Does anyone still actually care about Star Wars?

Does anyone still actually care about Star Wars?

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I care about Star Wars.
Was really sad they made no more star wars movies after Return of the Jedi.

Why drop her with the rancor so soon, at least wait until she's at 9 months or whatever?


im a normie :)

Yes soi bois


You can ignore them, it helps me still enjoy the original trilogy. But the prequels are Lucas's vision, and the new "fan" fiction is cannon

Did jabbaa rape Leah?

Thats jabba

Imagine her BRAPS lifting up her loin cloth revealing her Hutt cum filled butthole

That dude who cried about not being invited to Disney Land.

A likely scenario. It wasn't in the film but think about it.

drawing r34 of dead people seems distasteful

4 u

It looks like she's begging for something other than anal

How would the braps get through the Hutt cum?

No. I'm just around for the rants and shit storm. Star Wars died in 2014 along with clone wars and eu.

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no, the prequels wounded it and tfa killed it. tlj and everything else did a little jig on the corpse. haven't been to a movie since.

i like that the entire universe only has 2 genders

trannies btfo

>But the prequels are Lucas's vision, and the new "fan" fiction is cannon
I don't know what you are talking about.
There hasn't been any star wars movies made since 1983.

Anyone got the pic of leia getting fucked by the rancor?

Renember before the reddit invasion when Yea Forums hated this garbage? I miss those days

>have a collection of Leia R34 I've been collecting since I was a teenager
>tfw can't fap to them anymore since I just keep thinking about the fact that she's dead

Well, at least the Padme stuff is still usable I suppose. Now if you excuse me I'm off to fap to 14 year old Padme getting gang raped by Gungans.

I'm not 12 anymore, user.

I want to.

But I just can't. Maybe when the franchise un-fucks itself.

No, it's dead to me.

The Hutt creampie would squirt out with the braps of course

>the pic
Dude there is a 12 page comic of that.

None of my normie co workers or friends have brought up rise of skywalkerknow a few of them hated TLJ though.

Post it

Post it


when will this meme die

>when will this meme die
When it stops being the truth.

Was it kino?

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Dump it

For me it ended at Return of the Jedi. Now I’m just a fa/tg/uy who plays Star Wars with friends

Post that pic

>No soles

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there was a really good .txt story about jabba turning her into a whore. I should have saved that t.b.h.

I only care about KYLE KATARN

that joint is crap

I work in a comic shop and the remaining dedicated Star Wars fans are a sad sight. The brand has been diluted to hell and back with constant tie-in comics, action figures, funko POPs, and other shit merchandise, and the core fans feel an obligation to buy it all stronger than any other fandom (and I see plenty of them firsthand). They're all, without fail, dopey white dudes pushing at least 40 with (assumedly, since they can afford all this shit) respectable jobs and dour expressions as they themselves clearly can't believe that they still spend a fortune on something that's become so joyless.

1) there are literally fucking thousands of DIFFERENT, separate, R34 pictures, some drawn by hand and others 3DCG of star wars porn
2) A simple google search will dredge up 80-90% of it, the rest you can find by scouring the following websites:


Bear in mind you have to register for most of those sites to fully access the content. The only tricky one of that list is exhentai. They intentionally make it hard. You have to joint E-hentai, then, while logged into the forums, you have to paste the link into a tab and load it that way, or install the "Sad Panda" exhentai extension in your browser (Exhentai maintains some of the questionable content like Loli 3D stuff that is scrubbed from most sites)

Plenty of drawings of Natalie Portman/Padme envisioned at age 11~12 (eg The Professional) but in Padme costume.

>Lucas's vision
I care about the Original Trilogy that was good, which was a group effort between many talented people, including but not limited to Lawrence Kasdan, Marcia Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Richard Marquand, and yes George Lucas. Why should I care if the Prequel Trilogy is George's unaltered "vision", uninterrupted by all the ass-kissers he made it with?

>google search
>not duckduckgo

Lucas anally fisted them when he took the KOTOR bible and all sequel novels/comic storylines and threw them in a figurative rusted barrel bonfire and torched them as forever non-canon

People are desperately looking at the recent news about some KOTOR/Prequel TV series or whatever. The reality is that its going to completely reboot KOTOR. Don't expect anything related to any video game, comic book, or anything you have ever read on Wookiepedia. There are numerous simple, practical, business reasons for why they do this type of thing, beyond any thoughts about the story itself: New stories have no IP issues. No licenses. No obligations. They also have no baggage. No reference for comparison. Totally blank slates

I don't care now but I always start caring as the premiere gets closer. And I always get slightly giddy when that music starts. I'm not even a huge fan, I only saw the OT 3 years ago for the first time and I haven't seen Rogue One or Solo. The only movies I've seen multiple times were the prequels


duckduckgo is not anonymous. It just does not tie in your google AI optimized search history and record it on google.

If you search for illegal shit your search is 100% traceable to you. Seriously I hope you did not think it was otherwise. Might want to invest in a bunker somewhere and start heading over there in case the party van shows up.

Bro, I'm pretty sure drawings of Leia having sex with a Rancor are not illegal

The Prequels WERE bad tho.


The Prequels were an honest attempt by George to make something he "thought" would be good. He simply failed at it. It was an honest failure.

The ST however is a cynical garbage mess from the get go. Ruin Johnson especially never intended to make anything "good", so he made it subversive instead.

tldr: Prequels are still bad, but they are not dishonest shit pieces like the ST.

god i wish that were me

>The Prequels were an honest attempt by George to make something he "thought" would be good.

>Hey I know what kind of conflict kids will really enjoy watching
>Trade disputes

I can't even pretend to care anymore. It's been purgatory ever since Disney threw the franchise back to Rebels vs Empire with no good explanation or even any emotional weight to the situation. The new crew at Lucasfilm treat the source material and even the human lives behind the source material like shit. And if anyone points that out, this huge multi-billion dollar media conglomerate hires people to attack you. It's not worth the aggravation and I don't want to be associated with castrated bugmen publicly crying over commercials.

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>watch star wars porn
>hear mickey mouse laugh outside your door

I do. I think I might be the only person on the entire board who does. But people have gone so full retard over it I can't discuss it with anyone because I get so fucking angry at all of you. I'm not even reading this thread because I know the stupidity will ruin the afternoon for me.

>he enjoys nu-starwars

Nah, I'm just gonna watch Clone Wars and that's it. Don't give a shit about the DIsney movies

>Was really sad they made no more star wars movies after Return of the Jedi.

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Nope, I'm too old for it (17+), but I'm curious if teenagers even like these movies? I thought the Superhero stuff got all their attention.

George's problem is the same problem all of Hollywood has had for two decades now. They consider writing to be a very minor technical factor in storytelling. George wrote out Episode I in his first draft then they started shooting. Episodes II & III didn't even have a finished script as they began filming. If there was just a little bit more effort put into the story it would have been fantastic. Even with the limitations he created for himself pioneering digital film.

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Slave Leia got my attention

I was on board with Force Awakens. Stupidly thinking they would eventually cover the gap from Return of the Jedi. But Last Jedi made it much much worse, so now I just don't care. Didn't even get excited when I saw the trailer for the new movie. Hell, I don't even like Force Awakens anymore because it's just wasted potential to me now.

The sequels are genuinely good movies. Zoomers only constantly go on about how bad they are because that's what they've been told to think by their youtube overlords. Zoomers cannot think for themselves, and the popular "hip" opinion is to think the sequels are bad, when that cannot be further from the truth.

i just wanna fap to some Rey sfm porn or lookalike porn, hook a nigga up

lmao did that hack copy this vid?

>a couple of kids messing around in a machine shop made a better duel than any of the nu-wars flicks

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No they aren't. Lucas's vision is about Mace Windy, a revered Jedi-bendu of Ophuchi and his friend Chuiee "CJ" Two Thorpe.

At least you know you aren't a fan.

The prequels were what George thought would sell toys.

Fuck. More pics like this please.

In videogames, yes

Just check Ninjartist's work. There's a lot of vore shit tho

Nope. I have no idea how they did it, but the spark for me is totally gone, and I used to be obsessed with the franchise.


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So why would you use duckduckgo?

its not like your IP address requesting the website for one of those places is not bundled and sold to Google by a data broker


shouldn't the mouse be the emperor and kathleen be vader?

Very obviously. What a dumb question.

Largely indifferent. Even if the TV show turns out to be good, it doesn't undo Disney's prior shit nor should it make anyone hopeful of the franchise's future.

I like the lore and some of tre previous EU for Star Wars, I just don't like most of the movies.

I was born on May the 4th and this franchise is dead to me.

Dead to me. Didn't pay to watch VII, will not pay to watch IX.

Nu-Wars seems to be pretty popular among fans of the 3d cartoon series

its only despised by 40 year olds

>Trade disputes
If the politics had been left out and we weren't shown Sheev's rise to power and the fall of the republic and rise of the empire, everyone would be just as fucking confused as they are at the first order taking over the fucking galaxy in the reboot trilogy.
You'd be whining your ass off about how we should have seen that and the political maneuvering would have been so cool to see.
fuck off dude

haha i love star wars. space and lasers and ray beams! pew pew pew! robots and laser fighting. zap! zap! ZAP! yep i love star wars haha

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Yes, but not Ep. IX. The current trilogy is fucked. But I still enjoy Star Wars overall

>The Prequels were an honest attempt by George to make something he "thought" would be good. He simply failed at it. It was an honest failure.

George Lucas was always a hack:
1) Episode IV --->Edited by his wife
2) Episode V --->Edited by Irvin Kershner
3) Episode VI --->Edited by Richard Marqand
4) Episode I --->Edited by George Lucas (when it all went to shit)

you're 100% right. Ryan v Dorkman was made in 2007 or something, which is 24 years before TLJ


I wonder if Luke could even feel anything when he had to fuck leia after jabba finished turning her cunny inside out

Yea Forums always liked star wars and Yea Forums has been shitting on nu wars from the start.

>Faggot. I still fap to Leia even after she died. Nothing weird about it.

kill yourself underage

bullshit, she's in the new movie. if her family is fine with lucasfilm puppeting her corpse around for nickels, there's no shame in spending 20-30 hours carefully rendering a sarlac tenticle bringing her to orgasm.

seriously, my uncle rolls better and he's missing his left index finger and rolls them fucking backwards

its a fucking disgrace that disney somehow made star wars action bad.

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Even people who hated the prequels will at least admit the battles were good in them. Everyone who praises the new movies always does it with an air of "I need this to be good, or else I have to admit that I'm disappointed."

Do you guys ever remember that George Lucas also wrote (wrote!) Raiders of the Lost Ark creating Indiana Jones - and then reflect on the prequels and think just how the fuck? It's like if Eminem released Awfully Hot Coffee Pot t...twenty years after the Shady LP.. Oh he did. I guess you have a few good years in your 20s and you better have fucking put something out in that time because you're becoming a giant retard after that


George is a hero and always will be

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George was the soul of the franchise. It went to shit when he tried to edit it and be sole director because he can't take all his creative ideas and shape them into a streamlined film, or get good performances out of his actors. That's why he needed people like Marcia, Irvin Kershner and Richard Marquand.

And yet it still remains true that when Disney took over, and barely used his input, the light at the center of the franchise went out. For all the problems and embarrassing moments of the Prequels, there's more fresh ideas and creativity in 20 minutes of The Phantom Menace than the entirety of either TFA or TLJ.

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I doubt it. Slugs are hermaphrodites who fuck by coiling their dick-tentacles together. Jabba would probably find a human pussy disgusting.

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Jabba seems like a complete degenerate who would jerk off to the most depraved porn imaginable. He probably hates to fuck other Hutts because they are too "vanilla" for him so he goes after completely different species

>not a single mention of Shabby blue
yep kids these days just dont know good star wars porn *sips*

The old EU pretty much said that jabba is sexually depraved compared to most hutts who think fancying humanoids is a sick fetish

fucking boomers

I imagine Leia had a thick bush but hutts don't have any hair so he shaved that shit off

han solo will thank him later

Normies don't like it either now.

>Jabba wraps his dick-tentacle around Leia

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you're one of them faggot

not cannon lol



i only read the prequel eu so not much jabba there

If Dave Filoni made it, I'll watch. Otherwise, hard pass.

The Star Wars trilogy are timeless films, OP. What do you mean?

I remember one story we got captured so in order to escape he literally ate the jail guard and shat out the keys the poor bastard guard had on her and slithered his way to safety


Revenge of the Sith is a flawless masterpiece

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He cares enough about the human female form to dress her all sexy like.

He probably gave her the tongue on several occasions

>Does anyone still actually care about Star Wars?

Yeah, I loved the films too much as a kid to give up on it that easily. I give zero fucks about the new trilogy or the time period its set in but I do still like the setting and think it has a lot of potential if it was put into the hands of someone competent.

Going forward, I don't really care about IX but the Mandalorian looks like a good concept and the new season of Clone Wars should be good. An old republic trilogy is a logical direction for the mouse to go after they fucked up the current time period but I don't know how much faith I have in the Game of Thrones directors. I want to believe that the worst is over, that nothing can possibly be as bad as The Last Jedi but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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not even sheev can save ix, they just need to shit on the last good character left sothe mouse can destroy sw forever

36 here
Checks out, nu wars is SHIT

That fight scene was so rad.

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Sheev is really the only option JJ had after Rian fucked up so hard. He destroyed Snoke, he mad a joke out of Hux and he failed to have Kylo mature any beyond being a petulant angry child. So he didn't have a credible villain to work with which meant his only option was to resurrect a character the audience already knew. IX can at best be a largely self contained adventure that closes out a disappointing trilogy that never really did anything worth remembering.

Attached: Star Wars 7 if Rey wasn't a Mary Sue.webm (720x300, 1.91M)

Just like how LOTR ended with return of the king.

Filoni is directing at least one episode of The Mandalorian.

I never really thought of that until now. Huh



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>No. I'm just around for the rants and shit storm. Star Wars died in 2014 along with clone wars and eu.
Are you me?

What does jabba smell like

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he's all of us


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Cool, I am cautiously optmistic about it then overall. I have little hope for the project that D&D end up doing. Does Rian still have his own trilogy or did that get nixed?

Rian trilogy is dead. The only films they have planned going forward are IX and the Old Republic trilogy from the Game of Thrones dudes.

salty milk and coins

Good. I'm slowly building up my EU collection after the failure thats Disney wars. Currently working on clone wars omnibus and KOTOR omnibus

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Ok, good. Im a little behind. Kind of dropped out of it all for a bit. Well, we'll see how it all goes, lol


the norms are fairweather fans, as soon as the popular opinion turned against it they were gone

It's fun

Couldn't get through the first 15 minutes of the last jedi without turning it off

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I wonder if she orgasmed while being defiled by jabba. I bet she came like a little slut

Someone post the version where she is naked!!!

That's lewd user

I prefer the one where he drew a bunch of slave leia shotas.


I still like the OT and Prequels well enough. TFA and TLJ just kinda exist though and don't feel much like Star Wars. RoS is going to be another bland JJ film, so my hopes aren't very high for that one either.

The Prequels were the story of The Emperor and his galactic empire as much as it was Anakin's turn to the dark side. Without all the politics we'd be left exactly where we are today with the First Order; everyone who hasn't read any supplemental material couldn't tell you how long it took them to actually replace the previous government or why they were so powerful because none of that shit is presented in either film. All we know is that they usurped them without issue and can build super-weapons at a incredible pace.


dont pay for nu wars faggot

I don't, take it easy!


I must be vigilant

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May the force be with you.


Duckduckgo sells sells your data. They're actualy worse than Jewgle because they virtue signal their "protective" policies and then they do exactly what every kike does.

The lobster guard fight is some of the worst choreography I have seen in 10 years.

>still no jabba the hutt/princess leia vore
I really don't understand why/

>Does anyone still actually care about Star Wars
I care about the videogames and porn. And I wait for TCW season 7

Attached: AK.jpg (554x540, 47K)

>I care about the videogames
>And I wait for TCW season 7
Nu wars niggers need the rope

Fuck off

who are you quoting?

people here will say no but ep IX will be a box office success. you could argue that that's only because people want to see how it will end and no one will care after that, but time will tell. disney is already implanting star wars into the younger generation with cartoons, theme parks and toys.

RotJ gave me my maledom, slavery, and monster fetishes.

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>Clone Wars is Nu-Wars

Fuck off.

season 7 will be

>disney is already implanting star wars into the younger generation with cartoons, theme parks and toys.

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Not if season 7 was made pre-Disney buyout and as far as I know, it was (could be wrong though).

Kill yourself reddit nigger, or at least stop sucking mouse cock.

Yes, but not enough to buy into Disney's merchandising scheme.

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Kill yourself immediately reddit nigger, Clone Wars is pre-Disney buyout. The only person here sucking mouse cock is you for hating on the masterpiece kino that is Clone Wars.

>reddit spacing nigger
>callsothers reddit
I said season 7 was nu wars you retarded zoomer cock sucker. Not the old seasons.

Kill yourself immediately reddit nigger and stop sucking mouse cock.

Says the reddit nigger sucking off nu clone wars

gotta spend money to make money, assuming that screenshot is even true

galaxy's edge is already a non-stop money printing machine


Kill yourself immediately reddit nigger and stop sucking mouse cock.

its fuckin smudge

Who does the best young Padme porn? I've never seen Natalie drawings, age 11~12 wearing the Padme outfit.

nobody has ever done that, would defeat the purpose probably.

How so?

cause parody is about asosciations

Wasn't one of the guys in the bottom run over by a car a few years ago?

Not a meme, zoomer

I would ravage slave Leia's asshole