keep in mind I wasn’t some street hustler: those guys need to fuck guys to make a living. Very depressing community.
None! Not even a cold sore. I did start developing a cocaine addiction at one point through work but I’ve stopped using that entirely. I’m EXTREMELY hygienic privately and take few risks. This is also one of the reasond why I don’t fuck the sketchy girls.
The women I fucked could easily get laid, I’ll get to that in a moment.
I grew up thinking I was very ugly, especially since my friends told me I was ugly. Honestly I still din’t know what to think. Looking back, many things happened to me — some shy kid — that probably wouldn’t have happened if I were ugly, like losing my virginity at 13 to a much older girl, or that girls would always offer to do my homework in college. I was quite shy and clueless until I was 22, I actually remember the exact day I became MUCH more extroverted.
A little while later I started working on high fashion photography sets doing something I’d rather not reveal for privacy reasons (both of my parents were models so I could ride a nice wave of nepotism and get up high very quickly).
>vs 8 kids Chad
all bastard children and degenerates who became trannies, drug addicts like their horse faced failure of a father who was never there for them because he was too drugged up and busy being the Justin Beiber of the 70s.
Look at those junkie losers. They look like fucking Auschwitz survivors.
Oh, you meant Nicholson? I thought you were talking about HDS. Nicholson had been a supporting actor, became a star partly because he was the only one of the three male stars in Easy Rider who
A: could act, and
B: could control his drug intake
enough to benefit from that movie's success. In a world where Dennis Hopper had self-control or Peter Fonda had acting ability, would he have been so successful? Who can say?
At those high fashion sets I kept being asked if I was one of the models and if I wanted to model too. I had been scouted as a teen and knew that wasn’t for me (model guys are WEIRD and there are too many dudes trying to bang you) so I kept saying no. However, this only made me more interesting to alot of the editors, stylists etc. and other professional women on those sets. Many of those women started asking me out. At first, it was just a nice way to get free dinners and drinks, and most of the women were quite attractive anyway so I didn’t mind sleeping with them. At one point I was talking about ridiculous rent and one of the women offered to pay my rent that month. I realised I had something special going on, so I started flirting more and more with every independently wealthy and 35+ woman I met at those sets. Through that I quickly amassed a network of women who were willing to pay for all my shit (and much more). As time passed, I started getting calls from women I didn’t know: friends of my contacts (I was indirectly being pimped out by my sugarmommies). They started actually paying me big bucks and taking me to even more high class events.
Most of the women who hired me were very confident and attractive. The funny part about the fashion industry is that the prostitution rumors that exist about everyone aren’t caused by everyone being hookers, but by people trying to could who actually are hookers and who are paying for sex.
As mentioned earlier, the worst ones are the shy girls (usually screenwriters or illustrators) who’ve been given my number by a colleague who felt bad for them, and the women trying to set me up with their hopelessvirgin daughters.
See my post. You could always sign up with an agency.
Gay high class prostitution is very lucrative but I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Very dangerous plus you’ll be fucking dudes.
Imagine being so handsome that you can say "I am handsome" knowing that it's an absolute undeniable fact damn
>intelligent women
He dealt coca and paid his way.
Fucked like 20 of those. If you’ve ever interacted with rich people in the middle east you’ll know that they have a very strong culture of pretending not to see things (having booze on your table is illegal, so they put booze under the table, for example). Similarly, it’s a thing that rich Middle Easter girls (daughters, I guess) go on holidays in the west and will lose their virginity here because for some reason it doesn’t count and they can marry as virgins in their home country. They usually think every white guy here knows every white celebrity lmao and see you more as a sex toy than as a person.
>Nah, I already have a sort of ED due to "emotional issues" (if a woman is genuinely beautiful I can't get it up;
oh so it isn't only me huh.
One supported his kids, the other pissed out bastards. Bob Dylan has ten kids, is he 2.5 times the stud Delon is? Nah.
I can relate t.b.h.
lmao, cope harder. you will never be Alain Delon
What’s it like to be really handsome?
>all the faggots in this thread talking shit about much more successful men than them
Never heard of him.
literally life on easy mode
How long have you had it user? It's been about a year for me. I hope that when I lose all the extra weight I gained it'll go away, and that it's just a temporary mental thing. Otherwise I'm fucked.
I have a friend who often doesn’t take his wallet with him outside because he knows that if there’s women nearby they’ll be willing to pay for everything he needs no strings attached.
I imagine both extremely easy and extremely alienating.
Like milk and eggs?
He is to nature, that's how passing on your genes works. I can guarantee you that Genghis khan looked like a deformed Asian midget compared to Delon yet his genetic legacy will be everlasting
Fair point. I was just saying there are very few examples of unconventionally handsome leading men these days. Like I recently watched A Star is Born. Bradley Cooper’s character was supposed to be a down and out alcoholic/drug addict but he’s fucking ripped with less than 10 percent body fat.
ever since i was a teenager.
i look pretty good now, it still hasn't gone away.
it's not about confidence either.
i can't get a hard on from 10/10's.
reminder that he was cucked by his serbian bodyguard and he had to kill him
Well, that's... concerning. Why do you think it happens? Personally I see them as "beautiful" instead of "hot", and feel like I'd "defile" them if I got a raging hardon and wanked it over them. Has it affected your love life on any level?
Yes. Groceries, drinks in bars, clothing even.
this is peak chadness
yeah pretty sure i have a madonna/whore complex too
Learn about new IP detection before you respond for someone else you little autist.
i get off off defilement and corruption and it's still not enough to get me in the mood.
i think it boils down to relatability, i prefer homely or shy girls, not too sexualized or with agressive sexual behavior. i think that's more of a male characteristic and it turns me off when i see it in a girl.
it has affected me somewhat because this angel back in college showed interest on me but i decided to torture her emotionally for some reason.
at the end of the day i prefer a latina type girl or at the very least a more reserved white one.
By that token, any welfare baby daddy outstuds all of them. You fucking idiot.
foster family, prison, war at 17, always unsatisfied, always unhappy
yeah no thanks, I'll pass
Don't you think Gene selection is the secret to attractive men and women being born. My dad said the greatest thing a father can give to his son is genes. So he married a model and I was born. Life wasn't hard for me. I lost my virginity since I was 14. Since then I never had a dry period when it came to sex.
>Alain Delon
should have made up a more believable story, user.
You're on Yea Forums retarded faggot dont ever brag about your genes again
It's true, and it ties the 70s more to preceding decades, there's quite a diversity of looks among leading men of the classical era. Part of this is standards of beauty changing, some of the current era's major stars could be considered uggos in fifty years' time.
I’m phoneposting lmao
You were lucky, that's not a guarantee, look at the Trump kids, two of them are good-looking, three of them aren't so much, and all their moms were 10s.
When I think of Chad I think of a tall jock type, handsome for women, the type I envy but wouldn’t trade faces with.Alain is just another level, beauty incarnate.
Aha... Yeah, that's not my problem. Filthy "sexy" women I have no problem with. It's beautiful ones and especially redheads; I see them as too "angelic" to "tarnish".
Welcome to the club. Now we have truly become... the Don!
I'm from /fit/ mostly. Got introduced to it by a dorm mate at college. I'm genuinely asking if it's true about genes?
Man its sucks being ugly.
I adore tarnishing beautiful women, it's interesting you guys say this.
>I had a physique in contradiction with what I carried inside
That is literally me.
how could you not know.
you can get a pretty nice body and it'll be enough to be a 7/10, but if you have a plain face it's game over unless you're successful.
i find the idea of not recognizing one's 'beauty value' until a certain age very alien. almost like a women thing.
there has to be a point where you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that some stuff right there doesn't exactly look good.
did you have a very religious upbringing? i did and i'm certain it fucked me up when it came to women.
based zoomer
Hm.I don't have any such fetishes, really. When I was 5 or so I'd daydream about going to Cabarets I'd seen in Westerns, and fucking all the whores. Gradually I lose any interest in overtly sexual fetishes and the like. In my teens I did really go nuts over cuck vids, since I self-inserted as the Bull (back then all were white/white and mostly POV). Nowdays I know things I /like/, but they don't necerrily make me "diamonds". I find corsets, stockings and opera gloves incredibly hot, but it's not like a pic of a woman in that will make me hard. It's weird.
Eh, not really. Kinda. We'd fast for a week, go to Church during the major celebrations and holidays, stuff like that. The problem was that my parents raised me as a "gentleman", and so I wasted all chances I had during HS.
probs about 7 inches when erect.
looks good
>there has to be a point where you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that some stuff right there doesn't exactly look good.
Eh, it's not so black and white. David Gandy is considered one of the hottest men alive. Yet his features, if you isolate them, ain't all that, and he's said he finds himself too weird and cannot look in the mirror.
Genes are a weird thing, user. Pic related are the daughters of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, two objectively beautiful people.
You never know what you're gonna get.
>In 1956, after being dishonorably discharged from the military, he returned to France. He had little money, and got by on whatever employment he could find. He spent time working as a waiter, a porter, a secretary and a sales assistant. During this time he became friends with the actress Brigitte Auber, and joined her on a trip to the Cannes Film Festival, where his film career would begin.
>At Cannes, Delon was seen by a talent scout for David O. Selznick. After a screen test Selznick offered him a contract, provided he learn English. Delon returned to Paris to study the language, but when he met French director Yves Allégret, he was convinced that he should stay in France to begin his career. Selznick allowed Delon to cancel his contract, and Allégret gave him his debut in the film with Edwige Feuillère, Quand la femme s'en mêle (1957) (Send a Woman When the Devil Fails). Marc Allégret cast him in Be Beautiful But Shut Up (1958), which also featured a young Jean-Paul Belmondo. He was then given his first lead, supporting Romy Schneider in a period romance, Christine (1958), based on a novel by Arthur Schnitzler. He and Schneider began a highly publicised romance in real life. The film was the seventeenth most popular movie at the French box office that year.[4]
Imagine going from literal nobody at 21 to a movie star in just a couple of years because you're just THAT good looking.
>and all their moms were 10s
Uh, no. Trump's first wife was appallingly ugly for a "supermodel". Melania is wierd and definitely not on the same playing field as most typical hot actresses.
Getting laid early doesn't correlate with good genes though. Most people who loose it when they're young are poor and dysgenic
I've been told I'm attractive enough be a model. I'm thin but muscular and tall, I'm also lucky enough to not have lost any hair. Girls act really weird around me, always flustered. I also catch them staring at me wherever I go. Occasionally they smile but they never initiate a conversation, most assume I'm way out of their league. The arrogant ones (usually drowning in makeup) take my disinterest personally and get visibly upset when I don't give them attention.
Guys see me and feel threatened if they're insecure, niggers are especially guilty of this. Asians sort of move out of my way, they usually have low self esteem.
most people don't have dry-spells. Most.
also you can have a manly-man have a manly daughter
Wish I could say the same
what inspires you cucks to stick up for other men in this way, the guy you are sticking up for isn't even a somebody, he's a nobody
iktf except girls assume I must be gay since I’m shy and don’t really approach much.
So people don’t like you or speak to you and you assume this is because you’re too good looking? Jesus Christ the delusion
>From when I was 18 till when I was 50
Must be lying.
I had 20yo women hitting on me since I was 14, and I was kind of a twink.
that's how most actors were recruited then
You're dick is definitely longer than average and a lot thicker, too. What are you complaining about?
This. Super handsome people are often really bad at being conventionally employed. Like I’m sure plenty of actors and models used to be lowly construction workers or whatever.
This. In High School all the old birds loved me as well.
manlets trying to be movie stars is cope because being projected on a massive 40x20 foot screen is the only way anyone will pay attention to them.
Male models are the real studs and they all have to be over 6 feet.
I'm fat (30lbs at 6'1" now, used to be 250lbs), so the fatpad and the fact that muh dicc's curved upwards like a boomerang, make it look small. on my frame. Plus, I've seen some really monstrous dicks on /gif/ and I worry, I guess.
What's lowly about making $32/hour to do 3 long ass wire pulls a day. Maybe it's not glamorous but lowly?
I meant more like being a common laborer.
Mirin your 220lb weight cut
>based skeleton poster
There isn’t one, women are attracted to different types of men and all an woman cares about is if they specifically are attracted to you. If you’re attractive to a girl she’ll literally do anything for you. Anything. They are very easily convinced that you can do no wrong and that you’re right about everything and are a good guy. Women are extremely gullible, they only care about how hot they see you, and contrary to popular belief they don’t all see the same things as attractive since everyone has met a girl whose dating a dude they think is ugly and she’s viciously attached to him to a psychotic extent.
If a girl thinks you’re hot, you can literally get her to do -anything-. Any sex act, any kind of relationship, she’ll do for a chance to have you.
Wh- Oh. Yeah, I meant 230lbs, the 2 key jams sometimes... Anyway, checked.
>such power over the female sex.
and there's what it's all about for this common-or-garden loser. Get 'em sperging and they eventually reveal the core issue that drives them.
>talking this much about dicks
this post is usually the point where all the non-homos have left the thread and new ones will be repelled.
>finger too fat to hit 2 key
He's so good looking yet I would still bet on Jack to pull more pussy. Hell, prime Jack could probably steal a girl from prime Delon
Nah, I've got pretty slender fingers. It's the keyboard's fault, it's gotten old. Same thing happens to the 1 and 3 keys.
>lost any hair.
big ouf on my part, didnt you post in /fit/ skull threads ?
This was me until I realized I'm just a weird looking autist
My brother is a 10. The upside is that he can land chicks of good quality with relative ease; all his ltrs have been very hot. He also does well at work and people treat him better than his ugly peers.
Downside is of course he has to work hard to maintain his appearance, he's pretty vain about it, and the chicks he does get are never 100% satisfying. He knows there's always something better.
I've also had to cover for him a million times when some weird chick he's not into fixates on him when we're out together and starts chasing him around the club.
>He should've tried a mustache
Le Cercle Rouge (1970)
I know the fatpad pain. I used to be around 260 at a bit over 5'10", and now I'm at 176 with a better body composition, but I still have a fucking bonnet of fat above my dick. Looks weird as fuck.
>Hey baby, some nice specials today
> ahhhh... yeah
> Too bad it's only on skim, I like em full cream, like you baby
> Do I know you?
> Can you please buy my milk?
That pic just proves rock folk are a bunch of betas
I don’t think I’m attractive by any normal means, probably a 5/10, but all the women I’ve ever dated have been practically insane about me
moral relativism is disgusting
WTF he was beautiful. and now the film industry is saying this is the most handsome actor in the whole world. Nooooooooooooooooooo
I doubt he actually said any of that, but that's fucking beautiful.
How many guys do you think will say " I am handome " with such confidence.
that's a bad picture
Timmy is cute as fuck, and his chin and cheekbones are nice too
Sad shit homes
This. Most women say I'm a 6/10 but every once in a while I meet a girl who thinks I'm a 10, and often they are 7/8 themselves. Weird how that works.
He's a rat
I wasn't
Pretty boys shouldn't be called handsome
nigga post a pic of your face and we decide who is more handsome you or timmy
hes a skinny little twink with a ratface, you're just a closet fag.
you put some curls on a rat and you have a timmy. get one and fuck its mouth you sick mf
Yeah but he looks like a wimp while Delon charms a very pretty woman in that one picture from 40 years ago
It's called "not being autistic"
Social butterflies simply exist and are able to easily charm people with nothing more than clear speech, quick wit and nice self-presentation. More than that, it involves speech, body language and behavioral patterns that cause people to be receptive to them before they've even realized that the interaction has begun. There has to be a gene that accounts for having max charisma
>ive seen dicks on /gif/
Yeah,you sure seem to know a lot about sex,dont you?
I went in for a job interview and I knew right off the bat I would not get it because the guy was 5'5" if he was an inch and I'm 6'4". Height does matter. Sometimes, it is all that matters. All he did was call my education and experience useless and irrelevant for 20 minutes before I told him that was enough.
Short guys do that. Tall guys do that. Everyone does that. Height matters and sometimes it is the only thing that matters.
Had the same experience but with a fat boss who so insecure about it. Needless to say, she only got fatter while I knew her
>*cheats on his wife with David Bowie*
what film to start with that beautiful man?
Notice how Jagger is crossing his legs compared to Delon. Men who can cross their legs like that have a tiny penis. Whenever you watch some late night comedy bullshit and you see the guest cross their legs like pic related, they have a small dick.
But user is not an actor, you dumb fuck.
>Guys see me and feel threatened if they're insecure, niggers are especially guilty of this.
i´m not handsome (just average) but i´ve also experienced this but with spics instead
Both are faggot libshit
Him and Clint were probably the most chaddest actor with tons of charisma in the industry
>In a world where Dennis Hopper had self-control or Peter Fonda had acting ability
that's quite the bizarro world you got there user. I like it. Except it sucks. Fonda with acting ability, you can't be serious.
>. Bob Dylan has ten kids
what the fuck lol. Based dylan
there was a point when I would get jealous reading all the attractive stories in this chat but then I remembered most people are delusional
jagger music sucks since the 70's and he look like a fucking old woman since the 80's.
>Jagger is still chasing money
LMAO he does it because he likes it, he has made more money than you would do in 100 lifetimes and he still makes millions every year on royalties alone.2
Bob Dylan is literally a genius. One of the most important artists of the 20th century. Delon was a pretty boy and a shitty actor who hasn't done a single memorable film