James Cameron Destroy's Dark Phoenix's Box Office For Alita

What a madman.

>However, insiders tell THR that the move was to placate James Cameron, Fox’s most important filmmaker, and his concerns for his movie, Alita: Battle Angel. According to one source, Cameron felt Alita would lose horribly when facing a December opening weekend that included Aquaman and Bumblebee, with Mary Poppins Returns opening up two days earlier. He wanted his expensive movie shifted. Stacey Snider, according to this source, obliged, giving Alita the February date and moving Dark Phoenix to June. “Emma, Hutch and Simon begged her not do it,” says this source.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I wish this old man would die already.

I don't understand. They swapped movies because? What?

>Pulls a power play to benefit his movie at the expense of sinking the finale of a long-running franchise.
How can one man be so based?

Jimbo destroying capeshit one flick at a time

How can he be so based?

>please believe my uncle who works at Nintendo!!!!!!

Can't flim flam the Jim Cam

And when Avatar 2 comes through with its 25D technology, it'll make trillions and capeshitters will all an hero

Cameron is an unsung hero

No, capeshitfag

They swapped release dates to make sure Alita had a decent box office and fucked over Dark Phoenix

Jim was a visionary and knew Alita would suffer against Aquaman in December 2018, so he asked for Alita to be released in February, which was Dark Phoenix original release date, so they postponed Dark Phoenix

Be real. If it was as good as Days of Future Past, any release date would have made it a hit. It was just irredeemably bad, Cameron knew it so he had them postpone it in favor of his own less shit movie.

OK, I havent seen Aliita but glad to see capeshit suffer.

Everyone already knew it was going to be shit considering it had Sophie Turner in the main role, but after the trailer was released, it was clear that the final results were much, much worse than initially anticipated. Then all the reshoots news came through, and the JUST was complete. Even the most die-hard capeshitters detested Dark Phoenix


If only Alita bombed as hard as it deserved, that would be a win win


It's a movie, not fucking produce.

Dark Phoenix was garbage from the start though

>making a big franchise capeshit movie flop just to push his waifubait anime adaptation

Washed up hack

Alita flopped anyway. It didn't do as bad as naysayers predicted but there's no way it covered all production and marketing expenses

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That would be Ridley.

>switch the release of one god awful capeshit with another god awful capeshit
how incredibly uninteresting

Just when I thought he couldn't be any more based. He does this.

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they should've just made a Space Mbadi movie instead of big eyes girl flic

who cares both were shit. if any alitards are still here have sex

they were gonna reboot it anyway dumbass

It didn't matter which movie was released first because they were both horrible.

>the finale of a long-running franchise
m8, the only X-man film I ever watched was that one with the fucking frog and the black women throwing him off a tower. It's now been 17 years since I saw that, are you really telling me this is the actual finale? I don't even know a fucking thing about this "franchise" but I can just tell already it's had about five "finales" and about 60 reboots just looking at how many years this shit has trundled on for.

By far the most important philosopher in Hollywood.

>James Cameron keeping capeshit down


Destroy ? No. He just gave the MCU enough fuel to restart this shit with no problems. These box offices number are enough proof that the public is done with FOX's X-Men. Now it's time for Disney

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Absolutely based. Dark Phoenix was kind of a shitty movie anyway, I'd rather they fuck over some soiboys wet dream then certified kino.

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really sad since I want a sequel

It only needed to make 350 million to break even, and thanks to international audiences it did just that.

170m budget and only 350m?

Fox openly mocked Disney in Dark Phoenix and mousecucks like you are too stupid to pick up on it.

Now that Disney and Cameron are on the same team can anyone stop them?

Disney and Cameron aren’t on the same team. One has integrity. The other is a soulless, rapacious corporate machine.

Fox almost gave up on Avatar and he shopped Avatar to Disney, and Disney signed up, but Fox had the right to go back on their decision and got Avatar back

Does Cameron even have any influence anymore? Nobody cares about Avatar, Alita was a flop, Terminator will flop, and the only thing that sells anymore is MCU

That was a different Disney, one that came before their endless campaign of acquisitions. That Disney still had a vestige if a soul.

>he doesn't know

Oh you sweet, sweet summer child. He's been in cahoots with Disney for years. The studio deal was just the nail in the coffin. Everyone wants to be on Team Mouse.

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totally worth it

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It had next to no advertising, and most of the budget is going to be offset by James Cameron and Avatar sequels.
It very likely will though.

sophie turner is no famke janssen.
good thing chastain was around for me to fap to in the theater.

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idos hammer didnt suck in the mango

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You don't want a sequel because there's no way the sequel isn't going to be a turd.
No sequel is better than shit sequel.

>people on this very site forsaking the reigning KING of kino.
you should just walk out into the desert and die.

dont you mean one gorillion

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modest profit =/= 'flop'. Keep believing what you want though.

I didn't see the movie yet ( I will tomorrow ) and wooooow...they took a shot...cool. As you can see it did nothing

you, sir, dont know what happens in the mango.
alita 2 is going to be alita facing off against jashugan in the motorball stadium, then zapan getting his vengeance on alita in a pretty great way. gon b gud.

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You're assuming that they still need to come up with ideas for sequels, as is typical for Hollywood sequels. What you fail to realize, is that James Cameron wrote a whole bible on what he wanted to see in a Alita trilogy that he's worked on for decades. So sequels would be up to the same quality as the first movie.
Where are you getting those number from? Clearly it's supposed to be 2 Quintilian.

edward norton and high power level alita is all I care about though


It's a big investment for negligible and unsure profit so the big budget sequel is not happening and buget alita 2 is going to be a shit.
No sequel is better.

>diagnosis: anal prolapse caused by seething

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you talk very confidently for somebody whose head is firmly planted in their asshole.

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>diagnosis: anal prolapse caused by sneething

You mean everyone wants jimbo on his team. Its little Bob iger who came begging to borrow Jim's IP, they couldn't stand not having any represantation for the highest grossing movie ever in their little park

>tfw Dr. Alita M.D. will never give you a prostate exam

I know what happens in the manga (except last order) and there is no way they are going to make justice to the source material.
Alita movie was unexpectedly great, sequel is going to be shit, no sequel is better.
I just want the bluray to release.

>kills xmen
>holding steady against endgame
what the fuck is his problem

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since when is releasing a superhero movie in the summer fucking it over

>prostate shit

don't question cope

News flash buddy. That means both movies sucked dick and the director with more street cred got to choose which one would die a more horrible death.

If DP was any good, it wouldn't matter when it gets released because it would do well. It certainly had enough marketing behind it.

You think Endgame gave a shit when it came out? They knew it would sell whenever they decided to release it and all the other movies would have to watch the fuck out instead.

seriously, don't most big budget action movies fight over summer release dates? Even if Alita wasn't an issue, DP not doing well falls squarely on it. It's hard to fight the Mouse but it's not like DP had to go up against CM AND Endgame like Alita did. and ourgirl survived lol. Sorry X-Men, I like you but you can't blame JC for arguably pushing you into a better release date as a bad thing.

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hi is this the thread where we act like mentally deranged cultists

>since when is releasing a superhero movie in the summer fucking it over
Since Avengers Endgame and Aladdin were released in the summer. One being the biggest movie ever hyped in forever, and the other a nostalgia movie to bait nostalgiafags.

Just look at Godzilla and Detective Pikachu, they were both massacred. Even Secret Life of Pets 2 took a small hit. Releasing ANY movie this summer is a bad idea unless the budget is really really small. The reason Aquaman was even successful was because it was released at Christmas with nothing but Mary Poppins to compete against.

>act like

Absolutely based Cameron putting capeshitters in their place. I can't wait for Avatar 2 to break all box office records.

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>mentally deranged cultists
I see you're talking about the criminally retarded sneedposters.
well I guess when Disney is pushing something as hard as Endgame all other movies should just hunker down and not release until the beast has done its work.

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you rang nigger?

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the mouse decides what we're all watching for the next 30 years. how depressing.

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Oh user, if only you could see her like we do

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>the movie that flopped beating Captain Marvel
big yikes

Daily reminder 43 more days until the bluray gets released!

Who said anything about Captain Marvel

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>a pedo robot sex doll killing a literal goddess
bigger yikes

well considering they only get about 20% from china it still flopped

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>who's not allowed to have their circle jerk general on Yea Forums

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What the fuck are you even talking about

If Fox said break-even was $350M, any other figures are pure speculation especially when they're coming from rival studios who want to push the narrative that Alita didn't do well

wow alitards really are stupid

Dark Phoenix fucked over Dark Phoenix.

You dumb nigger they only needed 350 million to break even, and it's already made close 500 million. You can try to pull whatever convoluted flaky logic and math you want out of your ass, it doesn't change the fact that the movie didn't flop.

Literally nobody mentioned CM anywhere in this thread and now you're going on about her being a literal goddess out of nowhere like a crazy person

disney shills are just mentally ill

>closs to 500m
slow down there pedo that is nowhere near close to 500m. it would be more appropriate to say it barely made over 400m.

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Daily reminder

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>Yea Forums was so threatened by a harmless general that they whined and spammed us long enough to get us pushed off
kinda just makes you look like a bitch

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>he's already rich
Michael Bay net worth: $430M
James Cameron net worth: $700M


god damit why

If I like a movie that pretty much guarantees it will not make money, and if I hate a movie that pretty much guarantees it will make $1 billion.

I was completely indifferent towards Dark Phoenix, so what does that mean?

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this only makes CAM more based so thank you c:

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t. candyass hippie fuck

>being this angry over a "candyass hippie"
lmao your existence is a complete joke

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>can't deny it so I'll resort to insults
great work user

Dark Pheonix is a so-so movie. Certainly been better X-Men movies, but there's been some worse ones too. Nothing special or memorable about it, other then Raven getting shish-kabobed.

pretty much this; not horrible, not incredible. Maybe I unfairly compare everything to Logan but it's hard not to.

I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa

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But Terminator is getting re-destroyed with Herminator Trans6 The Wahinining

Stop projecting you're fantasies onto us, you fucking weirdo.

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I'm going to wait until there are actual reviews before I say something stupid like that

>James Cameron net worth: $700M
How the fuck has he managed to hold on to so much wealth through 4 divorces? You'd think he'd be thoroughly JUSTed at this point.

Why do tards associate Alita with pedos?


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Why does Yea Forums also think the advertising budget of films is like twice the fucking production budget? Do you think the studios are hiring supermodels to go to every single home to talk people into see the movie?

>me jerking it to some loli looking robot says more about you, really

>Since Avengers Endgame and Aladdin were released in the summer
Its not even summer yet. Endgame was released 2 weeks into Spring.

Because they all get all clammy whenever they see and are around children, so when they see some people like someone/thing that looks vaguely young to them they just scream pedo. Because that't the feeling they get.

Which it totally fucking absurd, but hey. Autists man, what can you do?

he's that rich and even more based

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You keep living in you're fantasy world where everyone is a pedo, because your not going to get far. You do you user.

>loli looking robot
lol okay user

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reminder: flopped,
sequel never.

This isn't autism this is some kind of psychosis

Keep repeating it all you like it's only going to make you look dumber when the sequel gets announced

where the fucks jerome

>Its not even summer yet.
oh yes it is. have you seen the state of this shit site?

Everywhere and within everyone, sadly.

Imagine if Alita chocked you out with her thighs haha I bet it would smell really funky and sweaty too hahaha.

>fucked over Dark Phoenix
could they COPE any harder

hahaha can you even imagine haha but really tho

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I think Alita is cute but Rosa is an ugly goblin.


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why is james cameron so obsessed with alita? does he have a little girl robot fetish?

Does anyone know what the critics mean by this?

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probably nothing, no funny biz here, move along citizen, don't forget your Mickey ears hat.

I'd advise you watch the movie first before asking a question like that

he wasn't 'obsessed' enough to focus on it after the first Avatar so idk what your point is. He handed it off to Robert and produced. Why is he so obsessed with Avatar, is the better question.

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sorry brie.

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why couldn't he just retire gracefully a couple of years ago?

Uh why would he ever do that

you guys are worse than the community fan base back in its hey day. invading polls to beat the big bang theory.

most of the people in the generals here don't use twitter. Blame Chinese audiences. Also, who cares if a show beats out something dull like BBT?

who cares both the movies sucked anyway.

its cringy to show how much you are obsessed with something. you ever heard of hiding your power level?

If BBT and CM fans cared enough to do a poll then they should have no problem winning because of more people watched them.
But they don't really care at all.

What do power levels have anything to do with answering a poll

I support myself and do my own thing. Why should I be embarrassed about an interest? I don't base my identity around it like bronies did. I talk about it online. You sound like a very weak willed person to care that much about what others think.

I thought February was the movie graveyard and June was when the summer blockbusters started coming out. Sounds like both sides wanted their awful movie forgotten.

I'm pretty sure Deadpool was released on Valentine's Day

As if this is a bad release time. This is just the X-Men's "Solo" moment. After unimpressive X-Men movies, and plagued by delays and re-shoots, there was no saving this movie.
It might not be the worst X-Men movie - might be - but it was already super-delayed. And letting it go up against Captain Marvel and Engame wouldn't have been any better, surely?

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if DP went up against CM or Endgame it probably would be even more bleak. Alita was stronger and endured both + little positive PR

>The Last Jedi is not well-liked, Solo flops
>Age of Apocalypse is not well-liked, DP flops
people are surprised

Dark Phoenix would need to come out in either October or just about now to avoid getting BTFO'd by Aquaman, Captain Marvel, Shazam! and Endgame. Granted, Shazam! did less than expected, but programming Dark Phoenix against any of those would have been asking for disaster.
It probably didn't help that Sophie Turner let herself get baited into attacking fans for the GoT petition, and neither did the "X-women" stuff help, but I think they have the same problem as DC had with their ensemble films: Not enough build-up of the characters. Dark Phoenix is a too compressed and alien-diffused version of the Jean Grey story anyway.
>Yea Forums turns out to be right about something

>both solo and DP have terrible trailers
>both flop

Absolutely based

The Last Jedi was generally well liked. Leave your fucking basement.

It's like futurama, it just keeps ending.

A 44% audience score means it's well-liked?

>The Last Jedi was generally well liked.
I think you need to leave your office.

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This one was pretty good. (If somewhat deceptive about a crew being put together.)
The main problems with both movies were the re-shoots. And both movies being seen as unnecessary by many of the the core audience, since the previous ones were so bad.
It was not "generally well liked". Word of mouth and audience reactions were very divided. Keep in mind, most Star Wars audiences avoid spoilers, so you won't see the big box office reaction to a bad movie until the next one comes out. (Except re-watchers failed to turn up for TLJ, giving a huge drop.)

never knew her dad was a peruANO
her mom got INDIO"D

Alita fans on Twitter are setting up an IMAX screening in Germany. I've never seen this sort of thing before. This is what happens when rich boomers get obsessed with a movie. They really found the peak USD per seat demographic with this movie.

So you retards didn't even see what the webm that was posted?

Its already been done in China and Norway for Alita, multiple time's in china to be correct. And they have made so much Alita themed "fan merch". And someone even themed their wedding around Alita.

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>fucked over Dark Phoenix

Let's not fucking pretend Dark Phoenix isn't unwatchable trash.

It means it got review bombed by incels. We've been over this.

who cares? the proliferation of capeshit has fucked dark phoenix over, and you know it. It's like the video game crash, at some people people just stop caring when you continue to shovel shit in their mouth.

Have se..... hm, I guess they already have.

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He had ads, famous characters, and Marvel's badge.

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so strong it will radiate /healing/.

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Healthy like radioactive toothpaste and radioactive chocolate

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Why did everyone try to kill Alita anyway? Didn't anyone stop to think it might be a bad idea to mess with the cyborg whose heart is essentially an anti-matter reactor?

There is probably a combination of antimatter generation and its immediate annihilation.
Only single antimatter atoms are in the heart at a time.

her heart would still be valuable.

Dark Phoenix biggest rival was Secret Life of Pets 2.

It “flopped” in the US but was a success overseas and in merchandising.
Especially in China, they even fucking have Alita-themed wedding

They were playing hot potato with the summer release date because neither Cameron nor Kinberg wanted their shitpile to be publically humiliated. But Cameron had more clout, so Alita got to die quietly, but now everyone is dogpiling on Dark Phoenix, and aware of what a disaster it was. This could just as easily be Alita getting this treatment.

>no way they are going to make justice to the source materia
All that happens next in the style of Western cinema.
Joshugan/Zapan arc easily becomes a film.
The cannon arc is simply too bulky for one movie.

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Kek I remember this pic and box office “experts” backpedaling each week

Based Bay

It might have more to do with the merchandising deals for Alita which were already running. There were Funko Pops already in stores, AriZona tea, burger chain and the Alita Experience that were already planned. But then Alita got delayed because they had to make Alita's eyes bigger.
The Funko Pops were so early in the stores that some stores started putting them on clearance sales because nobody knew what those things were.
That's one reason why Alita might not be good to delay to June. In retrospect, Alita was a better movie than Dark Phoenix, so maybe they should have just let Dark Phoenix go up against Captain Marvel and let Alita come out with John Wick and Godzilla.

But Detective Pikachu and John Wick where the reasons Endgame can’t beat Abatap

What does being an incel have anything to do with not liking a movie and if the movie is actually popular then why can't it offset a small group of trolls

>die quietly
oho you'd like that wouldn't you

The youngest boomers are like 55 now, I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about


Well, they own it all, now.

Disney doesn't own Avatar or Alita, they just have distribution rights

What a fucking badass.

I think they own Avatar, but not Alita
Baby boomers are even older than that, but "boomer" is now used by some people to refer to anyone over 30.

What's a great film about a bunch of autistic ugly faggots getting their homosexual aids general nuked to shit so they have to move to the /trash/bin to act like bronies?

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>James Cameron DESTROY'S Dark Phoenix's Box Office For Alita
Fixed for ya OP

>Cop calling Sneed poster trying to flex

No, they own an actual share of the license itself (how much is debatable). Fox had it all, but gave up some of it, because of the high stakes.

>With Ingenious on board, Fox had lowered its exposure to less than half of Avatar's $237 million budget. "We consider all filmmaking a dangerous game," says Murdoch. "And we always lay off [risk] to the film funds when we can. This time we laid off more than usual. But we own much of the distribution and other rights. In the end, we will make much more money than them." In October 2006, Fox agreed to make Avatar. Cameron says he still isn't quite sure why Fox finally jumped aboard but recalls studio executives saying: "We don't get the giant blue guys with the tails, but we believe in you and want to do this movie with you." Months earlier, Cameron had put a traffic light outside Landau's office. After Fox said yes, they switched it from amber to green


Seethe harder fucking loser. Go jerk off to your ugly shitskin waifu in the /trash/can where you belong

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lmao cry more to the pedomod ya worked bootlicker.

The worst part about alita was the screenplay.

Movie investment can come from lots of different sources, but the financing partner that Fox has been using in later years is The Seelig Group (TSG). Chip Seelig, and American and Chinese investment firms provide the money for that company. Which means Alita - and likely Dark Phoenix - had significant Chinese investment money in them. I've also heard claims that TSG believed in Alita as a franchise, so much that if the movie lost money, they would cover the losses as long as they would get the rights to make sequels. So Chip Seelig, David Valdes and China's Polybona Films might have more influence over an Alita sequel than Disney has.

This is true.

I don't have to because you faggots are BANNED FROM Yea Forums. Threads like these are the closest you'll get to posting your cringey ass healz XDDD alita a cute XDDD kissu XDDD shit ever again. Suck a fucking dick faggot.

>all this sperging out
Have sex

I used to get to sperg out in your autism generals but now you are exiled to the /trash/can... I don't even have anyone to mock anymore :^(


I have no idea about Alita. I'm specifically referring to Avatar. If you notice any time Avatar merch deals are worked out for example, you'll usually see Fox and Lightfoot names both pop up (Cameron's production company). They each have a slice of the actual copyright.

>You miss complaining about generals so much that you turn normal threads into generals

Dark Phoenix look like a tv-show.

You guys are just particularly fucking horrible t b h

Absolutely based. Fuck alitacels

>Destroys Spiderman: Into the spiderverse, Shazam!, Dumbo, US , Solo and Hellboy in the Box Office
>LITERALLY destroys Dark Phoenix

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>gets banned from Yea Forums

The generals got banned because of the janny

In defense of that terrible community, the new jannies are pretty awful at actually following the rules they're supposed to be enforcing. I think most of the old mods are either tired of this place or left like moot. So, no one is watching the kids.

Arguing about jannies, generals, /soc/ and shitposts rather than talking about movie stuff is what got banned most of all. Generals are nice to contain a topic, but not for unrelated bullshit.

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Ce n'est pas un chanson de cygne

Not anymore. Deadpool came out in February, venom in october, marvel has done multiple november releases. They're all over the place. And spreading them out seems to work best so they don't compete. February gave Dark Phoenix the most breathing room it was the best chance for it.

>Three weeks before Captain Marvel would be more breathing room than seven weeks after Endgame

>you faggots are BANNED FROM Yea Forums
>still here

Keep crying

That's how butthurt the pedomod and his legion of disney moms are.

What is wrong with you people?

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I noticed the MCU arm patches. Was there more than that?

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Damn that's awesome

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you niggers wont shut up about him

i thought people wanted to see lots of closeups of jicama-headed sophie turner

yeah that shit went berserk