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Other urls found in this thread:


Belgium is incorrect. Only Walloons watch dubbed shit.

Blue is based

I'm shocked that the German would use dubbing. Seems like they would prefer subs

why does russia do that weird shit? most movies on rutracker have fucked audio cause some russkie talks over the dialogue. just make another audio stream holy shit.

As a german i have to say that the german tv/film dubbing industry is probably the biggest in the world. Each prominent actor literally has their own german voice.

any user from red countries care to explain himself?

Film is a visual and auditory medium, not textual. I had to explain this to you because you write like a black kid.

I wonder if the blue countries are better at English?

thats exactly why dubs suck though

Ireland user here, since most of the imported content we get is from the US and probably next UK it hardly counts, and it's hardly a chore to have subs on anything else.

I'm surprised Hungarians utilize dubbing given the limited number of speakers.

fucking hate dubbed movies. ruins the whole picture for me. german dubbing is the worst for me, such an unpleasant language.

Attached: cujo-1983-002-st-bernard-cute.jpg (1000x640, 101K)

fun fact - Arnold offered to do his own dub for the german version of the terminator, the distributor declined because Arnold's accent is effectively the german version of a bubba-redneck voice

I doubt you'll find many english speakers in the balkans

Sweetie, you don't speak other languages well enough for their clicks and moans to matter semantically or emotionally in the context of art. Stop pretending. You need to be looking at the frame and listening, not reading text at the bottom. Don't bother replying again, Jamal.

And once again the uneducated American rears its head and blurts out something retarded. Germany has one of the biggest dubbing industries in the world.

This, and also many of the smaller countries may not see the need to spend a dubbing budget.
In Ireland, some things are dubbed for the Irish-Speaking channel but it's about 50/50


imagine not being able to read instantly with your peripheral vision

Is this a Das Boot joke that went over all the kids' heads?

REMINDER! If your country isn't in blue you don't know shit about films and tv except from those of your own country

Portuguese here, dubbing was only on cartoons, and even then not all of them.
Cartoon Network was in english and didn't even have subtitles. I had to go to an english school until the 4th grade to understand them.

Generally yes, the nordic countries are very fluent in english while places like germany and france are embarrassingly bad

Yea, i know.
All german voice actors speak so called "Hochdeutsch" (high german) which puts emphasis on really clear and correct pronunciations. They even pronounce the "t" at the end of words like "nicht" (not) which is often omitted.

>can't follow simple instructions
This is why your family has been poor for 3+ generations.

Are you forgetting Japan? Voice actors can achieve celebrity status there

doesnt seem to be any correlation. balkans and turkey are definitely 100x worse at english than germany or switzerland or something and its not like theres any difference between latvia and lithuania or portugal and spain either

>Czech Republic
>dubbed films
Since when?
German dubs are high quality.

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This is how you dub

Attached: DB63B73D-C741-4B47-A775-99BF8A754533.png (1777x1184, 1.76M)

>Cartoon Network was in english and didn't even have subtitles
I miss these days

I missnwatching stuff like Ben 10, Bill and Mandy, Samurai Jack and the likes of that and not understanding. Still much, much better than Panda shit

Most of the young people I've met in Serbia speak some english, but that might be selection bias.

>European intellectuals

Attached: Big Girl.jpg (1920x1080, 112K)

This says a lot about our society

you have already outed yourself as a retard, dont bother with more of your projections

>poland and russia are such chads that one local guy can voice the entire foreign film
Truly the master race

>italian dub is top tier
>can enjoy 2 (two) versions of each movie with varying quality
feels good

Nearly everyone in the south of portugal speaks english, but that's mostly because british people love to vacation there.

>nig pretends he's got a psyche degree
>no u!
Nice digits, Jamal. At this rate, your kids will be poor too.

>the original soundtrack persist

There is a hell for Yea Forums and it is in Poland and Russia.

>German dubs are high quality.
t. probably doesn't even speak German

>his country literally films scenes without recording the sound
>there are literally Italian films with scenes of a bunch of actors counting to ten in one scene and then being overdubbed

yeah i think russia and poland are slightly more based than western europe because they dont pretend that dubbing isnt retarded and they just put the minimum effort into it

Almost every movie also has screenings with subs.

I just realized I've never seen an actual dubbed live-action movie, only parodies of how old kung fu movies used to do it

the worst is when they dub literally all the sounds like gunshots and horses and shit like that and its very clearly off

The British dubs of American cartoons and shit like Lazytown were sometimes a bit weird. I wish they still did British dubs of anime would've been hilarious

Nothing wrong with dubbing, voice over however is fucking retarded

The fuck are you talking about
Funny how Austria, despite being and advanced country, speaks the "raw" version of german

>dubbed acting
which retard enjoys this? watching german movies on tv makes you cringe

Nice IQ chart lmao

not really its probably more a cultural thing, everyone in greece wants to be american for example

Attached: Language-Difficulties.png (859x767, 439K)

Imagine living in anything other than a blue country.

>Funny how Austria, despite being and advanced country, speaks the "raw" version of german
There is no such thing. It's just a different variety of the same language. That'd be like saying that Austrialian English is a lesser version of British English.

>t. probably doesn't even speak German
I am German and personally I prefer subs but our dubs are pretty damn good for the most part.


Damn, yellow movie experience must suck balls

Some countries just prefer their own language.

Try to get the verbs and the accent correct in Portuguese after 24 weeks, Brit

>Danish is one of the easiest languages in Europe to learn

The fuck is this retarded chart?

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Yea i guess i meant in terms of dubbing foreign stuff.
American movies are usually english with subs in japanese cinema.

Learn to read.

>That'd be like saying that Austrialian English is a lesser version of British English.
It is ya fuckin cunt.

Should I kill myself if I'm too retarded to learn French? I should probably kill myself either way.

damn right is it poof


ummm no

Maybe you should learn to read, just because it's red dosen't mean its more difficult you fucking retard

>any user from red countries care to explain himself?
Sure, red means your mother language is relevant enough and it is economically viable for companies to invest in dubbing.
Blue means your mother language doesn't have enough native speakers to even bother.

>There is a hell for Yea Forums and it is in Poland and Russia.
it is not true, I'm Russian, and all the films in theaters have a full cast dubbing and the original soundtrack does not persist

Ooooohhh now i get it

>showing approximate time needed to learn a specific language *as an English speaker*
>Category 0 (English speaker)

Blue is soul and everything else is souless

>UK: Dubbing only for children.
Shame. Imagine the kino dubs that could have been.

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Germans got pissed off, burgers didn't get it.

Italy's the same. They are good btw, and once I started to watch the original I appreciated their skill and the skill of the translators even more.

yeah keep telling yourselves that

Fun fact, the actor who dubs Hitler in French in that movie also dubs Sheev in the prequels.

It's the other way around. Subtitles are completely soulless, even youtube can generate subtitles.

Who dubs Sneed?

Attached: Who else but Sneed.png (1080x810, 591K)

But that's the truth. There are always exceptions of course but look at the map.
French, German, Spanish are somewhat relevant languages. They have their own dubs.
Swedish, Danish, Greek, Dutch, Romanian aren't. They don't.

>Dr. Pavel, ich bin von der CIA

That's a good question...

TV dubs are usually terrible compared to feature movies.

Spaniard here, dubbing is a fucking mafia here

>Spanish is an easy language
every verb has more conjugations than stars are in the universe

>not Dr. Pavel, ich bin CIA

french sneed

it really is. but yet again, our dubbing scene is quite big, and big industries usually mean corruption and shady shit.

Dubbing is only ok if its animated.

only spanish is relevant the others(italy and france especially) completely ignore the fact that their languages are completely irrelevant.I can't count how many times i've had french and italians asking me for directions etc in their language acting like the rest of the world is supposed to understand the shit that comes out of their mouth
>inb4 some shithole in central africa speaks french

French Palpatine is good

You can be right on Italian (I said this as an italian, and I am not mad because I meet many people that love and learn it even if is not that useful) but you are dead wrong on french. Not only is widely spoken in different continents, it's also traditionally an international language before english took over, and is still widely studied.
Are you a retarded yank, or just someone from shit-hole-stan?

they're drunk all the time and don't give a shit

yeah, but in europe those countries have a bigger population than spain so they can afford to make their dubs too.

In Portugal? Nobody, because The Simpsons are not considered Children's cartoons, so they are not dubbed

>only spanish is relevant the others
>inb4 some shithole in central africa speaks french
Well then by that logic, Spanish is mostly spoken in shitholes as well.
Whether you like it or not, those languages have dozens of millions of native speakers and those countries make up a big enough market to allow for the movies to be dubbed there. That's not the case for those other languages I listed.

Nice appropriate digits

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>it's also traditionally an international language before english took over, and is still widely studied.
i can say the exact same thing about ancient greek but next time i come to italy i won't try to communicate in greek with you

Based Georges Claisse.

Steamed Hams desu

No, you can't really say the same, for geopolitical and historical reasons and the amount of time passed.
I suppose this counts as "yes" to the question "are you american"?

>comparing latin america to africa
Mexico doesn't represent the entirety of latin america. Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are all better than Portugal, or Poland.

Not sure about better than Poland or Portugal but for sure far from Africa.

Yeah because no one speaks English amirite

I am pretty sure weeks literally stands for 24 hours times 7 days times 24 weeks, so 4032 hours. Not 24 weeks of 2hrs a day, user.

>Order 66 dubs

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no user i thought it was pretty clear when i mentioned the greek language that(even) you would understand what my country of origin is(im greek ya dummy)

If you're over the age of ten and you're watching a dubbed movie, fucking expire immediately.

did you even read what you replied to?

Ah sorry.
Inexcusable in this case, my cultural and partly genetic ancestor.


rub a dub dub

UK being the obvious exception since Hollywood movies and their local productions are already in English. I didn't think it was worth mentioning because I assumed no one was retarded.

>I assumed no one was retarded.
Oh, you are new then

You seriously can't be this retarded

kek, hey everyone makes rookie mistakes sometimes.

so just like Spain then

>spend ages trying to find some obscure movie
>finally manage to find some shitty sub 240p VHS rip on rutracker
>bored Russian talks throughout the entire movie

Every god damn fucking time.

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i dont know man, I can read danish no problem, im norwegian, actually understanding them is still a problem.

Voice over has to be the shittiest option, how is it not annoying for someone to talk over the original dialogue?

I think it's weeks of full time study. So 6-8 hours of intensive practice per day because if you're a diplomat trying to learn that language that's basically your job for the duration.

No shit you retard.

you alright italy just use some english every now and then that's why it exists,to let us insult each other in a language that is understandable by both parties ;)

>pay a great actor yuge money to make a good kino.
>he gets overdubbed by importers nephew.


So for an actor like Gary Oldman 1 german man has been his voice since Sid & Nancy?

>born in non-anglo country
>VHS stash from childhood are all dubbed

Attached: IMG_3716.png (640x632, 312K)

If Swedish is so easy to learn why are there immigrants who have lived here for 10 years that can't even say hello?

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Is this a joke about nonexistant kriegsmarine and german U-boats during WW2?

Wel, I assume a good chunk of it is cartoons and they are dubbed everywhere I believe, so there's that.

why bother when you can just speak english or something else and no one will care

It's time to learn French on duolingo to gain some normie brownie points

>watch a dubbed children's movie from the 70s
>it's writing is almost better and more elegant than the original
Man I wish we still had basic language standards.

We based nordics know how not to make our kids English illiterate retards


That's what awaits those that converse with the Danes

Attached: trust a dane feel the pain.png (495x560, 116K)


Interesting linguistics fact, I studied English Language history and supposedly the closest accent to late medieval English (think Chaucer etc.) is Appalachian American due to its relative resistance to linguistic change since the USA was colonised. Some differences in phonetics and spelling in middle English texts make more sense if you read them with an Appalachian twang.

>be most successful Scandinavian country
haha but the language sounds funny xd

nah, mom keeps all the disney stuff

Attached: IMG_3995.jpg (2592x1936, 1.07M)

they just pirate shit anyways damn criminal fuckers

That's not entirely accurate for Poland, voice-over is only used for television broadcasts. In cinemas it's dubbing for children and superhero movies, and subtitles for everything else.

It's only easy to learn in relation to English.

If your country's not blue then you're a fucking cunt.

>haha but the language sounds funny xd

There's nothing funny about vocal rape, my ears will never be the same

if youre outside of the big cities yes, but a lot of germans speak quite good english, more than much of europe at least

Yeah but it's still easier to comprehend as an English speaker. There is a lot of crossover.

>even translated Jurassic Park

Italian dubbing is the best because italian words all end in vowels so it makes lip movements easier to fit into an italian spelling


Sit the fuck down


it's the FSI ranking which is a brutal American institute where they use very old fashioned methods of rote learning and throw their agents into foreign assignments

>Folies de graduation
>Film de peur
>Fantômes sur Mars
>Matrice rechargée
Je viens seulement de remarquer. J'adore.

Germans are like the Americans of Europe. Just imagine Americans but with no cultural influence.


This leads to G*rmans and Frenchfags having terrible English skills. It's a huge disservice

Nordic languages are literally retarded.

Hey, at least they are actual languages unlike Muttlish.

they wouldn't watch american movies at all if they had to force themselves watching subs, your post is retarded

flanders here. animated movies get dubbed versions for kids but other than that it's always subtitles

When the original german voice of Marge from The Simpsons died it made the fucking news.

I'm Norwegian. We watch everything in English and play video games in English as well. Never have i ever heard a single person complaining about a lack of media in my native language.

G*rmans will forever have terrible English skills and i will gloat over it

>German harder than Dutch and Danish
Whoever made this has no idea what he's on about

They're pretty intuitive compared to Spanish, Italian and French. Learning Swedish, Norwegian and written Danish is a lot easier for immigrants than many other European languages

>celebrating being cucked by a foreign language

Dunno danish but with Dutch it's a wash.
Dutch has more difficult sounds overall in my opinion. But German can fuck you over with cases.
At least if you know one you are not lost with the other.

>But there is something strange. How did Italian cinema become so great if no one – Rossellini, Visconti, Antonioni, Fellini – recorded sound with image?
>Only one answer.
>The language of Ovid and Virgil, of Dante and Leopardi made its way into the image.
Jean-Luc Godard
Histoire(s) du Cinéma: La Monnaie de l’Absolu (1998)

Young and middle-aged people in France and Germany are scary good at English. They pretty much speak it fluently.

Coming from a blue country I can say that this is BS. In fact, dubbing leaves the piece of art that the artist created intact instead of completely changing the auditorial part.

Only boomers and old people

I'm pretty sure that's the case for all the romance languages, no?


because your language is fucking irrelevant

I don't know about dutch and danish, but every word having 3 "genders" was a pain when I was trying to learn german

Dub shits BTFO

>cat I
this is a fucking joke right?

>They even pronounce the "t" at the end of words like "nicht" (not) which is often omitted.
This is totally a german thing. But austrians like Arnold either speak in one of the provinical dialects or a very clear high german similarly to what you hear in the movies.

Spanish is literally one of the easiest languages.

die der das is so fucking easy

>As a german i have to say that the german tv/film dubbing industry is probably the biggest in the world
And then you claim Americans are ignorant. China and India both use dubs, you dumb kraut.

difference is china and india make no effort

red countries are mongrels, when i watch a movie i want it in it's original language, whether it is English or some small time shit hole European or Asian country, i can't fucking stand dubbing, ruins everything, even anime

If you're from the red countries: whether you like dub or hate it, you prefer Simpsons dubbed in your language regardless

Your country just has shitty dubbing

I am Russian and this picture is really outdated, we used to have 1 or 2 guys dubbing the entire movie back in the 90s, but in the 00s it was replaced by a full-cast dubbing, there are a few amateur translator studios who can still use a single actor mumbling over the original voices, but none of that stuff is official


/Blue country/ master race. In Norway we only dub cartoons, and as far as I can remember they're pretty damn good. Lion King, Shrek, Ice Age, Finding Nemo and Terkel in Trouble are all equally good as their native counter parts.

red: based
blue: amerimutt wannabes

Attached: 1556745345754.jpg (678x639, 48K)

Same here in Mexico when goku and the guy who dubbed homer die it will make the news

everyone's pretty much fluent

why do americans discuss this shit? whenever we europeans make a good movie you make a terrible remake because you can't read subtitles. the best example I can think right now is REC.

nope. People from the Balkans (post-1990 generations) are in fact very good at english

>order 66 dubs

Attached: traps arent gay.jpg (300x168, 8K)

must know the language to leave and go infect other countries

Attached: languages_1.png (720x685, 188K)


Attached: languages_2.png (871x835, 557K)

>16% Spanish

Plenty of French people can speak decent English, they just refuse to.

spanish is a foreign language for some people living in spain.

It's actually called Standarddeutsch (Standard German). Hochdeutsch is a dialect group.

That's super outdated.

Here's the most recent one:

honestly not including uk europe is just pathetic. they've lost every war, every chance to be equals to us. they are basically our slaves. scandinavia may be second close to uk but there's only like 20 mil people there so they don't really count. germany is just beyond pathetic at this point and the rest i don't even wan't to talk about. japs deserve more respect then eurocucks, at least they fought untill the end and were actually able to create their own autistic little world after the war. what can germany or russia offer to the world? nothing.

thanks. the one you posted is a lot clearer too.

isn't english an official language there?

>not including UK
>basically our slaves
The UK is the most slavishly loyal nation to the US in that entire part of the world by far and buys into everything the US does, what are you talking about?

yeah but spanish at least has rules for its conjugations that make them consistent whereas french is just whatever the fuck they felt like

I am sure no one is going to make fun of Japan's low proficiency

it is, its just the hardest to understand. But Danish in its literal for is simple as fuck.

When your mother tongue is rather insignificant and there's barely any culture attached to it, you are more likely to turn towards bigger, more influential languages and cultures. The whole dubbed/subbed thing is just a consequence of that.
There are many additional factors too. There are stuff like the amount of existing sounds in your language and how different it is to the target language.
Germans have dubbed movies yet they are generally more proficient in English than say, Spaniards.

>56% English
Kek, try 10% tops. And even that's reaching.

why dont you just have both?

Well English is a Germanic language

This only happens with rude ass anglos tourists seeking for help in Paris without making the slightest effort to speak a little basic french (bonjour, s'il vous plaît, etc.).
Personnaly, I prefer to give these cunts false information.

Yes that's the point I was making. Although you could say English is a special case and is almost half romance.

Almost 60% between latin and french. Nonetheless many common use words are still germanic and french actually has non-latin words because of the Franks.

*twirls mustache* hon hon hon les anglais sont estupides

>French get mad when they ask in French because they butcher it
>get mad when they ask in English
So which is it Pierre

That map only shows how easy the language is to learn if you speak English fluently/as your native tongue already. Most immigrants to Sweden aren't English speakers.

Also, a lot of immigrants here, especially middle eastern ones, are generally apathetic to learn Swedish because they live and work in ghettos where they can speak their native language or get by with very limited Swedish and English.
For jobs that require fluent Swedish they'll never be able to compete with a native so they're unlikely to get hired, so most don't even bother.

>mother tongue is rather insignificant and there's barely any culture attached to it
no european country's language is insignificant on the local scale. And all of them are full of culture.

Everybody in this thread is full of shit. Germans and French can't speak English for shit. They borderline panic everytime they are forced to at the airport. They pretend to know the language, but the vast majority wouldn't be able to decipher the vast majority of English dubbed movies. People from big countries are rarely ever confronted with foreign languages (Germany, France, Japan, US, England), so they fucking suck at them. No exceptions.

is your surname Dyatlov?

Knowing a language is different than speaking it.
I wish there were more apps to help with pronunciation.

Check my dubbs

this. it's weird how distinct those two parts are

>French get mad when they ask in French because they butcher it
Fake news. I have never seen angry french people against foreigners who were trying to speak their language.

German dubs are actually decent.

lmao look at this retard

Attached: Capture.png (673x678, 663K)

Yeah, people often say French might be the least latin language while English is probably the least Germanic one.
There's still a lot of loan words between the two and English got rid of some Germanic features over the centuries. The sentence structure of English isn't that confusing to native French-speakers. Learning Dutch or German usually is more of a challenge.

Red countries have congenital brain damage. That's the only reasonable explanation for this.


>Latvian 24%
peak /int/ meme

When your mother language is Luxembourgish or Norwegian, you clearly don't have the same cultural influence as a Spanish-speaker for instance... and how could you? It's a matter of numbers. It's not the 17th century anymore, you can't really live at the local scale when everybody around you has internet.
Not all cultures are equal and there will always be uneven relationships between neighbours and even between local languages and linga francas.
That doesn't mean those cultures are shit and I'm glad Europe is so diverse, it's just that their irrelevance leads them to being dominated by other cultures.
Some Norwegian user earlier said all his movies and games are in English. How many English-speakers have all their movies in Norwegian? That's a dominating language/culture and a dominated one right there.

>no european country's language is insignificant on the local scale
Ahem, then explain . If not even your media is dubbed in your native language, then you clearly took a major hit. Yes, I get it. It's not financially feasible for small countries to have local dubbing, but that doesn't change the cultural decline. Most Scandinavians are bargain-bin Americans by this point, and I am willing to bet my left testicle that foreign dubbed television shows are a major reason for it.

Mate, americanization is happening all over europe. Just because it's dubbed, the base material doesn't change.

Italy here, we have some god-tier dubs, like sometimes they rewrite almost everything as if it was some high level ancient greek poem, case to point the saint senya dub is absolute KINO.


Don't forget Basque people that speak Spanish as a second language

Those digits

Literally everyone younger than 40 speaks at least decent English in the former Yugoslavia countries.

No we just have decent schools, unlike goblinos in the USA.

What the absolute fuck are you rambling about

user, look at the picture again, you absolute dolt.

The bigger countries also have a film and entertainment industry. Nothing of course as influential and coordinated as Hollywood (like it was said earlier, numbers matter) but there's still some cultural influence and creativity. When all the entertainment you consume is owned by foreigners and all in a foreign language, it's getting pretty bad. It's the death of individual cultures and it's nothing to celebrate.

You're quite daft, It's almost like I'm speaking to an american or something.

Like I said, americanization is happening in each and every country in europe. Also just because people are not subbing movies, doesn't mean they can't make their own films. Heck, if we follow your type of logic, they are not subbing because they have their own films to watch.

I think we can all agree Shrek 2's latin dub is God tier.

Latin American dubs usually do this too. People like RDJ or Tommy Lee Jones have an established voice actor that's been dubbing them for decades. Will Smith has two, one for comedies and one for dramas.

cultures are not =
some are small
some are big
small tends to be dominated by big
does brainlet understand?

>americanization is happening in each and every country in europe.
Nobody is doubting that you drooling cunt. It's just not happening at the same speed everywhere and some countries at least have a bit of a cultural advantage others don't necessarily have.

>Also just because people are not subbing movies, doesn't mean they can't make their own films.
Also who said that? The point is the smaller your country is, the more irrelevant your movie industry tends to be. That means you will have to rely on foreigners more.

that's a yikes for me.

No se porqué los hispanos se ofenden cuando alguien dice esto. Es verdad, no hay nada de que avergonzarse.

you're retarded. Try living in fucking Slovenia and you'll see how difficult it is without learning the language and their cultural aspects.

europoors aren't special in this regard, wasn't there a Ringu remake as well

this is true for your mother tongue as well. I write much more eloquently than I speak.

What the fuck does that have to do with it? Read the original message, we're talking about cultural influence between countries, not about buying fucking bread in your shithole.
Of course everyone understands you need to speak the language of a country to live there. That doesn't mean Slovenian is relevant on a global scale now does it?

we were talking about the gradual loss of language and culture and you pointed out smaller countries as examples of just that due to influence of larger countries, whereas most smaller countries are in fact thriving with culture and their language is as vibrant as ever.

Movies are far from being the only indicator of culture's/language's "health".

Russians are worse at E V E R Y T H I N G. They are a medieval civilization literally frozen in time. They halfass and shortcut and buy budget and nepotize and deal dirty on literally everything and then blame everyone else when they inevitably trip on their cocks and fail.

This is the country that gave you RMBK reactors.

Which is why we should ruin the carefully crafted audio and waste the performances of top Hollywood actors

>whereas most smaller countries are in fact thriving with culture and their language is as vibrant as ever
Well if you say so while sounding like newspaper headline that must be true.
But truth be told, I should have maybe mentioned we were talking about Western/Nordic countries. What are movie theatres mostly showing in Slovenia? Slovenian movies? Foreign ones?

>Movies are far from being the only indicator of culture's/language's "health".
Well it's Yea Forums, we're talking about movies. I'm sure there are great festivals and nice food in all countries but who cares and why would we talk about that here? The focus is on entertainment because that's a huge part of (young) people's life, has a big influence on them and it's being americanized. You could even say the same thing about music, video games and probably literature. Seems like a pretty big chunk to me.

So half the country?

You're forgetting they often remake British shows

if you are a spaniard, explain to me why games like warcraft 3 has so fucking good voice actors and the movie ones are fucking atrocious.

me bruv lives in germany. Says the dubbing on TV sucks because there's only a handful of voice actors for every single movie and TV show. Methinks the germans should learn English better like the Danes do so's they don't have to worry about that shit.

kill your self if your learned french, french it's only for faggots and niggers.FACT!

Russia is incorrect.

I think the last time I saw a voice overed movie in cinema was in late 1990-s.

Generally, even media that's not officially released in Russia is dubbed by one of the many translators groups that survive on patreon funding

This is why scandinavian countries are better in english.

Nope. Can attest. They used dubbing. It looks and sounds horrible.

pretty much this, original accent loss is an issue tho


>norwegian more intuitive to an english speaker than italian
>putting french in the same category as spanish and italian
Let me guess: you have autism?

Checked and based

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They have similar difficulties to someone who doesnt know them. Mainly the gendered nouns and verbs. Scandinavian languages technically have that as well though not nearly as much

Spanish is easy to learn because the spelling is consistent with the pronunciation and the grammatica rules are consistent. The verbs are by far the hardest part.
This is good, I hated studying French so much with their 10 million exceptions to the rule.

Also, many Belgians think Dutch is super hard to learn but it's actually not that hard. We have a lot of wonky grammatic rules and verbs, but people who speak English can learn the basics pretty fast.
>t. belgian who speaks spanish natively


I'm Dutch and almost exclusively use English for speaking with friends, it has come to the point where I regard it as my native language. I forgot a lot of Dutch words over the years.
Dutch is dead in the water within a decade or two.

> UK
> 10% English
Seems about right.

>American education

is this a submarine joke or a bdsm joke

I actually like the voice over done in pooland and slavshitstan

Hungarian dubs are legendary bro

I will never understand weebs.

Any user from red countries - care to explain these dubs?

>a wall of text to say that 2+2=4
Again, what the fuck are you even going on about in your schizo post?

>estonian harder than icelandic


>Austrialian English is a lesser version of British English

Scandinavians are better because it's piss easy for someone whose native language is Swedish, Danish or Norwegian to learn English. Same goes for Germany and especially Netherlands.

we Czechs used to have great dubbings too. Mostly because during iron curtain it was good way for actors to make side moeny. But during last fifteen years it totaly died out. They use like five same people and it is just about making it quick and cheap.

yeah, and this insistence on using mainly one single accent really harms the characterization in a lot of shows
Is this why the deleted scene in T3 had that dude with the crazy southern accent?
Germans speak English very well, in general.

old school Czech black market dubbing voice over

>stormniggers now denying literally every aspect of WW2

Hola amigo, donde está la biblioteca?

Woon je in Amsterdam ofzo flikker?

Ohh sweet summer child, try learning a language like Slovenian, more conjugations than French and Spanish combined due to dual form.

Ofc,nobody can attest to its difficulty as so few speak it.

muil dicht boeren kinkel

Same but I'm in Serbia

It's not related to English whatsoever so yes it's harder retard

dubs are always shit, even when its krautists doing it. die in a fire

Убиј ce coјин пeдepy

It's crazy. I could read a damn PhD thesis in French but getting out a sentence is just beyond possibility.

Dubbing is low IQ.

yeah most bigger countries do this but germany takes the autism to the extremes with even literal who noname background actors gettting their own "permanent" german voice actor

Crimea should be yellow on the pic

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ITT mutts not accepting that their precious actors are overshadowed by kino Germans

thats incorrect tho

synchronkartei.de if you want to delve into German VA, just search a show and see the amount of different VAs, they only use the same VAs for children's shows so your mate is probably a retard

Hungary here
Some older ones are god tier, like the monthy python movies
Or the asterix and obelix movies
And the old disney songs are kino too
But newer productions are mostly shit

you're retarded


Does it matter? The joke will be lost on Germans regardless.

Bullshit. Berliner Synchron for example is one of the best studios for synchronizing. They sound good and put a shit ton of effort into dubbing.
Most of the A-titles for both TV and movies are dubbed there.

But let me guess, you can't speak a single Word in German.

half of the fucking country then

Fucking idiot. Their dubbing is not even nearly on par of the Germans.

Czechia has always dubbed films. We had a top tier dubbing. Some are way better than original, like Louis de Funès films or Red Dwarf for example.
All the prime time stuff on tv is dubbed, you could watch hipster kino with subtitles only at night.
Haven’t watched TV in years but it probably haven’t changed.

From what I’ve heard most recent work is abysmal.

Dubs confirm

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Wonder why English language skills in Nordic countries are top tier compared to shitty/non-existent English language skills in Central and Southern Europe...

Germans are sub human authoritarian continent wrecking niggers.

Salty kike spotted.
The Germans are top tier master nation in every aspect.

A language being easy is a good thing you cunt.

The German synchronizing industry is THE biggest in the world.
They even have dedicated voice actors for unknown movie actors that almost never change.
Your brother is plain wrong.