Was he a Wes Anderson self insert?
The films of Wes Anderson
I would've joined your discussion, but Rushmore is his second worst movie behind Bottle Rocket.
Never said Rushmore was his best, only asking if anyone thinks Max Fischer is his self insert
And I was only telling you that the subject of your thread is unappealing. Do we understand each other now?
Then I guess I'm going to have to fuck your mum.
Does he hate himself enough to settle for uggo jap stalker?
If he was, he's the least-flattering and most self-aware self-insert in the history of ever.
I don't think Wes is married.
I'll bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
How did you guess?
More like a self parody.
Rushmore is his best film. fight me irl
>when you haven't grown out of adolescence, so you identify with the douche kid
Not him but the prep school kino is comfy
>Not him but
This is a pretty good indicator that your father failed you. Learn how men are supposed act.
Rushmore is his best
>everyone who says this is a zoomer posting from a phone
Really activates my jimjims.
O R they?
I don't know man, The Darjeeling Limited is my favorite of his, but his best is probably the royal tenenbaums or The grand budapest hotel.
Seriously though, Moonrise Kingdom is his best movie.
He's either a pedo or a homo.
Says the guy who was raised by a single mother who took home a black boyfriend every week.
Pic related.
same dude. Do you have brothers? I've got 3. The family dynamics are pretty spot on for adult siblings.
W-Why yes... I do enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
How could you tell?
Egh, I forgot Darjeeling Ltd and Grand Budapest Hotel were actually two different movies that he directed
based "black stepfather took me to the movies so i'm comfortable saying nigger" kino
I have a brother and hate him. He steals money and mooches off my parents without a regard for their well being. He tried stealing shit from me to sell so he could support his drug habits but I put a quick stop to that after I called the cops on him. Cops didn't do anything but at least it scared him into not messing with me.