what do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

get the yayo

Where's the money?

Was this the worst/best movie for 80s hairstyles?
>also something about this cunt makes me want to beat her in the head with a brick

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unzip dick

Why would Tony make a deal with Sosa for 18 million when Frank was only buying two keys at a time?

Skullfuck her and sew up her cunt.

gimme yeyo

Is this it? That's what it's all about, Manny? Eating, drinking, fucking, sucking? Snorting? Then what? You're 50. You got a bag for a belly. You got tits, you need a bra. They got hair on them. You got a liver, they got spots on it, and you're eating this fuckin' shit, looking like these rich fucking mummies in here..

Attached: scarface.jpg (819x1024, 71K)

Did tony really think liverspots were spots on your liver?

Wouldn't holding the barrel of that gun like that be very bad if you fired it?

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Was probably referring to cirrhosis

He's right though.

Not move like she said, then tell that double-crossing Colombian monkey that he just fucked himself.

The world is yours...

I bet she'd make my dick diamonds if she done Mommy JOI

>this was Vasquez from aliens
>this was the Irish mom with the two little kids in titanic

Attached: im not sure how to feel.gif (266x268, 1.07M)

"a lady who didn't look like a lady."

Sosa was a fucking idiot for trying to wack that politician in the middle of NYC right before he was going to give a speech condemning the Colombian coke barons before the UN, Tony made the right call if even for the wrong reasons. If Pablo Escobar hadn't blown up a fucking plane like a wannabe Bond villain then the worst he would have had to deal with was a couple of DEA agents trying to motivate an entire Colombian law enforcement apparatus full of paid informants and incompetent crusaders to put him in another penthouse prison where he could bang whores, eat steaks, watch futbol on satellite, and run his empire from "incarceration." Instead he took down an intercontinental flight that had white Americans on board and the resulting fallout meant he had bad ass Delta commandos and an elite crew of hand picked and highly motivated Colombian military death squad members chasing his ass until he was shot to death by "Colombian military personnel" wink wink, nudge nudge, bueno trabajo amigos. Sosa would have been making the exact same kind of mistake in the Scarface film universe by whacking a guy and his family in an act of international terrorism and all because he thinks his piss ant money and army of armed goons means he can step on the toes of the world's greatest coke baron, the CIA. So some spic lawyer gives a speech at the UN, who gives a fuck? That UN shit is symbolic bull shit at best and hypocritical self congratulating at it's worst. The lawyer gives his speech, he goes home, he gets shot to death and no one in America, more importantly the American government gives a fuck. You splatter a family across the pavement with C4 and kill a gringo or two on the sidewalk in the commercial capital of the country? That's a big mistake. Sosa was so wrapped up in his own false sense of limitless power that had there been a sequel to Scarface it might as well have been Clear and Present Danger with a few actors and names switched.



Shure I have da money, but i zont haz it right here wih me now. I got it close by.

you want me to believe Omar was a stoolie because Sosa says so?

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Good take user

instantly cum

i actually believe omar wasnt an informant and that sosa played tony

Now Clear and Present Danger is in my head-canon as the sequel to Scarface.

The dialogue in that movie is godlike.

>Shure I have da money, but i zont haz it right here wih me now. I got it close by.

In de cahrrrr. :D

come on pelican fly

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The stupidest part was the shady guy from DC was part of Sosa’s inner circle, so (it’s implied) he already had back room connections to power brokers. but maybe he talked Sosa into being a terrorist so the US would have reason to take action against him

>being faceblind in 2019

DePalma makes great, isolated scenes inside terrible movies. Scarface is shit but it has a memorable scene.

Not them, but just because one guy goes rogue doesn't mean he's got his entire country on lockdown, no matter what he tells some scumbag drug dealer-murderer.

Doesn’t matter because Sosa offered Tony an opportunity to take Frank’s place. Too bad Frank was the only smart guy in the whole movie.

Carlito's Way is a terrible movie?

>Scarface is shit

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Mission Impossible as well

no, because its reinforced to be used like that.
That gun is a Mac 10 and that "barrel" it's its suppresor, they originally shipped the gun with the thick suppresor to make it easier to handle since the mac itself is really tiny

True but if Goodson was just a corrupt rogue agent, he should have tried to talk Sosa out of waving his dick around, rather than allowing him to draw international attention to their outfit.

t. no money, power or women

noo not in uh cah ma'

"I see how you look at me Anonymous."

*stumbles into the street, Tony in pursuit*



Does anyone know how much of the script was ad-libbed? It has a very loose feel at times and other characters seem to react to Pacino surprisedly.

You have to understand, out of the 99.9% of people who can withstand affliction. Only .1% can withstand prosperity. Becoming successful makes you very prideful and foolish. It's very easy to understand how a man who makes his living selling drugs can get brave and try to do some bond villan maneuver. That's why neighborhood drug dealers have shoot outside in the street in real life. They get prideful and act like a fool

Can you handle a machine gun

Attached: Omar_Suarez.jpg (264x287, 12K)

Yeah, mang, we wuz in da Army.

I'm just trying to be friendly.
>I don't need another friend, especially one who just got off a banana boat.
Banana boat?
Hold it. You got the wrong guy.

I don't come off no banana boat.

Attached: banana.gif (245x213, 616K)

Would joo kiss me if I wore da hat?

Who fucking cares??? Lol

depends. can you handle a helicopter?

Dunno, but De Palma wrote some of Star Wars(1977).

Wolfgang did a number on this guy, he turned criminal.

Frank didnt deserve to be cucked and killed

>what do?


>He's right though.

He is and you only realize it once you're old!!!FACT!!!

So did he set up Tony and his crew to be murdered by that crazy colombian bastard like Tony thinks or was Tony just being paranoid about it

>implying that he never did nothing to nobody

>Sosa was a fucking idiot for trying to wack that politician in the middle of NYC right before he was going to give a speech condemning the Colombian coke barons before the UN, Tony made the right call if even for the wrong reasons. If Pablo Escobar hadn't blown up a fucking plane like a wannabe Bond villain then the worst he would have had to deal with was a couple of DEA agents trying to motivate an entire Colombian law enforcement apparatus full of paid informants and incompetent crusaders to put him in another penthouse prison where he could bang whores, eat steaks, watch futbol on satellite, and run his empire from "incarceration." Instead he took down an intercontinental flight that had white Americans on board and the resulting fallout meant he had bad ass Delta commandos and an elite crew of hand picked and highly motivated Colombian military death squad members chasing his ass until he was shot to death by "Colombian military personnel" wink wink, nudge nudge, bueno trabajo amigos. Sosa would have been making the exact same kind of mistake in the Scarface film universe by whacking a guy and his family in an act of international terrorism and all because he thinks his piss ant money and army of armed goons means he can step on the toes of the world's greatest coke baron, the CIA. So some spic lawyer gives a speech at the UN, who gives a fuck? That UN shit is symbolic bull shit at best and hypocritical self congratulating at it's worst. The lawyer gives his speech, he goes home, he gets shot to death and no one in America, more importantly the American government gives a fuck. You splatter a family across the pavement with C4 and kill a gringo or two on the sidewalk in the commercial capital of the country? That's a big mistake. Sosa was so wrapped up in his own false sense of limitless power that had there been a sequel to Scarface it might as well have been Clear and Present Danger with a few actors and names switched.

100% correct!!!FACT!!!

Not that user but wouldn’t the suppressor heat up something fierce after some light use? If I mag dump a few magazines out of my handgun it gets hot as shit.

No, that was Omar, who fugged up. Yeah.
Remember in the cahrr Omar's buddy said "Give him to the Colombians." he knew that was suicidal.

>come on pelican fly COME ON PELICAN

Favorite line of the movie!!!FACT!!!

>Scarface is shit
I'm posting here for the first time in a week to tell you, you're a fucking moron and faggot. Torvalds was right, anonymity was a mistake.

Her whom is so polluded I can't even have a fuckin lillbaby with her...

>Dunno, but De Palma wrote some of Star Wars(1977).

He came up with the title crawl!!!FACT!!!

You're in the right universe. She was in James Cameron's other movie The Abyss.

build a wall

I see you got the yayo.

The network TV dub is hysterical.
>Where you get the scar tough guy? Eating pineapple?
>This town like one big chicken just waiting to get plucked

>You know a little something about cocaine, Montana?


I don’t think he set him up per se but he knew he was putting Tony and co in a potentially very dangerous situation and if he came out alive ok if not ok who cares.

Have you guys even watched it? Omar set him up, quite clearly.

kek i need to watch this.

kill yourself

God this was such a terrible movie.

Not in like 8 years.


That bitch just called him a manlet.

explain yourself nigger.


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Sounds like you're overdue to watch it again, fren.

>I don't need that stuff in my life!

One of the best scenes is when Tony and Sosa talk shit to each other after killing Omar

>That bitch just called him a manlet.
She called him a son of a bitch.

Any last words Mel

Sosa had a nice compound. He had great taste, the cut joke Tony told him was funny too.

Where'd you get the scar, Montana? Eating pussy?

Imagine believing this^

So, was he a cop?

Well, the movie is bad. So bad in fact, that it could even be described as terrible. Hope that helps.

She didnt say cabron dummy.

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Yup. He was a detective.

Says who?

Said Frank.

Kek holy shit. I think you’re right. I need to re-watch. That TV edit is ridiculous

It's entirely possible he was getting marching orders that amounted to getting Sosa in over his head so he could be eliminated before he became too powerful and make it look to other exporters/wholesalers that he was merely reckless instead of being played the whole time. Keep those $4k tailored suit wearing cocaine barons lining up to the CIA trough even when it's connected to the slaughter house instead of spooking them all off.


And I wan my human right! Righ now! Juss like da President Yimmy Carter says!


You're right, of course, and it also served to move the plot forward vis a vis Tony's downfall. It just seemed like such an obviously reckless scheme to me, even on first viewing.

Typically yes, they do, hence the neoprene. The Mac-10's suppressor had what amounts to a thick insulated portion at the point where it threads to the muzzle because short of a leather/nylon strap it had basically no way to hold it two handed. If you move your hand forward on one of those Ingram style suppressors you can burn yourself, but the thick portion is perfectly comfortable to hold except after periods of extended shooting. Don't do this with other kinds of suppressors.

Yo son made it, mamma.


Anyone got the link? A cursory google is returning nothing but video game clips.


Attached: scarface-kids.jpg (2025x896, 121K)
These two vids have the meeting and the aftermath that user spoke of.
>dont you fuck me tony dont you ever try and fuck me
fucking badass sosa was the true gangster of the film

this town is like one big chicken just waitin to get plucked

Scarface is fag movie. Tony is fag for Many. Oma is a faggot. Frank is jew is faggot. Ernie is a faggot. All of them are fagot.

Hahaha and lol LEAVE

She was an early obscure waifu of mine.

I'd be afraid of getting electrocuted in that thing

"I'm walking here"!

That business lunch really is a good scene. Omar is leaving Tony thinking for sure Sosa is about to cut Montana's balls off and shove them down his own throat, he's laughing to himself about Tony's fate as he walks right to his own death.

>yfw the drug plot involving Sosa is essentially true

ha, not sure if joking, but he's not near the TVs.

I alway wonder if Omar actually was a stoolie or if Sosa was having him killed in order to go with Tonys more profitable venture

you expect me to believe omar was a stoolie because sosa said so?

You bought that line.

It's left intentionally vague, I'm sure. Still, it is established that Omar is not beyond fucking someone over even if it means getting them killed. He seems like he would rat out his associates to save his own ass. I don't think he was necessarily an informant or plant though, he'd have to be fucking insane to go down to Colombia is he had already testified against prior associates in court.

>wobbles head disrespectfully towards you

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>Frank was the only smart guy
Planning a hit that fails and then subsequently getting executed on the floor while begging like a lil bitch is real smart.

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Not that guy but franks more cautious way would have kept both him and Tony alive if Tony hadnt jumped the gun and usurped him.