>Pacific Rim
>Kong Skull Island
>Shin Godzilla
>Godzilla: King of Monsters
Are we in the Kaijussance?
>Pacific Rim
>Kong Skull Island
>Shin Godzilla
>Godzilla: King of Monsters
Are we in the Kaijussance?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pacific Rim, Kong and KOTM were shit, though. Kaijuniggers are insufferable bootlickers.
Take a look at their box office numbers, that’ll tell you
>box office returns are an indicator of success
I mean, I don't agree that Star Wars: the Force Returns is the best movie of all time, but since it made 2.06 billion dollars, it must be!
>either the eternal marvelnigger or some faggot upset no one cares about his art "film" or some shitty politics pushing movie
>edgy greentext: the post!
seethe harder
>don't point out that I'm being edgy for no reason, that upsets me
Peake cringe. Have a bump OP
Yes, that is the feeling that we all get when we come across someone screeching like you were.
>first post is a temper tantrum screaming "niggers" and "bootlickers"
>calling anyone edgy
>claiming anyone else was screeching
It's an indicator of them having any sort of future at all.
>uprising niggertry
del taco pls save us
That Oddish is adorable and I want it.
There will always be giant monster movies. Pacific Rim made double its budget back, Kong: Skull Island made three times its budget back and while King of Monsters could be doing better, it's nearly made twice its budget back.
they were all massive flops
>if I talk like an inbred fourteen year old hillbilly on an anonymous Somali tea leave forum everyone will think I'm cool
You're talking like a tryhard fourteen year old. It's super cringe.
>Pacific Rim made twice its budget back, spawned a sequel that made twice its budget back despite not having anyone returning from the original
>Skull Island made three times its budget back, and is the second in a Western Kaijuverse
>King of Monsters is the third in a franchise, with a fourth being filmed as we speak
If only there was a way to check if your opinion held any water before you said anything stupid.
how was he being edgy? update your buzzword key, you should have said seething if you wanted to blend in better
KOTM is highly underrated
By talking like a trailer park dweller from the deepest parts of 'bama?
You're supposed to wear your helmet when you expect to take shrapnel to the head, man.
Didn't beat Avatar = flop. learn to Yea Forums
So every movie that isn't the Force Awakens is a flop? That's a hell of a metric.
No, all of those movies except for Pacific Rim are bad
Even Avengers Endgame is a flop. There are literally no profitable movies in the Yea Forums land.
you know that nigger and faggot have been suffixes on this board for the better part of a dozen years, right? you stick out like crazy. if i say you are, for instance, a prognigger on Yea Forums, that just means you're affiliated with the genre prog. if i call you a newfaggot, that's really just saying "you're one of those real obvious tumblr transplants". sorry that words hurt your feelings though you absolute niggerfaggot.
this board=Yea Forums as whole btw
I swear, getting normies to watch giant monster movies is like pulling teeth. Slap Disney or Marvel on literally anything though and they act like they'll die unless they see it.
I was a capeshitter right up until Endgame, but after that I feel the franchise fatigue hard. i have no desire to see any more Marvel movie in the cinemas, maximum I'd rent it on redbox/amazon when it comes out on home video. I can't be the only one.
Cloverfield is kino. The found footage really works there.
Meanwhile, you have people on Yea Forums shitting on cape movies, and kaiju movies, but then they'll go on to demand more of movies like Man of Steel, which was a cape movie shot like a kaiju movie.
>a low framerate tumblr reaction .gif to prove my point
mmmmm shaky-cam and deadmeats screaming each other's names at each other for two hours
If you replace Superman with Godzilla, everything about that movie works so much better.
>his bare minimum response means I won
The mental acuity of an inbred teenager from Alabama too
You are stupid and retarded, Pacific Rim is great, even with its nonsensical plot holes, KOTM is pure kino for eyes and ears
ESPECIALLY the scenes with Pa Kent.
>Stop invincible thirty foot tall dragon monster son
Yea Forums is full of petty contrarians who like Snyder because people on the other side of the political spectrum don't like his movies.
>made twice its budget back
movies need to make at least 2.5x their budget to break even. Anything else is losing money.
And yet movies that make between twice and three times their budget get sequels all the time. It's almost as if the studios know these movies will sell way better on the home video circuit where fans will circulate their copy and get other fans. That's certainly what happened with Pacific Rim.
What plot holes did the first Pacific Rim have?
I won't be satisfied until this gets a film adaptation. Would be kaiju kino.
who the hot fuck is hals halson
Why could Idris Elba just drift with anyone, that's all I can think of.
The beginning of the movie went on about how rare it is to find two people that are able to drift together. But then, and I know that the lead guy is supposed to be one of the best of all time, but he was able to drift with Maako without any issue. Then the end when the Marshall was able to drift with the Australian guy despite having done no training or practice together.
I love the movie, I've watched it plenty of times, but there's plenty of parts of the movie that are 'Rule of Cool' that others would think are plot holes.
>GvK next year
>Possible Destroy all Monsters in 2021
>TOHO is set to start a new era of Godzilla once legendary's license expires
>ssss gridman is fairly popular and we'll received
The future is bright.
I could go for another attempt at this. But with a Paul Bunyan that's actually a giant. Too bad about Michael Clark Duncan, he would've been a perfect John Henry.
>but he was able to drift with Maako without any issue
Did you just forget how he got pulled into her memory on the test drift that resulted in her firing up Gipsy's plasma canon and almost firing it inside the building? Did you forget that they went through dozens of chinks looking for compatible partners through sparring?
Just saw G:KoTM, it was pretty alright. Felt like a whole lot going on though and moved really quickly from sequence to sequence, almost as if to get them out of the way or something.
Great visuals and sounds though, even if the special effects didn't feel as impressive as 2014 did. That sequence where Ghidora and Godzilla run at eachother stood out to me in particular as wonky.
Liked Alphadad and Murdermom, but Stranger Things is just not a good actress nor particularly attractive either.
I was sad to see the British ugly-qt girl die, as well as Dr. Sushisama or whatever.
>The beginning of the movie went on about how rare it is to find two people that are able to drift together. But then, and I know that the lead guy is supposed to be one of the best of all time, but he was able to drift with Maako without any issue.
There is an entire fucking sequence of them weeding out bad candidates and testing Mako and Raleigh together, and then another of actually testing them in a jeager together. Also, both have extensive knowledge of Gypsy Danger and both had traumatic family experiences involving kaiju.
>Then the end when the Marshall was able to drift with the Australian guy despite having done no training or practice together.
This is outright explained in the dialogue.
That was handwaived by Idris Elba saying that Australian guy was a simple fucktard easy to drift with.
>why does one of the most experienced pilots who even did it when it was a one pilot thing know how to keep his composure in check so he can drift with someone if needed to
Its almost like they show that keeping yourself in control during drifts matters a ton
Based James called the shit out for the garbage that it is. Leave Godzilla to the Japanese.
Holy cringe. Kaiju fags are embarrassing.
My dudes, I said that most of what I said could be dismissed as 'rule of cool,' or could otherwise be dismissed. I'm not saying I agree and think there are plot holes, or that if there are they fuck up the movie, just saying that people get caught up on the drift shit.
except it's not "rule of cool" you fucking dumbdumb, it's "rule of established lore mechanics".
>look guise it’s a big monkey
>look guise it’s a big dinosaur
>look guise it’s a big robot
Nobody with an IQ greater than 80 is impressed by that shit anymore, it ain’t the 1950’s.
But then why respond to a post that explicitly asked for plotholes?
>acting like an elitist while posting on Yea Forums
Someone asked what the perceived plotholes are. Just trying to be helpful.
>Post picture of anime teen.
>Doesn't like seeing real teens wrestle.
How has your cognitive dissonance not caused you to fission into two separate beings yet?
2 of those are shit
Just the fact that Pacific Rim and KOTm exist at all makes me extremely happy
You watch poor man's capeshit and think you're above it.
I make a comment 3 hours ago and come back to find the kaijuniggers absolutely fucking SEETHING.
You also forgot Rampage, The Meg, and Cloverfield
The Meg isn't a "kaiju" movie you fucking smoothbrained Jap cocksuckers.
We could be, if those movies
a) were any good
b) wouldn't run along the very hight of the capeshit wave
No one in Hollywood is capable of writing a script that works, so not even these monster movies are interesting.
>stop going to 4channel after christchurch thing since I don't want to get FBI'd
>return three months later after dust has settled
>all of Yea Forums is dickriding the worst movie I ever paid a ticket for
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm done with this place for good
Can anyone tell me why Tencent Pictures, a Chinese company who is obviously trying to push for some soft power, made Mothra the representative monster for China?
Can't find any moth myths in Yunnan.
>making attention-grabbing posts on an anonymous Afghani basket weaving forum
Not giving you the (you) that you so desperately want
>nor particularly attractive
She's barely even high school age. Who gives a fuck. I hate this board.
the fuck is a hals halson
Why are you such a Jap bootlicker?
>worst movie
>Not Ghost Rider
Why do you so desperately crave attention?
>uses @
>accuses other people of craving attention
Kaijuniggers are absolutely pathetic. Go suck some Jap cock so your yellow devil masters give you more "kaiju kino".
No (you) for you! Thanks for your help keeping the thread on the front page though!
Your post genuinely reeks of seething. Why are you so adamantly defending a corporate product?
So in this movie Kaiju dung is implied to be a new source of energy.
Which is nice, the first Godzilla also had very contemporary concerns.
Just one thing though
-Aren't Kaijus radioactive meaning this is nothing but a load of decaying uranium?
-Would anyone on Yea Forums take the job of shovelling Kaiju dung into factories? What would be your base salary?
Why do you want attention so badly that you're keeping a thread about a movie you claim to hate on the front page?
>I was sad to see the British ugly-qt girl die
Watch the movie the second time, I just realized they never said her name in the actual movie
>-Aren't Kaijus radioactive meaning this is nothing but a load of decaying uranium?
That's probably the thinking behind it being used as an energy source. Though, I would genuinely get a kick out of watching the screenwriters and director answer this question.
Keep coping.
The weirdest people seem to be upset by the existence of a thread on their Saudi Arabian CD collecting forum. Buncha fuckin weirdos.
So if Bunyip (Australian Kaiju) lets loose his planet-saving, green energy dung onto the middle of Sydney Harbour would that be- Aussie Shitposting?
And who would clean it up?
Also really amusing to have not-Shobijin talk of benevolent dragons when the main villain, and only Dragon, to appear is the evil King Ghidorah.
Yeah and it's impossible to have a thread once you post two words- 'Lucky Yuuta.'
The weirdest people seem to feel the need to mindlessly defend a sub-par product.
>Bunyip (Australian Kaiju)
all these gdzilla threads
no mbb posters
>brown eyes
Ooooooooooooooo yikes no no no no
Bunyip should be the mascot of Australia.
Ugly whore. Prime 15 yr old Natalie Portman mogged her by 10 points