Check this scene out
Sounds like something incels say
>Hollywood writers
>not getting laid like crazy
Pick one
>you have self-esteem issues you need to work on
>immediately validates those issues by telling him she went out with him because she knew he wouldn't break her heart
stupid movie
>Alice Eve
Incels are unironically right about most things
I wanna punch Baruchel in the face so hard.
You're confusing them with Hollywood producers.
>tfw no english heterochromia gf
There are many incels who are highly intelligent computer programmers and astronauts but are just lacking that he ne said quips it takes to get laid.
>huge tiddies
>zero children
>i want to ruin her perfect body because /pol/ tricked me into another meme fetish
leave our beautiful roses alone Amerikikes
one green and one blue, the best of both worlds.
>impregnating a beautiful woman is a meme fetish
Fuck off jew
Remember that really not at all funny couple of episodes of Letterkenny where Jay Baruchel was an extremely specific alt righter? Man I'm glad that only lasted two episodes.
Neck yourself
This is a gamma make fantasy. They also were probably Jewish.
Not really. Literally just walk into your local Wallmart and you can see how in real life literal 0/10 disgusting blob men can get a woman and reproduce. If they were right the world would be a prettier place since there'd be no ugly people if they couldn't pass on their genes but unfortunately that's (very clearly unless you've fried your brain with internet memes) not the case.
introverted nerds in the most greedy and extroverted place on earth getting laid?
top kek
That's true. However true their narrative is though, it reinforces their exclusion and spite
Shiet, this is a fucking eye opener. I was about to do the same fucking mistake this nincompoop character did.
Hollywood writers and hot actresses have a lot in common in that they both get fucked by the producers. No writers make money in Hollywood unless they're also producers or directors, that's just how it is.
Based retarded ESL or phone poster.
So the reason so much shit comes out of Hollywood is as simple as 'Pay peanuts, get monkeys'?
>Why, because you... couldn't decide which one of you was hotter?
In a word, yes.
It's more of a "I the producer will use market research to dictate the perimeters of this film you must write, peasant and I will pay you nothing to do it" and a "fuck your art, we need you to include a part that [Insert star of the month] and 2.5 actions scenes" with a healthy dose of "yeah, but what if the audience doesn't understand that plot point. Add a scene explaining everything".
In general, fuck producers and fuck the studio. Parasites the lot of them.
I fucking hate movies with weird incels like that jew looking shit because it reminds me of how I once was and this disgusts me to no end. Can't there be a movie where the character is just a normal dude? Not a repulsive incel nor an überchad.
And Alice Eve should have already had like 5 children by now, she's a breeding machine.
>the only reason for a woman to get pregnant is a fetish
You're one of the most pozzed people I've ever seen on this board, and that's saying something.
pretty much every "loser/nerd" main chararcter who ends up getting the hot girl due to the sheer awesomeness of his personality and her picking him over the objective Chad is 99% of the times written by highschool incels/nerds who think this is their way of "getting back" at the Chads from irl who they got BTFO years ago but cant get over it
>/pol/ invented the will to impregnate beautiful women
Damn, this /pol/ guy seems pretty based.
is this movie worth watching?
This is very true.
Dunno, but I keep seeing it posted. I'm gonna watch it right now for the memes.
A lot of the time their points are valid, but the conclusions they draw from those points aren't productive and so there's no point in accepting them as truth 100% of the time
It's fucking insufferable, the guy isn't even the nerdy type you can sympathize with, he's straight away offputting. But he ends up with the perfect girl just because
>bee urself!
I dont understand? They're fighting because he thinks hes not good enough for her? I get being mad that she lied to her parents or whatever because then it seems like shes embarrassed but is that the only reason? I really dont get it, maybe it's one of those wacky things I'll understand when I'm older or something but if I had a hot gf I wouldnt bitch about it. Can someone explain this to me
Is she really a good actress though?
my dick says yes
moar alice
Walk into wal mart and see what? The people you speak of are mostly boomers, which feeds into the incel point that it’s harder to find a woman now than it was 30 years ago. Sure it can be done, but you’re still ignoring other key ideas like the elevation of female worth but decline in quality, overall entitlement, and divorce rates/court system etc etc.
>many incels are astronauts
astronauts are all massive chads you fucking retard
Just watched it and this is accurate. The roastie pursues him hardcore for absolutely no reason. He's some random TSA agent, and she goes from 0 to wanting to bang in about four seconds after meeting him.
Despite that, it's a solid B incel-flick. If you have nothing else to do, it's worth a watch.