Reminder that there is NO response to this that would work

reminder that there is NO response to this that would work.
any strong response would be seen as bullying and social media would have a field day, all other responses are just limp dicked nothing that would have just invited more mocking
the only thing he could do is laugh and move on. women hold all the cards remember that

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Other urls found in this thread:

We just need more time.

Just walk over and kick her in the tits. Checkmate.

the point was to come up with a good comeback. nothing more, nothing less.

there isn't one nothing would play well

all he had to do was point out the blatant antisemitism of that woman

What's this video called?
Never actually watched it.

Who would win in a fight: superman or Joana Hill with some prep time?

you don't even need to one-up her, all you have to do is show you can make fun of yourself. if you go straight into defensive mode, you lose, which is what jonah did. it doesn't matter if your reply is better or not, what matters is that you play along. it's like how they say girls don't really care if you know how to dance, they only care about if you want to dance with them

*stands up and screams*

*drinks poison*

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>"That's a pretty harsh thing to say. I was under the impression you'd be a nice person, guess not."
Turn the audience against her.

Make a joke about French children being forced to read books full of scatological jokes in school and how she represents what will happen to those kids when they grow up, they become shit themselves.
But I guess a kike is not allowed to shine a light on kikery.

the one from yesterday about her age was good.

best i could come up with is this:
>so who is in charge of the pooper? brad or leo?

>You know Leo likes his women young, right?

Another user already came up with it, short and sweet, witty enough but no too cruel, shifts the attention from himself and even gets to make fun of Leo in the process

>Oy vey, this is like anuddah shoah. What a disgusting display of antisemitism in this day and age. Apologize right now, you goy piece of shit.

An Ace Ventura-type 'alrighty then' or 'ook then' after her longwinded story is the best way to make her look like a moron.
Actively attacking her personality or looks will lose it for you, as will getting upset/storming off etc.
Best solution is just to quickly cringe at it and move on.

>laughter floods the set
>Jonah sweating all over
>Heh, yah ooookay there. Hah.
>laughter drowns the entire set
>yeah, WHATEVER! lol
>sweat stains form on Jonah’s clothes, tears swell in his eyes, he begins looking for an escape.
>People start throwing trash at Jonah

No correct response yet. Jonah Hill will forever remember this incident. He is high functioning autist that is difficult to work with according to Seth Rogen. He did not appreciate this interview and I'm sure this enraged him. This interview will always be in the back of his mind when doing an interview with a female. He will be aware of his surroundings and condition second guessing what mean thing they are going to say. At the same time he will be scanning the female for something wrong and deciding what is the worst thing he could say that would make her mind implode. He will be ready to strike a feminine mind shattering blow to her ego within a minute and a half of the interview. Watching, waiting, listening for that moment to take back his dignity with a fiery passion of cruelty. When she says he is ugly he tells her that she is simply not of any human worth due to her ugliness on the inside and out. She starts crying immediately and ends the interview. When Jonah goes to his hotel room that night he turns on the tv. Stacy the interviewer has apparently killed herself because she was so upset. Twitter is having a meltdown calling for Jonah's head. Jonah simply lays back in his bed, smiles, and announces "I got you bitch."

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Why is she so cute bros

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nice fanfic you fatfuck

He could of just said he is gay and would like to be with Brad Pitt himself.

>the french audience will side with the fat ugly american instead of the funny frog female


just sounds pathetic

>*the best comeback ever*
>"um... okay?"
>*audience laughs at him*
its imposible to win

>Turn the audience against her.
Nah, you just made yourself look weak by clearly being butthurt about it and there's nothing more despicable than a weak man.

Wonderful... Though, to be honest, I'm happy so long as I am having more sex than my stunt man... and I do all my own stunts, ladies. Not like her pretty boys.

>Well, I reject your hypothesis


what about
>am I your pimp or what?


have kids roastie

I dont think Leo is in to Trannys

>Your husband is a muslim, he'll beat the shit out of you for suggesting fucking with other men, slut.
*drops mic*

what books would that be?

>two older men in a hotel room, is that how you got this job?

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He should just have reply "who are you ?"

You know very well that neither would show up for either of us.


link please anons

jonah is fat

Nah, he's a foreign celebrity, being talked to in a foreign langage. He can play dumb as not knowing why this woman is here and why she's trying to be mean

a girl can dream but can she recover a interview that has gone worse than the first three quarters of her life?

>Huh, after the twentieth century, I’d have thought the French would have had enough of getting spitroasted by blonde dudes. Go figure.

the implication is clearly "im more famouser than you"

desu the reaction of the room clearly demonstrates why this was unwinnable. what she says isnt funny, theres no twist or interesting commentary, satire, wordplay or whatever. theres no reason for him to even be in the setup, other than to dump on him. BUT everyone laughs and jeers because hot girl said it

his reaction was correct, just to genuinely express the shock at such a tactless interviewer without spinning out. no one who watched the video thought "wow jonah came off really badly there"

>no one who watched the video thought "wow jonah came off really badly there"
Go to bed Jonah

>I won't be a coward and throw insults from the safety of a translator. We should move on quickly like all your love interests most surely have done.

also read up what after, he cancelled all media engagements in france for the rest of that tour. that would have taken a serious dump on the bimbos career considering the amount of producers left holding their dicks thanks to her high school charm

>laugh like he means it.
>As soon as show ends he calls his agent and asked for him to use his shady connections to track her down.
>Pays some recently paroled felon to rape and murder her.

Seems like a win to me.

the real best response is to just play the victim and make her look bad

>*pulls out glock*..."Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. You were saying? No please, continue... I'd love to hear the rest of this fantasy of yours. EVERYONE ELSE SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! What's the matter, frog got your tongue? You seemed so talkative before, what changed? Oh this? Yeah, this is normal to carry where I'm from, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's the first real one you've seen. No, don't look at anyone else, look at me. Look at me because I'm the one in control of your life right now. I'm in charge. No, don't cry, that's not going to help you. Not even a little. Wanna know why? Because at this very moment, here and now, as far as you're concerned I'm God and unless you play your cards right, I could very well be the last thing you ever see. So save your tears for someone who cares and choose your next words really fucking carefully now you stupid French bitch. You disgusting whore. Because this is my show now and your fifteen minutes are almost up. Now tell me what you are. Repeat what I just called you. And start taking off your clothes as you do it. Yeah that's right. One piece at a time. Right here and now on national television. Be thankful, I'm about to make you a star..."

Watch the entire sequence.

Ornella is doing a piece on him, as she does for everyone. She said she "loves him" because all the movies she saw with Jorah in it includes stupid and gross stuff like menstruation jokes, public masturbation and getting sodomized by a hiant demon. It's factual, Jorah had stupid roles over the years and him trying to pass as a legit actor after that is kinda ridiculeous, she's pointing that out.

Now the gracious reaction would be to acknowledge the ridicule of his career, maybe jokingly apologize and laugh with her. But no, from the start he looks annoyed, focus on the translation like he didn't understand where's she going while it's obvious and then reply "I heard you get sodomized quite a lot too" which is just rude, ornella isn't a celebrity with a careee you can make fun of (she has none) and implying that would only accuse her to be a slut or a whore.

Now she pretty much end her piece by szying he's unattractive and his only good side is having much more attractive friends, which is also a critic on his career.

Ornella was very professionnal, Jonah wasn't

There is no good comeback. She's an attractive woman. Everyone will take her side.

very based

if calling him out for being a phoney serious actor was the punch line that would hold up. but it wasnt, it was a random attractive woman making fun of a random unattractive man in front of a bunch of random people who laughed at him for it (random in the sense they do not know each other closely). maybe personal insults work with minor league comedians on morning zoo radio, but not with hollywood personalities on international media tours

she blew up her spot

>Ornella, babe, I hate to break it to ya but...
>Brad don't fuck hookers
*obnoxious jewish laugh*

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>hollywood personalities
He's not. He's famous only because of his friends. That's how french people see him. That was her point.

> actor from hollywood, on a media tour promoting a hollywood film, after previously starring in several other hollywood films, is not hollywood
even if that was true, shitting on him personally is a no bueno. as evidenced by the fact it fucked her career

It's fair game because she's not the one who went for low brow insult first


she just hadnt read that part of the script yet. white knights smdh

It wont work because french banter is brutal and generally beyond suburban amerishits even when it comes from a woman. Unless they're from the hood, americans have smoke blown up their ass 24/7 about how amazing and speshul they are, ten times moreso when they are wealthy mediocre jews like him and Lena Dumpham. The facts are: he is fat and gross and a nepotist and made a bunch of shit films where he gets sodomised by a lobster, what else can be said?

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So, in reality, French are really classless fucks who stink and like to be cucked by Africans?

>well, you fuck NIGGERS
There's no rebuttal to this.

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Yeah but they know it already so it's like the end of 8 Mile when Papa Doc couldn't say shit because B Rabbit already rapped about himself while roasting him


>what am i, your pimp?

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>the comments
americans can't into banter holy shit

Oops, looks like Jonah was getting hungry

I... I think he's done it

Jesus Christ you’re autistic user.


ur fat and ugly

>"keep dreaming, honey"

This is the perfect response. It's in line with the insult, doesn't escalate, and the audience is back on Jonah's side, given he took it well.

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> her career
What are you talking about ? She's a meteo girl, they notoriously have no career whatever happens.

>Where does Leo fuck you in this fantasy?

Yeah, but jonah isnt smart enough for that kind of comeback.
that, or he just cant because he buckles under stress.

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Just ask Jesse Eisenberg to help

>meteo girl
In europe hot meteo girls always end up in bed with rich guys and become thropy wives, italy is best example of this.
So yeah.

>that, or he just cant because he buckles under stress.
You must be thinking of the ground under his feet.


>implying that would only accuse her to be a slut or a whore.
which she is

give it a rest ornela, we need more time.

>Suck my fat cock, you French whore.

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The point was to lift his hands palms facing towards, close his eyes and smirk.
"Well, heh"
She got him, but he knows it's just a joke.

Jonah chuckles and says...

>>wouldn't a French girl like yourself prefer a night with Brad Pitt's adopted sons

>>I'm sorry but I think they only have interest in woman who have boobs

>>you make a valid point for sharia law

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All Grand Journal meteo girls ended up badly, she's just one amongst a long list of failure

honestly, i have seen some really witty insults in these threads.

This always has been and remains the answer. If he did this, he would be ETERNALLY based.

That's the perfect comeback, just say it with a smile on your face and an innocent playful attitude

Same, I just like that comic somebody made. I love these threads.

Don't call me honey, even if you weight as much as a bear

>that Van Gogh old man crying

>i'd heard rumours that the french are notoriously bad at comedy, and your not doing much to help this stereotype
>said in a charming nonchalant way that doesn't make everyone else too uncomfortable

this is the best i could come up with

that would only work for him if he wasn't a fat beta slob. someone like jack nicholson could get away with that. not him

I urge you guys to listen to the fat lad get destroyed here

Noel Gallagher is such a cunt

If you're a normal person, sure. For the average fat fuck who posts in these threads this is therapy.

Sounds like Bertolt Brecht, he was hunted by the nazis for a good reason.

Say fat again. SAY FAT again! And I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker! Say fat one more time.

>haha ok

How about we mention the late night talk show host who destroyed his attempt at renaissance? Something about how he smells.

This. Fuck that fat jew. Ornela is /ourgirl/.


This is super cringe

Tell her she looks more into the absent father type

Liam's the better Gallagher


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was it poison or sugar?

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"I'm here to talk about War Dogs, not whore frogs."

Would have shut that yappy bitch up instantly. Whoever came up with that was a genius

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>Is that why you're stalking highschools, Jonah? You're doing it for him?

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Beautiful comeback but Jonah would never be able to work in Hollywood again

She's a Goddess. I would lick a public toilet bowl after she had used it.


she's making fun of a fat jew


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she became the queen of /pol/ by being one of the few people to defeat a jew with words

Fuck the french. They think their shit dont stink and all their ideas about whats cool come from american. They are defo not based

>Jonah: like your're doing right now!?
>Ornella: Huh?

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Reminder the best response is the Tom Cruise response.

What a passive aggressive fag lmaoooo

Share the response you homo.

Does an user have that fucking Jonah Hill posted by some user.

best response in this thread so far

i know you're posting this ironically but no one has dared to make fun of Tom ever again

sometimes going psycho is the best option

>posting this ironically
No I wasn't. Not everything is ironic these days you zoomer fuck.


> no one has dared to make fun of Tom ever again

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That’s a wonderful fantasy, but in reality you’d be the one walking out and I’d give them a brojob. Yes, I give them the brojob train while they choo choo because we’re bros. Something an old hag like you will never understand. An old and fucking ugly witch, you fucking frog... WI HAVE NOT COME HERE TO BE MADE FUN OFF YOU FRENCH WHIRE. *grabs a pencil and clumsily climbs on top of the table crawling towards the woman in a fit of rage* I’LL PIERCE THAT FLAT STOMACH OF YOURS AND TAKE YOUR INTESTINES OUT. *gets grabbed by security. He fights them off and ends up shirtless and sweaty in the middle of the table* I’LL KILL YOUR FAMILY. YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER AND YOUR DOG TOO AAAAHHHH

This is THE best response. Think about it: with this response, Jonah would have
>Been able to laugh off her comment by responding with a joke of his own (defusing the situation and showing he can take a joke and dish it out as well instead of the butthurt comment he actually made)
>Changed the focus of the humor from him being fat to her being a whore, expertly turning the tables on her
>Established dominance over her, as it reframes him as leaving the room not because she is sexually humiliating him because he's unattractive and she only used him for his access to celebrities, but because she is working for him and reaffirms his status above her in the celebrity hierarchy as it implies the only way she could ever have sex with stars like Brad Pitt is by working as a prostitute under Jonah
>Ornella can't respond to this without seeming petty and defensive. She can't even pull the "slut shaming" card because that would be perceived as a massive overreaction on her part towards a simple light hearted joke (and she started it in the first place, so people would be more inclined to side with Jonah)
>By prefacing it with "What am I" he expresses ignorance of the situation, instead having to figure out his profession from the circumstances she has described, subtly implying that Ornella herself was saying she was a prostitute and he was her pimp.
That's it. We finally cracked the code. There is NOTHING she could have said in response to this that would have worked for her.

Her initial statement was seen as bullying

It took 50,000 Yea Forums NEETs three years to come up with a comeback that Chad would have figured out in half a second.

, There is no reply , A million anons working on a million threads for a millions years could not produce a reply and even if they did by some cosmic fluke , everything would be in its blind volumes. Everything: the detailed history of the future, Aeschylus' The Egyptians, the exact number of times that the waters of the Ganges have reflected the flight of a falcon, the secret and true nature of Rome, the encyclopedia Novalis would have constructed, my dreams and half-dreams at dawn on August 14, 1999, the proof of Pierre Fermat's theorem, the unwritten chapters of Edwin Drood, those same chapters translated into the language spoken by the Garamantes, the paradoxes Berkeley invented concerning Time but didn't publish, Urizen's books of iron, the premature epiphanies of Stephen Dedalus, which would be meaningless before a cycle of a thousand years, the Gnostic Gospel of Basilides, the song the sirens sang, the complete catalog of the Library, the proof of the inaccuracy of that catalog. Everything: but for every sensible line or accurate fact there would be millions of meaningless cacophonies, verbal farragoes, and babblings. Everything: but all the generations of mankind could pass before the dizzying shelves—shelves that obliterate the day and on which chaos lies—ever reward them with a tolerable reply.

Actually, it took me 5 minutes to come up with it.

Two responses that always work in every situation:

>Your mom


>Your face

>caring what social media says
this is why you are a beta