Is this the most overrated movie of all time?

Is this the most overrated movie of all time?

Attached: black panther.jpg (338x500, 67K)

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Cap Marvel is way more offensive in that regard.


This movie has an amazing score.

"Overrated" implies someone rated it highly.

He smells like...
He seems to be chewing gum

Thinking about it, there's a good chance Black Panther is indeed the most "overrated" film of all time.

People were holding it up as a divine cultural monument to black people. Critics were terrified to go against the edict that Disney had unwittingly created on behalf of Black people that it was both social and career suicide to go against the grain and disparage it. Of course, this is all hyperbole, as much the films riotous acclaim was, but it certainly felt that way for a while.

People genuinely believed Wakanda is what Africa would like without colonialism. People thought it was a prophetic notion of what Africa WILL look like in several hundred years. Some people even thought Wakanda was a real fucking place.

>Watch it for my man Andy Circus
>He fucking dies like half an hour in

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>Is this the most overrated movie of all time?
Nope. Then again, due to Yea Forums's contrarian nature, overrated in this case means "popular successful thing I don't like"

You're fucking retarded. It's probably the worst mainstream film that came out in this decade and the worst film ever to win an Oscar.
Literally every critic rated it high you fucking dumb retard

All that stupid shit surrounding the movie you mentioned was more entertaining then the movie it's self.

>It's probably the worst mainstream film that came out in this decade and the worst film ever to win an Oscar.
False. & it only one Oscars for costume design, production design, & music score. You're just anally devastated because you had to eat the Blu-ray like everyone else on Yea Forums who were campaigning for the movie to flop & it ended up making over a billion. If Black Panther flopped, you contrarians would've been calling it "kino" for it's xenophobic & nationalism traits

spotted the seething racist

Yes, all marvel movies are exceedingly mediocre.

The fact that they tried to push this one as some sort of revolutionary event was just stupid and completely betrayed the reality of the fact that this is just another boring ass marvel film full of crap CG and product placement.

Its not the worst Marvel movie but its certainly the most overrated.

acting was medium
story was medium
cgi was medium
fighting scenes were medium
all in all it was entertaining but easily forgetable. nothing special. i seriously don't know why there was such a big hype around it other than "all black movie YEAH", but this should never be a factor when rating movies. so yes, when taking the hype around it into account, this is one of the most overrated movies ever.

Yes. It is objectively staggeringly bad, even by capeshit standard. It also did something inexcusable - it gave okay to big studios to make CGI as shit as possible. We were wondering in 2009 as we watched Avatar where will the graphics be a decade later, but because manchildren are willing to pay for it, in 2019 we are at 2001 levels in CGI now.

No, most people agree its a piece of shit so its not overrated. If you're thinking about the critics, they get paid to praise all disney flicks

I'm black you stupid fuck

>you had to eat the Blu-ray
How do you know he bet against Aquaman making a billion? We were talking about nigger panther here

Yes. This is probably the worst movie that's been nominated for Best Picture. Black Panther is so laughably bad that I have to remember that people ever took this stupid fucking bullshit seriously in the first place.

the concept of being "over" or "under" rated is meaningless. It's just "my subjective experience doesn't match up with the general perception of a lot of other people."

Have you seen Captain Marvel? It's a pretty competently executed capeshit with a positive message for kids. The only people that seem to be "offended" by the movie at all are culture wars assholes that decided it needed to be unsuccessful for some political reason entirely outside of the movie itself.

>it didn't win 1 Oscar it won 3 oscars
I don't give a shit how much money a movie makes. It's just retarded that people hail this piece of shit as some milestone not only in cinema history but our culture in general. Fuck capeshit

>competently executed
No its not

No Film and art in general ha have objective qualities you dum fuck.

He was the only redeeming quality of the movie, even though he was hamming it (not a bad thing) and his character involvement turned out to be irrelevant to anything.

>Have you seen Captain Marvel? It's a pretty competently executed capeshit with a positive message for kids.

>Have you seen Captain Marvel? It's a pretty competently executed capeshit with a positive message for kids.
He's called Shazam now

You do give a shit though, you're just seething because something you don't like is successful. You're the same type that'll say RT scores & box office numbers are useless unless it benefits a movie you enjoy

>music score
Bix nod muhfugga + vuvuzelas
>production design
2002 tier CGI and mudhuts on top of skyscrapers
Pic related. Literally what Americunt fatmutt guesses what Afrikan culture can be and shitting all over it.

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Can you read? I don't care if black panther made 5 billion bucks and I don't care if films I like make 5 bucks.

>fighting scenes were medium
Two guys punching each other in impact nullifying suits.
>cgi was medium
Now you are fucking trolling.

>competently executed

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To hate black people so much this board is obsessed with them

>positive message for kids
That powerful women are smug and insufferable despite getting their power handed to them without working to achieve or improve them? It's pretty good now that I think about it

People that "don't care" don't go out their way to keep posting to prove to other anons that they don't care user. You're just like those autists that comment "I'm unsubscribing/unfollowing", yet keep commenting on the content they supposedly hate

>Too much of a brainlet & swine to appreciate a unique OST & futuristic African themed backdrops
I'm curious what movies from 2017/2018 you consider better suited for those awards

You're fucking retarded. I don't care about box office all I care about how this film is praised as a cultural milestone. God you must be the stupidest cunt on this board

yeah it is. They set everything up in the first act, challenge it in the second act, subvert it at the midpoint, and pay it off in the last act. Everything was competently executed in terms of production, the comedy has generally been well received, the action wasn't ever really poorly done, etc.

What exactly would you say was incompetently executed?

Yeah and "objectively" they both do everything at competent-enough levels that the movies were successful and well-received. By the objective measures we have to determine how to rate a film, both of them are at worse non-offensive. In terms of their scripts there are no blaring problems, there is no glaring issues with continuity or lighting or editing or anything else. They both manage to "do what movies are supposed to do."
>hasn't seen the movie
>has strong opinions about it's relative quality
>cringes at people that have seen the movie
such is the life a malignant virgin
Shazam was ok. Way more of a movie geared towards toddlers than most every other major capeshit in the last few years. And it's interesting how all the culture warriors chose to shill for Shazam as a contrarian impulse against Captain Marvel, considering that Shazam is WAY more "liberal" and ableist and "sjw" than CM was. CM was basically a comedy adaptation of fucking Ayn Rand's Anthem. It's all about stripping yourself of the government-imposed restrictions on your "power" and self-actualization and shit. She destroys the "we" and discovers her "I" and everything. Meanwhile in Shazam EVERYONE gets to be a superhero! The black girl and asian dude and cripple all get to be superheroes yaay!

Attached: shazam dance.gif (540x353, 2.94M)

Bongos + bland MCU score =/= unique OST

>sympathizing for the black antagonist in memory of michael brown, a criminal who probably would've killed a black at some point in his life

just a BAD metaphor

>hasn't seen the movie
>has strong opinions about it
and she technically gets the power through an act of heroism when she destroys the fancy spaceship engine. She gets a governor "handed to her" by the socialistic space cop cult she's in. The whole point is about her journey to figuring out that she doesn't need the governor on her neck and removing it, unleashing the full force of her powers.

Seriously why have such a strong opinion about something you've literally never seen?

>completely formulaic
>horrendous cgi and cinematography
>ethnonationalistic message
>movies are supposed to do one thing
This is a piece of shit film that should never have been released

I literally remember nothing of this movie except big hectic, pointless fights. It didn't help that I was very tired when watching this but still...

>It's all about stripping yourself of the government-imposed restrictions on your "power" and self-actualization and shit.
except it's actually about the patriarchy lmao

Captain Marvel is not overrated because everyone agrees it's shit

>completely formulaic
hollywood structured screenwriting is by definition "formulaic." That's not really much of a meaningful criticism, particularly in a conversation about how to rate movies, particularly movies made to be appealing to a global audience that need to make hundreds of millions to be successful. Breaking formula is generally a big indicator of "bad movies" or at least "unsuccessful movies."
>horrendous cgi and cinematography
lol if you say so.
>ethnonationalistic message
you talking about CM or BP? The whole message of the BP movie is that they're breaking away from their ethnonationalistic message. They reject the extremist usurper and rally behind the moderate "progressive" that wants to open up their country to the outside world.
>movies are supposed to do one thing
neither BP or CM "do one thing" though. idk what that even means tbphwyf.
>This is a piece of shit film that should never have been released
bet you haven't seen either of them

>except it's actually about the patriarchy lmao
no it isn't. The Kree are ruled by a socialistic AI hivemind that presents itself as whoever the person talking to it wants to see. Jude Law never makes any commentary about power derived from sex or gender. It's literally just Anthem for kids.

I've seen it, she gets her powers and its overpowered from minute one, there is zero tension in the whole thing because its clear she can just surpass every "threat" by means of shit writing. Sorry but the movie

>First black ensemble super hero sci-fi movie by a major studio
>breaks a billion
>Not a cultural milestone
You're the retarded one. It again boils down to something you don't like being successful. It's ok to be wrong user, projecting & calling someone else the stupidest cunt won't change that

Dude we've seen the montage of her rising up after all the white males telling her she couldn't. It's SJW cringe like I've never seen before

>breaks a billion
>Not a cultural milestone
A lot of movies break billions these days, most of them without public schools buying entire showings for "urban" kids on taxpayer dime

These people who appear to be just stereotypes are much deeper and more complex than they seem...

They have the exact problems you think all these stereotypes would have!

>athlete was brought up to be competitive by pushy parents!
>troubled bad kid has an abusive father!
>nerd is shit with tools
>rich girl's problems.... don't matter because she's rich lol

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This, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Green Book getting nominated for best picture proved how big of a joke the Oscars are

>old movie that created the cliches falls for its cliches
really makes you think

>They set everything up in the first act
No they don't
>challenge it in the second act,
Challenge what, that she's stranded on earth with a blackie following here for no reason at all?
>subvert it at the midpoint
Yeah the refugees were the good guys, quite the subversion for a SJW propaganda flick like this one
>and pay it off in the last act.
The bad AI dancing Nirvana songs, great pay off sure

Absolute GARBAGE

>horrendous cgi and cinematography
>lol if you say so.

Dilate. Daytime clips even have characters clipping through the environment.

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They were cliches well before this film came out.

>I've seen it, she gets her powers and its overpowered from minute one,
that's fine. She's one of the most powerful capeshit characters there is. The whole fucking theme of the movie set up with her fight with JudeLaw is that their society/government is forcing her to limit her powers and "play fair." Her entire arc is the path she takes to realizing that she doesn't need the regulator and that it's being used to control and suppress her powers. AKA ANTHEM.
>there is zero tension in the whole thing
They have a whole fight where her hands are in metal memes. They do all kinds of shit to keep a hyper-powered superhero limited and struggling throughout the movie. They do a lot more to physically and psychologically hinder the character than movies like MoS did to their characters. They actually did a relatively "un-formulaic" approach to the origin story.
>because its clear she can just surpass every "threat" by means of shit writing.
No they do pretty standard action set pieces for the first 2 acts. She has to "surpass every threat" at first by being forced to fight with her hands tied up, then most of the second act is an investigation story that doesn't rely on powers at all. Then the third act climax is all about the payoff after she takes off the regulator, has a montage sequence of her "getting back up" throughout her young life, etc.

It's literally the greatest movie of all time

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Why do people take RT and review scores in general seriously when shit like this happens

Best in the MCU.

>Box office says anything about the cultural impact
Avatar must be the greatest cultural milestone there is then.

>A lot of movies break billions these days
Not really, only a handful
>Ignoring the "First black ensemble super hero sci-fi movie by a major studio" part that made the "breaks a billion" part a cultural milestone
Besides, public schools filled with "urban" kids rarely get any of the taxpayer's dime user, it's why they're so run down with old textbooks. So it's more likely the faculty pulled their money together to buy the showings instead of using the pocket change from taxpayer's checks


>No they don't
which one you talking about? You're responding to a comment about CM just I assume that. The first act set up is laid out in the fight with Jude Law. How she has to limit herself to not use her powers and "fight fair." Second act is her journey to realizing that the people that were governing her powers were exploiting her and are "the bad guys," and then the third act she removes the governor and becomes self-actualized. Saying "nah uh" isn't an argument.
>Challenge what, that she's stranded on earth
They challenge her entire ideology. She discovers that she's from Earth, was being brainwashed, was being abused, that the people she worked for were genocidal space dicks, that her powers were being limited by those space dicks, etc.
>with a blackie following here for no reason at all?
What does this really even mean? He discovers that she's right about the alien invasion after first encountering her. And why wouldn't a SHIELD agent keep up with a hyperpowered alien? He should have just gone home or something?
>Yeah the refugees were the good guys,
She didn't even realize that they were "refugees" at all in the first act. And your political radicalization is shining through my dude. Sorry that you're so triggered by the concept of refugees existing.
>quite the subversion for a SJW propaganda flick like this one
so you literally don't even understand basic screenwriting? Her entire life and everything the character believed was subverted, and they're forced to make decisions from that revelation. This is just basic movie shit brah.
>The bad AI dancing Nirvana songs, great pay off sure
Yeah it was fine. You're just seeking out something to shitpost about to justify your malignant political angst.
>Absolute GARBAGE
Post a link to your discord lol.

>Avatar must be the greatest cultural milestone there is then
It's a strong contender to say the least, especially with how strong it propelled the 3D meme. Avatar's success is part of the reason why every single major release in the past decade is paired with a 3D showing

>having a screenwriter and a director is no difference to having the big mous behind you who just exploit every subject to make another buck
breaking Formular is exactly what makes art and film stay relavent
the cgi was fucking vomit inducing
I think you didn't understand BP. It's basically identity politics propaganda
>Movies are supposed to do one thing
That was a response to your claim, they did what movies are supposed to do? Which is exactly?

No 3d is only big because, guess what, it makes money, cash, mullah

Spotted the tranny

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>People genuinely believed Wakanda is what Africa would like without colonialism. People thought it was a prophetic notion of what Africa WILL look like in several hundred years. Some people even thought Wakanda was a real fucking place.

Only the niggers, and they're as bright as their skin.

>Yeah it was fine
Hahahaha look at this fucking shill trying to save the bluray sales. The movie was a piece of shit dude, the plot was generic "we need to go from A to B" slog for two hours, Jude Law being the bad guy is the most predictable twist I remember and the whole thing with her black friend at the farm was the easily the cringest part of the entire dumpster fire besides the Nirvana song of course
>Post a link to your discord lol.
Yeah try to deflect, discord shill. You're doing great so far lmao

>having a screenwriter and a director is no difference to having the big mous behind you who just exploit every subject to make another buck
idk what this really means. The "hollywood structure" script and all the "save the cat" plot beats is pretty much just the standard template that screenwriters use (and audiences expect).
>breaking Formular is exactly what makes art and film stay relavent
Yeah and CM actually did. The movie starts with the character already being a superpowered "kree hero" and plays the origin story out through the mind machine and memory recovery flashbacks and shit. The script itself plays a lot with the structure in novel ways.

But it still follows the 3 act structure. Like literally every other movie produced thoughout essentially all of film history. This is the same virginal autism that dipshits did about TFA, where you basically push the goalposts to the point where you're just attacking "the fundamentals of filmmaking" as a way to justify why you're whining about the kids movies for minorities.

>the cgi was fucking vomit inducing
so you're talking about BP. BP had one like one meme sequence that looked like PS2. The movie itself is structurally sound and not poorly executed. A lot of the actual direction and production and shit was pretty good, but the vfx was often kind of eh. It wasn't ever really movie ruiningly bad for people. Didn't kill the movie.
>I think you didn't understand BP. It's basically identity politics propaganda
You're in an identity politics propaganda bait thread m8. The antagonist is a radicalized reactionary black American terrorist that wants to turn Wikanda into like a hostile threat or whatever, and the protagonist is a someone that wants to deradicalize and take wakanda and just open everything up and join the rest of the world. The inherent message of the movie is that black people should be rejecting radical black people and just joining society.

>he thinks formula just means plot and script
>he thinks any film produced by marvel can and will ever break the formular
OK retard

>Black panther still causing butthurt
Top kek

>The movie starts with the character already being a superpowered "kree hero" and plays the origin story out through the mind machine and memory recovery flashbacks
What's formula breaking about this? This is the most mundane shit ever

>Hahahaha look at this fucking shill trying to save the bluray sales
Are you projecting? You an ESL gook my dude? Post pictures of your tits.
>The movie was a piece of shit dude
Real dope conversation nigger. What an argument.
> the plot was generic "we need to go from A to B" slog for two hours
>This is the same virginal autism that dipshits did about TFA, where you basically push the goalposts to the point where you're just attacking "the fundamentals of filmmaking" as a way to justify why you're whining about the kids movies for minorities.
>ude Law being the bad guy is the most predictable twist I remember
Are you fucking 12? No shit he's the villain. She's Captain Marvel and she starts as a space cop for space commies, OF COURSE he's the villain. It's clear in the first fight scene.
>and the whole thing with her black friend at the farm
Like literally a 90 second scene that is immediately interrupted by Ben Mendelsohn dressed like spacegoblin acting scared of a cat. They knocked out all the family backstory shit nice and quick.
>besides the Nirvana song of course
I thought it was good. What the fuck was wrong with that? You a zoom zoom? The lyrics are relevant to the plot bro.
>Yeah try to deflect, discord shill.
I've literally never used discord. I don't into PC gaming and idk what the point is of it. Like are you a being paid by discord to shill discord?
>You're doing great so far lmao
you're doing terribly.

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Black Panther is basically Thor with niggers. It's all the same a dumb royal family feud plot in their own magical realm with minimal consequence or impact ot the rest of the world or actual heroics like saving people.

>The movie starts with the character already being a superpowered "kree hero" and plays the origin story out through the mind machine and memory recovery flashbacks and shit.
so non-linear storytelling – stuff that Citizen Kane did some 70-odd years ago – is somehow formula breaking because it's in capeshit?

>Are you projecting?
Another non sequituur? You need to work harder for those ruppees my man
> It's clear in the first fight scene.
I know right? As I said zero tension and zero stakes, it was like watching her shoping
>Like literally a 90 second scene that is immediately interrupted by Ben Mendelsohn dressed like spacegoblin acting scared of a cat.
Yeah that too, the fucking cat. Non stop cringe how long? That couldn't be less than half an hour jesus christ
>I thought it was good
You were paid to say you did, even shit taste has its limits
>Like are you a being paid by discord to shill discord?
You were the one who brought up discord out of nowhere in one of your shill non sequiturs buddy, go ask for a better shill script if this is too hard for you

>are you a being paid
Learn english, Pajeet

Yes. It reminded me of Thor, of which I didn't care for either.

>he thinks formula just means plot and script
yeah it generally does. In terms of production aesthetics all of the MCU movies do pretty different things. The whole library scene was pretty well shot with a lot of dynamic camera movement porn through the location. The production design was cool in that that it mostly wasn't too tryhard 90s.
>he thinks any film produced by marvel can and will ever break the formular
So if the "formular" means more than just the script, and also applies to the other production elements and shit, wtf are you talking about? All of the movies are doing things that are literally "breaking the formula" in terms of production technology in every movie.
>OK retard
post tits
>What's formula breaking about this?
Having a character getting captured, having their mind read by space goblins, and using that to deliver backstory exposition, is pretty "formula breaking" when you look at most hero origin movies.
>This is the most mundane shit ever
How though? That's a pretty creative way to introduce the conflict and the exposition through a literal means in the narrative, instead of just cutting to flashback, was pretty engaging. That's one of the most memorable sequences of the movie to me. It was more interesting than doing the generic "normal person gets access to powers 30 minutes into the movie" formula like the Ant Man or Dr Strange had recently done it'd have been way worse. They kind of goofed on BB and MoS formula but kept most of the flashbacks in-narrative or whatever.

Like what is the least mundane superhero origin story?

lmao remember how ASSDESTROYED /pol/ got by this movie making 1.3b it was fucking glorious

>so non-linear storytelling
duh. neat how you're generally familiar with basic terms. But technically the story ISN'T really nonlinear until the third act. That's kind of the novel thing about it. They built the flashback explosition into an alien device and had the protagonist watch an alien go through their memories. They found a way to goof on non-linear format origin movies like BB and MoS, but they kept it linear.
>stuff that Citizen Kane did some 70-odd years ago
so you're comparing CM to CK now? And CK wasn't the first movie to goof with narrative structure. And like, you generally can only tell a story through linear or non-linear means. Wtf did you want? Just a disconnected sequence of unrelated images meant to convey emotions?
> is somehow formula breaking because it's in capeshit?
Yeah. Genre theory my dude. Capitalism my guy. These hundreds-million dollar budget movies are always going to be 90-120 minutes, with the same general 15 minute big beat formula. It's human psychology. It's what best engages an audience. You're starting at that framework, and then how the filmmaker finds ways to make it interesting or subvert it is kind of the fun of watching these movies.

Like what is the most "formula breaking" capeshit movie or origin action story?

I remember them loving it because Wakanda was
>muh ethnopluralist state
or something like that.

>Like what is the most "formula breaking" capeshit movie or origin action story?
Indiana Jonea and the Last Crusade because the origin story was ground-breakingly fun

>And CK wasn't the first movie to goof with narrative structure.
Yes I'm sure some silent arthouse film made in Mongolia did it earlier, I was just giving a popular, older example. Fuck off you pretentious wanker

ITT: /pol/ incels whose peak emotional investment in film this year will have been for a godzilla monster movie giving their uncultured thoughts surrounding a film that far eclipses their warped view of the world let alone their shallow misguided understanding of the nuances of film from a technical and narrative standpoint

>Another non sequituur?
no. Do you not understand what projecting is? Among other things it's kind of the concept of accusing other people of things you're guilty of or insecure about. Calling everyone a shill is something a shill would do.
>I know right? As I said zero tension and zero stakes
I mean the tension and conflict of the story is built into that scene. She needs to be moderating and controlling her powers and shit to fit in with the space commies are that just using her as a weapon. And this shit is all the first 15 minutes. She gets kidnapped then crashed to earth and everything else. The conflict of the story isn't really rooted in her relationship with Jude Law. Like it's obvious when Bruce Wayne goes to train with genocidal ninjas that they're gonna end up being the badguy. They primarily exist to lay out the character conflict that needs to be resolved.
> it was like watching her shoping
hasn't watched it
>Yeah that too, the fucking cat. Non stop cringe how long?
People that say cringe need to be shot in the brain stem.
>go ask for a better shill script if this is too hard for you
Seriously prove you're not an ESL shill RIGHT NOW. You do not speak english and you are literally reading from a script and projecting about it. tits or gtfo gook.
Project less Ivan

>using sci fi gimmicks to deliver a "you're not what you think" origin story
You capeshitters have standards so low after 22 shit movies that you would praise anything

So basically your whole thing is to like anything that Yea Forums hates, right? I always wondered what kind of mental state you have to be in to do autistic stuff like this. I can't be arsed myself.

Attached: 1491352311947.gif (500x482, 3.23M)

>You capeshitters have standards so low after 22 shit movies that you would praise anything
You just noticed? Marvel fans are pretty braindead. I stopped having online discussions with them a long time ago.

Yeah that's a pretty interesting one. But it's not really an origin story necessarily. The flashback mostly functions to set up the drama between him and his dad or whatever.
>Yes I'm sure some silent arthouse film made in Mongolia did it earlier
jesus watch more fucking movies shill. How young are you?
>I was just giving a popular, older example.
Yeah without a fucking argument. What other ways, other than linear, and non-linear, storytelling are there? Name your 5 favorite movies that are neither linear nor non-linear.
>using sci fi gimmicks to deliver a "you're not what you think" origin story
Yeah first MCU story to do that. BB kind of does that with the League of Shadows but that structure hasn't really been goofed with too much at all in capeshit yet. And again you're just endlessly moving goalposts to attacking the fundamentals of filmmaking as a way to justify why you're upset about the kids movie with the girl.
>You capeshitters have standards so low after 22 shit movies that you would praise anything
Why the fuck are you in a thread talking about capeshit if your ultimate point is just "i dont like capeshit." Like why the fuck aren't you talking about genres that you do like? Are you just ITT to virtue signal about how adult you are by vaguely criticizing kid's movies?

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>Calling everyone a shill is something a shill would do.
But you're shilling this movie right now, what do you want me to say? That you're right and this Harry Potter tier "you're more powerful than you think Brie, don't listen to all the WHITE MALES who tried to put you down" bullshit isn't garbage? You'd need to hook me up on that sweet Disney viral marketing budget if you want me to do that!
>the tension and conflict of the story is built into that scene.
No it's not, it's blatantly clear that Law is the bad guy and Larson could beat his ass once she finds "who she is". First scene between these two and the entire conflict is laid out, you could just get up and walk away after this scene and you wouldn't miss much. She and her black buddy that she just met and has no reason to follow her sneaking into military facilities and a big CGI eyesore at the end, boring shit like that mainly
>Seriously prove you're not an ESL shill RIGHT NOW
That's easy, I'm not shilling anything. To shill is to promote something, I'm not defending this objectively bad movie nor anything else, so I can't be a shill. Easy peasy titty squeezy

I couldn’t get through the first 30 minutes of the movie. It was awful

>breaking away from
I think the problem many here have is the ridiculous idea that a black ethnostate would be technologically advanced. I don't even think that's racist necessarily, just realistic. A black ethnostate looks like Haiti IRL life.

This entire movie is like the set up for a slasher franchise

It has slightly more flavor and attitude than the usual Marvel drivel. I'd probably rate it highest amongst them.

>But you're shilling this movie right now,
I'm critiquing the movie. I'm talking about the movie. You're such a degenerate culture warrior faggot m8. I like talking about filmmaking. I like thinking about and discussing what makes movies "good." You clearly only care about politiks and will disingenuously just shill against things and attack anyone that isn't in your nigger cult.
>That you're right and this Harry Potter tier "you're more powerful than you think
Are you like 16? Do you not understand that these movies are made to make toddlers feel good about themselves? All capeshit and pretty much all action-adventure is fundamentally designed around wish-fulfillment. Is this fucking news to you?
> don't listen to all the WHITE MALES
they're fucking space aliens. The evil commie bot that reads your mind was some old grandma in a cool jacket. Her evil team was a black dude, a blue woman, like an indian alien, and Jude Law. She called the black dude ugly.
>bullshit isn't garbage
yeah you're just some sjw-right dipshit that gets easily triggered
>No it's not,
Yeah it is. You need to limit your power, now go talk to the AI hivemind that looks like the dream lady.
> it's blatantly clear that Law is the bad guy
yeah no shit. He's setting up the subtextual conflict of the scene. He's some alien spacecop and this is a Captain Marvel origin story. It was obvious that Jeff Bridges was going to be the baddy in Iron Man. It was obvious that The League of Shadows was going to be the baddy in BB. They set up the underlying conflict of the story that gets paid off in the third act
>First scene between these two and the entire conflict is laid out,
Yeah because it's about economy of storytelling. She gets kidnapped and the inciting action happens like 5 minutes later. It's not some chamber drama about her and Jude Law
>you could just get up and walk away after this scene and you wouldn't miss much
You can do that about any movie if you want

>anyone who defends a movie I don't like is shilling for it

Fucking hell this board went down the shitter

>jesus watch more fucking movies shill.
Citizen Kane is an example of an older non-linear NARRATIVE film. Certainly the most well-known. Your annoying pretentiousness is surfacing again.
>Yeah without a fucking argument.
I'm saying that a movie in 2019, no matter the genre, using a narrative structure that has been done in cinema for decades, is not formula-breaking. Being a big-budget, lowest-common-denominator flick does not change that. That can only be considered "formula-breaking" within the bubble of big-budget superhero movies, which means next to nothing because they're specifically made to be as unchallenging as possible.

>Yea Forums hates

There are multiple people itt defending the movie

The problems being common doesn't make them less severe.

>Yea Forums is one person

Attached: 1558774211651.jpg (772x1190, 123K)

>I think the problem many here have is the ridiculous idea that a black ethnostate would be technologically advance
yeah so all your polcel culture warrior autism is "the problem." No shit. That's generally "the problem" I'd imagine when you get triggered about kid's fantasy movies. This is a universe where dickhead surgeons get Inception powers, super geniuses that build Iron Men suits in caves, turn themselves into big green monsters, there are giant hovering invisible aircraft carriers, etc. And you get triggered because black people are shown having a successful society.
>I don't even think that's racist necessaril
Of course it is. You have no problem with the wish fulfillment when it panders to your demographic. You don't care about filmmaking, you don't care about film history, you just care about autistic racial shit for disaffected virgins.

I don't think it's bad, but so many people are acting like it is the greatest movie of all time.

>Your annoying pretentiousness is surfacing again.
Said the nufag that brought up Citizen Kane of all things. The first movies were "non-linear narratives." They didn't figure out cross cutting and sequence editing for a while. Like you really only have linear and non-linear narratives. And the interesting thing that you keep avoiding is that NO it's NOT really like Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane just starts at the protagonist's death, then follows an investigation with flashbacks. Captain America doesn't really use flashbacks other than the third act of the hero montage and the extended memory of her seeing JudeLaw was the badman. It's all shit that happens through the narrative. The movie is technically more linear, and the flashbacks were written into the technology in the narrative. Which is what I was talking about with it kind of being "groundbreaking." They found a fun way to goof with flashbacks and pay out exposition using things related to the scifi setting and technology in the narrative and stuff.
>I'm saying that a movie in 2019, no matter the genre, using a narrative structure that has been done in cinema for decades, is not formula-breaking
So you are just talking about the fundamentals of filmmaking. You're basically saying that the best sonnets are haikus.
>Being a big-budget, lowest-common-denominator flick does not change that.
Yeah it does. You don't rate the wrestling pictures with the same standards that you rate the prestige pictures. It's called genre theory. There's no real value in trying compare McDonalds to $200 Sushi.
>which means next to nothing because they're specifically made to be as unchallenging as possible.

Capeshit movies are generally about an argument. They're wrestling pictures. They aren't going to really stray too far from a "three act structure" with a second act midpoint. This is just what movies are.