Longest movie you ever watched?

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Cleopatra- 4hours
Barry lyndon- 3.5 hours
Ben hurr- 3.5 hours

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> 3 hrs 57 mins

Fanny and Alexander in the cinema, 5hrs 32 minutes. Only me and my gf were in the cinema.

Sounds comfy. Great film.

Out 1

once upon a time in america extended cut or shoah if we're counting docs.


Any kino similar to this?

Edward Yang’s entire filmography. Start with Yi Yi. I find it to be the most accessible of them all.

Mine is the same as yours so I will post the second longest

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Gettysburg (1993) - 4 hr 14 m

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>Out 1
Where to start with Rivette?
Is this good?

Yes, but we are on Yea Forums so you are not allowed to watch it

>Is this good?
it is long

love exposure, 4 hours (not counting miniseries like dekalog, fanny and alexander, war and peace etc.)

I guess you can start with Out 1, but I'd start with Celine and Julie Go Boating, then L'Amour Fou, then Paris Belongs to Us, then Up Down Fragile. If you like those, get ready for it. A good deal of the time it feels like he's just dicking around, but that's his nature.

I think La Belle Noiseuse and Va savoir are two of his best, but I'm very much in the minority opinion with them

I can't watch anything longer than about 80 mins in 1 sitting

this, in terms of watching a movie straight
sometimes i see les vampires or berlin alexanderplatz listed as longer movies, but they're episodic and i watched them as such

Empire by Andy Warhol

Avengers: Endgame
Good film


This, as well as OPs. Watched Satantango at the cinema

Blade Runner. The most boring flick I have had the misfortune of seeing. 2049 was far better

Ive seen this kino like 3 times, it gets better everytime.

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Thanks, i also think La Belle Noiseuse is one of his best rated films so you are not in minority on that one. I will check out Celine and Julie first.

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Watchmen uncut directors edition
All the Lord of the Rings extended edition

Did you like this? Also what's the best Tarr film?

Where did you even find this?

not a movie but Crystal Lake Memories

Haven't seen Satantango, but Werckmeister Harmonies is Kino


I've only seen the version on Netflix which was 233 minutes long, the Director's Cut is actually 320 minutes long

the only Rivette I've watched was le pont du nord a few weeks ago
I didn't think much of it but maybe it wasn't the best choice for the first movie

Torrent. Bluray should be out this year, so wait for that.

It's good, but obviously not for everyone. It's also really bleak so if you're easily affected maybe don't watch it

how does it compare to turin horse? I found it more dull and repetitive than touching or bleak, didn't connect with it at all

Werckmeister Harmonies > The Turin Horse > Satantango > Damnation. I haven't seen the others. Something about the atmosphere in Werckmeister Harmonies is so haunting. One of my favourite films ever. The Turin Horse is unrelenting bleakness for 150 minutes, very visceral experience. Satantango is a bit too long in my opinion and it has weak spots, it didn't transport me into the film as much as Werckmeister Harmonies and The Turin Horse. Still it has some fantastic images. Damnation is his weakest in my opinion, the style doesn't serve that much of a purpose at all, it still has a good moments but it's a very uneven film.

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This was very good.

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The long version of Fanny and Alexander

Exposure to love
Gone with the wind

>Only one mention of Love Exposure

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It's quite short compared to Satantango, The Best of Youth, Shoah and Out 1.


some lav diaz movie

Came here to post that, big fan of kobayashis work.
Its like over 9 hours in total, its a masterpiece though.

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>unironically mentioning memetantango

>Ben hurr

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Satantango is good.

Noone actually likes Satantango, people just pretend they do to seem sophisticated and smart.

I do like it, although i prefer Werckmeister Harmonies and Turin Horse.

It isn't by any measure whatsoever.

You don't, you just like to feel good for saying that you do.

No, i haven't felt good in a long time. Saying that i like Satantango most certainly won't help that.

Do you watch Satantango in one sitting?

Yes, you can have a quick pause in the middle.

I agree with everything in this post but even damnation is a strong 8/10 for me.
>Getting pleb filtered this hard

It's this one for me. Can't say I enjoyed it that much other than that sequence with the little girl and the cat.

>Werckmeister Harmonies > The Turin Horse > Satantango > Damnation.
Absolutely based and correct

Where should I start with Tarr?

Werckmeister Harmonies or Damnation.

>>Getting pleb filtered this hard
>using Satantango to pretend that you have superior taste
there it is!

sátántángo, but watched in 3 parts, so probably novencento all the way

spoiler: both are shit, films that need to be longer than 4h without clear parts where you can stop and continue other time are not worth getting into 99% of the time, cut shit down dumbfucks, nobody can stand that much wankery

Even if you really end up enjoying it i don't recommend watching, it really isn't worth it, films longer that 4 hours without clear partitioning are huge memes, this user gets it And you got to be a really big NEET to watch a 4 hour long films in one sitting.

I would say he meant pleb filtered because of the way you criticized the film. You provided no opinion, other than it's bad. Why? Who knows. And that people like it to pretend smart. No proper criticism whatsoever.


Lawrence of Arabia

It's bad for a very simple reason, that it's boring. This is a classic case of horseshoe theory. When you actually learn about film like I have, one thing you learn is that it's essential to a good film that it keeps the spectator interested. A film where you have 10 minute long shots where, narratively speaking, nothing happens, simply fails completely at that relatively simple task and is consequently a bad film.
Of course then you have all the contrarians and hipsters and pseud film critics who start praising this film for the very fact that it purposefully does this wrong, as if that were a good thing, and because by being contrarian they can pretend to be superior (like that other user said, "le pleb filter"). But it's a film that's clearly and objectively bad by all standards by which we try to somewhat objectively state whether a film is good or not.


It is good. A good chunk of the time is the intermission, so you can just skip it.

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Gone with the Wind as well
was disappointing, but got laid/spoiler[

wait what was dissapointing the film or the sex




Those dubs are a sign of true greatness emanating from within this post.

checks out

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this user actually makes a pretty good point desu

I like the girl. She looks like a doll.


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Same. Good fucking movie.

Avengers: End Game - 3h 1m


Berlin Alexanderplatz is usually considered one long film, and I have watched that twice. Also watched Out 1. Trust me, I tried seeing them in the theater, but you need maximum comfort for these.

An Elephant Sitting Still or Love Exposure

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Does the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy count since the three books were originally one?

Any movie longer than 2h is automatically garbage. If you can't tell as story in two hours, you shouldn't tell it. I'm not going to spend half a day watching a movie.