what was the point of this scene?
What was the point of this scene?
it's a black male thing
uno farto
How does a feet fetish even work? Like you see a pair of soles and you're like damn, those are some fucking sexy soles, with ridges and bumps and a heel, I like me to get some of that. I imagine they're just in heaven on a beach, or a Japanese restaurant.
did this turn into night calls all of a sudaa
feed sneed and seed
bad wiring
go break your C1
>The most high profile foot fetishist in the world today
>Is an absolute sperg wigger who has the absolute shittest-tier taste in feet i've ever seen.
Not very happy about QT being the public face of podophiles to be honest.
If the camera wasn't here she'd be kicking you up and down this street
you mean other than uma's delicious, delicious feet? what more point does there need to be?
Short answer, I am more sensitive to the differences in them between men and women. So yes, seeing a sexy woman with woman legs and woman ankles and woman feet is sexy
To get a grasp of it, consider this. Who has nicer shoulders, a sexy petite girl like Victoria justice, or a hulking manly butch dyke like a heavyweight female power lifter? You know the answer, even if you don’t “have a shoulder fetish.”
To wiggle her big toe
I understand seeing a nicely shaped foot with perfect proportions and appreciating it as such, but I can do the same with literally any human body part.
Like yeah that girl has a nice clavicle, but I don't feel a strong need to rub my penis onto it wtf
>Tarantino is a high IQ individual
>he realizes that nothing will sate his foot fetish better than him making his own material
>pays Hollywood qt's to face the camera feet first
>even has a cameo in one of his movies kissing feet
>makes fap material for himself which he can enjoy for the rest of his life
pretty based if you ask me
According to crazy days and nights, qt doesn’t even fuck women, he sucks their toes and jacks off. Dude is just a faggot larping as a foot fetishist. Pope Francis is also a faggot
shit feet desu
Well, not wanting to rub your penis on a sexy clavicle is pretty gay, idk what to tell you. Eat better and take cold showers so your test will be higher. Next you’ll tell me you don’t like women’s armpit smell
yes footfags can see the subtle sexual dimorphism more easily..
It’s also downhill from the woman, if you showed me a foot that has been severed from a body I wouldn’t think it was hot
It's the most common fetish though.
Do spines creep anyone else out?
All footfags are creepy and weird. Majority are also ugly as fuck. At least Tarantula is successful and wealthy.
Isn’t it weird to consider your very being is just a brain with a spine floating in a fleshy carrier that it’s plugged into haha isn’t that freaky haha. Haha
Imagine being this mad I get to kiss hot footpussies whilst fucking
She's atrophied from being in a coma for something like a decade. In real life she would need to go through physical therapy, but this is a cartoon, so she simply wills her body back to strength.
yeah weirdo's, how could they they find women's feet attractive?
I get the attractive part, but wanting to fuck it?
Do you also want to fuck a nicely shaped shoulder of a woman aswell?
min iq 120
uhhh kinda, I see a pair of soles and I want to suck them I guess like some shit taste normie faggot would feel about a tit
the other side of the food doesn't do anything for me though
yeah, not sure about the fucking part, but if a girl has shit feet i'm instantly turned off.
I didn't say liking feet was wrong, just that footfags are also creepy and weird, which is true and both of you fit that bill and you know it.
>just killed two people
>crawl to the car of one of them
>spend hours inside the car
>no cops ever come to the car
>go across America in the very recognizable car of one of the dead dudes. apparently had no problem at all
>foot fetishists have to delude themselves into thinking they're smart and that's why they're sexually attracted to feet and not because they're drooling mental defects
Who /would suck on a foot or get a footjob but doesn't pop a stiffy over feet/ here?
Feels good having wide tastes but not a freak who's a slave to feet.
somebody post that webm of the boomer husband deepthroating toes in a car in public
Non-footfags exhibit pathological behaviour. Notice their perpetual anger, their idiotic incredulity. No other fetish seems to inspire such devoted hatred, it is not only that “they don’t get it”, but that for some reason they believe that no one should “get it”, they must crusade against it. It is bizarre. All kinds off odd and abject bedroom rituals get a free pass, and yet partialism for a part of the human body, something on literally almost every single person, inspires obsessive, unbridled antipathy. Perhaps the rage is because other people’s healthy desires reminds the anti-footfag of how they are alienated from their own bodies. It is probably a very Western prejudice, an affliction of modernity (even a century ago I notice in proper bourgeois literature references to “pretty” or “handsome” feet, not something that would appear in today’s literature without the connotation of fetishism). Feet are kept out of sight and out of mind. And keeping them bundled up tight in shoes all day is what is responsible for most of their unpleasant characteristics—infection, odour, misshaping; meaning that when the shoes finally do come off most people, presented with their neglected feet, associate them with disgust... the feet themselves are unfairly blamed rather than the conditions forced upon them. Notice the completely disproportionate commodity fetishism built around shoes. I’ve had some “people” remark to me that they prefer the gaudy design of designer label sneakers over the limb you wear them on. Is there a more rotten, insectoid, consumerist and anti-human attitude than that? Preferring literally cheaply made industrial fibre, cynically marketed, a fad, over flesh and skin of an anatomical marvel which has served us for tens of millennia
I like my gf's feet, I like putting her legs over mine and squeezing her little feet in my hands. But it doesn't turn me on, I don't get an erection from it the way touching her tits, thighs, ass, etc does. Even the neck is more erotic than a foot. And I don't save pictures of feet or obsess over them either. The point is that it isn't normal to become sexually aroused seeing a foot. Everyone finds their feet cute/attractive but becoming aroused over it is something else entirely.
t. brainlet
>call a guy with a weird fetish creepy and weird (a view shared by most normal people and especially women)
>he types out an essay defending his dumb fetish
Creepy, and weird. Thanks for proving the point.
Women's feet are sooooooooo sexy
fuck off normie nigger, nobody wants you here
It's just like the whole "cuckolding is a thinking man's fetish" thing. Cope from defective freaks, who are likely actually dumber on average.
Why is no one attracted to elbowpucci?
I wonder when you will piece together that your odd fetish and strange behavior are holding you back from finding a woman.
>the butthurt ITT
Imagine getting triggered by sexually-charged feet
Why does Tarantino have such bad taste in feet
>t. tranny feet manfeet
>liking a part of a woman’s body and getting aroused by it is the same as wanting other men to fuck your gf
i’m not following here, lad
please explain
What would you do if for the next 24 hours you were one of those flip flops strapped to get sole
same as this one
>talking about pornography in an art history class in college
>girl brings up the fact that images can be sexual without being pornographic
>says "some people have weird fetishes like feet"
>hook up with her a week later
>i start sucking on her toes while in missionary
>she cums instantly
Anti-foot hatred is most likely a repressive denial of one's own sexual tastes
He must have..
I have a foot fetish and that pic is gross to me to be desu. They're either cute girl feet or straight up gross as hell, no inbetween.
based, and yeah all girls like having her toes sucked
with HPV, abortion and herpes on the rise there is absolutely no reason to eat pussy
toe sucking on the other hand is based and redpilled
based tarantino
too cerebral my good fellow
I refuse to believe that Tarantino has a higher iq than Einstein. wtf
Didn't say they were the same, in fact I have no ill will toward footfags at all as opposed to cuckolds. But what I'm saying is that they were both copes by people with odd fetishes. it's a common trope with fetishists, actually - the weirder and more obscure the fetish, the more people claim it's somehow "patrician" or "high IQ" and elite to cope. But the reality is much more simple - they're just weird. Footfags are actually surface-level; once you get into the really weird fetishes it's all elitists jerking each other off about how elite they supposedly are, in their little corner where 99.9% of people don't know or care about them.
>durr all dose fancy rich people like dee opera and shakespear
>dey r just trying to cope xD
>i'm not too stupd to apprieciate the finer things
I wish we had someone to do this for mind control, robot girls and bimbofication.
You guys really are as bad as gays with the "EVERY CRITICISM OF MY FETISH IS HATRED, BIGOTRY AND OPPRESSION, AS WELL AS SEXUAL REPRESSION (You secretly want to fuck us)" thing. It's uncanny how similar you are. I'm starting to agree with her and dislike footfags.
Also, cool story. Did the class clap?
This totally happened and is not a massive cope.
have sex change
>I-I'm just like a modern shakespeare!!
Get a girlfriend. Oh wait you can't because of your behavior and smell.
manfeet trannies leave
>t. cope
Why would I be criticizing gays if I were a tranny, Mr. "high IQ footfag"? Makes no sense.
That's not what I'm saying, friend. Simply put, there ARE, in fact, certain things that it takes a higher IQ to appreciate. Denying this is to deny reality.
I would suggest you try to train your reading comprehension skills. Go slower and maybe reread a passage a few times. I hear that can help you read at a level more similar to adults.
Yeah, that's why. The areas of your brain that deal with senses from your feet and genitals are right next to each other too.
Tarantino needs to cast Moner
i only like anime feet
sure thing, tranny
Ah... the famed footfag high IQ, stunning as always.
Based man right here, brothers
Get a girlfriend, incel.
Based Emilia poster
Great taste.
Emilia has really great soles and feet, she probably has had those toes sucked and soles licked
get rope
Yeah by me I wish.
this pic was just distracting
She has mediocre feet. What a shame, she's a cutie.
As a non-sexual foot fetishist I think pro dirty-feet footfags should be put down like animals
Gross stuff is gross. Putting gross dirty feet in your mouth is a fucking punishable offense to me
shes a dancer hence the banged up feet but i can deal with that, shes a top notch qt
>guys check out this totally legit thing that happened for real in real life
>Nurse checks on the room
>Holy shit, Buck is laying there with his head cracked open, better call the police!
>Police arrive, okay well his car keys are missing, but CCTV show his car still parked in the garage, better go check it out
>Oh look, she's still there because she's been there for over a fucking hour
>Arrested and tried for murder
>Movie over
Do females with foot fetish exist or is it exclusively males?
>Anime feet
You mean feet with fingers on them instead of toes?
I can appreciate the aesthetic value of dirty feet, but if im gonna massage, sniff or lick a foot its gotta be clean
Stinky feet > dirty feet > clean feet
fight me
>Asian footfriend from /gif/ enters the thread
Oh no.
normal feet>scat>asian feet
I'm sure there are plenty that would humor their man but as far as getting turned on by it, 99% men.
And if you meant women fetishizing men's feet, well, there's got to be at least 1 existing somewhere, right..?
how to expose yourself as a virgin 101
>His woman doesn't do his kink shit for him
>"EWWW user NO!"
How much of a beta are you?
what the fuck are you talking about? You're a virgin because you obviously have no idea what women like
Yes, women love getting their toes sucked
Yes, women like men's feet. The essence of female sexuality is submission. The more degrading an act, the more it turns a woman on. If she'll lick my ass hole, then she'll lick my feet
to show off the shittiest tier fetish
truth hurts, especially considering a woman would never look at you with your pathetic manbun
what’s a good fetish?
Tarantino is a footfag
Supergirl rape porn.
its a fucking foot. whats the appeal?
>This post
cringe and virginpilled
>Not including the coccyx
>8 vertebrae in cervical spine not 7
Shit picture
All the good nations have shared their creations,
The world now shines through their deeds
China gave guns and the silk they had spun
And paper from bark of their trees
The Hindus brought zero with their system of numbers
Replacing the Romans' which did naught but encumber
The Arabs, their hygiene, pharmacy and guitars
Without whom the world would not have soap bars,
From Europe, of course, computers and cars
Democracy, freedom, and power in war
But what good has come from the Earth's jungly center?
Has it produced even one real inventor?
The consumption of feces, the sponging of tax
The stretching of lips that could only please blacks
One could search for months with all of their vigor,
But not one bit of good has come from the NIGGER!
Not to mention having a scene in Dusk Til Dawn where Selma Hayek literally shoves her feet in his mouth.
Even this random crazy kike didn't say anything about being sexually aroused by the feet.
What about big fat black asses? Only thing I can really think of.
Also, black girl feet are interesting. Their soles are white.
>when she kicks her flats off and the whole room smells like vinegar
kek. I have a 10/10 gf for 6 years.
I think I know why people have foot fetishes, men are attracted to pic related, whether its asses tits or in rare cases feet.
There I cracked the case, and no i'm not a footfag
yeah? i've ad an 11/10 gf for 7 years
Good for you. She lick your ass?
just one weirdo ex, I think its yucky
stop pretending to be me
What is this meme?
Is it real? They're already deleted.