Is Priyanka Chopra a good actress?

Is Priyanka Chopra a good actress?

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those gums....dropped.

muh dick

Disgusting white cock whore.

are her gums made of poo? they look like tiny little turds holding in her teeth

Joe Jonas won

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they're all ugly bro albeit sophie only because she's white, but look at the size of that bitches head it's humongous


Sophie is quite pretty but her body is below average and too pale

hottest poo

Check again in a few years. Sophie's gonna hit the wall hard.

naw m8


shitskins have darker gums, dark nipples, dark asshole, dark armpits, dark necks, etc

Very reminiscent of apes, and these shapeshifters will traffic white people just to take their genes. It happens all the time because these people are unethical and immoral.

Thanks Dr Science

He clearly didn't

i can't stand women who use gay men as their way to more fame and serving as a beard for the gay man and fucking ex boyfriends. Like seriously bitches like her and Megan Markle who are golddiggers should kill themselves

>*ngloid "women"

Whatever happened to Aishwarya Rai? For awhile she seemed like she was breaking into the western market.

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How do they know if their gums are healthy since the mark of healthy gums is that they're pink and not red or fucking black?

She got married

Bollyshit guy here, she literally does devil worship and sacrified her dad for roles. Fucking evil cunt


>tfw no thicc indo-persian gf that show bobs and vergana
Just poo my loo up senpai

sunny leone is better

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>every man more attractive than me is gay
whatever helps you cope

This is one of my biggest criticisms of this board: you fat, pathetic virgins think you have any right to criticize people who are far more attractive than you are? How pathetic

Oh heavens no, the shade of her gums! You two should just fuck each other and maybe with time her gum color will evolve and it will be safe for you to bed her

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Her plastic tits look quite good. Nice job by her surgeon.

Are all Americans this swarthy?

>Whatever happened to Aishwarya Rai?
The wall happened

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You expect source on something like this? Heard it from a journalist friend, lot of these types here. Forgot the name of their cult, don't wanna remember that shit, praise Vishnu.

>too pale
fair skin on a pretty woman is the most beautiful thing in the world


Got pregnant, got fat

Oh and another bit of news for you since I'm so nice
Sridevi killed herself, she was getting pimped out by her husband for the rich Arabs, they like to fuck and abuse famous people. She couldn't take i

You don't know how I look

Wir koennen Glücklich sein wissand..

Why would rich Arabs want to fuck a fifty year old?

ok poo in the loo

nah tanned skin is more seductive and sexy

it's the thuggee cult you braindead fuck

whoa a blast from the past. since i was a kid everyone would say i had her eyes.



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she's manlier than him lmao

go on

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>but her body is below average and too pale

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That's the venom sac


Yes, we're all Italians and mexicans. The 200 million Europeans on this continent have vanished into thin air.

go on..

pretty fucking based

But apes have pink gums. Apes are literally white people under brown fur. Really makes you think

The idea of degrading a very famous person, I guess. Same reason they shit on hot young IG thots.

Do you really think old Arabs care about middle aged Bollywood actresses?

she can do better

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She cute

Italians aren't Euro?

Oh no guys, a roastie can't stand it here. Let's all change our ways so she can enjoy her time here.

Imagine taking a shit on Judi Dench or whatever, it's the same thing.


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Herp derp

haha imagine her chomping your dick off with those massive teeth haha would be pretty weird haha

She was the hottest when she was young.

She has a huge head

>all these fat ass white boys talking shit

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succulent whore
got any more

Poo. In loo.


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No1 poo in loo whore

Good freaking GOD. The things I'd do to see a large HIV-infected nigger dick in her.

loo in poo?

He is a raging underage banging homo and she is his beard Fact

Is he 5'5"? Lmao

I remember watching her play as a Byzantine Assassin in that King Arthur film

she will be sucking off tramps in a few years , when that coke habit explodes

don't be jelly user

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Indian people smell fucking foul.

Read a few Blind Gossip sites he has been cautioned for doping a young twink

their sweat Reeks of the Dead

based and racist pilled, it's also true

Not racist its Factual

This. India should be nuked.

Maybe if you're a low test fag.

I’m obsessed with brown women and I’m a pure Northern European Amerimutt with blue eyes. Should I only duck brown women from now on? Also I’m still a virgin.

Sophie is a coked out retard that thinks she's quirky. I'd last a month before I smashed her head into a wall.


>too pale
no such thing

>poojeet shit
All Indians deserve to be gassed and flayed alive

I don't smell at all, maybe it's because I live in the West and my diet and hygiene are impeccable. I rarely eat curry

>these shapeshifters will traffic white people just to take their genes.
I think you have negroes confused with tyranids.

you mutt arent european, get over it

>rolling rock
how DARE you accuse me of such degeneracy

Pretty people are not exempt from criticism, are you a fucking idiot?

>you mutt arent european, get over it

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No, she’s a fat faced middle aged looking meme with bad smoker’s gums. Why is she in Hollywood?

seethe more mutt

Yeah, black people say the same shit and they all smell rancid.

I would

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I live in Toronto so I'm an expert on Indians

Indians from India fucking REEK like you wouldn't fucking believe. Truly an inhuman scent. Like more powerful than a fucking skunk. I have no idea what evolutionary purpose this serves.

Second Gen westernized Indians don't smell any different from white people naturally. Some of the time they smell like curry or Indian spices because of the homes they live in, but that BURN YOUR NOSE body odor isn't present.

learn to speak english probably first

They need nuking ..twice over

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I have to assume they just aren't ever bathing or washing their clothes. Or maybe they think that "rubbing cumin all over my stupid ass" counts as bathing, because that's what it smells like to me - like someone drove all day in a car with no AC and broken window motors and then tried to mask their ass-stink with cumin. It's nightmarishly bad and I think that proper bathing should be on the immigration test.

How can she hit the wall when she already slammed into it five years ago?


She has a weird head, body, mental illness, and tattoos.
She is not attractive.

I'm literally the hottest guy in India, Atlantid phenotype with light skin and girls everywhere want to fuck me. It's a great feeling bros, so glad I lucked out on the genetic lottery.

Good job-you know you did picked this "setting" before you were born, right?

Yeah because she's half white

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>I'm literally the hottest guy in India
Not saying much

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best nude indians?

>tfw blonde hair and grey eyes
>tfw crippling fetish for middle eastern women
>tfw still want my children to look like me
It's shit

why is her ass hanging out of her dress? doesn't she have any god-damned decency?

based and Redpilled

Can't say. I need more perspective.

Is she wearing a repurposed blazer?

>Yesterday Yea Forums made a thread about how lonely they were and how many were virgins in their 30's
>today you people criticize a beautiful woman gums

I can literally see the cottage cheese thighs and ass just waiting, WAITING, to strike without warning

She's full poo, but married a white

shut the fuck up

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i wouldnt fuck a girl straight from poo land to save my own life tbqh.

did he really though? she's a retarded feminist, she will initiate a divorce when she decides she "fell out of love" after their third child (fifth if you count the two abortions)

weren't the thuggees basically travelling gypsies that murder people for their money and belongings?

Fuck you even virgins have standards, dumb nigger.

And then you wonder why every normal person hates you worthless scum.

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maybe he should have wanted an haircut too

holy shit what a grill

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High caste Indians are the worst especially in the US (where they are by far the dominant cultural segment). I deal with these fuck sticks every day.

I mean, its a law of physics. Indians haggle. By definition. Everyone knows this, so when an Indian walks in, you simply assign a much higher price to a particular item, and allow them to believe that they are haggling down the value. Notably, Indians haggle to a degree that is ridiculous.

"How much is this used low mileage BMW? $40,000?" "Would you take $15,000 for it?" That is a very common example. Half or less.

Beyond that is making the assumption that they have a comparable education or experience to those they interact with. This is FAR more common among Indian immigrants than Indian Americans born in the US. Those people certainly learn haggling from their parents, but they don't make the assumption that because they received a competitive PhD or Masters from an IIT. It is always bullshit. The same type of bullshit everyone/anyone engages in when using their intelligence, logical assumptions, and "experience" to make assumptions about things that they don't really know about ("bullshitting"). The difference is that for Indian immigrants, bullshitting is a blind belief in absolute fact and correctness of one's ideas.

The example of this is the statement that runs along the lines of "I know how the system works, and I know that the prices/markups/costs are X and thus my offer is valid". This logic is essentially always false, often laughably so. I sometimes wonder if this cultural predilection actually restricts Indian immigrants and their first generation kids from fully engaging with culture in the US (which is dominated by material/consumer culture) due their strong need to haggle, almost as a sport or form of ritual.

Education in India is good. That being said, Education in the US is BETTER, especially at producing well rounded, capable people.

No one cares, pajeet.

>shitskins have darker gums, dark nipples, dark asshole, dark armpits, dark necks, etc
Perhaps nipples, but not on gums.
>dark armpits
People of all color have dark armpits if they're fat and it chafes
>dark asshole
I saved this for last because it shows that the only asshole you've seen are from porn (where they bleach them. They also bleach pussy) and you have never seen pussy in real life.
tl;dr literally have sex

I'd Chop her Priyanka if you know whatamsayin'