Best comedies of all time

This film is gold.
Also take the title with a grain of salt, it's really "comedy films you really really really love".

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Other urls found in this thread:

juno won an oscar for its dialogue. idk why this movie didn’t get nominated


>Tina Fey

AAAAAAND no. She aint funny

>"What are marijuana tablets?"

My top 5

-This is Spinal Tap
-Hot Fuzz
-Monty Python The Meaning of Life
-Big Lebowski

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>Prime Lohan
>Prime Lacey
>Prime Amanda
>Prime McAdams
Still probably the biggest fapbait movie that's actually a good film too

pretty damn close to mine in all honesty although I would replace meaning of life with life of brian

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Pretty damn impossible to pick one over the other really

The Naked Gun series always gets a laugh out of me. Watched them first when I was younger (like 10-11) on a really gloomy day where I had stayed home from school due to a bad cold. Brightened my entire week. I introduced my friends to it some 10 years later and it was still just as silly and hilarious.

I just love this movie.

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Caddyshack 2, Tommy Boy, Grandmas Boy, Super Troopers, Natl Lampoons Xmas Vacation, Hamlet 2, Wet Hot American Summer

I saw that movie three times in theatres just for the jingle bell dance scene

Hot Fuzz is the worst of the B&IC trilogy. Super overrated by Americans

It covered more American action movie tropes. I think it resonated there more.

10 Things I Hate About You > Mean Girls

Tommy Boy is so funny surprised it is not talked about more here

Has it been topped?


>Tommy Boy
The deer-in-the-car scene was funny. Don't remember anything else from it.

I've read may contrarian things in my day but whoa

Based head injury poster

>end sequence
>Orbital - Halcyon and on and on starts playing
if that isn't kiño then I don't know what it is

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Nope, sorry. Young Heath was endlessly charming and Julia Stiles was such a qt. It's a far superior high school movie.

t. American

Heathers > Mean Girls > 10 Things I Hate About You > Easy A

It’s almost like you made his opinion matters more than yours. Amazing.

I don't know, man. Being based on Shakespeare helps 10 Things immensely. It manages to feel less dated than Mean Girls despite coming out five years earlier. Mean Girls very much feels like a time capsule movie from 2004.

10 Things also has a way, way more talented and likable cast overall.

>t. zoomer

People only consider Hot Fuzz the best because they have no capacity for emotion. Shaun of the Dead has depressing moments, so they thought that one was okay; The World's End is overall a very dark film, so they hated that one (it's the best one, by the way); and Hot Fuzz is a just lighthearted comedy with no depth of feeling whatsoever (even the part that WOULD have been really sad - Danny dying - turned out to be a fake-out), so they loved it. Hot Fuzz is the favorite of stupid people who only watch comedies to laugh and feel uncomfortable when a comedy tries to convey something deeper.

Heathers holds up perfectly though. 10 Things is probably better remembered through Not Another High School Movie and Mean Girls is mostly a meme film now.

Animal House

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>worlds end is the best one

I think this too and have yet to meet anyone irl whos seen it let alone enjoyed it.

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I can't think of a single time 10 Things I Hate About You was referenced in NATM and I've seen it a lot. NATM primarily borrowed from the plot of She's All That. Maybe that's what you're thinking of?

Is the "Guy gets paid to make a not popular girl prom queen" not 10 Things? Have I just not seen it but think I have?

Such a low estimation of your fellow man. Honestly, you sound insufferable. You have a problem with the degree to which people like the various things they like. Holy shit. You're being asinine.

Similar but Not Another Teen Movie was more directly taking its plot from She's All That with Freddie Prinze Jr. and Rachel Leigh Cook.

Fuck a duck, I've got 10 Things mixed up with She's All That. I've never seen it after all. Should I check it out?

time for the masterclass

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Yeah it holds up well. You can definitely see why Heath Ledger became a movie star. It also has a super young Joseph Gordon Levitt as a bonus.

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Yeah She's All That is a cheap fucking knock off of 10 Things. Watch 10 Things, it's good. Somehow both movies have Gabrielle Union in them.

And I would replace Both with Holy Grail.
Honestly, Monty Python in general is a masterclass in comedy, spanning a massive range of appeal.


>dude american movie tropes
>but wot if it was set in Britain
>dude cricket bats lmao
why do people praise these movies again?

>played that song on way home
Muh nigga

>Mean Girls 15th anniversary Blu-ray comes out tomorrow
Nice shill thread goy
Mine came today though

Return of the living dead
Evil dead 2
Couple of troma movies
40 year old virgin
Scary movie 1-3
Pineapple express
American pie 1-4, Reunion
Kevin smith movies
Shaun of the dead
Hot fuzz

Broken Lizard doesn't get enough credit for their films, its no help they were basically forced to do super troopers 2 instead of something good like Club Dread or Slammin' Salmon and now they have that horrific show about the fire department, bleh such a waste.

>caddyshack 2
fuck off right there, that shit was awful. the rest of the list is solid.

You forgot rick and morty you fucking tourists

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Orbital is peak boomer techno but they're so fucking good

4 Lions is the best comedy of the decade
Also this thread is too reddit even for reddit

Congratulations. This board has brainwashed you into contrarian behavior.

Do you recommend one of their records specifically? I’ve only ever heard that one song from Mortal Kombat and Mean Girls.

green album and orbital 2 (aka brown album)

DUDE WEED all you want but this shit is comedy kino. Only good thing Seth was involved with.

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The singing scene is directly from 10 Things.

Oh right. Good call.

The Naked Gun 33 1/3
Liar Liar
The Other Guys

If this were made today would they all be playing on phones?


Spoken like a true Redditor
Have a like

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I'm the backwards man


The one about kungfu dudes playing football
I forgot the title

But Cate Blanchett's cameo in HotFuzz is the best cameo of all time and the funniest scene in the entire Cornetto Trilogy

Un fucking lievably based

Top 5 along with old school, ace Ventura and anchorman Other one I’m not sure

I like Joe Dirt and Superhero Movie.

>The best comedies are the ones that aren’t funny.
Did you like that dyke’s special about how men are evil and how she got raped?

All the Marx Brothers movies are gold.

Caddyshack 2 is unbearably awful.

Man, pools are perfect for holding water.


Because Lohan is too hot for the oscar jews. Shes too pure white.

Night at the Opera is my favorite, but Animal Crackers is a close second!

Dudes what about She’s All That, 3 O'clock High, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Clueless, Summer School — I tried to think of ones that take place in the school and not at a party like Can’t Hardly Wait or Dazed and Confused. Heathers though is the best of them all

The best part about that scene is that it's actually completely irrelevant to the plot
Fuck you if you don't like Groucho.

My friends asked me if I wanted to see End of the World and I mistakenly thought it was Worlds End. They bought my ticket so I didn't know what I was actually watching until it started. What an unfunny piece of shit hat was

Justice served to the plebs in ine post. Based.

Also based.

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The Big Lebowski and The Philadelphia Story had me rolling.

It's the best, Shaun is the worst.