Who wins?

Who wins?

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Tom. Also Bieber is a power bottom.


put down the meth pipe, bieber


Tom is dedicated, he is a worker.

He would roid up and take MMA lessons for 12 hours per day running up to the fight. Beiber would hang out with some niglet PT and get his ass handed to him.

Looks like bieber is trying to desperately re-light his dying fame to me.

Trips of truth

Bieber's less than half his age. What a cunt. I hope he get's his shit shoved in by the Master of Thetans.

>when your career is in decline so you challenge a 50 year old man to fight

They're both ultramanlets so weight division should be similar. Cruise is old though, but not old enough to be completely worthless. I know plenty of men in their mid 50s that I could take on your modern skeletor zoomer. I dunno if Bieber has any sort of physical or martial training.

Celebrity boxing matches is what happens when your career is dying and you've just gone terminal.

Tom Cruise is based as fuck. I would love to see Cruise put the fear of Xenu in the heart of that wigger Bieber.

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it would be amazing to see the cruise pummel the shit out this canadian shitstain for 30 minutes. He can do jim carrey next, but jim will probably try to gouge his eyes out or something

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Cruise would beat the absolute shit out of him without even needing to train, this is a man who broke his ankle doing a stunt and kept running on it because he knew the take was good.

insanely based, I'm officially a Belieber
"fight me in the ring bitch" how many celebs are saying that these days? how many?
the stones on this kid lmao

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what a fucking fag

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This. Tom is an absolute madman that puts the time into being skilled at whatever it is he needs to. He's from a time where prepping for a role like that isn't just posing cute with some weights for insta.

Kxhe blesses his loyal Aryan Neoscientologist disciples. Cruise can't lose.

>being this desperate

Yep. No matter your opinion on Tom, he is an absolute worker and would train his ass off.

Will Tom ever respond?

wow justin you really beat the shit out of that 56 year old man

Celebrity Deathmatch

Tom would kill the Bieb.

Cruise uses the Superpower Centre, he has like 17 senses at this point and is cause over life. He could destroy Bieber through will alone.

I really really hope Tom accepts just so we can watch him kick Bieber's ass.

>some 20 year old calling out a 50 year old dude

Tom won't even accept. He'll probably offer to hang out and take the kid skiing or something.

Isn't midget wrestling illegal?

Tom cruise physique

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You can age Tom another 20 years and he'd still kick Biebs ass 10 ways from Sunday.

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two poofs /faggots wresting .. this is why Mutts /China NUKE MUTTS NOW ! 5 times ok

Bieber is a manlet too and he's no Cruise Missile. He would get crushed in a second.

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Right would DESTROY left, I don't see your point.

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Wait, it is?

I would honestly be surprised if he doesn't already have some sort of martial arts training.

Acknowledging bieber's existence at all is probably beneath him.

Cruise, he's a creepy psychopathic and would massacre Beib

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I hope you don't seriously belief people like Bieber write their own tweets. This is probably someone from an agency taking the piss.

I hope you don't seriously believe people like Anons write their own posts. This is probably someone from an alphabet agency taking the piss.


is it ultimute where winner fucks other .. cos Both Raging Faggots ..

Well, yes, that too.

No doubt in my mind that Tom would win. Pretty much anybody would win in a fight against Justin Bieber.

For the generation born after 1992 this kid is like a God, see this thread have 600 replies. they call him slurs but they worship him so much

Why specifically Tom Cruise?

lol justin bieber such a weak faggot! lol got em brother, nice one ROFL...

Based Logan will fuck 'im up. #Logang4lyfe

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Tom's Scientologist elite guard would just poison Bieber before the fight letting him get a one hit ko.

Bieber would fuck him up. Everyone ITT seems to forget Cruise is nearly 60.

My guess is because he's one of those people who don't really age, as per pic related.He also has a reputation of doing all his own stunts, etc. Still bizarre as fuck though. Maybe the Biebs is just trolling, but I'm pretty sure he's serious.

Shit. I gotta give credit to Logan Paul. Nice.

Biebs is probably coming off some secret drug relapse

It's been dead for years now

Reminder reddit hate tom cruise, so i'm cruise missile now

Why would he challenge someone that much older than him to a fight then? I don’t get why he’d call him a pussy for not responding when he’s 31 years his senior. I don’t know about you, but challenging someone that much older than you to a fight kinda makes you the pussy

Wtf are youtubers based now?

This is all promotion for Days of Thunder II where Bieber is cast as Cole Trickle's protege gone bad.

logan paul is like a foot taller than bieber, wouldn't be a fair fight

Some jews wallet

The trips have spoken

These Paul faggots are the most clueless morons I've ever seen. "A 56 year old." Wtf? Like that's old. Like Tom is Bob Barker walking around with a cane. A 56 year old will straight fuck shit up because they're mean and hardened by life and elbow you in your throat until you need a tracheotomy.

Still waiting on his rematch with that other YouTuber.

>boomer browsing Yea Forums

I will give the biebs props for keeping shit interesting. these narcissisitic celebs need to be taken down a few notches, and bieber is the guy to do it. I'm rooting for justin in this one.

Our boy always been secretly based.

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Publicity probably. Tom Cruise is one of the biggest movie stars of the last 25 years. I'm guessing Bieber was either drugged up or its just a PR stunt to get him in the tabloids for the next day or so. I still think his youth would win over Cruise's "experience". People are acting like he's an ex Navy SEAL or something, he's a talented stunt guy but not exactly a fighter.

The nigga is almost 60, user. Justin trying to fight old dudes doesn’t realize old man strength plus that Tom cruise commitment and all the training he would do he’d seriously fuck Bieber up.

was he visiting Iran?

I'm not a boomer, you pathetic zoomer. My dad is. He would fuck you up with both hands tied behind his back.

reach is a bigger factor than height but reach almost always correlates with height anyway

Literally who?

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Why doesn't Tom just agree to fight and then kill Bieber in the ring forever immortalizing his legend?

Ryan Gosling vs. Leo decaprio
That's the one I want to watch

This description just makes me want to watch BLACKED

both pics r terribly shopped but i see your point

my co worker is 52 and built like a nightclub bouncer.

Still disrespectful to challenge someone who can be your father. But I agree, Bieber will get his shit pushed in by even a 69 year old with experience.

indian incel

Reminds me of that time Mayweather Sr got suckered by that Zelenoff schizo. If it was no holds barred Mayweather would've smoked him pretty quickly, and he's over 60.

Why is Beiber mad? Did Tom shag his mum or somthing?

Tom Cruise would probably one punch Bieber, then kneel by his side and tend to him

What an absurd tweet.

>imagine Tom holding Justin in his arms after knocking him out and saying "Why did you do that?"

So do you think Tom actually got a phone call about this today or do you think his pr people just will ignore it, or does Tom Cruise go online enough to see it for himself?

His Scientology handlers will make the call

He probably knows about it by now, but I doubt he'll ever respond desu. The whole situation is really cringeworthy though. Why challenge Tom Cruise of all people? Seagal would've made some sense at least.

wtf im in the Logang now

Pic of Tom Cruise when his guy showed him the tweet.

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Remember when people cared about Justin Bieber?

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Its disrespectful to challenge someone a foot shorter and 50lbs lighter as well

>tfw we’re never getting basket case mid-00s Tom Cruise back
He’d wipe the floor with Bieber

Bieber isn't touring or recording or promoting anything. He has shit to do all day. I don't doubt for a second that he tweeted that

Remember when Yea Forums was cool?

Zelenoff was raping him tho, but mayweathers had that footage deleted

Tom in an absolute slaughter

>running up to the fight.
Also, yes, he would literally run up to the fight

Tom Cruise may be old but he is in far better shape than most people. And he is highly coordinated from years if doing crazy stunts and Daredevil hobbies.

Holy shit, how can one man be so based? #Logang4ever

Cruise actually looks strong as fuck in that shirtless pic. Weird genetics but bulky and a strong core. Bieber is skinny and Tbh looks like a complete pussy.
Got a feeling Tom would absolutely destroy him.


My grandpa is almost 70 and I am 300% sure he would massacre beiber.

He's stirring shit up because he's got a new album cooking, and people kinda forgot about him. He took a page out of Kanye's playbook. He's betting on the fact that there's 0% chance of Tom even responding. What would be interesting is if Cruise calls his bluff and then Biebs has to humiliate himself by backing out

toms ass cheeks would clap bieber into another galaxy. id pay good money to see tom cruise anal vore justin bieber with his giant ass

Arnold vs Sly
Arnold is mich bigger but hasn't kept it up, so it might actually be even now.

Everyone ITT would massacre Biebs, I can assure you of that.

Tom Cruise is in his 50's. It is no real contest or challenge. Justin Bieber would be lucky to leave the ring alive.

Tom Cruise has been beaten to a pulp at the hemet compound by david miscavige as a form of hazing, that crazy scientologist repressed rage would probably come in handy in a fight.

Seriously? You're defending Justin Bieber?

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is this real? what prompted this? does Justin Bieber hate Tom Cruise or something?

No one knows. It's some weird kind of PR stunt.

I wish Tom manhandled me.

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Tom Cruise and Scientology people attacked Biebs a few months ago. Beat him to a pulp because he called out Xenu.

both of them would die of a heart attack before the first round is over

Why would you challenge someone like 30 years older than you to fight? Especially Tom Cruise who could possibly beat bieber. Bieber has nothing to gain here win or lose.

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Lmao, Based.

It's a lose lose situation for the Biebs actually, even if he wins in the end.

>money and attention

You gotta think like a celebrity dude

he's a punk ass bitch who wouldn't last a second in an amateur fight.

Cruise would literally rape him, Literally.

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It's definitely some kind of a joke. Maybe he posted it on a dare


>Not Leo vs Matt Damon

Correct, clout chasing faggot.

mayweather sr was a professional fighter. tom cruise is 50 year old 5'4 manlet who acts. there is a 95% chance bieber would kick his ass.

octogone sans règle

There's also a 95% chance Bieber goes out in a storm tomorrow and gets killed by a strong air current.

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I forgot Bieber exists tbqh famms

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Why would Tom Cruise care about what these two mental manlets want? He's well above and beyond them.

wtf does the kid have against tom "kino" cruise?

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Still ducking Khabib lmao

Based potato

>no one talking about the mcgregor v. mark wahlberg fight confirmed to be on the same bill if this goes down


No matter what happens Bieber loses.

>one dying career desperately trying to ride the clouttails of another dying career



>who acts.
And bieber sings.

As much as I would love to watch Bieber learn first hand that you can't bruise the Cruise, I feel like Tom's best move here is to not even acknowledge this little shit.

Imagine you're a 56 year old man who has worked your entire life to build your name into one of the most successful and recognizable in entertainment history. Imagine busting your ass, breaking bones, and spending years training to satisfy fans by performing your own death defying stunts on screen for decades. Imagine working up the ranks of one of the most notoriously secretive, difficult, and controversial religions in modern western history. And then imagine some little pampered popstar shithead with no discernible talent or discipline challenges you to an mma fight on fucking twitter. Honestly why would you even dignify this little fuck with a response?

based cruise doesnt give a fuck, hes been an A lister for like 30 years

state wrestler in high school plus all the 30 years of training for movies

Our boy biebs wuz in Zoolander 2

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Why would I wanna watch two busted ass lesbians duke it out?

>monkey sees another monkey throwing shit for attention and joins in
of course...

>What's old man strength

Yeah so if 2 men who are not fighters get into a fight, who will win?

The old manlet or the bigger younger man?

Thetans don't count

Cruise. guys full of thetans

Tom is in good shape but he’s nearly 60. If he didn’t hit him really hard out the gate he’d probably get winded fast. If Bieber prepared for the fight for real he could just Mayweather it and turtle up and dodge until Cruise got tired and then rack up points which wouldn’t take very long because Cruise is again nearly 60 years old and it’s not possible for him to compete in terms of stamina.

Cruise is probably only shorter than Bieber by like an inch or two, not enough to seriously give Bieber an advantage. He’s also substantially heavier. Bieber’s advantage would be stamina. Tom by virtue of having worked out continuously for 45 years can probably hit a lot fucking harder.

>picking a fight with someone that is a stuntman and has racecar driving reflexes
I know Cruise is a manlet but Bieber would get annihilated.

why are whites so fucking evil?

is logan paul the paul brother who broke up with his girlfriend when they lived in the same house, and proceded to have threesomes and foursomes every night while she had to listen through the walls? I think she talked about it on her youtube

he's an actual fucking chad

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Mcgregor is such an embarrassment. All these fighters are. Every time they talk shit and lose they pretend it never happened and go back to talking shit. It’s literal nigger behavior. You can fight and win/lose without acting like such a faggot. Only the most insecure loser thinks like this.

They’re both like that, I don’t know why anyone is surprised by their behavior. They’re tall extremely fit white blonde rich American kids.

>falling for YouTube "drama"
It's all manufactured.

>Tom replies “Time and place”
>bieber replies “I-it was just a joke haha... I’m such ajoker XD. Love your movies!”
>”Time and place or I’ll knock down your door”

Do not fuck with Cruise.


Maybe she has thyroid problems. I know a person that was the ultimate chad, but one day he was diagnosed with something involving the thyroid gland and his eyes pop out, he lose all his hair and became fat in a very short period of time. Scary ass shit.

As much as I'd love to see Cruise beat the shit out of this faggot, I hope he doesn't reply. Bieber is just desperate to stay relevant.

McNuggets is an overrated cutbabby. How anyone bought into his shit is beyond me.

There is no world in which a fit 25 year old will lose to a 55 year old in a serious fight and you cannot change my mind

why are closeted UFC homos so fucking obsessed with Bieber, I get the whole thing about passing him around in parties and making him use lipstick and high heels and the butt games they play, but why do they need to push him to do stupid shit like this in public?

why tom cruise?
did he fuck his gf?

Completely unnecessary post by an immature moron who wants to project that he knows anything about fighting. I would fuck you up if I knew where you were, I'd kick in your door and finger blast your mother you underage retard.

Lmao try me pussy

This is pathetic as fuck. Zoomertuber is this desperate for attention from the Biebs.

Bieber is, and always has been, /ourguy/.

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hahaha look at that dog haha

>why are whites so fucking evil?
whites have the most compassion and empathy of all races, when whites are dead it'll be a third world hellhole across the planet on every continent.

still more fair than fighting a 56 year old

bieber is a crackhead

>if the fight of the year happens my company would take one for the team and broadcast it while taking the exclusive rights

once you hit thirty it's over you might as well wear an alert bracelet

After 35 it's all downhill.

I don't know.

More like glorious if you ask me.

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I can't wait for that little faggot to crash and burn.
Fucking vile afterbirth, should have been throttled in the crib.

He is Jewish

>Roided up 20 something wants to fight a 56 year old

Does this nigger even make music anymore? Does he just require attention?

sup niggerbrain

tom cruise must be in his 70s

>roided up

Bieber is skinny

Cruise wrestled in HS and college, he'd destroy Bieber

Tom wipes the floor with beibs

Ankle breaks dont really hurt right away.
You can walk for about an hour before being incapacitated by the pain.

Now him healing the break in two weeks like people say is pure bullshit. That just makes me think it was sprained and the break story is marketing.


>new jersey
jabroni state. if it were pennsylvania or ohio I'd be impressed.

stamina and cardio > strength when it comes to the fight game

Oh yeah, internet tough guys are so admirable.
Hes so bold picking a fight he knows will never happen.

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I see you know nothing of Tom Cruise. He might not take a punch well, but he isnt getting winded, user.

In a sports bout.

Most irl fights dont last long enough for stamina to be a factor.

Tom wins in only 6 seconds


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Two words: CM. Punk.

As in Bieber will pull a CM Punk.

hes jewish

Based Tom will beat that irrelevant fuck into the ground

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