What the fuck was this character's problem?
What the fuck was this character's problem?
He couldn't have sex
He killed millions
He knew too much music trivia, hit critical mass and just fuckin lost it. Now he’s a big hologram head talking to VR Troopers
>mfw its just some bald fatfuck
They should've gotten Brando to do it.
he's in a fucking tube
so rocko botte in 3 years?
to save trillions
he can't reach these keeeds
Wtf I love Zordon now
isnt it cranston in the movie
He had no dick
he was rly high lol
Mmmm. Thank you, Wesley.
I really miss Kingpin posting.
He was delusional
A domestic terrorist who mobilized a military unit upon who he deemed “”””evil”””
He didn'tget the role in a Gorillaz video that he wanted so he got mad
Cringe Zoomer
He's coming up, he's coming up, he's coming up
He's coming up, he's coming up, he's coming up
He's dare
They smashed his tube while lost in space
And then he was gone to save the human race
Yet more evil forces showed up
And they lost their good fans
When they went and killed Zordon!
They need to revive Zordon!
Revive Zordon!
Presidents tried to enforce
But that plot was too trite
Zordon was better than the police
He had great powers and then some
Might and magic ruled
And five Zords rule over three.
[chorus x2]
The original team was beyond the best
Tommy loved Kimberly
(Sweet and Tenderly)
Trini was keeping it real with Zach [sic],
Billy had the brains to time travel
and Jason was leadin' Red!
Dinozords evolved to the
the Thunder Power
Ninja and Shogun Titanus
Zeo Crystal Power
Autobot-Style with Turbo
U.F.O. got lost in Space
[chorus x2]
Revive Zordon and get the
Power Rangers back together,
which was most awesome!!!
(Compared to today's c**py "Power Rangers")
In Space finale
Hmm. This... city *needs* teenagers with attitude. Teenagers willing to *sacrifice* *anything* in order to *protect* it. I would be willing to overlook your past transgressions on Earth, Lord Zedd, BUT YOU THREATENED VANESSA!
Is this pottery? I cant tell
not fluent in power rangers. pls expleain
In the last episode of Power Rangers in Space, Andros (the Space Red Ranger) shatters Zordon's tube because apparently killing Zordon also releases a magical wave of goodness that kills every bad guy in the universe (except the ones from later seasons just because)
>killing Zordon also releases a magical wave of goodness that kills every bad guy in the universe (except the ones from later seasons just because
In Space was supposed to be the last season of Power Rangers but had such ratings that they continued making it
I wanna say this is some how tied to CwC, I wanna say, liquid saga?
That sounds fucking terrible.
Also they fired him on his birthday.
I miss Vinceposting. All things die, the alternative was having them run into the ground until they became one word spam memes like sneed and for you.
i just realized i look like zordon irl and now i have to kill myself
The In Space finale is actually considered to be peak Power Rangers. Like most plot points in Power Rangers, it sounds especially dumb on paper, but it was actually a pretty great cap on the first six years of the show.