>at uni
>girl from Biology class messages me on Facebook, asks if I want to study later
>"Fuck off"
>"You want to suck my dick, is that it?"
Times you acted like The Hound
Other urls found in this thread:
>girl asks me to go to a party
>says that "lots of people go to parties on the weekend!"
>I say "lots of cunts"
That didn't happend, you gigantic fagot.
what a retarded meme. fuck you.
how lonely are you?
>Lunch lady asks if I want chicken or ham.
>"If you don't shut your cunt mouth, I am going to eat every Turkey here."
>She looks confused and shaken and just gives me ham.
>Start throwing shit around and fall into a huddle on the floor and screaming "HOLD THE DOOR" over and over.
>As punishment my brother holds me down in a fire until I am more ham then man.
>Times you acted like The Hound
fucking this. reddit trash thread
>me be
>some tells me how inspiring and great Oscar prestorius was
>shout "the greatest runner didn't have legs?
>Fucking a girl nice and deep.
>Really getting into it.
>Oh ya, about to cum, what should I say.
>She just looks up at me.
>I gouge my fingers into her eyes.
>Push them in.
>Smash her skull and roll over.
>Realize I am the mountain.
>Realize I just fucked a man not a woman.
>Wish my brother was hear to cook some more ham off his face.
>be me in history class
>teacher talks about ww2
>ask him how many people did Hitler actually killed with his own hands
>”h-he killed himself”
It's ironical, just like "times when you acted like the joker", isn't it obvious you fucking retards?
>at Physics Lab
>Prof says I'm annoying him with my "look"
>answer him I'm drunk and haven't slept in 3 days because the upstairs neighbors can't stop fucking
>tells me his wife has been snoring her whole life; it doesn't bother him
>look him square in the eye and say "either put her to surgery or to sleep then"
He actually found it funny and warmed up to me. I guess people like b&er.
>he doesn't know about the meme where you reply pretending not to understand the irony
5D backgammon my friend
>see one of those human statues
>"You think you're a hard man?"
I am a real life version of The Hound(including the burn mark on the face). Should I be worried?
>need a new matress
>go to store
>guy is trying to sell me their biggest one
>"fuck the king"
Are you memeing me with the meme where you are pretending that you actually understood the irony of the meme you pretended not to understand when in fact you didn't even get past the first layer of irony?
do you have a young redhead lusting after you?
>not knowing the meme where you pretend you were memeing all along in a way that is deliberately transparent so as to subtly acknowledge that you fucked up but actually you didn't even really feel emotionally attached to your original post and were just going along with the crowd and you don't even know who you are anymore
Semi ugly brunette that I tell to fuck off on a regular basis.
>formerly a nuanced discussion
Actually kek'd.
>go to ComicCon
>pay to get my picture taken with Warwick Davis
>finally get to the front of the line
>”Eat shit dwarf”
>no fun allowed ever
shut the fuck up
lmao based reddito
Literally mocking what you retards call fun. Welcome to the joke you troglodyte fuck, holy fuck.
>be me
>eat entire rotisserie chicken
>be me
>work shit tier job as cashier
>make me work superbowl sunday
>its busy as fuck and since it's technically not a holiday, no extra pay
>my line has like 20 people in it
>people super bitchey and rude
>get up and try to walk out of the store
>am told by the people if I leave now ill get fired
>look them dead in the eyes
>"fuck the cash registers, fuck the store, fuck the manager"
>walk out
>never go back
Reminder the hound got beaten uo by a woman
im 27, why did i laugh at this immature shit
Barely a woman
>laying in bed
>some slut texts me "come over ;)"
>I say "I can't, I have an exam to study for and I need to stick to my sleep scheduled in order to maintain physical and mental well-being."
>whore responds "maybe we can hang out some other time"
> I say "Ya this weekend I'm free, lets do something then"
fuckin' whore, I showed that cunt who is boss.
Reminder that the Hound was injured for that fight (neck bite infection) and Arya and him weren't eating much in the weeks leading up to that confrontation.
He was at maybe 75% fighting efficiency compared to Brienne who was staying at fancy inns and getting good nutrition.
Arya outright noted he was walking slower in the hours leading up to his fight with Brienne. That is a major sign of fever and yet despite that he still beat the fuck out of her and they both went the distant with her barely winning.
foremely a woman
>still trying to be mature
Here's your first problem, retard.
>be me
>eat roasty
>Be me
>job interview
>Hello user tell us a bit about yourself, mainly your past experiences with logis...
>You're a talker.
>Excuse me
>Listening to talkers makes me thirsty
>*Chug his whole water bottle making eye
>Think I'll take two jobs
good one
>forgetting she literally just walked 20 miles and up a mountain without a rest just before the fight
She would have been out of stamina and not at peak performance
>20 miles
I would like to see this source on where you found that info on the length she hiked.
I'll do you one better though, the Hound and Arya also made that same treak to meet at that fighting location. So both would be tired, except the Hound still has a fucked up body and neck from traveling on foot for far longer than Brienne who only lost her horse the episode she fought the Hound.
You forgot your Grug pic, user
>"30 miles till where we need to go"
*cut next scene*
>"hear that pod? Only 10 more miles til the Bloody Gate"
>20 mile hike is a lot
Jannies /B .. NOW !!!
>hurr there is no such thing as a female incel
>even the ugliest woman can get laid any time she wants
>women are just thots that just want Chads while I, the poor incel, would have anyone
infection fucked him good
>Times (you) acted like A Faggot
seething autists
What? That chick gets laid every week. She just wants what she cannot get.
Ah sorry I'm a retard. I just got the sarcasm in your post.
> walk my dog
> see an injured pupper on the street
> take him to shelter
> the receptionist asks which dog am i am bringing in
>be me
>Get a message off a girl on FB trying to start a conversation
>She claims to be a horror fan
>Ask her which Carpenter film is her favourite
>"The ultimate in alien terror!"
>"Fuck The Thing"
>be me on a normal friday, start drinking early
>friends come over for regular hang out, gaming/pranking/movies
>friends gf calls shes getting off work and wants to come over
>tell friend if we gotta deal with his cock sheath she has to bring grub
>gf comes with chicken strips basket, obviously not enough for everyone
>she bought just for him and her
>friend proceeds to argue with gf
>rather drunk by now and she's ruining our move
>blurt out if she wasn't such a cunt maybe people would want her around
>she gets pissed and storms outside cuck friend follows like a sick puppy
>they start yelling and getting into massive friend
>everyone goes outside, except me
>proceed to sit in my chair drinking and eating chicken
>I eat all the fucking chickens
>feels good
this thread is acting like the Hound would, not fucking Hotpie.
>in a got thread without watching got
Why do new friends do this? Is this what they think trolling is?
Shut the fuck up bootlicker newfaggot.
I only apologize when I act like a retard. A bitter incel like you won't change my values.
So you’re constantly apologizing? And I’m not that user, newfaggot.
Yeah right hahaha. This is why i love this place. I bet I was here before you were even born. Anyway, I'm not going to have a conversation with incels. Either say something relevant or get lost.
>be me
>yell at mom to bring me some tendies
>"not right now sweetums, we're having dinner soon"
>scream at her "You don't understand, if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm going to have to eat every fucking tendie in this house"
Based NEET ubermensch
>Some girl asks me if she can sit besides me
>"fuck off"
>some white knight starts yelling at me
>I struck him and he fell down
>get really bad sunburn working groundskeeping during summer break
>go to church, priest delivers a sermon about hell
>stand up at my pew and shout "Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is truly like!"
>a single rejection makes a woman an incel
>Go to KFC
>Cut in line in front of everyone
>Push aside smaller, weaker elderly person already in mid-order
>"Bring me one of those chickens."
>Girl behind the counter looks confused
>Asks what I want to drink with that
>"Talking to cunts makes me thirsty."
>Grab a water cup
>Go behind the counter and fill it with Pepsi right in front of her
>"...And hungry."
>She begins to cry
>"Think I'll take two chickens."
KFC would taste like heaven if you lived in a medieval world that barely salted or seasoned their food.
Have you ever eaten a freefarm chicken?
Do you even know how rough the meat is and how shit it tastes?
Reminds me of this asian asshole I knew in Highschool. He looked at me and I smiled to be friendly. He gave me a dirty look and said, "What, you want to kiss me or something?" I hate that cunt.
Oh I can relate to him
The Hound has a brother. The brother is doing well at his medieval career. The guy wants nothing to do with the brother. Never even sees him for years. Brother has an accident. Visits him and makes weird and embarrassing claim that " you get what you deserved and now we are even". Claims again that "we have nothing to do with each other" for the one millionth time. But the guy is actually NEET and has nothing to do so the guy walks his lackey to his brother's house again and fights his brother and imagines it's the ultimate showdown of the world. Injures his eye.
Yeah I totally get him.
>girl actually was begging me to come over
>didn’t cause I had toil in the morning
>she stopped talking to me a few days later
>still a virgin
Dumb bitch
>about to fuck
>girl asks if I have a condom
>"there's no safety you dumb bitch"
>go to Olive Garden with parents
>busboy brings water for the table
>”Fuck the water, brinng me wine”
>manager asks us to leave
>parents say I have a month to find my own place
This whole thread is embarrassing
>Barely salted their food
the average person probably didn't even have access to salt
Uhn huh
Salt was the only thing you could use as a preservative back then. That and curing.
You're retarded there where salt mines that produced tons back in the day.
Why though? Just because some people are naturally edgy, doesn't mean they're cringeworthy.
>ex asks if she can come over cause bf is being abusive
>tell her she can
>”thanks user, I really needed to be with someone safe”
>fuck her bloody