Why does Robert Downey Jr wear wedges all the time?

Why does Robert Downey Jr wear wedges all the time?
Does he have a height complex?

Attached: wedges.jpg (804x1200, 102K)

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Also he's like 60 years old
He should stop wearing sneakers

Attached: Robert-Downey-Jr-ASPCBS-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO-2.jpg (500x750, 71K)

Just own the fact that you’re a manlet, hiding it makes you an easy target

You try being a 5'8" turbo manlet. It would give anyone a height complex.

These thinbgs he wears look like disabled shoes

I don't get it. Ruffalo is 5'6" and we never hear anything about it. Why is RDJ always the go-to for these threads?

Ruffalo doesn't try to hide it with ridiculous platform shoes. A comb over stands out more than a bald spot.

he's based

now this is a man with class

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downey is a narcisistic piece of garbage

Downey often has to wear them in his movies in order to be equal height in-frame as the other cast members and especially slightly taller than the women cast in the movies. He wears blatantly obvious ones off the set as a means of illustrating how ridiculous it is his producers have him do that in the movies.

cope robert

Even with elevator boots he is about the same height as 5'8 Jeremy Renner, RDJ is no more than 5'6


Because Ruffalo has a much lower profile, he's a secondary character. Women complain and hate on RDJ because he's a short man on a main role, same with Kit as Jon Snow, the same hate didn't apply to Iwan Rheon as Ramsay.


Yes. Mark Ruffalo is shorter than him but I never saw him wearing high heels.

I always look for shots including his shoes whenever I watch Marvel movies

Ruffalo doesn't constantly draw attention to it by compensating like a jackass

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State of American women vs the chad Aussie and Brit.

Imagine being Chris Hemsworth and having to stand beside these lesser beings while pretending not to be disgusted.

I fucking bet everytime they have one of those photoshoots RDJ makes sure he's next to Scarjo and not one of the chads

>they cast this faggot as Chad Stark
I'll never not be mad.

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Does he have a hard time getting laid or something? That is just pathetic.