How can you not develop some sort of friendship after working together for 15 years?
How can you not develop some sort of friendship after working together for 15 years?
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Jamie Hymen is a pedo or general sick fuck for sure.
Having friends complicates keeping your private life private
Adam wanted to do gay cosplay and suck crew members off while whining about white guilt and Jamie wanted to be alone in his autism workshop to build autistic shit.
Easy. One's a hyperactive annoyance. Sure it's "fun" for an episode at a time, but that shit gets old really fast.
gonna need some vids
hello adam, still a major-league sperg i see
Unlike Adam, Jamie isn't into fistfucking.
So get them.
No man you made the claim, now you must prove it!
Just because you're not friends with someone, doesn't mean you hate them. If there was outright hatred between the two, the show wouldn't have lasted for as long as it did. People have taken, "No, we don't hang out after the show," to mean, "OMG! The fucking hate each other!"
You go through that degenerate shit if you want, I sure as hell don't.
It happens all the fucking time
So you made false claims?
A lot of duos you see on TV generally dont talk to each other when they stop recording. Even if the show goes on for literal decades. No idea why or how thats possible. Hell, i'm friends with my boss cause we're side by side each other.
>that one time when /pol/ claimed that Adam is trans
I believed these assholes and got trolled
Stop being autistic Jamie
agreed. you can have a good professional relationship and a mutual respect for each other without needing to go have a beer after work or hang out in your free time. people took the "we're not friends" bit out of context and took it to mean that they hate each other
Penn & Teller are literally the same way. they credit their long-lasting partnership to the simple fact that they're not "friends" outside of work
One's a star wars / star trek cosplaying man-child, while the other is a man. Jamie will always regret not having killed Adam on mythbusters when he had the chance.
Adam is a faggot and Jamie is an autist. That's it.
>Jamie wanted to be alone in his autism workshop to build autistic shit.
What a guy.
I can see and have seen it happen before.
At least he had one hell of a life and deserved to be left alone.
Adam is a loudmouth, liberal faggot while Jamie is a introverted, moral conservative. I totally understand why. If I had to work with a fag like Adam for 15 years, I would do everything in my power to get away from him every day as quickly as possible.
agreed, although it would sound nicer to say: jamie is very stoic and adam is a loud manchild
Dumb /pol/nigger
>How can you not develop some sort of friendship after working together for 15 years?
Because Savage is an insufferable cunt.
Dude literally wanted to "bust" the "myth" of God on Mythbusters.
>The sheer projection every time this thread gets posted
>when Adam said that in 15 years he never talked on the phone with Jamie and doesn't even know his number.
>ywn watch comfy mythbusters during the summer ever again
how did he plan on doing so?
Probably by saying the earth is old
>how did he plan on doing so?
I have no idea. He mentioned it briefly during one of his numerous ted talks. I believe someone asked him the question "what myths did you want to bust on the show but didn't?"
I'd wager the idea probably didn't get past the producers.
>Looks in a microscope
>doesn't see god
"See! the myth of god is busted! here's a pic of Kari's ass!"
Honestly a better question is which duo actually are friends off camera?
Everyone hates each other.
Did that kid myth buster show ever air? Anyone see it?
>Honestly a better question is which duo actually are friends off camera?
Harvey Korman and Tim Conway were buds.
Why are atheists so cringy?
>Penn & Teller are literally the same way.
>They respect each other as business partners and enjoy working together, but have little in common besides magic. As a result of their drastically different lifestyles and interests, they rarely socialize or interact when they are not working.
.Penn and Teller have been together for decades and they respect each other. They may not be "buds" but they are certainly close. Someone posted a pic of Opie and Anthony. Now there's a pair that really do hate each other and their actions in the past 5 years since the split have made that quite clear.
These two.
>socializing with a guy that never talks
they're midwits stuck in the dunning-kruger valley
High intelligence, low charisma.
>Why are atheists so cringy?
They have to be in order to remain atheists.
Just let it go, man.
back to redd*t adam
Are you saying you are spending every weekend together with your work-colleagues?
You're the same guy posting the pic of hitler drawn with a gun killing himself aren't you, calling everyone a Nazi or /pol/. Fag I'll become one if it means I can kill insufferable ninnies like you .
Anyone have any updates on Adam's sex change?
You can just watch a single episode and realize whether the hosts are friends or not.
For example, watch 5 minutes of Top Gear. Richard, May and Jezza have really tight chemistry and you can feel it.
>Anyone have any updates on Adam's sex change?
He's saving it for a one-day build video on his youtube channel.
>It's a "Jamie puts on a costume and becomes 20x goofier" episode
because Adam is a cringe leftist who cant separate politics from real life like all leftists
A false claim is still a claim
Penn also gets a new Teller every few years after beating the old one to death
because professionals don't need to fucking run their mouths like you do. leave that to the womenfolk
alri 'tismo
Just a fact of life you won’t like everyone you work with. You don’t have to. Just be cordial enough to get work done. Even co-workers that I like I don’t spend free time with. I’m with them 40 to 60 hours per week, don’t need to see them outside of work.
Hello underage friend. You see, when you work with people you don't get to pick them solely based on how cool they are but what they can do. Sometimes, you hate their asses but they get shit done unlike that personable guy that everyone loved but was an incompetent jackass who procrastinated all the time and ended up ruining your schedule.
You don't have to become friends with your coworkers,:if it happens, cool, if not, fuck it
Does he? While admittedly I haven't been following him super closely outside of him building things on Youtube, but he seems fairly level headed as far as San Fagcisco liberals go, I mean when it comes to stuff like trying to treat people as individuals rather than only as the political opposition and shit like that.
Do you really expect an answer? The people here are falling for the scam and repeat the talking point of "left=bad!" without questioning it.
They insult and demean anybody on the left to make it an unappealing position, because they don't want anybody to actually engage arguments. Why is a country with no universal healthcare paying more for healthcare than countries with universal healthcare? Shut up leftist liberal fag!
idk about duos, but in terms of trios Clarkson/May/Hammond can't be topped
who goes around documenting in perpetuity all the shit they've seen from morons? I remember seeing shithead tweets from him, but I don't have them bookmarked nor an inclination to dig for who knows how long to find them
all you disingenuous, disinformation-spreading faggots have to say in response to some retarded cunt being accused of being a retarded cunt is "source?" to waste other people's time looking them up then you drive-by to some other thread to spam the same empty low-effort deflections after seeing your low efforts rewarded