Kinos about good guys winning?

kinos about good guys winning?

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>good guys

Based kikefart shill

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>Hating Israel.
I proudly support Israel and the ONE STATE solution.

There are no such thing as 'palestinians'
There is and has never been an independent state called 'palestine'
The arabs who refer to themselves as those people are from Jordan.

My opinion of President Trump went 180 degrees when he showed a spin and finally supported the correct side in this so-called "conflict".


>free speech is bad when i disagree with it


cringe and bluepilled

paleshityians use the same fake grievances that nogs in south africa use to bilk white people out of their land. their western supporters just hate white people.

I can't wait to the the crying from the three stooges, Omar, AOC and Talib when Justly annexes their settlements in the westbank.

Some rock throwing arabs will probably get IDF'ed as a result. Send more of these sheep fuckers down to hell with Yassim and Yassir.

Shutting down small family businesses to destroy them is woke

Broke is criticizing multi-billion dollar media conglomerates

>right wing free speech
>maga hat and its okay to be white

>left wing free speech
>assault, vandalism, theft, libel
we will burn these Marxist universities to the ground

Pretty much, and I refer to them as "Arab Squatters".

These Arab Squatter or ASsses also are the heroes of the Black lives matter terrorists in the US. The same ones that are pretty much irrelevant in 2019 because of their massive lie campaign about police and so-called victims. The same kind of shit stains that support BLM also cry about "Jewish colonialism" against the ASses. Despite the fact that the land belongs to the people of Israel by DIVINE RIGHT and they WON that land in wars started by the people who worship the pedophile warmonger religion.

the Trannycel tries to justify left wing terrorism again.

>get underaged kids arrested from trying to buy booze
bunch of dicks 2bh. tell them to fuck off and be done with it, don't get them arrested

They were also stealing because... well... 13%... 50%

You sound like a faggot that got participation trophies.

The Passion of the Christ

Based rabbi

They were stealing actually and one of them was a nigger so all the BLM tards thought arresting a negro for committing theft was racist and "criminalizing poverty".

you sound like you never bought booze while underage, you sad existence

i dont think they were christ cucks at all.
they called police on some blacks that stole alchohol from their store.
and that produced a massive rage movement against them for some reason.

They even confessed to it, the bakery literally did nothing wrong.

>Just let us commit crimes or your a white racist.


quick rundown?

Imagine living in America

Imagine being surrounded by blacks every day.
Imagine knowing the majority of your taxes goes to people who are a bed blight to your society.
Imagine knowing that they take that welfare and still hate you.
Imagine your institutions of learning promoting vandalism against you because you didn't let blacks steal from you.
Imagine confronting a black who tries to steal from your store, getting jumped by multiple other blacks and having to go through court trial just because your city didn't know who was the bad guy in this incident.

America is literally the most cucked nation on any planet.

What? There has to be more to the story than just that. I refuse to believe America has become that retarded. "He's black so his crimes should be forgiven otherwise we racist."

Come on.

Black teen tries to steal liquor from bakery, gets arrested, collage staff hands out pamphlets saying it's racist and not to buy from them. Turns out this is libel who would have thought.

>not letting a bunch of apes steal from your business means you're a christcuck/jew
I wonder who could be behind these posts.

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It's a liberal arts college user.