Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

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Childhood is rooting for Caesar and Antony, Adulthood is realizing that Pompey, Cicero and Cato were in the right

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refute this

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I thought Cicero and Caesar were buds?

Without Caeser we would not have based Octavian.

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I named him Cato, amusing, ney?

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As reddit what would I get?

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fuck off Cicero fagot

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adulthood is realizing that carthage was the good guy

T. Aristocratic scum

It's people like Pompey, Cicero and Cato that gave birth to Cesar

evening shlomo

Yea Forums has what? Rowdy Yea Forumstards, /pol/acks, a bunch of porn boards. All the trouble of moderating the website.

>carthage was the good guy
he thinks carthage was the good guys when they started the war

Attached: Rome vs Carthage.jpg (1440x769, 135K)

>He thinks Carthage started the war
Keep swallowing that Roman propaganda

OP Faggotus, I have a question concerning your friend and co-consul-- the darling of Reddit, Crosspostius GoBackToRedditus.
Why does his criticism remain empty? Why does he not go to bed? His illegal shitposting is over. Yea Forums is long since on its knees. Why does this crossposter keep his brave shitposters from their hotpockets and juice boxes? For eight long years, he has gorged himself like a wolf on the replies of feeders, and thereby made himself monstrously rich with (you)s. Why?
Why does he ply the mob with racebaits and fights and gaudy nitpicks? Why has he given a (you) to every crossposting fool in this Rome general? Why?! I'll tell you why he does these things. He wants to buy himself a Yea Forums pass.
He wants to destroy Rome threads and rule Yea Forums as a bloody Redditor! That's why! Therefore, I move that this crossposting shitposter's IP address be terminated immediately, that his Yea Forums pass be disbanded and that he be recalled to Yea Forums.org/banned to answer charges of illegal shitposting, meme theft, underage, and baiting!

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So it's no longer off the table I shubboze?

got some bad news for you

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Cato for being retarded

cato was a twat, cicero seems based though

How'd I do?

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Elephant fucker

Sulla shits on all of them, he did whatever the fuck he wanted and then retired when he got bored. They were so scared of his legions chimping out no-one dared to harm him.

Marius >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sulla


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I see no rhyme or reason for almost all of these.


Cato and the other faggots in the Senate were the establishment neocucks of the day

>Siezes power
>Uses his power to kick richfags, neets, lazy, and other abusers so welfare goes only to the absolute poorest people in Rome
They hated Ceasar because he actually took care of the middle and lower classes

cato, rome was not a city anymore

hottest emperor

Attached: Rome S01E12 Kalends of February [13.26.807-13.41.655].webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Caesar's populist reforms could have breathed new life into the republic but in their greed and arrogance they couldn't allow competitors to their share of power. Their inability to adapt dissolved the republic and led to the empire. Caesar was a lot like Trump when you think about it.

Why did Yea Forums become so shit anywah