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>vice gets popular
>murdoch etc buy it and use it as a propaganda front
>nobody likes it anymore

Get woke go broke

Smart move. VICE is total shit and somehow getting worse.

Whats wrong with vice?

How long are they going to try to milk a few hundred spergs walking down a street?

>>murdoch etc
How do they get used as a boggyman by both the left and the right?

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Yes yes goy, the real enemies aren't the banks who bleed you, the politicians who exploit you or the handful of people who control 90% of all media

Your real enemy are these last 10 KKK neonazis members! You must go protest them!

>implying vice has been relevant at all for years
I'm surprised the whole brand didn't implode when it got out that one of the founders jumped ship to form his own fascist white supremacy gang.

>Yes yes goy, the real enemies aren't the banks who bleed you, the politicians who exploit you or the handful of people who control 90% of all media
>Your real enemy are the black and brown people too poor to accomplish anything! You must go destroy them!

This is too woke for 4channel.

what are you implying? /pol/ consistently says jews are public enemy #1 much worse than blacks

But the bourgeoise bleeds us by taking out money and forcing us to live by people we don't care about and have nothing in common with.

Deracination is there end goal, because money is their end goal.

>the only way to stop the bankers and oligarchs is to embrace the migration policies created by bankers and oligarchs

>implying mass immigration from shitholes isnt a problem

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>Arthur Calwell, another old leftist who led the Australian Labour Party in the 1960s strongly defended the White Australia Policy and said the following: "I am proud of my white skin, just as a Chinese is proud of his yellow skin, a Japanese of his brown skin, and the Indians of their various hues from black to coffee-coloured. Anybody who is not proud of his race is not a man at all. And any man who tries to stigmatize the Australian community as racist because they want to preserve this country for the white race is doing our nation great harm... I reject, in conscience, the idea that Australia should or ever can become a multi-racial society and survive."

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By putting profit over anything else

>Yes yes goy, the real enemies aren't the jew run banks who bleed you, the politicians who exploit you or the handful of people who control 90% of all media
>Your real enemy is the white race and anyone that points this out

Who the fuck is Josh tyranasourus

it's literally all they have. it's their only argument against everything.

That was Iger, he sold off the sports and political and tv broadcast channels to Murdoch.

>too poor to accomplish anything
except being violent or selling crack

Axios hbo news was going to replace it anyway.

Vice was news?

holy shit
this is what that autist is doing now?

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Gee I wonder who could possibly benefit from millions upon millions upon millions of uneducated "migrants" coming into developed western countries...

It's funny how supposedly the "evil nazis" are "bad" for wanting people to stay in their own countries, with their own people and their own families.

It's almost as if what you think of as "racism" is just you being manipulated in a global economic game and you're too stupid to grasp it

>By putting profit over anything else
but doing so only makes society better

Do people actually watch Vice anymore?

They seem to be self parody at this stage and a punchline

Who actually still thinks it has merit?

>the number of enemies is finite

If you're white man, every single person that does not have a place in a potential white utopia is your mortal enemy

In what way?

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Vice is owned by Disney
HBO is owned by Warner
Disney and Warner are doing separate plans for streaming services

Don't let woke bullshit and politics masquerade the fact that this is really because we're living in an ancap Borderlands corporate dystopia.

>GDP nationalism
median income is more important than mean anyway

>patents, copyright, IP
It's all so tiresome...

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my graph also applies to median income
stop being an economic illiterate central bank bootlicker

>Vice is owned by Disney
Thye aren't but you're not far off. HBO is owned by Warner, which owns CNN. They don't need to buy news from a different company when they have their own news station.

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It should have stayed an hour long segment after current year men on Sundays.

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He’s a right-winger, so leftists don’t like him.
Fox News doesn’t outright come out and say “White Power!” so /pol/-types don’t like him.

if they ain't talking to African cannibals, I ain't interested

I dont mean to sound like a queer or nothing but Hamilton's Phamacopia is a sweet show

>it's not blacks, it's jews!
>implying it's not blacks AND jews

Yes as we can see all around us, society is definitely better...

Thats a bit disingenuous when you people cant even handle megan mccain level conservatives
It would be like me saying Pelosi isnt progressive because she doesnt openly shoot whites (implying shes progressive covertly) - it would ignore the diverse sea of garbage on your side of the spectrum

oh guess i'll skip Chernobyl, so tired of people making everything about Trump, i honestly can't imagine living your life so obsessed with someone you hate

She actively is trying to snuff out the progressive wing of the Democrats.

we dont have profit now

israel firsters ruined the usa

>Just turn your brain off bro!

Stock market is better than it's ever been. There's definitely profit being made

yeah, from central banking, not from economic production

huh? explain please

this is true but i still hate niggers

Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys

You know nothing about Proud Boys history or their demographics

Thats the point. Fox news wants "the same old" Pelosi wants "the same old"
posts like miss the point

Who is we? The 1% are making more profit than ever

Can someone explain to a brainlet like me why murdoch owns Vice? Why would a republican and Fox News CEO purchase Vice, and then allow it to be ran into the ground? They obviously know what they’ve been doing at Vice, it’s like a fucking news parody at this point. But it’s all pure SJW/left/propaganda so why would he own it.

Maybe because rich people like the masses to be attacking each other and not them? Fucking idiot.

Oh boy can't wait for the 20min Tim Pool rant.

No. Murdoch never intended to sell the broadcast or news stations and Eiger never wanted it. Disney moved on the studio and the library of content.

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based orgazmo bro
I’d kinda like to make love to you

this but unironically

I’ll kick my Tim habit one of these days...

go on then

Vice has been complete shit since like 2010 dude

he's one of the only people I watch anymore.