How exactly does someone become a notorious Jeopardy bad boy?
How exactly does someone become a notorious Jeopardy bad boy?
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isn't he a massive SJW Asian type? I.e. "I'm at the top of every metric that matters and above a majority of whites on that scale but i'm still an oppressed PoC because there is a stereotype that my pepe is small and my kind don't have as many staring movie roles."
saying who is instead of what is and having your answer still be accepted
By wanting to cum on Anita Sarkessian's feet.
He once called trebek a faggot
They’re really trying to force Jeopardy stars now huh
He's just some whiny tumblr faggot, isn't he?
twitter now.
Same thing, Twitter is the tumblr of 2014+.
When the official Jeopardy YouTube page uploaded a video of “Arthur Chu’s best moments” they just uploaded a video of him being passive aggressive.
Chi was on like 7 years ago and Jeopardy wants nothing to do with him since he’s such a prick. They didn’t even invite him to the all star tournament.
>zero charisma
>even less testosterone
they’re really scraping the bottom of the “notorious bad boy” barrel these days
the edgiest nerd
Chu's not the one being passive aggressive in that clip
Just checked his twitter. He’s retweeting trans furries
Have sex
The Photo That Saved Yea Forums
I mean what progressive doesn't these days?
okay what’s going on here?
That’s funny I’d like to cut hers off and cave your skull in. Footfags need to die
He didn't go from top to bottom on the categories, but rather hunted daily doubles. There are three types of people who are fans of Jeopardy:
1. Autistics
2. Absolute retards who watch it to see likable people playing a fun-time game together
3. People who think they're VERY smart and that watching Jeopardy makes you a high brow scientist-philosopher
Hunting daily doubles has the following effects on these groups:
1. Autistics are pleased to see one of their own kind succeed, as the robotic and logical search of high value questions and daily doubles to run up the score on people makes sense to them.
2. Retards become upset because they don't like the autismo who is treating the game like a real competition for money instead of a friendly hang out just for fun game between best buds, and since they typically aren't very charming in their daily chat with Alex
3. The "very smart" crew get extremely upset because an autismo is blowing their home answers completely out of the water and making them look like the mediocre retards they actually are.
The second two groups being more vocal than the 1st lead to the overall narrative turning autismo contestants into notorious badboys.
Plus Arthur Chu let the entire world know he was an SJW retard faggot after he got off the show and everyone hates some snarky gook.
Rose from Star Wars on the Iron Throne
a self loathing man who suffers from success envy and most likely has un-diagnosed personality and/or other mental health issues. Living off of fame from a game show.
Based self-serving racist liberals
Be asian and an anti-white sack of shit.
That is the ENTIRE reason the article was written.
He also said karma's a bitch when the news about Trebek's cancer broke.
Ever notice how those that run at the mouth about karma are generally in the most fucked up positions?
If karma is real what did chinks and blacks do to deserve their fate?
The documentary is great, it shows how much of an ass Arthur Chu is.
He definitely has posted on Yea Forums
I don't know that but I know how you become a jeopardy qt
I can never wrap my head around what is going on with the shoes
I watch Jeopardy because I like trivia games. Have sex.
I dont know but this guy isnt. Hes a hyper sjw autist. He needs to have sex. James is the real bad boy of Jeopardy.
>not posting the webm
>a bad boy
>not Brad Rutter
You can just tell by looking at him he has a really small dick
While snorting a rail off his podium
He is, and so is Josh. Idiots like these is why nobody takes "online news" seriously.