what was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
He's a virulent antisemite and an enthusiastic holocaust denier.
Explain to the folks who Adam Egret is
Comedy world reknown entrepeneur and bridge sexual dweller.
I don't know who he is now, but years back he made a living under the queensboro bridge, jerking off punks for fifteen dollars a man.
his last name is the same as some degenerate fish eating bird. but that's not his fault. the real problem with this guy is that he's an acid tongued jew
ruins everything
He really should be charging more than fifteen dollars, his quality of work is worth at least twenty.
His face looks like a cunt.
he thinks holocaust didnt happen
Considering how much of a nothing career he has I bet Norm literally found him under a bridge giving out handjobs for $15
thinking the holocaust didn't happen isn't funny
That story he tells about jerking off in a plane's bathroom...
>that wasn't the story I was talking about
Remember when Norm told Seinfeld that Adam thinks the holocaust didn't happen and Jerry said I won't hold that against you?
It's always Stalin with this guy. You bring up anything and he starts talking about the smokestacks and how the shadows don't match up.
He runs the Comedy Store, Adam "Hitler did nothing wrong" Egret is doing just fine.
Most comedians already know Adam since they work with him often, they already know it's a jokekekekekeke
>where do you get your ideas from?
I was really looking forward to him returning to the show at some point, his premiere and interrupting Nealon's episode was pure kino.
A neo Nazi that would make Ben garrison blush with his jokes
Porn legend Harry Reams has died but...how are they gonna close that casket??
was this guy always sick or something? he never looked normal
That is SO funny, that's REALLY funny
I-i had a Bar Mitzvah...
>over half of them removed
damn, youtube is even banning videos on your hard drive now. That sucks.
Did you write that?!
remember when they tried to make Norm MacDonald Live a real serious talk show
Or when Norm says the smoke stacks don’t make sense Gilbert Gottfried (a jew) says he’s been saying that for years
Richard the goat fucker
mama's cherry pie....
Black ass fuckers
10/10 line delivery
It couldn't have been more leashed!
>unless you are murdered,for what you believe in, whats the point?
*sings and dances*
Don't put all eggs in one basket
Where can I find the deleted youtube episodes?
The dirty Johnny joke delivery was fucking incredible
you do need account to watch
he says roll a clip and it's a picture
Uncle Hector you damn fool!
When he fucks that joke up on Conan and still manages to deliver in the end has got to be one of the greatest moments in comedy, Conan was stunned
he was like 100 years old
Norm pretending to be offended by his own jokes is the best running gag.
The worst running gag? Adam Eget
since i guess im stupid can anyone explain that one joke norm told during martin mull. it was like "my saves his something bottles for his wedding" he apologized after i think.
You know what they say, speak ill of the dead.
my father was brutally murdered last week and it's only now that I can look back and laugh
>mfw they're on pirate bay
downloading now
Why did you have a bar mitzvah if you don't believe the holocaust happened?
He's got a surprisingly nice dick. Somebody post it.
Nick Swardson, Bobby Lee, Fred Stoller, Tom Green, Super Dave were really good. Also Stephen Merchant but for a different reason. Any guest with "air" (Seinfeld) sucked. David Spade was dogshit and unironically worse than Silverman.
No but thinking the Holocaust did happen is.
Gilbert and Superdave are the best episodes
he looks like harland (williams)
Spade ep was great you fag
Wow Imus looks rough.
this guy again. don't get started on the 'smokestacks at Birkenau' or talk numbers with him.
total fag detected, spade might just be the best episode
but if gilbert 1 and 2 can be counted together it's that
Spade and Sandler were the worst males and only there because Norm starred in some shitty comedies with them.
Gilbert was good yes, but I found the guy's laugh a little tiring. At some point you either laugh with him or are like "enough of this shit".
The problem with Spade is he thinks he's Joe Hollywood instead of Joe Dirt.
he didnt fuck the joke up tho
Spade episode was great you bozos
Spade was/is an unfunny little bitch.
>Eget? Is that your name? Fucking change it.
Okay, David Shovel stfu you little bitch you're standing up and barely make it above the fucking table
Take it easy Adam
is this fag serious
Spade fuck your waifu or something?
Stephen Merchant episode is one of the greatest pieces of kino of this century simply for the fact of how not into it Merchant is.
andy dick was kino desu
He was a real jerk
Actual, provable incel SEETHING that Spade has fucked some of the hottest women in Hollywood despite being like 4 foot 5 and "not having been in anything but shitty comedies". He is actually known in the industry for having drop-dead gorgeous girlfriends and shuffling them around like a deck of cards.
More of a comment, really.
How does he do it? He isn't funny and he isn't attractive?
He just makes sure he is himself
It doesn't make sense. Being yourself only works if you are a Chad.
Youre thinking of egret, not eget.
oh sweetie...
He has a huge dick. Not even memeing
all of the episodes are great except Jenner, Cho, and that old guy who couldn't understand anything and died like a month later. haven't seen any of his netflix crap though
Nobody mentioning Todd Glass, who simultaneously nibbled on every piece of bait (smokestacks/weed) whilst fucking up and interrupting every anecdote and bit Norm was trying to start.
>be listening to Howard Stern shows from 100 years ago looking for Gilbert Gottfried gold
>find some Robin's News from 1994
>a new biography praising Goebbels has come out in the UK
>make s.oy face
>"David Irving" announced in Robin's voice finally
yeah he was a really old guy looking good, not a younger guy looking bad
>Nobody mentioning Todd Glass, who simultaneously nibbled on every piece of bait (smokestacks/weed) whilst fucking up and interrupting every anecdote and bit Norm was trying to start.
LOL at Glass trying to reason with Norm about the Holocaust.
1. Mech-Ant
2. Gilbert
3. Fred Stoller in spite of himself
Like I said, listen to Gilbert. You know how he builds up little grains of sand into gigantic oysters of deadly humor that he rolls over onto Adam by the end of the 2 hours? The talent booker for Letterman (back when he was on NBC) asked Robin Quivers out for a date and Gilbert snowballed it into a 30 year running joke that's so disgusting it will make you throw up in your mouth from laughter + gross even out of context.
Your question sent Super Dave into a deep depression
In Season 3? LoJo got power and she listened to Norm when he said that those really tight close ups on people's faces used to make TV seem really intimate, like on Tom Snyder on his old show.
i didn't think norm trying to set himself on fire could be topped, but trust it to gilbert to do so. piling on eget for like half an hour just riffing on the asshole joke is some of the funniest shit ever recorded
If you look hard enough you can find him tell it to Howard, after teasing it about 9 years prior. Almost exactly the same, which is strange for a Norm. Truly his dad's favorite joke.
Fuck Martin Mull right in his fucking asshole, how about that. I'll speak for Norm since he's been silenced. Martin Mull is hard for Norman Lear and that guy's a fucking prick, Norm tells Mull to his face. It could have been something to do with that.
Martin Mull is a prick, when Roseanne was cancelled he piled on to please his butt buddy ultra-liberal friend Normal Lear, same guy who told Norm to go fetch his car. Fuck them both.
>mfw shouting that out in response to Reddit at Norm shows when they scream about Ohlmayer
>be me
>telling jokes in the kitchen standing up
>thrust my cock out
Heard someone talking about Dirty Dirty Man 2 and asked them if there was a Silence of the Lambs talking fat fuck in it, he confirmed yes it was in a flashback
You surprise me. That's not what makes his level of engagement good. They're both really into him as a guest. Norm has been in seclusion for 2 years, brewing and fulminating. He looks like fucking Papa. Merchant faces him like some old man vs. the sea. This is a man who weathered years of live banter with Gervais, you see. They will not tread lightly.
Jack Carter is a Top 5 episode
Gilbert rips on Norm for the fire too. The Comedian's Comedian, the one they all fear: Gilbert. Here's his masterwork of riffing on nothing until it turns into 40 megaton gold. Part 6 he boils over into transcendence.
Really? I'm shocked. He always struck me as based, like Frasier.
What sort of man does an impression of a guy that only Howard, Robin, Gilbert, and any celebrities listening know? Resulting in his getting banned from Letterman for the next 30 years? It was worth it.
He definitely said that Roseanne shit because I meditate on Norm's wisdom overmuch and realized that I must check how Laurie Metcalf and Martin Mull responded to Roseanne.
Laurie Metcalf, friend to Norm: would not speak ill of Roseanne
Martin Mull, friend to Norman Lear: shit talker about Roseanne
>yeah but Stalin was just as bad, if not worse
Jesus, Adam......
Bobby Lee didn't have a panic attack during his episode, watch closely. He has a psychotic break.
Norm sent him into a psychotic break.
Damn. That seems so backwards. Lear is a hellspawn though. You're not wrong about that.
Do I look like some fucking stagehand you douchebag?
Sara Gilbert of course is a shit talker, shit talking every day on her CBS daytime talk show. Married to the one Steve Merchant once referred to as "that gypo / scrounger from 4 Non Blondes". Steve mocks gypsies, you see, and the transgendered. He is ruthless. He hates disgusting fat people.
Fishman's a shit talker, it's all shit, everything's shit. Norm, kid, that's the only thing.
Norm's shit
I wanted to dress up like George Jessel and go to Super Dave's funeral to tell jokes but I couldn't find somebody to dress like Uncle Milty.
>6,000,000? I say 600.
Some people would say that if you go into an Amish community and rape and murder a bunch of little children that you're the crazy one TOM!
For me, it's the Matlock story
Todd Glass is a shitty comedian and he's been a shitty comedian for like almost 3 decades now. He's not funny at all but somehow he manages to book shows like this. That sweaty fucker must have a hell of an agent.
>tfw ESL and can't understand most of the stuff that Norm says because he slurs and mumbles too much
put on closed captions
Larry King
as the reasonable person you'd probably say it was a number in between
He got cucked by fat and old Jack Nicholson
On account of you need to write it down and study its meanings
If you love that episode so much then explain to the folks at home who Fat Nancy is.